The Morrisons Ch. 29


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Hans and I watched as the young man brought Connie to several small orgasms before he stood up and rolled the condom down his cock. By that time Connie was begging him to fuck her and Hans was very busy translating everything she said. The young man looked at Hans and said in German, "Tell Connie I am now going to give her the most terrific orgasm she's had tonight."

Hans repeated what he said to Connie and she only moaned, which didn't need any translation. The young man inserted his cock into her slowly and carefully until he was all the way inside her. He paused for a couple of minutes to allow her to adjust to his cock while he told her, "You are so lovely, I wish you lived here in Germany. Your pussy is so tight and wet. You feel so good gripping my cock that's why I am waiting for you to adjust to my size."

Hans once again was busy telling Connie everything he said. Connie however was enjoying his hard cock that had invaded her womb. The young man started pumping into Connie slowly and everything she said, Hans translated. Connie came a few more times on his cock but she could tell the "big one" was coming. She was constantly talking to him and Hans kept up with her translating all that she said.

The young man said out loud that he was getting close and Hans told Connie he was close. Connie said out loud she was almost there too. Hans and I listened to the mutual noises as both worked towards the end and when it came, he grunted loudly as he blew his load into the condom and Connie screamed and bucked her hips radically as her orgasm overtook her body and caused her to spasm with each tingle her orgasm produced. Both made satisfied noises as their bodies came down from their orgasm.

Hans pulled a few tissues out of the box and handed them to the young man when he pulled out of Connie and stood up. He helped Connie stand up and both kissed passionately with their naked bodies pressed tightly together. A few minutes passed before Connie took the tissues from him and squatted on her knees. She reached out and peeled the condom off his cock and then thoroughly wiped his cock with the tissues. He took the condom and tied a knot in the end of it so none would leak out. They wrapped both the tissues and the condom in a fresh tissue.

He turned to Hans and said, "Please tell her that I am pleased that she allowed me the pleasure of enjoying her body and that I truly am sorry that she is from America and one day she will have to go home. I wish she would stay here and become my girlfriend. She is brave to display her body to me in there and I hope she will do it again even though I have seen her completely naked. She is a lovely young lady."

Hans did as he asked and translated what he said to Connie. She made soft noises while Hans was talking but her attention was on the young man.

In return, Connie asked Hans to tell him what she had to say and then she started talking. She started off by saying that he was a very polite man and that's the only reason she allowed him to enjoy her body.

She continued by saying, "I am an exhibitionist, so I didn't mind showing you my body in there. However, if you had been rude, we would not be here right now. I like you too, but I am here to do my job and Dan over there is my boss. If I was here by myself, I might seriously consider your offer to stay. Yes, we can have more fun in there when we go back in. I'm sure Dan would rather dance than be my bodyguard all night. You see, he is here to make sure no one hurts me. I would like it if you sat beside me and then dance with me."

Hans finished telling him what Connie said.

He looked at me and nodded his head, he looked at Hans before he looked back at Connie saying, "I would love to sit with you and your boss. I think all of you are a little crazy, but I love crazy. You seem to be a special girl and I would love to have your address and your phone number so we can text even when you go back to America. I will try to learn English if you promise to try to learn to speak Deutsche the German language. But we can discuss this inside, let's get dressed and go back in."

Once again Hans was tasked with translating what was the young man said.

Connie picked up his boxers since they were on top of the pile and got down on her knees and held them open for him to step into them. As she was drawing them up his legs she leaned forward and once more opened her mouth and took his whole drooping cock into her mouth until her lips were in the hair of his pubic area. We watched as she sucked on it a few seconds before he pulled off and pulled his boxers up. He adjusted his cock, so it was facing down next to his left leg. Connie remained on her knees and she held his slacks for him. He stepped into them and as she pulled them up, she stood up. He picked up his own shirt and started to put it on. When he saw Connie reach for her skirt, he stopped her and finished with his shirt while she stood naked in front of him.

