The Next Senior Streak Pt. 02

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Jeff is asked to streak once again and then a pool party.
5.2k words

Part 2 of the 5 part series

Updated 08/13/2023
Created 06/16/2023
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*All characters in this work mentioned or unmentioned are over 18 years old*

Jeff woke up the next day feeling more alive than he had ever before. He got up and checked his phone and saw that Stacy had started a text group for both of them. The first text she sent read:


Jeff! Every morning you need to send a new nude to us in this thread!

This is going to be a requirement in this throuple!

*Smiling devil emoji*


I second that! *Grinning emoji*

Well, I better give them what they want. With that his cock got instantly hard imagining them looking at him in all his glory. He took a full-length photo and sent it. Both girls replied quickly:


Fuck yeah!


Hehehe! Nice dick Jeff!


Hey Jeff! I've got a volleyball game today! You and Emily need to come by and watch! It's at 3!


I'll be there!


You know I always go to your games gorgeous! *kissy faced emoji*

That kissy face emoji served to remind Jeff that Emily and Stacy had been together for a while which led him to imagine them together. I hope that's something I get to see!


You guys are the best!

Emily and Jeff met up at her place where they left together.

"You know this is gonna be a little weird for me? I mean the whole volleyball team saw me naked last time they saw me..." Jeff said

"Well you know they all liked what they saw. I wouldn't be embarrassed if I were you!" She said flashing a wink at him.

Jeff smiled at her. "I'm sure they did! Still before Friday no one had ever seen me naked though so it feels really awkward."

"Stacy took care of that for you so your reputation should be fine!"

"I know! I heard some of the girls talking in the park after practice. I was hiding in some bushes while they talked about Stacy blackmailing them."

"You should've jumped out and surprised them! You already made their afternoon, you could've made their evening too!"

Jeff scoffed at the prospect. Still he had to admit it with the way they were talking they probably wouldn't have minded seeing him again.

Before long they reached the school and headed to the gym where Jeff had been streaked reluctantly a couple days earlier. They went in and saw that a huge portion of the female population of the student body was there. I guess this is one of the few girls only team sports.

They took their seats near the front row next to a few more senior girls who paid them no mind. Emily and Jeff chatted for a bit until both the teams came out of their respective locker rooms and began warming up.

Jeff couldn't help but notice Stacy's ass again as she warmed up. He saw her catching him staring multiple times, each time she did she shot him a wink. Jeff couldn't help how excited he was getting. Emily noticed and shot him a smirk. He saw a few girls on the team look at him knowingly which aroused him even more.

The other team was also warming up and they were every bit as attractive as Jeff's school team. The opposing coach was another fitness woman but smaller and younger than Ms. Braun. She looked to be just out of college and was a total bombshell, she reminded him a little bit of Stacy. He was staring her down when she saw him looking at her and shot him a devious smile causing him to avert his gaze.

I wonder what that expression was about?

Before too long the teams were done warming up and the match proceeded. Both teams played ferociously with their respective coaches yelling at them for improvements. Jeff only had eyes for Stacy and her ferocity. He was really falling for this girl. At his side Emily squeezed his arm while also admiring Stacy.

The almost entirely female crowd was already quite rowdy even though the match had just started. Each volley was extremely competitive, the teams seemed evenly matched by Jeff's eyes.

After about 15 minutes the first set ended with a narrow victory for the visitors. Stacy never looked fiercer or more determined to Jeff. He knew victory was the only thing on her mind, it was kind of a turn on.

About halfway through the second set Emily got Jeff's attention. "Hey Jeff I know that our team is going to win this set. Stacy never allows a shutout." Jeff nodded believing her. "The thing is I don't know if they'll still win which would just crush Stacy. I was wondering if you could do her and the team a favor?"

"Sure! Anything for Stacy! What would help?"

"Well," Emily started seeming embarrassed to ask what she wanted. "Could you? You know? Like...streak?" Jeff shocked look gave it away how he felt. "Listen! I know it's still tough for you, but I know it would help motivate Stacy and it would mean so much to her. Also, it would probably throw the other team off and maybe get our team's blood flowing!"

"Emily! There's waaay too many people here they'd all recognize me!" He said with a hush under his voice.

"Not if you wore a mask!" She said cutely. Jeff didn't need to ask if she had one which she surely did. He thought about it a half-second.

