The Naked Weapon Pt. 04


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Here's my idea, Tycho signed. We follow that beast.

How? It warped away? Ebony signed.

The tracks! I floated forward, actually managing to get a pretty good clip. I soared to the part of the jungle that it had emerged from, gesturing with one glowing blue arm down at the thick, heavy claw-marks it had left in the sand loam of the jungle floor. The others floated over. I looked back at the bodies and my girlfriend. I bit my lip, hard. Do we just leave them here?

Do we have any choice? Ebony pointed out. We can't do anything. We've tried everything -- putting our arms through her, shouting, feeling stuff at her. She's either not listening, or our bodies are blocking her.

I frowned. But what if-

Tycho reached across the empty space between us and squeezed my shoulder gently, stopping me. She flashed a quick: The best way we can help is to figure out what the fuck is going on. K?

I nodded, then gave her a thumbs up. Then I stopped dead. Pitcher plant, I signed. Okay, follow along with me. The water is full of something. Plankton or something. It has psychic powers -- maybe like a bunch of tiny psychic things, that combine to one big ass psychic thing. Everyone follow along?

They nodded.

What if it formed some kind of symbiosis with the tentacle beast? It attached only once we were weakened. What if there are other things in this jungle with the same symbiosis? Like how a pitcher plant lures bugs and shit and then eats the fuck out of them?

The others nodded.

Opal floated forward, her face firm. We all remain in physical contact. None of us can cry out if we're grabbed. So, the only chance we have is if we literally stick together. She reached out, grabbing onto my hand. Ebony took her other hand. Tycho took Ebony's hand. And thus, we chained together into the jungle. Despite being intangible and floating above the grass and the brushes and through the vines and thorns, I felt distinctly nervous. Every single second I spent hovering along was another second where I was sure something horrible would leap out and devour me.

Fortunately, there was one thing to distract me.


The distant, echoing squeal of my girlfriend's latest orgasmic blast of purest pleasure echoed off trees.

Okay, there were two things to distract me. The other was the tracks we were following. They wound forward in their own odd, animalistic way. There were lots of pausing to sniff at things, disturbed bits of earth that glistened with still damp moisture that I couldn't actually smell. But my imagination filled in the acrid scent of urine. I glanced back to make sure the rest of the group was still intact and not being eaten. Then, looking forward, I saw that we had come to an outcropping of rock that was so sudden it drew me up short. I wondered what geological event had forced rock up and out here...and...

Realized it wasn't possibly a natural geological event.

The rock had been powdered while it had been smashed upwards. Powdered, then fused back together with a fine glassy gloss. Almost like, say, someone had telekinetically yanked earth up, then pyrokinetically melted it back together again, to make a little hollow. I looked back at the others, then signed: I think this is the place.

Opal ducked forward, her body smoothly phasing through the dirt. She craned her head forward, then signed: I don't see shit.

Then, with horror movie perfect timing, a bloody claw burst from the cave and grabbed onto the dirt. Smeared with bits of brain and chunks of gore, it dug into the earth, and an arm bulged with muscle as Opal let out a silent scream and flung herself backwards. Her cushy rump slapped against my thighs -- my astral cock slotting between her perfect cheeks as if it had been made to settle there. My hands grabbed onto her shoulders and my own astral-heart pounded at a million million miles an hour...

And then I laughed with silent, joyful relief as a blood soaked Magnum dragged himself out of the cave, rolled onto his back, and panted heavily. In his left hand, he held a chunk of obsidian glass that had been sharpened into a knife. It dripped with blood as well.

He muttered something in Chinese. Which kind of Chinese? I don't fucking know! One of them!

Yay! Opal cheered, thrusting her hands up into the air. I don't think that was actual ASL, but I was extrapolating. This movement ground her ass against my cock and sent a new tingle of lust through me. I grabbed onto her hips and the urge to just...slip myself back, then forward, was really really really really intense. But instead, I pushed her back, flushing slightly as Magnum rolled and came to his feet. He looked around himself, his brow furrowing. We were far enough from the sea that he couldn't hear the waves, and even Ali couldn't orgasm that loudly. For all he knew, he was on a different hemisphere. Fuck!

How do we help him? Tycho signed.

I scowled, then shouted as loudly as I could at Magnum. Nothing happened.

Instead, he stood...and started going in the wrong freaking direction!

