The Outsider Ch. 02


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"Molly wouldn't ask for it if she didn't need a comforter, the fire must be weighing on her heart."

"Can you find out where Miss Molly is staying? I need to send her a letter of apology; I was downright nasty to her; it was very unprofessional of me. Thank you for taking over the call.

"Would it be OK if I worked on Marie Ann's bear? Beth's Bear looks like it needs someone with more imagination; that is why I hired you."

"It shouldn't cost us that much; let's stop throwing out scraps for a few weeks. Remember, even if these are only bears, we need to bring our "A" game, we wouldn't want a bride walking out of here with a sub-standard gown, would we? Pictures will be going up on our wall; we want the people to see our excellence so many generations later."

The owner did send Miss Molly a letter.

"Dear Miss Molly,

"It is with much regret that I send this letter. I treated you horribly on the phone. I hope you can forgive me. I don't usually treat my customers in such a manner, but that is no excuse. I should have handled it like any other potential customer. I have decided to do Marie Ann's bear; I would like it if you could give me some help."

Miss Molly gladly accepted the challenge, and she was not below scheming plots for others.

Beth's best friend asked to learn how to steam wood; as Miss Molly gave her a big project.

The owner had yet to figure out what the attraction was for the dolls; closing the shop for a week? Then later, convincing others to make presents for the bear or horse? Why Beauty? She seemed like any other horse to her.

All the jobs were reassigned to three dressmakers while the owner and the assistant worked on the bears. Ideas were flying from every direction, which surprised the owner. The owner finally saw how everyone at the shop felt about the bears; everyone looked at the old pictures every day, They said if they were between jobs, they could help make items for the bears.

As the jobs came in all three remaining staff helped complete the job quickly, to ensure everyone had more time to work on bear items. The owner didn't understand the mindset, but she promised to do the bear, and her secret project was right in her wheelhouse.

The assistant called Miss Molly and told her about the owner's problems. Molly thank her and said she would work on the issue. Miss Molly started typing. She talked about the flood and how Miss Gail and Mr. Jerry saved Miss Joy. Why she got Dolly and eventually the kids were required to bring their dolls and bears to church. After all, God gave them to the kids to be companions, where better to bring God's gift than the House of the Lord?, All the kids made sure to bring them as Molly was a leader and no one wanted to disappoint her. +She went on to talk about Miss Dawn, Miss Mei, the Dean, and Miss Mei's parents; and how they have to retrain Miss Joy as she was an extreme submissive. She covered may more subjects which I will not mention here.

The addition of Cubbie, because of the loss of a husband/ father of Miss Hope and Miss Anne, finally confirmed the bear family tradition. It had specific rules and was a select group.

Buck, Sarah, and Image of God were finally mentioned. As Buck lay in the hospital, Sarah and two friends from Northfield University rode to church on horses. It was then Sarah admitted that she never named a horse because she felt she would get attached to it. She decided it was time to do so. Beauty, her Mother's horse, was her only connection to family Sarah had. Companion and Friend were given to her friends that were at school.

Molly carried her laptop everywhere, always typing. Apache stories were enumerated in great detail. Apache and Beauty were King and Queen of the stable, no doubt about it. Molly cried as she recounted many stories of Miss Daisy and Angel. They were devoted to each other. The letter morphed into a novel-sized book. Miss Molly bought the hospital an extra toner cartridge and paper if they would print and three-hole punches her message for her. Francine helped with the binder cover; they both thought the picture of Image of God ranch gate was best.

As Molly was writing, she realized that everything that happens would not work in any other area. Miss Joy seemed to bind the whole town and ranch and have a series of strange events worked out for the village.

The owner of the store arrived home only to find a notice on her door handle by her local post office. It said, "There was an oversized package waiting for you at the post office. Please, bring this notice to the post office to pick up the parcel."

The binder cover gave away who sent it; as there was the same image of the gate on the montage at the shop.

The owner opened the binder only to notice it was a letter; she thumbed threw the pages only to find a dozen or so pictures embedded int the message. It was one letter crammed into a six-inch binder. Molly had numbered each page, so you knew where you left off.

After reading a page, the owner closed the book and read it after dinner with a nice Merlot.

After ten pages, the owner's heart broke, by the age of five, Miss Molly knew about death than any child should. The owner opened up a new box of tissues, and she could not put the letter down. By 7:30 with no sleep, she finally finished the letter. The last line read, "There may be more to come."

