The Other Woman Ch. 01


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"That's provocative," she said softly.

Creatively he said it was an alternative form of saying hi.

He caught her smile and thought it was on the verge of appearing affectionate.

A smile and no reprimand; he was elated and then wowed. As they prepared to exit she pushed her ass back heavily into his groin.

Oh yay, it was all on; but when? There was no rush, he told himself rather hollowly.

Outside the elevator Julia turned right to her office and Connor turned left, and that was it.

However he took their abrupt separation on the chin and patted back his curly and brown hair and had the vision of her soft blue or almost gray eyes smiling at him almost affectionately. Oh yes she'd decided they should move on to sex although she'd probably not admit to that.

His cock caught his elation and he unnecessarily whispered "Down boy' knowing his cock didn't accept any verbal communication.

Connor wondered did she shave it.

Shave what?

He grinned and back in his office settled into his work with surprising speed and enthusiasm. Ah the old Connor Cooper was back!

Mid-morning next day Queen Shayne entered his office and closed the door and sat and that was usual for her.

Christ this must be serious. Her radar had picked up a rip-off that he'd missed.


"This is not a social visit Connor."

"Well what's new, you've never invited me to dinner Shayne."

Her lips tightened indicating that attempt of humor had misfired.

"The word firing around my department is that you and my PA are a number."

"We hit it off instantly Shayne but the truth always wins over gossip; Julia and I are just good friends."

"I'm here to remind you Connor that we work in a bank and senior management takes a dim view of the germination of romances blossoming in this workplace and putting it bluntly takes a scandalized view on any married employee jumping the fence. I find it necessary to state that you and my PA are both married."

Connor was prepared to fight this unwelcomed approach.

"Your PA has a name Shayne."

"You and Julia are both married."

"Agreed and we both realize that."

"Then stop this friendship and I mean that."

"I could tell you to butt out Shayne but that could be misconstrued as being insubordinate."

She said bluntly, "Either you two back away from this or I'll arrange for Julia to be transferred to another department and that could mean a lower paycheck."

Connor said ominously, "Why are you doing this Shayne?"

"Because the way to stamp out misbehavior is to act decisively at the first opportunity and that's why I'm here because you'll be the instigator. Even I know she's damn attractive and possesses innate sexuality."

"Oh I hadn't been aware of that; I thought she was just a damn nice person."

"I'm not here to debate this Connor; I demand your cooperation."

"Shayne may I ask is my work here satisfactory?"

"Yes and you know you and your team consistently rate highly and even take top place at times on our regular internal efficiency assessments. And it may interest you to learn that the senior management board this morning decided you should be paid a bonus for detecting and thereby initiating the elimination of that cheat Philip Newton from our ranks."

"Oh that's good. And now my response to you is to leave the relationship between Julia and me alone, and I really mean that."

"That request is denied; you know I cannot turn a blind eye."

"Shayne I promise that Julia and I won't touch within the bank and that means rumors about us will soon cease."

"Stop the growing romance now Connor or I will act appropriately."

"Shayne don't be unreasonable and indeed morally unsound."

She asked what the hell he meant by that.

"Shayne you and I get along well and we need to continue our relationship at that level. What I'm about to say will rile you but please take time to consider it. At this stage it's merely an observation."

"Go on," she gritted.

"A few years ago you were in this position yourself. You and Sandra Mills were both young married women working here and ..."

"Yes there's no need to go on. And your argument is I'm now involved in duplicity?"


"And your contention is if I move against Julia and you that you'll create a rumpus by taking this issue to the complaints committee and you may even go to the media blowing your whistle?"

"Um to be truthful I hadn't thought about pre-emptive action. Countering any action by you in the media could rock this bank sideways but I have to say taking such a line of action mightn't be a good move."

"You're damn right as the fall-out would hit us all. Connor you give me little option but to drop this matter because I need your cooperation and good relationship to work with you effectively. Also I take your point that I'm on the verge of becoming morally disingenuous, given my own history in relationship entanglement in working here when that same management policy was in force but my lover and kept our nerve and survived."

"And so Connor I'm leaving it at that and just don't have her over this desk, right?"

Connor grinned and said thanks he would keep his behaviour with Julia at platonic level, at least while at the bank. He regarded the outcome of their amicable discussion as most satisfactory.

Shayne smiled and left, leaving Connor wondering how she and Sandra went about groping one another.

Over lunch at the Corner Café, Connor told Julia about Shayne's visit and their aggressive conversation.

Julia looked aghast but said she wasn't altogether surprised as it was bound to happen although she hadn't expected a rumor about them to have been triggered so soon.

Connor nodded and said well at least they knew Shayne was on their side.

"Well as the head of department she ought not take sides," Julia said. "Did she actually say you are not to fuck me over your desk?"

"Um I think her words were I was not to have you over my desk."

"Omigod she'll now see me as a sex object."

"If she is that way inclined she would have formed that opinion when she first met you."