God-flapjacking-damn it!

Okay...I signed. This is going to sound stupid, but I think we should split up.

You're right! That does sound stupid! Ebony flashed.

No, wait, he's right, Opal said. That creature was clearly exhibiting psi powers. For all we know, our bodies are now out cold. Ali might be reaching around with her talent! If we're nearby, she might detect us. Hell, maybe she can help us. But we also need to stay near Magnum, in case he starts scanning too!

Dibs on Ali! I signed.

Fuck no! Opal signed. Tycho and I go after Ali. I'm an empath, I will have the best shot at being picked up by her. YOU are the most powerful raw psychic talent. If Magnum scans for you, he'll have a better shot picking you up than any of us.

But none of us have psychic talents in our astral form, Ebony sent.

We all floated in silence. As we discussed, though, Magnum was moving further and further away, carefully stepping his way through the jungle as he ducked underneath hanging vines and stepped over brush.

Fuck it! We'll do Opal's plans! I signed, then started floating after Magnum. Opal floated after me, while Ebony and Tycho started back towards the beach.


I floated in the air near Magnum's camp sight and glanced at Opal. Opal glanced at me.

Should...we look away?

Uh... She signed back. Yes, there's an ASL for "uh..." It was kind of like an exaggerated version of what your hands would be doing if you were speaking 'uhh' aloud. Complete with tapping the chin. But neither of us could look away. Cause Magnum had finished setting up a lean too, making traps via a combination of telekinetic manipulation of vines and some clever bits of knot-work, and was finally settled down before a tiny fire he had made by rubbing wood against wood. he was rubbing wood against wood.

He was jerking it.

That's what I mean to say.

And in case you forgot, Magnum Caliber -- like many men in PsiCom -- had a tiny bit of biokinesis. Like those many men, he had given himself subtle enhancements. I have little shame left, so I'm not ashamed to say that I was one of them. But, hey, when you had to compare with Sergeant Barry "I'm Part Horse" I Forgot His Last Name, adding an inch or two or three wasn't anything to be ashamed of. Right? And so, Opal and I were both floating in the air, watching our squad-leader spit on his palm and then start to slowly jerk his hand up and down his massive cock. His golden brown skin glistened slightly in the faint light of the fire, adding an exotic edge to the scene as he sprawled back against his lean-too's wall. His eyes closed to thin slits as he hissed softly. His hand moved lazily at first, but as he worked at it, he started to move faster and faster. Each time his hand went down, his foreskin retracted slightly.

Yeah, he was uncut. He was Chinese, what do you expect?

His hips started to work as he pumped his cock. I jerked my eyes away from him, feeling like a pervert at least five times over. But looking aside meant that I was now looking at Opal. And Opal was unable to tear her eyes from her squad leader. Her hand had dipped down below her thighs eyes widened as I realized that she was sliding her fingers gingerly along her glowing blue slit. Her thumb teased her clit and her breasts heaved as she drew in an almost silent breath. She didn't notice me looking at her, because she slid two of her fingers into her pussy.

I was kind of half hard in a sort of semi-aroused no homo sorta way.


Now I was extremely incredibly hard in a definitely no homo sorta way.

Opal glanced at me.

I glanced at her.

We both hung in the noisy creeking and squaaing of the jungle. Her eyes were on my achingly hard cock. My eyes were on her hand, buried between her cushy thighs. Just about the moment I was ready to fucking combust from a combination of arousal, embarrassment, guilt and arousal...Magnum ruined it all by springing to his feet, knife in hand. He glared at the two of us. "Whose there!?" He snarled. The jungle quieted down at the sudden movement. I looked at him. Then I looked at Opal. Opal gaped as well.

Slowly, I started to move to the left.

Magnum shifted his feet -- keeping his eyes roughly in the same place I was in.

Lust! I signed. He can feel our lust!

Slowly, Magnum turned away, shaking his head as he looked back over his shoulder. He shook his head, muttering to himself in Chinese.

We need more lust! Opal signed back.