The young man, after he finished with his clothes, reached for Connie's skirt and before he held it for her to step into, he kissed both puffy nipples and fingered her bald pussy. He opened the skirt and intentionally held it high, so Connie had to lift her leg to step into it, while he closely watched her pussy. Connie giggled and took her time. With both legs in the skirt, and pulled up to her waist, she held it while she motioned for him to pick up her blouse. She put one arm in at a time and then motioned with two fingers and pointed to the two bottom buttons. He took the hint very well and did as she instructed him. She tucked the bottom of her blouse into her skirt and then turned so he could zip her up and fasten the button. She fluffed the bottom of her blouse and turned to look at me and Hans.

"I am so sorry to have ruined your evening of dancing with my shellfish acts. Will both of you please accept my apology?" Connie said to Hans and me.

I motioned for her to come to me and while I was hugging and kissing her cheek, Hans was telling the young man what she had said.

I told her there was no need to be sorry for anything. I enjoyed watching out for her and making sure she was safe just as I promised to do. I said, we have no time limit on dancing so let's go back in and enjoy ourselves.

While I was talking Hans was translating what I said to the young man. He came forward and held out his hand to Connie and they waited for us to move off the bus before they followed us. There was a garbage dumpster a few feet away from the bus, so the young man walked over and deposited the used tissues and condom in it.

They walked hand in hand back into the club following Hans and me. We found another chair for the young man to sit down in and re-arranged the seating enough, so Hans and Karin were sitting near the young German.

Beth had plenty of questions for me, and Stefan, along with his wife Kerstin listened to the short version about Connie meeting the young man, liking him and taking him out to the bus to make love to him. I told Beth I was there to make sure she didn't get hurt just like I promised I would be.

Beth kissed me passionately and said, "Thank you sweetheart, you are the man I love just for the way your treat women."

Stefan leaned over and asked me if that relationship might go somewhere. I looked at him and said, "He wants to learn English, he asked her to learn speak Deutsche. He said he wished she didn't have to go home but he also asked for her address and her phone number so he could text her. I would say, based on what I saw, they just might make a couple. I'm no expert but as I said, I stood by to make sure she didn't get hurt and all I saw was him treating her like I would, very gently."

Stefan excused himself and walked over to Hans, Connie and the young German. Stefan said in German to Hans, "I want you to tell Connie in English everything I say to this young man." Hans shook his head to confirm what Stefan said to him and then turned to Connie and told her what was said.

Connie looked confused at first but then listened to Hans say, "Everything Stefan says to that young man, I'm going to translate in English for you. I don't know why Stefan is talking to him, but we will know soon enough."

Connie smiled at Hans before saying, "Thank you Hans, I really appreciate it. Actually, I thought you did a wonderful job telling him everything I said while we were having sex out there."

(****** I'm going to be typing all Stefan's questions and the guy's answers in English so just imagine if you will, the conversation Connie hears will all be in German until Han's translates it to her.)

Stefan introduced himself, then Hans and finally Connie. He asked the young man if it would be ok if he asked him a few questions. The young man replied "Yes"

Stefan started off talking to the young man by asking him his name.

He replied in German, "Henri Wolff"

"How old are you Henri?"

"I am twenty years old."

"Do you have a girlfriend?"

"I wish I could have her (pointing at Connie) for a girlfriend but she is from America. But no, I don't have a girlfriend here. I'm normally very unlucky with girls my age. That is until tonight. Wouldn't you know it, the one girl who pays attention to me lives so far away on the other side of the ocean. But that's my luck."

"Why do you say you are usually very unlucky with girls?"

"I think it's because I study too much. I think they call me a geek."

"Have you graduated from school?"

"Yes, I graduated from regular school when I was a little over sixteen. I am an "A" student. I'm going to the Uni for computer science, now."

Stefan pulled his card out of his wallet and handed it to Henri. He asked Henri to come and see him the next day. He told Henri he had a meeting at eleven o'clock and if he came to the office around noon time, they could talk some more. He smiled at Henri and told him Connie would be there also.

Henri smiled broadly and looked at Connie then leaned over and kissed her. Stefan stood up and came back to his original seat. I looked at him and he saw I had a question, so he said, "I'm going to do a Dan Morrison. I'm going to talk to him tomorrow, I invited him to the office at noon. We should be taking a break for lunch by then. I told him Connie will be there for the meeting."