Then he reluctantly agreed. "Alright, for Stacy."

"Oh Jeff! you're just the best!" She said as she planted a kiss on his cheek.

Surely enough Stacy and her teammates won the set and there was a short break. Jeff's hard started racing and his rod started stiffening. Emily led him under the bleachers and he stripped for her. She blushed as he removed his clothes still somewhat shy about his nudity though she clearly enjoyed it. She handed him a Guy Fawkes mask and he donned it.

"You look great Jeff! I know the team will love it!" With that she left back to her seat.

Jeff got to the edge of the bleachers and took a deep breath. Here we go again.

The next set was about to start when Jeff stepped out from underneath, no one had noticed him yet but that was going to change. He knew he had to be quick and to avoid Ms. Braun as she might recognize his body that meant running towards the away team's locker room and past their coach. It was a gamble but he thought they would at least be surprised enough they wouldn't be prepared to detain him.

Before running he looked down at his naked body appraising his 7-inch erection once more. I hope this works! With that he started running.

As soon as he ran into view he heard a girl in the crowd yell "Oh my god!" Suddenly an uproar started from both bleachers as the women and girls jeered and cheered him on. Jeff saw Stacy briefly, she was wearing the same Cheshire grin she sported yesterday, clearly approving of his motivational style. He saw the other girls on the team each of them ogling his body openly. The crowd was yelling in shock while the team was yelling words of encouragement, mostly about Jeff's looks. The other team was reacting much the same way the home team did on Friday, with nervous shock. They were clearly flustered by the display.

Jeff was at half court when he looked at the crowd and saw that there was a mix of emotion. Several women closed their eyes, others smiled openly and eagerly, some were completely in shock, and a few bit their lips lustily. Almost everyone was shouting something or other making it difficult to understand what they were saying.

He looked back and saw that Ms. Braun was looking at him with a quiet anger and much to his relief she wasn't chasing him. He continued running towards the away team and saw the closest girl to him eyes bulge as she stared down his raging cock. He felt his dick throb at her expression.

He made a turn at the net and ran across the court towards the other door. He got to the back corner opposite where started and now saw the away teams coach smiling deviously at him. He made eye contact with her and her eyes narrowed knowingly then she looked down at his junk and bit her lip in way that seemed very familiar. She quickly got out of his way and let him pass. Before he knew it, he was at the exit door where he quickly took his leave. He kept running till he was hidden around another building's corner.

Well I hope that helped! He thought to himself his heart still beating wildly. It seemed like it made Stacy happy at least and so he found some satisfaction in that. Of course, now he wasn't sure what he was going to do. Emily has my clothes! He thought in horror.

He thought to himself for a while, thinking that he had to find Emily and get his clothes back, but that would mean going back to the gym where he would surely be seen again. He didn't have a choice however and so he made his way back to the gym and hid in some nearby bushes. He heard the crowd inside cheering and soon the crowd was filing out. Stacy and her teammates apparently won as everyone from Jeff's school was in a good mood, and the opposing fans were somewhat confused and quiet.

Some of the crowd were walking by the bushes he hid in. He could hear a senior girl and her mom talking about the game.

"Wow! I'm so glad the girls won tonight! I guess they found some motivation!" The mom said.

So, they did win! Good!

"Hehehe! I'll say they found like 7 inches of motivation!" The senior said with a sly tone.

"Oh Lisa! You're so bad!" The mom said in that girl talk sort of way. "I have to admit we would have won a lot more often if we had that kind of 'motivation' when I played here!"

"Did you see his butt! I didn't know guys butts could look that good!"

"Lisa stop!" She said though her voice sounded like it had a smile. "I knew by the way... when you're older I'll take you to strip club! The guys there are really hot! They don't usually have asses as nice as that young man, but they're still quite spankable!"

Wow! I guess girls really do like my ass. I'm just glad my guest appearance went over well. He continued to wait until it seemed like everyone had gone. He made his way back to the gym and went in and found... no one. Everyone had already left.

Shit! Did I wait too long! Where is Emily!? He wandered further in until he heard a noise from behind him. He turned quickly to see what it was, his heart racing.

Unfortunately for Jeff it was the opposing team's coach smiling wickedly at him. "Well, well, well..."

Jeff jumped turning to face her and cupping his privates.

