The Non-Standard Man Ch. 20


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"How so?" I said.

Dowd shook his head. " He had more than enough provocation to take out these creeps, and his only thought was to get Wells to safety."

The air filled then with the noise of helicopter blades, and Dowd looked up.

"Come on then, let's get you home."


We asked to go to the hospital. Roger or Andrew wouldn't let Jason stay there alone. We waited while they took him to surgery to remove the bullet and stitch him up. People gave us curious stares. With the Andrew profile well known in popular culture, there was no way we hid a robot sat next to us.

There was a mother and a blonde headed child in the waiting room with us.

"Mommy, isn't that the robot?" the little girl said.

"Sssh," the mother said. "It's rude to stare."

But despite her mother's efforts the child ran up to Andrew.

"Hey, mister. Are you Andrew? Are you the smart robot?"

Andrew gave her a sad smile.

"I'm a robot. I don't know how smart I am," he said.

"Yes," I said affirmatively. "He's the smartest robot there is. And brave. He saved the life of someone today because he acted fast and bravely."

The mother moved quickly and pulled her daughter away giving us a disapproving look.

Andrew closed his eyes.

"I don't know why you said that, Evaline. I didn't act fast enough. Cicily is dead."

"Andrew, did you tell any untrue thing when you told Dowd your story?"


"Then you did the best you could with what you had which is all any of us could do. If it wasn't for you, they would have murdered Jason too. Those people are responsible for Cicily's death, not you. Remember that, Andrew."

Finally the doctor came.

"Who is next of kin?" she said.

"That would be Andrew here," I said.

The doctor shook her head. "A robot can't be next of kin."

"Then I am," said Roger.

"Are you his brother?"

"No," said Roger. "Andrew's his brother."

The doctor looked at us confused.

"Fine," I huffed. "I'm his lawyer. Will that do?"


After two days, the doctor sent Jason home. Roger moved into Jason's apartment to care for him. I was alone with Andrew, but it was obvious his experience with the Nobots traumatized him. He tried to go on like he normally would, but I'd find him in different parts of the apartment shaking. A couple times I even found him in the broom closet. He was grieving and I was at a loss as what to do.

And then there was the matter of Cicily's funeral. The coroner had finished up on the autopsy, mandatory by the violent nature of her death and the crimes charged against the Nobots. With Jason laid up and Sinta in jail, there was no one to plan it. With Jason's permission I suggested to Andrew that he take charge.

"I wouldn't know what to do," he said. His newfound helpless attitude concerned me more than anything, and I became determined that Andrew see this through.

"I'll help you," I said. And with that, working with the funeral home remotely, I guided Andrew through the different decisions necessary, from the casket and the service to the flowers.

Despite our wishes, the funeral became a media circus anyway. Video of solemn faced Andrew, Jason and Roger as ceremonial pall bearers walking next to the casket propelled by an auto cart flooded the world's television screens. It turned out to be a large affair. With all of Cicily's and Sinta's connections how could it not be? Hundreds of people pressed into the church. Even Kiki's senator, Elaine Quinlan showed up.

We hosted the post-funeral reception in a large hall. I stood by Andrew's side the whole time just so no one got any funny ideas that he was illegally unescorted. I felt gratified that many of the guests offered their handshakes in condolence to Andrew. Later, when the crowd thinned out, Andrew put his arm around my waist.

"Thank you," he said.

"Don't thank me," I said. "You did the work."

"No. Not for that. For making me part of this. It...helps." He leaned over to my ear. "I love you, Evaline Shipley."


Finally, my custody case for Andrew resumed. This time Andrew sat at the table with Roger and me. I was on pins and needles, because despite the RIB's assurances, the judge could decide anything she wanted.

"All rise."

We stood and Steffie Anderson entered the courtroom.

"Counselors, are we ready to proceed?"

"Yes, Your Honor," we all replied.

"Good. If you rest your case, Mrs. Shipley, I'm prepared to rule."

Roger and I gave each other a quick glance.

"We rest our case, Your Honor," I said.

"Mrs. Shipley, I'm will take a minute here to tell you that for a lawyer of your reputation you didn't handle your part of this very well. You concentrated on the wrong information."

I gulped.

"There's been a lot of media attention to this case, most of it sensationalized. We can't go a morning now without seeing Andrew's face on the news screens. Andrew rescued by the RIB. Andrew at Ms. Wells funeral. Daily pundits spit out their opinions about Andrew's fate. We didn't get a lot of testimony in this court. But right now, in the minds of many of us, it is clear that Andrew is much different from the first sentient robots. It is obvious that he cares about the people surrounding him. You should have told us that, Miss Shipley."

