The Ninth Caller Ch. 04


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With great care, she gently started massaging the thick cream into his skin, making sure every inch of his penis and testicles were covered. She took her pinky and used it to ensure the ridge of his crown was fully coated. She wanted no part of his dangly bits to feel left out. Once done with his shaft she dolloped out another glob into her gloves and recoated his balls. Two coats are always best! He was totally shiny now, his manhood fully saturated in the medicinal lotion.

His eyes flashed in terror, but his cock started throbbing even wilder now. The initial stages of Icy Hot are quite pleasant, the cool menthol soothing and stimulating his skin. Billy sighed as Angie Lynn started to slowly stroke him. Up and down, up and down, bringing him closer and closer to release. It was a race now. A race between his orgasm and the hellish heat of the Icy Hot yet to come. For fifteen minutes she teased and stroked him, alternating between going very fast, and agonizingly slow. Watching his breathing and panting for any signs of impending orgasm, she was very careful. Her old boyfriend had been right. She was a master of the handie, only this time, she was preventing ejaculation, not encouraging it.

No, Billy was going to remember this day, but not fondly. It would be his most horrific handjob ever, and, it would not end in pleasure. Finally, as she sensed the warmth of the icy hot on her own skin start up, she knew it was time. Now her strokes were firm and fast, and she started jacking him off firmly, stroking and pulling on his cock with one hand, while massaging his icy hot covered balls with the other. She glanced over her shoulder as she worked, and watched his toes. The toes were always the tell, and once she saw them start to curl, and she felt the beginnings of a contraction in his balls, and a spasm build in his shaft, she yanked her hand away. It was perfect timing. She had left him right on the edge at the absolute last stroke possible.

She howled in laughter as Billy screamed into his panty gag, lifting his ass up from the bed as he tried to get one more stroke. Obviously, she had timed her dismount perfectly.

"Oh..., so sorry, Billy," she said. "But, I have to get to Tastee Freeze now. I don't want to be late for work, you know. After all, I am broke, right? Don't want to end up in the Walmart parking lot."

Billy started thrashing and cursing into his gag like a rabid pig, his painfully erect cock bobbing around in the air like the mast of a ship foundering at sea. Suddenly, the look of hopeful lust on his face changed. First it was alarm, and then panic, and then agony. The hot part of the Icy Hot show had just begun. Now tears streamed down his face as he jerked and twisted on the bed, humping the empty air, trying to do anything to stop the horrific burning.

"Now, have fun," Angie Lynn said as she playfully patted his stomach and pulled off her saturated latex gloves and threw them on the floor. She reached into her pocket and pulled out the key, dangling it before Billy's desperate eyes. "I guess you are looking for this, eh? I guess you want me to uncuff you so you can wipe all that painful ointment off of your manhood, right?"

Billy was shrieking now, his eyes red and bloodshot as he twisted and yanked helplessly at his bonds. "Well..., watch closely. I am sure you will want to be able to tell whoever finds you where to look for it when they come home tonight." With all of her might, she threw the key across the basement into a pile of old papers and boxes in the corner. Billy's face dropped as he watched the key soar through the air.

Angie Lynn smiled and blew him a kiss. "Goodbye forever, fucker! You don't need to worry about trying to get my ass thrown out of here anymore. I won't be back!"


Jane brought a cup of coffee over to her desk, and placed it down in front of Sofia. The paranoia and fear seeping out of this woman was palpable, and the way she kept glancing over at the closed door to her office, had her freaked out. Never had she seen anyone so distracted and fearful.

"Thank you," Sofia said as she drank it down quickly in one gulp, her eyes continuing to focus on the door. "I really need to stay awake, and this will do the trick. Plus, it is so cold in here. The coffee is helping me warm up."

"Yes," Jane said as she frowned. It was hot as blazes outside, and even here in the A/C, it was still warm and stuffy. "So, I have to ask..."

"Jane," Sofia interrupted as she reached across the desk and grabbed Jane's hand. Jane jumped as their skin touched. Sofia's hand felt like ice.

"Wait just a second..., I think...I think I can see..." Sofia said.