We floated in silence. I didn't want to be the one to suggest it. Opal looked like she didn't want to be the one to suggest it either. Both of us remained in sheepish, mawkish silence while the jungle resumed its animal noises and Magum went back to slowly jerking himself back up to an eager hardness. Dude had to get off. I could respect that. Opal floated over towards me. Her thigh bumped against mine for a moment. My hand slid along her shoulder. Gah. My brain went into a million different circles. I felt guilty. Aroused. Guilt. Aroused. The feeling of Opal's skin as my hand slid from her shoulder to her back to t he small of her back was as silky as I had felt before, back in the dim times, before I had met Ali. I mean...on the one hand...this was definitely fucking cheating.

On the other hand...

It was definitely fucking cheating.

That should have been a huge turn off, right? It was wrong! A betrayal in every sense of the word! But holy fuck it was a huge turn on. The deliciously forbidden feel of Opal's rump as my hand cupped and squeezed her ass made my cock ache with a pure need. My breath came in shallow, silent pants as Opal slowly leaned towards me. Her mouth formed words. They might have said: Abby. They might have said we shouldn't. I couldn't have told, one way or the other.

The guilt slipped through my fingers, like sand in an hourglass, and in its place was a thundering urge. Every astral hormone in my blue balls begged to sink into Opal's willing pussy and fuck and fuck and fuck...

And that was when Magnum fucking saved my fucking soul because he sprang back to his feet, snarling: "Okay, I know someone is out there!" He focused and his mental voice boomed in my head: Show yourself or I will fry every synapse in your brain!

Please do! I thought, my eyes closed as Opal and I flew apart like she was a ferrous slug and I was a naval railgun.

Magnum's brow furrowed. "Pirate Mask?" he asked.

Holy shit, you heard me? I thought. I looked at Opal. Her eyes were wide.

"Barely," Magnum said, lowering the knife he held. "It's like I'm trying to communicate with a baseline. Where are you? Where am I?"

Okay, this is going to sound weird as balls. But Opal and I are here, can you sense her?

Magnum's brow furrowed. He focused and then slowly smiled. "Hey, Opal." he blinked. "The water pushed you out of your bodies?"

Something in the water! I thought. I'm theorizing its some kind of psychic plankton. Psychoplankton!

Magnum frowned slowly. "And Ali didn't tell us because..." He closed his eyes. "She's a natural psychic. We all got our powers from the Prometheus Chamber. We must lack some kind of innate defense. Damn."

I hadn't even considered that. But I guess that was why he got the big guy bucks. Magnum made his decision almost immediately. He picked up his knife, twirled it, then said: "The time for subtly is over. Follow me!" And with a flash, he started to expand and grow. Trees shuddered and crunched and fell aside as his warform took up the space he had stood in before. I blinked slightly, then smacked my forehead. Right! He could do that! We could all do that. When we had our psychic powers, at least. I flew upwards with Opal and the two of us hovered near the head of his warform. I pointed towards the ocean. That way! I thought.

And Magnum started to stride forward. His feet crashed through trees, and he ate up the miles at incredible speed. I actually had to strain my astral body to keep up. Opal trailed me every so slightly, but she didn't show any signs of tiring. Magnum kept up his pace and within an hour, we had reached the beach. Magnum shrank down to his human form and I flew down and saw that Tycho and Ebony's bodies were both standing beside Opal and my bodies. Like, their bodies! With no astrals! Or nothing!

I flew down towards the area as Magnum held up his hands in a combat stance. "Are you"

Ali, her face dark purple with a huge blush, scowled: "Yes!"

"How can-"

"Where is my freaking boyfriend!" she shouted.

"Okay, you're you," Magnum said, then gestured. "Go and, uh...go?" He gestured vaguely where I wasn't located. I blinked, then nodded and floated forward, hovering over my body curiously. Ali focused, then I felt her mind connect to mine. The feeling of her deep shame and chagrin filled us both, and I smiled slightly as she gestured with her hands. I tumbled forward, yelped, and then blinked as I was in my body again. My skin tingled and I sat up, gasping.

"Ow..." I groaned, wriggling my palms as I felt the pins and needless stabbing and jabbing me.

Ali hugged me, tightly, whispering. "I am so sorry!"

"It's okay!" I said, quickly, my cheeks flushed as I remembered by little...grinding with Opal. Ali's arms tightened further and she squeezed me even tighter. "You had-" I grunted, then squeaked as she squeezed me harder still. "!"

Ali eventually let go of me and a short time later, we had gotten Opal back into her body. The lot of us looked out at the sea, remaining quiet.

"Question," I said. "Should we try and get some water from the ocean? For future study?"