She chuckled. "Wow! Not as brave without that mask huh? Or do you only like showing a large crowd that thing?"

Jeff stood there paralyzed, at a loss for words. As he stood there she began approaching him swaying her hips in a familiar way which lead to a familiar reaction from his body. Before long he could no longer hide himself with his hands alone, and so he dropped his hands to his sides in defeat. She narrowed her eyes and bit her lip as she looked at his stiff rod.

"Jeff!" He heard a familiar voice behind him. He looked and thanked god that it was Stacy, now dressed in a baggy shirt and presumably shorts though the shirt hid them entirely. "I see you're getting acquainted with my cousin Lacy!" She said enthusiastically.

"Lacy?" He said as he turned back to the other woman, only to see her smirking devilishly.

"So, this is the infamous Jeff? Not bad cousin, not bad at all." She said appraising his naked form.

Suddenly Jeff found his words. "Stacy did you orchestrate this whole thing!?" He said incredulously.

"Hehehe, NO! The streak really was Emily's idea, but I LOVE the way she thinks!" She said with a cute wink causing Jeff's dick to throb soliciting a giggle from Lacy.

"No Jeff I stayed behind hoping I could get a better look! I am happy that I did...It looks like you're pretty happy I did too..." She said playfully.

Jeff was mortified, he was now standing completely nude and hard in front of a stranger, a stranger who happens to be related to his new girlfriend.

"Is he always this shy?" Lacy asked.

"Hehehe! Only when he's naked in front of girls!"

"Stacy! Girls! As in Plural!? How many times has he been naked in front of girls!?" She asked as she turned back to Jeff.

"Only a few times now! But I have to admit I'm starting to think it will be a regular thing!" She said boisterously as she winked at Jeff.

"A regular thing!?" Jeff asked incredulously.

"Jeff you know you like it! I mean just look at you!" She said gesturing at his clear arousal. "Besides you know I won't make you do anything you don't consent to."

"Look at you Stacy! Practicing good consent! I'm so proud of you!" Lacy's enthusiasm seemed to match Stacy's rather well.

I can see how these two are related.

"Well I am so happy for you both! Especially you Stacy!" She said as she admired Jeff's body once again. "Is there any way you could have Jeff come by my place just like this? You can always be there if you're worried I won't behave myself." She said as she smiled devilishly.

"It wouldn't matter if I were there or not! You never behave!" Stacy said teasingly.

"Well as much as I want to stay here and appreciate the scenery it's getting late. I'm gonna head home. It was great seeing you Stacy!" She said enthusiastically as she hugged her cousin, the she turned to Jeff. "It was great meeting you too!" This time her voice was sultry and she gave Jeff a tight hug, grabbing his ass causing him and his dick to jump a little bit. With that she left leaving Jeff and Stacy to look at her as she walked away, hips swaying the whole time.

"She likes you!" Stacy said fighting back a laugh.

"Like I couldn't tell!?" Jeff pushed back at her.

"I think you like her too!" Stacy said looking at his dick.

"What can I say? I have a type!" He said jokingly winking at Stacy to which she giggled.

"Like I couldn't tell?" She asked mockingly. "Soooo? What are you doing tonight?"

Jeff thought for a minute and decided to be cheeky. "Hopefully you!" She laughed out loud at that.

"Smooth! And you almost certainly will! But before that I wanted to go to a celebratory pool party with me and the team!"

"Well I don't really have a swimsuit..."

"You don't need one silly! They've all seen you before and they all will be so happy you're there! I know they'll want to thank you for your special kind of support today!"

He thought for a moment. "I guess I can make an appearance. For you!"

With that she gave Jeff a huge kiss and hug, groping his nude body sending chills down his spine. Her touch was still so intoxicating to him.

She pulled away and said "We better get going!" With that they walked out to Stacy's car and drove over to a house Jeff had never been to before. He felt awkward riding naked next to Stacy though he was getting more used to being naked with her, much to her delight. After a short drive they arrived at the house. There were already a few cars parked out front.

Stacy turned to Jeff after she parked. "You can still back out you know? I really don't want you to do anything you don't want to..." She said with concern in her eyes.

Jeff was touched that she cared, but truth be told he was a little excited about it. He found he actually was starting to like the thrill of being naked in front of women. "It's okay Stacy I want to do this." He said with a smile. Stacy's face changed to one of pure joy.