"Women don't think like that."

"I can't accept that."

Julia smiled and scooping up more of her green leaf and parmesan salad onto her fork said, "I had expected to get away with that contention."

Although away from the bank they didn't touch or even flirted, acting as if they were in a no-go zone.

On Saturday mid-morning Connor was in the First Choice Supermarket when his phone went. He knew it wouldn't be Katherine as she was assisting at a cake stall raising money for some charity.

She wouldn't phone asking what cakes he'd like her to buy as she always chose what she'd enjoy most and anyway he rarely ate cake or had desert like she did and she paid the price by building up blubber below her waist. He thought sourly her idea of exercise was talking between cake shops.

"Hi," he said, noting the caller was Julia.

"I'm thinking about having sex."

He wound her up and asked, "Who's speaking?"

Sounding exasperated she said, "It's Julia you tease or don't you look to identify the caller?"

"I don't at the weekend," he lied. "Why are you announcing you are thinking about having sex? Are you working in the laundry?"

She replied in surprise how he knew she was doing the laundry.

"Because it's Saturday morning and working alone in a semi-automated laundry gives women who have weekday employment quality thinking time."

"How do you know about that?"

"My mother told me that years ago and I used it in a novel."

"What you have written a novel?"

"I wrote six transcripts but only three were accepted and I decided a 50% strike rate and a meager payout by my publisher based on meager book sales gave me a clear message that I was wasting my time."

"Omigod I know a published author."

"I guess you do Julia, barely."

She said, "We are already on intimate terms and yet you know very little about me and vice-versa."

"That right on the button," he laughed. "You must be rather intelligent. Is your husband listening to you talking to me?"

"I think not, he stumbled in last night smelling like a brewery and probably will appear around 11:00 looking like the typical Friday night over-indulged survivor."

"Well I best push on. I do the week's food shopping because I don't moan how heavy the shopping bags can be and I concentrate buying healthy food. I hope you are successful in finding someone to fuck you."

"Oh thanks you charmer. I'd been thinking of inviting you to slip between my legs but can recognize a rejection when it comes my way."

The call was cut and Connor grinned.

She'd achieved her purpose by calling him; clearly she was ready to fuck and they both needed that information. With the impasse broken by her approach she'd probably expect him to make it happen.

They had not phoned each other before. He mused why not?

Hmmm. It appeared after the minor impact created on the first day when meeting and he'd flickered something between them, confessing he had a weakness for a pretty face, their emotional connection had progressed woefully incrementally.

Yes well they virgins when it came to adultery; both of them would have been mindful they were married to someone else and tied by associated responsibilities.

Great Scott he'd not even thought about fumbling to pull out a tit or invite her to do so.

Where were his balls?

Connor groaned and thought oh no, she'd been waiting for him to move in on her and she would have felt most frustrated.

It was either that or she was simply prepared to appease the older man who was teasing her with a mild flirtation and she'd not decided she wish to up the ante.

Well if he was the older man, what was she to him?

Ah got it, he thought after some reflection; she was the other woman.

He phoned her.

"Omigod it's you; you've never phone me before."

Well he could have said that she'd never phoned him before until less than an hour earlier.

Connor instinctively knew this was crunch time.

The way things worked he was expected to utter something profoundly.

Buy Julia broke the brief silence by asking why he was calling.

"I've developed a boner just thinking about you; it's the first time."

He heard a gasp and a small thump.

"Omigod... um I almost lost my footing and bumping against the door of the front-load washer."

"Are you hurt?"


"Connor you must know what this means to me?"

"That you must avoid slipping in the laundry."

"What? No I meant you telling me explicitly for the first time that you thought deeply about me."

Connor's mind raced to recall the words that had apparently enchanted her.

He scratched an ear and said somewhat apprehensively, "You mean my saying I'd developed a boner thinking about you has excited you?"

"Yes and revealing that was the first time you'd had that thought."

Bewildered he said, "And you think of that as being romantic?"

"I hadn't thought of tagging it like that but yes, to me it was romantic and perhaps you now realize it represents a major breakthrough in our relationship."

"Oh yes sure," he said attempting to sound convincing while aware that in a similar situation in recent years eight out of ten times his wife would say 'Get that thing away from me'.

Connor's mind raced.

He was associated with a fresh female who regarded his erection as the centerpiece of their relationship, well for the time being as women tended to have fickle minds.

Christ he hadn't realized such women existed who were definitely not sluts.

"Lately I've used my vibrator in the bath thinking of you breathing hotly into my ear."

Connor could believe she'd just said such an intimate thing to him when they were still in the early stages of friendship.

He half-choked, "I-I feel honored."

She giggled.

Connor said firmly, taking leadership in their conspiracy, "Meet me at Beaumont's for early lunch at 11:30 if you can."

"Yes I'll be there. Do you want me to wear panties?"

He knew he was expected to say yes and said it emphatically.

"No way you dirty pig," she said laughing and cut the call.

More Coming

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