We remained silent as the waves crashed against the beach. Magnum sighed and rubbed his palms against his face. "Yes," he said. "As much as I hate to. But we're going to have Ali do it."

We all nodded.

"And we'll use the lead box," he said. "And we'll stow it near the reactor, on the far side of the ship, away from the living area."

We all nodded.

"With a thermite bomb strapped to it. Just in case," he added.

We all nodded again.

Then I started. "We have a thermite bomb!?"

"Of course we do," Magnum said, his voice serious as Ali stepped through a warp created by Tycho. When she returned, it was with the supplies -- a thick lead box we normally used to hold radioactive supplies, a water bottle and a sharpie. Soon, she had a pinkish bottle that she had labeled EXTREMELY DANGEROUS with the sharpie, which did make sense and explained the sharpie. With the box loaded, she nodded.

"Shall we?" she paused. "Do we still need a break?"

"As unrestful as this reset has been," Tycho said, her voice dry. "I haven't actually used my talent for these hours. So, my talent is ready to go. And you know what? So am I. Lets get the fuck off this planet."

Aboard the ship, we all strapped in with a kind of mute, solemn air. Our vacation hadn't exactly been very 'cationy.' I settled in next to Ali, and she leaned her head against my shoulder, microgravity and the requirements of necks be damned. As she settled, Opal buckled herself in across from me, settling her straps against her large, deliciously brown breasts. As I looked at her, then looked away, Ali sighed. "So...I need to get something off my chest," she said, her voice seriously. "I slept with your mind controlled body."

"I...know?" I said, my brow furrowing.

"Well, I still feel like I need to make an apology," Ali said, nodding seriously.

"You don't! You didn't know it wasn't me," I said, quickly, holding up my hands quickly.

"Pff!" Ali waved her hand. "That doesn't change the fact I did it. And so..." She placed her palm on my thigh. "You can plow another girl. Any girl! Any time!" She nodded seriously, her voice solemn, her face solemn.

The rest of the squad blinked at her. Even Magnum, who had been programming in our upcoming burn, thrust his head down out of the piloting niche to blink at her.

"...uh, I'll just take an apology," I said, my cheeks darkening.

"No, I insist!" Ali said, quickly. "It's only fair!"

My eyes narrowed. Ali's cheeks were darkening slightly -- and with more than a guilty blush. She looked back into my eyes, trying to project an air of wounded, serious pride and noble intentions. My eyes narrowed further.

" just want to watch me fuck someone else, don't you?" I asked.

"W-What? No!"

"That's it, burn in five seconds." Magnum pushed himself down towards his chair.

"I do not!" Ali exclaimed.

The rest of the squad studiously did not meet her eyes. Or mine.

"I don't!" Ali's cheeks flushed. "W-Who would want to watch my incredibly well hung boyfriend make love to a willing, beautiful woman? The whole idea is preposterous! Completely absurd!"

"Making that burn in one second."

"Totally preposterous!"

I bit my lip to keep from smiling.

And ended up nearly biting my lip off as the engines roared to life and we leaped through Tycho's warp and towards the Abyss.


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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

First of all, fuck steam. Whenever possible, get your games from GOG.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Nice references

Great Stellaris suggestion. 4th anniversary patch is out today and it is a free to try it weekend.

meridiasmeridiasalmost 6 years ago
For the record....

I might still HAVE my copy of Anachronox around here somewhere. :)

Dee_WylderDee_Wylderalmost 6 years ago

I'm really enjoying the story. I pent up sexual energy is maddening though.

GlavitarGlavitaralmost 6 years ago
Woot! For Stellaris!

Had to give you credit for the reference. excellent game, can't wait for next game update.

DragonCoboltDragonCoboltalmost 6 years agoAuthor
Thanks for reading!

This story is brought to you by the following harem members (and patreon supporters)

Jeter Latenight, Joe Johnson, Dasm, Masterhobbes, Pancor, Ashed Disavowed, CJ (and only CJ), Lon'Tavion Scott, Chris, B.C. McGuire, Fast59, Morris, Tiberius Reign,

keen_FlattendHedgeHog, Paks, Phraxius and Pierce Gray!

If you enjoyed my work, check out my Purgatory War novellas, available on Amazon right now.


Or, alternatively, check out my Worldshard novellas!


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