"Are you sure you are not sick, Sofia? Maybe you ate something on the plane that—"

Sofia shook her head, before saying, "No, I am not sick. But...," she paused as her eyes darted back and forth as she watched something. "I must talk to Frank. A girl's life is at stake. It is getting close now. Very close... C C C Clickity, click-click-click."

"What? What on earth does that mean?"

"No, you must listen, I beg you!" Sofia continued, her eyes, dark and piercing, looked sad, pleading, desperate. Like she wanted to say something, but couldn't form the words. It was alarming. "You must help me talk to him! He has to be made to understand."

"I will, I promise. But, you must understand that, well..., it is complicated now. Maybe if you tell me what this is about, I can prepare the road a bit first," Jane said. "Frank is pretty pissed off about last night, the whole unknown daughter thing and all. It may take some time to get over that; he hates being surprised on the air. I know it wasn't your fault and he shouldn't be angry, but, well, I have worked for him for decades, so it is a foolish woman who doesn't know her own boss."

"McKee! McKee Kentucky!" Sofia said.

"McKee? McKee!" Jane said as she jumped, Sofia sudden outburst startling her. "It is odd you would say that, because Frank is from—"

"—Yes, I know. That is where Frank grew up," Sofia said. "But..., well, the spirit is trying hard to communicate, but she is exhausted. She was able to spell that last message out, though. It takes a lot of energy to come from the other side, and she used a lot of it last night, so she is very weak. That is why she had to come to me in my dream. But, she just said McKee Kentucky. She was quite emphatic, so I know it is right. Now, I know my English is not perfect, and it is hard to read lips, but this is very important."

"How could you know about McKee Kentucky? Very few people know Frank was from that tiny town. It is not something he advertises; it doesn't fit in with his public persona, you know."

"The spirit just told me," Sofia said as she frowned. "This is real, Jane. I am not faking."

"I know, I am sorry, it is just that—"

"—McKee is the focal point and the location of all of this trouble," Sofia said. "Do you know when he was last there?"

"Hell, I don't think he has been back there in twenty years," Jane said. "The last time I remember him going there was in 96 or 97, I think. It was such a long time ago, but, if I remember correctly, it was when his mother died and he went to her funeral."

Sofia's eyes widened as she stared intensely at the door behind Jane's back again, her pupils growing quite large. She nodded, and said, "Yes, that is the key. It was back then when it happened. That was when Frank's daughter was born, around that time, in 1997." She squinted as she said, "I can't tell if his daughter still lives there, though. It is foggy and the Spirit is very frantic right now. It is hard to understand what she is trying to say." Sofia's voice cracked as she yelled at the door, "I wish you could speak now! I can't read your lips when you are waving your arms around so wildly."

"You are talking to the spirit now?" Jane said as a chill ran down her spine. She felt a rush of cold wash over her as she spun around to look at the door. There was nothing there. Just promotional posters tacked up onto the tacky faux wood paneling, but nothing else, but Sofia's intense gaze into nothingness was unnerving.

"Yes. And her name is... Jenny," Sofia said. "The spirit is mouthing her name. Her name is Jenny; Jenny from McKee Kentucky, she is the mother!" she continued slowly, as she it appeared she struggle to read something, her concentration intense. "And... it is her daughter that is in danger. I wish she could speak clearly. It is very difficult to understand her." Sofia narrowed her eyes and said, "What? What do you mean you are sorry you lied to Frank? I don't understand. What lie?"

"And she is communicating with you right now? You can see her in your vision?"

"No, she is not in a vision."

"Oh, well, where is she then?"

Sofia pointed at the door, and said, "She is standing right behind you."

Jane felt the hair on her arm stand up straight as she slowly turned back to the door. Her pulse quickened, terrified she might actually see something. As before, there was nothing there, but, now she shivered. The temperature in the room suddenly plummeted twenty degrees.


"Holy Shit," Carrie said as she put down her spatula and stared at the next picture on Angie Lynn's phone. She giggled uncontrollably as the image filled the tiny screen. It had been like this for over an hour, laughter filling the empty Tastee Freeze as Angie Lynn shared her photos with her friend. Billy was making quite the impression.

"These shots are fucking hilarious! How in the world did you get that asshole in that predicament?"

"What can I say," Angie Lynn said with a grin. "When you are hot, you are hot. Plus, it helped that Billy is a complete douche as well as a total moron."