"Regardless, I find that Andrew serial number XB109856, while sentient, is not dangerous. Pending legislation should clear up Andrew's legal status, so we'll not waste the court's time with further actions. He is to return to his owner's, Evaline Shipley, custody until this legislation is decided, and if it goes the way I think, permanently. This court is adjourned!"

A clatter rose in the gallery as spectators spoke excitedly to each other and reporters rushed out of the room to file their stories.

I sat down stunned not having any idea of what the judge was talking about.

"What just happened?" I said.

Roger took out his cell phone and looked up the news.

"Shit," he said. "The Senate just passed a resolution to support research into non-dangerous sentient robots. And they are working on a law to make robots like Andrew legal."

"Holy fuck!" I said in wonder. "Their plan worked. Those fuckers got their way. Amanda, Sinta and Cicily cleared the path to make sentient robots."


"Evaline!" said Amanda Connors, her voice beaming in display on my wall screen just minutes after I returned to my apartment. "Congratulations! You've handled everything brilliantly, just as I expected. Now when can I expect you back at work? Tamara is screaming to have you back."

I looked at her face, the one I knew so well, and realized she'd already bought back the stock I forced her to sell. She lost some money, but apparently not enough to kill her high regard of me at this moment.

"Excuse me? You fired me, remember?"

"A tactical decision, dear. You would have done the same thing."

Roger came up behind me and put his arm around my shoulder.

"Amanda, she's not coming back."

"Well, if we have to wait until the baby comes, we can wait. Or maybe she can work a reduced schedule until-"

"No, Amanda," I said. "I have another offer."

"Another offer? Well, you were due for a raise, dear. We'll match it, of course."

"I don't think you can," Roger said. "We're opening our own practice. We figure it will be the best way to handle raising a child and to manage her career."

"You can't do that. You have a non-compete clause."

"We are aware," I said. "That's why we are moving to New York."

"Why on earth would you move to that filthy place?"

"Because it has less of a stench than Washington. Tamara has the papers for my buy-out offer."


Roger clicked off the vid-screen.

"That was rude," I said.

He shrugged his shoulders.

"Are you," I said, "actually willing to work for a living?"

He smiled. "I guess. I have a boyfriend and a child to support now."

"And Jason, how does he feel about this move?"

"He doesn't care. Androdyne has offices in New York City too, so he and Andrew can continue their work there."


I, being me, worried briefly that I forced Sinta Grant into jail unfairly. After all, I went on my suspicions, not proof. Dowd, however, eased my guilt when he called me when they finished their investigation. Sinta Grant funded Nobots as a scapegoat to cover her plan to get rid of me. Indirectly she was responsible for Cicily's death. With this new evidence, the government tried Sinta again. She would never get out of jail.

And I had to be content with that. I received no justice when it came to Amanda Connors or Liz Carruthers. That sucked, but that is the way of the super-rich.

With his mother's death, Jason owned her share of the business along with the part Sinta sold him. It was now up to him to him shepherd Androdyne. Recognizing his talents lay in the research lab than the boardroom he approached Lindsey Talbot to merge Androdyne and Talbot Pharmaceuticals, with Lindsey as CEO.

The story of how Andrew saved Jason, and the footage of Andrew's grief stricken face at Cicily's funeral fueled public interest in Androdyne's sentient robots. Lindsey Talbot announced production of the new line would commence in a year after legal restrictions were removed.

That, in the fastest resolution Congress saw in decade, only took a month.

The price merged stock rose ridiculously high and then it split. Anyone who had enough stock in Androdyne got a hefty return on their investment.

With Androdyne's financial future assured, Jason turned down the government's research money. Neither Jason, nor Andrew wanted the RIB access to Androdyne's, now Talbot-Androdyne's labs.

Roger's mother never forgave us and not just for the money loss. We found out later through Kiki that Raina pushed the political elite of Washington too hard to get her way. Between that and the public's newfound interest in sentient robots they turned their backs on her. The loss of influence was more devastating to Raina Shipley than the loss of her money.

But we never did go through with the annulment. While Jason didn't care, Roger didn't want to subject us all to public ridicule or worse, repercussions from the law. I didn't agree, since I more than ready to take on another legal fight. But as Roger pointed out, I changed enough law for one decade. Society was still reeled from the anticipation and implications of integrating sentient robots into it. There were enough who felt exactly like the Nobots to rouse resentment against robots. I could see it when Andrew and I went out in public, which was often. The stares and mutters never stopped. We still had a long way to go.