The owner was exhausted, eyes bloodshot and red. The box of tissues emptied, all used and deposited in the trash can. She had no idea. She called in sick to work so that she could get some sleep.

Her work on Bernadette, she was no longer a bear; this was personal, took on new meaning, it was the best work she had ever done. Thanks to Miss Molly, she had a surprise in store.

Marie Ann was ready to reveal her first surprise, the statue. The Parisians were awestruck, as the cameraman slowly panned over the entire sculpture. The kids didn't disappoint; they had become masters. Compliments came pouring in, and every phone had the video. Most copied onto the lock screen.

The following day, Marie Ann revealed two relics, but they were very ordinary looking.

Then, the crates arrived, a medium-sized one addressed to Beth; a large one addressed to Marie Ann.

Without their knowledge, the screen lowered, and Louis appeared on the screen, Miss Molly silently let the kids know to stay silent. Beth was chosen to go first.

Soon after the worker opened the crate, packing material spread across the room. Molly had Daisy on Facetime.

Molly commented, "Beth, have you ever received a crate before in the mail?"

"No Miss Molly, the closest I got to was Christmas presents, who would send anything to me?"

"Then it will be extra special, like the first one I ever received." Said Miss Daisy.

Beth grabbed the bear she saw, "Look, her name is Ursula, and the little dipper is on her pocket, you sure are sneaky Miss Molly. Look Ursula has a note."

It was from four of the seamstresses; they were honored to make the clothes for Beth, the wardrobe was vast. There was a little bear cup that said cocoa on it. A shirt that said, "I am a cancer survivor. Telescopes, blankets. Each time Beth reached into the crate, it almost swallowed her, only to have her head pop up triumphantly holding up the next item. It took an hour to unpack Beth's box; she was so excited.

The worker opened Marie Ann's crate to find a letter similar to the one Beth got. The box was larger due to the fact it had to be specially packed. Items of all kinds came out of the box, even sunscreen. Of course, any outfit that comes from Orlando is incomplete without Minnie mouse ears.

As expected, her Bear's name was Bernadette. She had a pail of water that was marked, "Healing waters. Her crate had many of the same things Beth's had, except for the Astronomy part."

Marie Ann thought she hit the bottom of the crate. "You are mean Molly," said Miss Daisy, "Can't you help her out? Don't worry Marie Ann; Miss Joy did the same thing to me."

Now Marie saw the box, it said, "Wedding" on it, the box every bride gets for her gown from her shop. When the box lid came off, the images were face up, Marie broke down.

"So, Miss Molly, do I get massive husband points or what, I made her cry.

YOU! You were in on this.

Louis said, "Marie Ann, those are our wedding pictures. Marie has not seen them for years. Keep digging, I will explain."

The hats came out first.

"Those are liberty caps; peasants wore them during the French revolution. The three tri-color pins are presented during vows as well as rings. They represent a new union.

"The rest is fairly self-explanatory; the pictures describe her. Watch the video."

Marie was playing with a little bear cart decorated like the one she rode on.

Molly commented, "Marie Ann, we know you love your country as Marie does. We got you a wedding dress that one would get during the French Revolution.

Marie Ann picked up the rhyme bag.

"No looking, special people collected them; you can see them on your wedding day.

"Can we get some help to bring out the extra-special present?"

Several Disney people brought out the object and placed it in front of Marie Ann.

Marie shuffled through the images she had on her lap, "Thank you, husband, for this gift to Marie Ann."

"Don't thank me, it was your friends, who wish to be nameless, who made this for you from scratch, even steaming the wood to curve it. They made it out of love for you; a present of love can't be made or bought."

Standing in front of Marie Ann was a bridal trellis, precisely like the one Marie had.

"I love you husband, thanks for doing this for Marie Ann."

Marie Ann was giddy; the whole day was a new revelation for her.

The concerts on the plaza just continued, and would continue to do so until Marie Ann said, "All my projects have been revealed." Some groups had found promising talent and having fun playing with them.

A week later, the whole ward was up before dawn; the big reveal was today. Mr. David, Mr. Jim, and the Senior partner were all there. Marie Ann requested Miss Director to let all nurses and doctors have the five minutes before sunrise to ten minutes after sunrise off. Because a skeletal staff runs nights and the new shift comes in at 8:00 hours, she granted it. The priest Friday afternoon wrote a sign, "Tomorrow, there is a sunrise mass in the children's cancer ward, please make plans to attend."