"Yeah..., but, you have to admit he has a nice body, though. But, I guess all that pumping iron caused his brain to shrink," Carrie snickered as her eyes flashed at the nude picture. She pointed and added, "although it obviously didn't shrink other parts of him."

"Yes. It was shockingly easy to trick him. I suppose all of his blood got diverted from his head down into that package between his legs." Angie Lynn laughed and said, "I bet all of his buddies on Facebook are getting quite a good laugh today at his predicament."

"You didn't!"

"I did!"

"You are one evil bitch; I love it! Oh, yes..., I bet Billy is having quite the afternoon," Carrie said with a grin as she kept staring at the image of him tied naked on the bed. "And you say you coated his cock and balls with Icy Hot? Holy shit, girl; you don't play around. Remind me not to get on your bad side. Ouch!"

"I was seriously provoked. The guy was a total dick! He tried to force his way on to me when I was in getting ready to take a bath."

"Pig! Fucker got what he deserves. Still..., it is a shame he is such a dick," Carrie said as she cocked her head and zoomed in on Billy's picture. "He is kinda cute."

"Well, if you want to fuck him, be my guest," Angie Lynn said. "Although, after today, I think his dick might be out of commission for a while."

Carrie laughed as she nodded. "Yeah. Why is it the biggest dicks always have even bigger dicks attached?" She paused before saying, "So, I guess you are not going to go back home then, eh? I mean, when you burn a bridge, girl, you really burn one down to the ground. POOF!"

"Shit no!" Angie Lynn said. "Frankly, I've wanted to move out for a while now. I have put up with my Aunt's bullshit long enough, and her boyfriend and his two ape sons moving in didn't make it any better. No, after today, I am sure dear old Auntie would kick me out even if I wanted to come back. She will probably be relieved I gave her such a clean excuse to get rid of me."


"Yeah, she always hated me, and has been a total bitch to me every chance she could get. Her mother, my Grandma, was a total bitch too, so the family tradition has continued. As it turns out, old naked Billy did me a favor, really. Today was just the final push I needed to bite the bullet and get out." She sighed, and added, "But..., now cometh the reckoning, I guess. Shit, I don't know what I am going to do next. I have no money, so I suppose I will just have to live in my car for a few weeks until I can rustle up enough cash for a security deposit, or, somehow find a roommate. Do you know anybody looking to sublet?"

"Well, you are welcome to stay with me for a while. I am sure Mom won't mind, at least until you get some money saved up," Carrie said as she passed the phone back to Angie Lynn and leaned over to take a fresh batch of fries out of the fryer.

"Thanks," Angie Lynn said. "I really appreciate that, because right now, I am royally fucked. I don't know what I am going to do, long-term. I certainly can't make it on my own with what I make here. But..., your offer has taken a load off of my mind. It helps to at least know I am not going to be out on the streets..., at least not yet, that is."

"Angie Lynn, you are my best friend. I certainly wouldn't let that happen to you. You are free to stay with Mom and me as long as you need."

"You are a good friend," Angie Lynn said as she smiled, and fought back a tear. She grinned when she added, "I guess I won't have to work that Walmart parking lot after all."


Angie Lynn smiled. "Never mind, it was something Billy said and..., it was a bad joke. But, he was right about one thing. I need to make more money — fast. A career at Tastee Freeze ain't going to cut it."

Carrie laughed. "No shit! Minimum wage is all you are ever going to get here. But...," she added with a joke as she shook the fry basket, "you do get to eat all the leftover fries. How's that for a nice fringe benefit."

"Somehow, I think having a dental plan would be better," Angie Lynn said.

The two girls looked up from the counter as the bell over the door rang and it opened for the first time in over three hours. It was a slow afternoon at Tastee Freeze. They both smiled when the customer walked into view. They knew her. It was Darla.

"Howdy gals," Darla said as she walked up to the counter. "How are the two best looking girls in McKee doing this afternoon."

Both Angie Lynn and Carrie giggled, and looked at each other.

Now back at the register, Angie Lynn straightened out her uniform, and said, "Well, I guess I have to be official now. What can I get you, Darla?"

"I am kind of hungry, and don't want to eat at the club tonight. The Doll House is known for many things, but good food ain't one of them. So..., can I get a cheeseburger, fries and a coke?"