I tell you there is no woman on earth that wants three Lamaze coaches, but the men wouldn't have it any other way. Roger looked terrified much of the time, Andrew clutched my hand too hard. "Are you okay?" he asked over and over again. Jason was the calm and steady one though that was because he stood by my head much of the time. But when a totally healthy, non-virus infected Jason Andrew Shipley arrived in the world you never saw three males act more proud, as if they birthed the child themselves.

"That was great!" Jason said standing next to Roger as he held our child. The baby clutched Jason's fingers. "I can't wait until we do this again."

"Again?" I screeched.


It was three months later when I found out what they meant when Roger and Jason picked up little Jay for a weekend. We'd moved to New York and bought adjacent apartments. It was almost as if Roger and Jason still lived with us. But on this day, three months after the baby was born, the boys insisted on keeping Jay overnight in their apartment. I didn't realize there was an ulterior motive.

"You're going to test it it right?" said Jason when they were at the door. Jason held the baby while Andrew handed Roger baby bags.

"Jason," Andrew said in a warning tone.

"What?" I said with suspicion.

"Not a full test. We haven't discussed it, and it's too soon anyway," said Andrew.

"What are you talking about?"

"It's a feature we're working on," said Jason a little too gleefully.

"Jason!" said Andrew sharply. "I'll tell her. You two go on. Have a good time with Jay. We'll talk later. "

With that he pushed them out the door.

"Now, what was that about?" I said.

"Come sit down, Evaline. Put your feet up. Would you like a glass of wine?"

"Oh boy. I can tell I'm in for it now."

"No. Nothing will happen without your permission. But you know Jason is absolutely devoted to Jay."

"I know."

"And he thinks Jay should have a sibling."


"He wants to be the father this time."

This time?

"Now how can that happen? Unlike Roger, Jason has no inclination towards women."

"That's true. But we've been working on a sperm- delivery system to be used in Androdyne's new line."

"Like artificial insemination?"

"Yes. Only better." He smirked at me.

"Why isn't your ejaculate system sufficient?"

"We had make some adjustments so that the sperm arrived alive and healthy."

"What adjustments?"

He unzipped his pants.

"Touch my balls."

"Pervert," I said giving him a doubtful look. I reached my hand in and cupped his balls.

"They're warm!"

"Yes. We are working on heating systems for the rest of the body too, ones that won't damage the electrical systems."

"That's awesome. But seriously? Jason?"

"Only if you approve, Evaline. It has to be your choice."

"I'll think about it."

"Good. But in the meantime, I need to perform repeated tests of the system's hardware. So take off your clothes, Evaline."

"What? Now?"

"Don't make me explain myself, Evaline. You know what happens when you do."

The End

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

One of the best stories I've read on this site in a very, very long time. A sample of lots of different kinks, blindfolds and bondage, MM, MF, reverse harem. Also a wonderful basic story. That more than anything else was the best feature, the erotic scenes were the basis of the story. Good job.

MissPrimMissPrimalmost 7 years agoAuthor
To Anonymous 6/10/2017

Thank you for your very kind compliments. A writer likes to know when someone enjoys a story. I am mostly happy with how this story turned out.

I intend to put up more pieces on Literotica, but as I've said before, I'm in demand for ghostwriting romances. Sad to say, my time is limited and if I write something erotic it has already been bought.

But I'm working on another SF romance, one that I can't seem to stop writing, so some of my readers here might like it. I'm going to indie publish it though, so you'd have to check my website to find out more about that.

Again, thanks!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
A masterpiece

I am not new to Literotica and I've read some tale which I consider to be perfect... And despite not being the biggest fan of some of the aspects in your stories, I can confidently say that this series is not only one of the best I came across, but also in my top three. Your ability to portray feelings and drama are astonishing, in a very erotic and down to earth manner.

I really hope that you will honor us with more tales :)

DryhillDryhillabout 7 years ago
Thank You

Thank you for a great story. Yes, as some commentators have said, the last few chapters were a little rushed, but it did not stop this being a really good read.

I hope you will write some more in this vein, I am particularly fond of dominant robot stories (male or female submissives), but don't want it all about sex, so a good plot involving a robot and his/her slave(s) would be gratefully and eagerly read.

MissPrimMissPrimover 7 years agoAuthor
Dear Anonymous

It's always gratifying to know that someone read and enjoyed some of writing. I thank you for that. Very much..

Because I've what I've done here I've been able to go on to a very busy career of ghostwriting romance (read spicy romance novels.) Sadly I have limited time for my own projects and those are on another end of the spectrum. So, there are no immediate plans for a sequel in the near future. Sorry.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
The Non-Standard Man Part 2?

I loved it! I realize its been a year since this was originally posted, but gosh I need more. Sequel?