"Are you going to hire him?" I asked.

Stefan smiled at me and said, "He graduated from school before he was seventeen and he's at the Uni taking courses in computer science. My computer tech is older and very reliable, but it wouldn't hurt to have a young person ready to take over if he decides to retire. I will let him give the young man a test and put him through his paces. If my computer tech is impressed with him, I'll most likely hire him and give him a schedule that will allow him to continue his studies."

I asked Beth if she wanted to dance and when she accepted, we walked out on the floor and like I did with Connie, I unbuttoned another button her blouse and steered us into the center of the crowd doing a fast dance. I was almost delirious with joy watching my wife shake her breasts and so many guys around us, staring at them. Beth pulled the sides of her blouse open and smiled at me as her chest was totally on display. When the music switched to a slow song, Beth moved into my arms and pressed her bare chest against me. One fellow near us gave me the thumbs up when the woman he was dancing with, had her back to us. I smiled at him and turned Beth sideways and openly fondled her breasts while he watched me over his partner's shoulder.

When his partner started to turn, I pulled Beth back against me and we continued to dance. We stayed out on the dance floor through a few more dances until Beth told me she needed a drink. When we walked back to the table, I looked at Connie and Henri and saw her skirt was hiked up so far that her pussy was almost visible. I also noticed a few other of the girls had their blouses unbuttoned with their breasts showing all but the nipple.

After Beth and I had a chance to have a drink and rest a moment, Karin asked me to dance and I immediately accepted. I looked over my shoulder as we neared the middle of the dance floor and saw Hans begin to dance with Beth. The four of us moved around the floor and like I had done with Connie and Beth, I unbuttoned another button on Karin's blouse and pulled it open until only her nipples were covered. She smiled up and me as she pushed against me and kissed me passionately. I reached my hands down her back until I cupped her ass cheeks. She purred into my shoulder and I said to her, "Do you want me to do what I've done to Connie and Beth?"

She pulled her head back and looked deeply into my eyes before she slowly nodded her head. I moved us until I had Hans's attention and then reached down and pulled the back of his wife's skirt up to her waist, putting her ass on display. I held it there and watched Hans do the same thing with Beth. I turned Karin so she could see what Hans had followed my lead, but at the same time, my actions bared Karin's ass to the others on the dance floor.

We were still enjoying our night out but the crowd in the club started to thin out. Stefan and I switched wives and while dancing a slow dance we once again bared each other's wife's ass. This time Connie and Henri were out on the dance floor and Henri moved over by us and pulled up the front of Connie's skirt and bared her bald pussy and turned her towards Stefan and Beth. Stefan saw the challenge, so he turned Beth towards Henri and Connie and lifted Beth's skirt up all the way and showed off her ass first and then twirled her around and let Henri look at my wife's bald pussy.

Karin and I watched before I lifted Karin's skirt up all the way and pulled her blouse open baring both her breasts and turned her so both Stefan and Beth could see her and then Connie and Henri could view her lovely bald pussy. We danced a little more but when we went back to sit down, I pulled up Beth's skirt, so her pussy was on display. Henri did the same to Connie and Stefan pulled his wife's blouse out of her skirt and opened it so both her breasts where on display to anyone in the room.

Our waitress kept coming and going all night and she seemed to enjoy the display. She openly stared at the exposed pussy and tits and smiled while she was either taking a drink order or delivered a drink. I saw this and said to myself, "Fuck it let's go for broke." I asked Beth, while she was sitting to pull her skirt all the way up and spread her legs so I could view her lovely pussy. Henri saw what I had Beth do and he encouraged Connie to do the same thing. Connie looked at Beth and then mimicked her by spreading her legs and pulling her skirt up in the front and tucking the hem in the waist of her skirt.

With them basically naked form the waist down I again watched our waitress came back to our table and move so she could have the best view of both Connie and Beth. I smiled at her when she caught me watching her and she gave me the thumbs up also.

I left Beth and Connie sitting like that and took Klaudia out on the dance floor. While we danced a slow dance, I openly fondled her breasts and she said, "Your wife is sitting over here with her lovely pussy on display and I'm so fucking jealous that you haven't tried to put me on display."