Marie Ann talked to her friends three days previously, every boss shut down for the big reveal, even though her friends didn't know what it was.

Everyone in Paris was holding their breath. The little boy played his prerecorded speech. Mr. David started a countdown; people were moving around to see the reveal better. "10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1... Sunrise and the screens parted, there was total silence.

The cardinal present stepped forward; he sensed there was something wrong; the kids did not get the reaction they were expecting, and every face was of total dejection.

He did not speak English, so Marie Ann's friend stood beside him and translated.

"Please do not take our silence as a bad thing, when we see something so beautiful as this, words fail me. You have done what has not been done for centuries. You may have used different materials, but the love you put into this beautiful window, it equates to the faith of the people who built this church. Marie Ann, you are an amazing woman. The Holy Spirit has given you many gifts, Art, the love for kids and country. I pray you will cultivate all things with higher education.

Three days later, the Crown of Thorns was revealed.

If the Rose Window was the finale, then all that was needed was the Encore. It took all three Disney troupes, and some construction workers to put it in place. Once it was securely positioned, the Catholic workers knelt before it, crossed themselves, and also said a prayer before leaving.

Molly told the children, "As you know, tomorrow is THE special day. After the reveal we are going to have a mass, Miss Francine will be reading in English and Miss Marie will be reading in French. They will alternate every few paragraphs. Marie Ann will be reading several Bible readings. The English will be on the screen. We will also have hymns. It will last a long time. If the French become too confusing, pray until the English are back.

"We thought the three French people we have should conduct the service; we mean no disrespect for any of you who can read both languages."

On the day, as the curtain was drawn aside, there was an audible gasp and all in the plaza genuflected in adoration to the cross, the kids in the ward followed suit. After several minutes of prayer, thousands of people gave Marie Ann and the kids a standing ovation. The cross glittered and gleamed from the light from the window.

Sunday evening in Paris, the whole town shut down so anyone who wanted to go to the plaza could.

Marie Ann's friends lit up the mega boards across Paris, "Grand Finale reveals for Marie Ann's Notre Dame this Sunday, a bi-lingual mass will follow." Then it gave the times.

After Molly's hospitalization, it came to pass, that Molly asked Daisy, "Could I live with you?" Daisy greeted the news with great joy in her heart. The women took over a week sorting through

everything Molly wanted to save; except for some pieces furniture that Miss Joy gave to Molly of Gran's things, the rest were all related to Image of God ranch or Northfield. Molly wrote Marie Ann a very long letter and placed it in a large envelope with several other items, then wrote her name on the outside. Daisy did the same for Tommy.

The winds from the North were growing colder; the days dimmer. Daisy called the owner of the ranch, "Hello friend, would it be all right if Molly and I came down to visit for a week or so?"

"Miss Daisy, how are you? You are welcome anytime."

When they arrived, both walked to the statue, Molly aided by a walker, to pay respects to their mentors and both laid their bouquets near its base in the snow. The stay was an emotional lift for Molly. At the end of the week, after dinner, Miss Daisy asked to have a private word with the owner. "Could you read this letter after breakfast tomorrow? It will explain everything, you will need these two cases, the green one is mine and the blue one is Molly's, they also are marked for the addressee.

That night Daisy climbed in bed with Molly, "Molly hold onto me tight. Tonight is our last prayer time together, we have crossed the rapids together, crawled and carried others over the boulders, now we are at the far bank, a short walk to our city. It is time for us to rest, we will go together."

Daisy's health plunged overnight, neither Molly nor Daisy wanted to be delayed when they got God's call. After entering their last entry in their prayer logs, they marked it in yellow. Daisy placed Molly's phone on Molly's chest, set to full volume, and called her three times, hearing the ring tone permitted Molly to slip away. There would be no answer; the last song had been sung.

Upon hearing the loud phone, the owner sent his grandson out to the bunkhouse. The grandson came back, tears flowing down his cheeks, "Granddad, we need to call the pastor, Miss Molly, and Miss Daisy was called home, in each other's arms."

A coffee mug shattered as it hit the floorboards. The funeral was at the Northfield church, the headstone was made years before the joint funeral, there were no dates, just names and the inscription, "The world tried to pull us asunder, but we held on tight to each other, and never let go."

The saying could not even scratch the surface to describe the kind of bond the two women had with each other.

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