AlaninSFAlaninSFalmost 8 years ago
A Wonderful Novel

Usually I find that scifi is written for teenage boys. The Non-Standard Man deals with the complex issues surrounding artificial intellidence in a mature and thoughtful manner. It has fleshed out characters and an interesting plot. The sex scenes are well wtitten and should be a turn on for readers of any gender.

manlycheemanlycheeabout 8 years ago
great story

intriguing scifi concepts, distinct chars, plot twists and much more. completed.

the best

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Very entertaining!

Usually I don't read Sci-Fi sex stories cause most of them deal with superpowers and other little-boy-crap. But this one - I was amazed in every sense of the word. Intelligent plot and proper writing. Cool!


P.S.: You sure know your Isaac Asimov and/or Stanislaw Lem ;)

muze1602muze1602over 8 years ago
A fine complex read

Really enjoyed this story. A complex plot, great legalese detail, great defined and strong characters, enough sexual variation to keep it interesting and a happy ending. Cool!

LadyPartsLadyPartsalmost 9 years ago
What a page turner! John Grisham move over!

I happened upon your story and almost didn't read it. I thought it would be a femdom story...not my cuppa. But wow oh wow what a fabulous story!

A legal thriller set in futuristic, post apocalyptic USA! Can you get any ballsier than that? And you pulled it off so brilliantly. All the characters came alive but you made a robot endearing. You philosophized about how the culture might change if robot lovers became the norm, which I found chillingly believable.

I feel badly that I didn't leave any comments on your previous chapters, but once I finished the first chapter I was NOT going to stop reading until I got to the end.

Fabulous story!

WlljamWlljamalmost 9 years ago
Thank you!

I loved the story and the plot you built it around. Thanks very much for such an enjoyable read. Cheers

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Thank you

This was an absolutely fantastic reading.

MissPrimMissPrimalmost 9 years agoAuthor
Sithon-Thank You

Thank you for your kind words regarding my story. Yes, I didn't discuss Andrew's programming much except that Cicily used trauma to randomize his programming to create sentience. She wasn't going for emotions, but randomizing the programming led to them. In the back of my mind was the idea that experiencing the artificially created trauma about Jason led Andrew to ignore this part of his program. When he found safe emotional harbor with Evaline the emotions came out.

Now in RL I have no idea if this is possible. I do know, from having to troubleshoot RL problems with a large database that for some programs it doesn't take much for them to start acting weird.

Were Andrew's emotions real? In humans emotions are the result of the brain's interactions with the chemical responses of the body. If something is pleasurable the brain releases chemicals that reinforces a desire to experience more pleasure. For AI's this wouldn't be possible. But if you remember part of Andrew's programming required him to do things that pleased humans until the tasks were satisfactorily completed. His behavioral reward was to stop doing a task. It was this twisted bit of code that laid the groundwork for everything else. At least that was the logic my writer's brain created.

Thanks for reading!

sithonsithonalmost 9 years ago
Good story

An interesting universe. I don't think that true AI would have emotions but you never know . If the proccesors of his brain were something like an e-prom and it evolved some sort of weird form of emotion. Well done!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

Wow! This is really great! If only it had a continuation, I would gladly read it also. Its an amazing story. Thank you author for this. :))

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Upon reflection

Great story very entertaining

MissPrimMissPrimover 9 years agoAuthor
Again Thank You!

Because of all your wonderful support The Non-Standard Man Ch. 20 placed first in the February Reader's Choice for February 2015!

Wow! And wow! (Happy dance)

Now how do I put this on my resume? Hmmmm.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
great story!

and I don't think it lost anything by not having sex (though it couldn't hurt). Job well done. If you are not a professional writer then you certainly should be. Great character and story development

MissPrimMissPrimover 9 years agoAuthor

I truly appreciate your comments and support. Every story is a learning adventure for a writer, and this one is no different. Each MC, Evaline, Andrew and Roger was a challenge to develop, and the plot, with its twists and turns, the most complicated I've written. In the next rewrite I'll tweak the little and not so little things that annoy me.

Any suggestions are appreciated.

"it was just too rushed. More action was packed into this chapter than the last five or six combined. So much happened that I couldn't enjoy it."

Okay. I agree. I probably need at least three more chapters to cover that epilogue. That will have to wait on the rewrite, and when I publish (e-indy or whatever) the revised book. And that's a definite plan. (Oh yes, there are publishers who will published "previously published" work. I have my eye on a couple of them.) Don't worry, if I go Kindle I'll have a special promo code for my Lit readers so you can get the revised story without shelling out the full price. Check out my blog MissPrimm dot com for announcements.

Happy reading!

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