"Sure thing, Darla," Angie Lynn said as she took the order. "That'll be $6.50. Is that for here, or to go?"

"Maybe here," Darla said. "It is so damn hot. I was going to eat in the car, but it is like an oven." She glanced around and grinned as she said, "Plus, it looks like there is plenty of seats available."

"Yeah, its been slow. Too hot to leave the house, I guess," Angie Lynn said.

"You are right," Darla said. "I am sure tonight is going to suck!"

"You should ask Darla if they are hiring," Carrie called out from the back.

"Ask me what?" Darla said.

Carrie stepped forward, and said, "Darla, Angie Lynn here needs money, and fast. I think she could make some extra cash at The Dollhouse. She is gorgeous, you know."

"Shut up, Carrie," Angie Lynn said as she blushed. "Don't bother the—"

"Oh, she would make a shitload of money!" Darla said. "She is very gorgeous. Hell, these boys would be throwing cash at her in wads the size of canned hams if she decided to dance." Darla turned to Angie Lynn and added, "You thinking about applying at the Doll House? I can tell you right now, if you want to come on board, you are hired! I know talent girl, and you have it."

"You think?" Angie Lynn said. "I don't know..., I mean, I don't know if I am pretty enough."

"Have you been hit in the head with a rock, or something?" Darla laughed. "Why, both of you gals should work there. Hell, if I had your figure, and even better, your youth, I would double my income. You gals would rack up the dough."

"Can you really make good money?" Carrie said as she perked up.

"Oh, definitely. Two girls like you could easily make 50 to 75 a year."

"Thousand? You mean, like fifty thousand dollars?"

"Easily, and that is without having to work every night. Plus, you have your days free, and can write your own ticket!"

"Well, it is something to think about," Angie Lynn said. "I know I definitely need the money." She turned back to Carrie and said, "I don't think your Mom will let me live on your couch forever, you know. I really need a longer term plan. I always wanted to go to college, and maybe this would get me some—"

"—I tell you what," Darla interrupted. "Are you two working here tonight?"

"Sadly, yes," Angie Lynn said as her face fell, before adding, "but I am off tomorrow."

"Perfect! You come by tomorrow night and try it out. Friday night is always a better night anyway. All the miners get paid on Friday and are looking to blow some cash. Plus, now that I think about it, tonight would suck anyway. It is too fucking hot. I wouldn't want you to think that is the norm. But come by tomorrow night, and I will let you dance and then you can see what you think for yourself. I bet you will make more in three hours than you make in a month working here in this grease pit."

"Are you besmirching the fine food at the establishment," Angie Lynn said with a smile. "This is high quality grub you know!"

"Ha!" Darla laughed. "I like you Angie Lynn, you are beautiful and very smart. You kind of remind me of myself, when I was your age. I bet if you play your cards right, you will have a bright future ahead of you. One that doesn't involve coming home each night smelling like stale burgers and old grease." She glanced over at Carrie and added, "You should come too, girl. You both are gorgeous."

"I would love too, but, my Mom would kill me. She is very religious, you know."

"Yes, I understand," Darla said. She turned to Angie Lynn, and said, "And you? Any sensitive relatives you need to worry about?"

"After today...," Angie Lynn added with a grin. "Nope! My Mom ran out on me when I was just a baby, and I don't give a shit about any of rest of my dickhead relatives."

"And your Dad?" Darla said. "What about him? I have had my fair share of run-ins with angry fathers storming into the club looking for their errant stripper-daughters over the years. They seem to go crazy if their gorgeous little girls are lusted after by other men." She smirked as she added, "Even though, I see those same Dads in here lusting after other guy's daughters. The irony of that never seems to occur to them."

"I never knew my Dad," Angie Lynn said.

Darla nodded her head. She understood. She could have a similar story to tell about herself. It was all so sordid and typical, but..., the future belongs to those who escape the past, not those who wallow in it. Her face brightened as she added, "Well, then..., no problem. I am sure I am going to make old Fred's day today when I tell him some new talent is coming in tomorrow to dance. He's going to love you."

"You think?" Angie Lynn said.

"Oh yes, girl. You are just what he is always looking for. Fresh!"

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