"Oh Jeff! You're the best boyfriend ever!" With that she got out of the car and Jeff followed. They hurried up to the door and knocked.

Jeff waited anxiously wondering how he would be received by the girls. He presumed it would be positive but he was still filled with nerves. A moment later the door opened and the big-titted volleyball player opened the wearing a blue floral bikini top with a black swimming skirt. Her eyes bulged and she smiled broadly as she saw Jeff.

"Wow Stacy did you bring that for all of us!? This is going to be the best party ever!" She said giddily.

"Dina!" Stacy said and then giggled. "Jeff here just wanted to congratulate us on our win and celebrate with us!"

"This is the kind of celebration I didn't know I needed until now!" Dina said appreciating Jeff. Her attention and exposed skin already having an effect on Jeff which she quickly noticed shooting him a wink.

"Well come on in!" She said ushering them in. She eyed Jeff up and down as he passed pinching his ass as he passed her. He looked back at her and she wore a familiar grin Jeff had been seeing a lot lately.

Once inside Stacy turned to Jeff and said "Oh I wanted your opinion on something." She said coyly. Then she lifted her baggie shirt over her head revealing a small black thong bikini. "What do you think of my swimsuit!?"

Jeff's dick jumped as he saw it.

"I guess you like it!" She said flirtatiously. Then she turned revealing her beautiful bubble butt to Jeff causing his dick to lurch even further. He looked down at his dick and saw it had a similar hue to what it had been that last Friday.

Here I go I guess. He thought as he followed Stacy to the backyard. She went out first soliciting cheers from her teammates.

"Ladies I have a little surprise! It's our newest unofficial mascot!" She said introducing her naked boyfriend.

Jeff took a deep breath and walked out. He saw the girl's eyes light up as he came into view, the tall thin girl wolf-whistled at the sight, soliciting laughs and cheers from the group.

"Stacy! You bad girl! Did you bring that hot thing here for us!?" The tall thin girl said openly grinning at Jeff's cock. Jeff looked at her as she sat at the edge of the pool. She was wearing a small white bikini with gold clasps at her hips.

"Denise stop! Jeff just wanted to congratulate us on the victory! After all he gave us the motivation we needed to close it out!" Stacy said as she winked at Jeff.

"That's not all he motivated us to do!" The thunder thighed girl shouted as she stood at the other end of the pool. She wore a blue polka dot string bikini.

"Erica!" Stacy shouted back jokingly admonishing her.

"Can we celebrate like this after every match!" Dina said as she came out of the house. Jeff felt very exposed as they all eyed him up and while he knew what to expect by now it was still new to him. Even with the awkwardness he had to admit he was starting to like the attention.

He finally found his voice and spoke to the group. "Well ladies I'm always glad to help support you in your sport!" The ladies cheered at that.

"I was gonna suggest a striptease but you're way ahead of us!" Denise said with a laugh. A few girls joined in on the joke, Jeff just smiled awkwardly.

"He can always dance for us!" Erica chimed in excitedly.

"Ooh yeah dance for us nudie boy!" Dina added on grinning.

"I don't know..." Jeff replied. Stacy then turned to Jeff and put a hand on his chest and looked in his eyes.

"Jeff it would mean so much to us if you danced for all of us! Your just so handsome and sexy! I know me and the girls would get SO MUCH from a little show!" Stacy said. He looked deeply into her eyes and he knew he had to say yes.

"Ok I'll do it." Jeff agreed causing the girls to break out in a loud cheer.

With that Dina started some stripper music and the girls got in the pool and lined up to watch him. Stacy sat in a lounge chair to his side and smiled appreciatively at Jeff. Deciding to just go for it, Jeff started dancing the best he could as he did the girls cheered him on. Before long he felt a little less awkward and started getting into it and the girls got even more excited. Soon he was shaking his hips causing his dick to dance around then he turned his back and shook his ass soliciting another round of cheers from the girls. He turned back to the girls and bucked his hips causing his dick to slam against his stomach over and over again.

His audience was completely captivated when Jeff heard something behind him that made his heart sink. "Well, well, well what do we have here?" Jeff jumped around to see the source of the voice and he saw one of the last people he wanted to see, Ms. Braun.