I said, "Oh but you are wrong. That guy over there to your left has been watching me switch between your breasts. I was just about to unbutton your blouse and give him a good look at you instead of a side view that he's been getting."

"I did not know we were being observed. Please Dan, show me off like you have done with the others. I want to know what it's like to be seen in a place other than in the thermal bath or on a nude beach."

"You asked for it my dear. I'm not going to wait." I reached down and grabbed the hem of Klaudia's skirt and pulled it up and tucked it in the waist. Her pink bald pussy was now on display. I turned Klaudia towards the guy and he stared directly at the pussy I was showing him before I reached down dipped my finger into her. His eyes bugged out and I held her in that position and asked her to spread her legs while I reached up and pulled her blouse open. We danced in place with him staring at Klaudia's naked body. Finally, I reached over and released her skirt and let it fall but I kept her breasts on display. I turned Klaudia so she was facing me and pulled the back of her skirt up before asking her to spread her legs again. This time I noticed a few guys were looking in our direction and smiling. I told Klaudia, "All together, there are five guys staring at your lovely ass right now. I want you to leave your blouse alone so they can see your lovely breasts. Now turn and wave at each one."

Klaudia turned in my arms with her back to me and her breasts on display as she followed my suggestion and waved at each one. As she was waving at the third one, I reached down and pulled up the front of her skirt and held it up a few seconds longer than it took her to finish waving at the last guy. I dropped her skirt in both the front and the back but kept her facing the other guys until I saw one start to turn, so I turned Klaudia back to me, I didn't need any jealous girlfriends or wives getting disturbed by be showing off the girls.

Klaudia buried her face in my neck and said, "Dan, I'm so fucking wet, I could fuck you right here on the dance floor. I've done accidental displays of my pussy and tits but to have you blatantly shown off my body in a public place, I'm in heaven."

"To tell you the truth Klaudia, I didn't think the displays would go so far. Connie is the one who asked me to show her to the seemingly shy guy, Henri. I only did what she wanted me to do and she ended up liking the guy and now she wants more of him. I may have to leave her here with you and Stefan and fly her home again in a month or so."

"If she wants to stay with us Dan, she can stay in my flat with me. I would love to have her there and Henri can come and stay if he wants." Klaudia said.

We finished our dance and walked back to the table where I found our pilot had taken my chair next to Beth so he could have an up close and personal view. I also noticed he had his hand on her leg less than two inches away from her beautiful love tunnel. I followed Klaudia around the table and sat in an empty chair and when I looked around, I saw Allison and Kelly out on the dance floor. One was with Henri and the other was with Hans. I looked across the table and saw the co-pilot had taken Henri's chair.

I watched as Allison's breasts swayed to the beat of the music and Kelly's blouse was completely unbuttoned and it only covered her breasts when she held the sides. While she was dancing, she wasn't holding the sides and I enjoyed that.

Connie caught me looking her way and she smiled as she pulled her blouse out of her skirt and unbuttoned the bottom two buttons. She pulled her blouse open and left it that way. The co-pilot leaned over and licked one nipple and then licked the other. I smiled back at Connie and she knew I approved.

Epi saw me sitting and came over to me and sat on my lap. I opened her blouse and looked at her lovely breasts before I reached in and played with them. She wiggled on my lap and leaned over saying she found a place to get her pussy waxed. I looked at her and said, "Oh, I'd love to see it after you've had it done."

Epi said, "I'll do one better than that. I want you to be the first to eat my pussy like you did Julia, tomorrow night. Then I want you to fuck me silly."

I looked directly in Epi's eyes and said, "Is this the same girl who said, "FUCK HIM" when you were asked to fly nude?"

Epi said, "I'm not blind Dan. I've watched you tonight how treat all the ladies. I've seen you expose them, and they were so happy. Girls talk and I can tell you if there was a vote tonight to elect you president, you would be in the white house tomorrow if these ladies have anything to say about it. I mean look over there, our pilot is finger fucking your wife and she's loving every minute of it and yet you aren't in a rage like a jealous man would normally be. Dan, I made a mistake in judging you before I got to know you. I can't wait to make other trips with you. But first I want you to take care of me."
