The Pact Ch. 05-18


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"One thing is sure. You didn't get your dick from Dad. I should know. I saw him expose himself to my best friend Hannah from college when she came over for winter break. She laughed and told him that she would rather fuck her own father if she wanted a man that old, because at least he had a proper cock. Dad was pissed, but didn't dare to kick her out, because then he would have to tell Mom why. He was always insecure about his small dick and it probably helped make him a warped person. Not that this excuses it, but I think that it partly explains things," Becky informed us all.

"So, where did I get my dick?" I grinned.

"Yeah, who do we have to thank for it?" Des chimed in, blushing from the praise that Becky gave her as being perfect for me.

"Grandfather, our father's dad. He was a bit of a lecher himself and in the community got repeated scolding from the rabbis in the congregation for his womanizing ways. You're cut from the same cloth as him. You're a skirt-chaser, but not a cruel, abusive bastard.

"The bisexual thing, who knows? Maybe Uncle Yitzhak, our great-uncle. There were always rumors about him and various guys, but they were never proven, of course. It's especially rumored that he got out of Leningrad into Finland by trading sexual favors with a KGB guard, but I wouldn't know. Stalin's Russia was never a fun place for Jews or homosexuals, or much of anyone else, come to think of it, so I don't blame him.

"I will tell you this. You defy the usual Jewish guy stereotype by several inches, which is another plus in your column. You're a full-blooded Israelite, too, right down to the bris. You've probably always wondered why you didn't look like an Ian Fitzsimmons. Well, now you know. You're not an Irishman, you're a Hebrew," Becky continued her revelations.

"So, I'm adopted. I'm a Jew. My father was a rat bastard corporate whore who mistreated a secretary, who turned out to be my mother. What was her name?" I asked to be sure.

"Miriam Finkel. Yep, as I said. She was Jewish, too. Sweet lady, deserved better than what Dad gave to her. He fired her eventually, anyway, but she told the rabbi and Dad was a pariah at Temple for a good long while. Pretty much the entire synagogue sided with her, as they should.

"You're a lot better man than Dad. I wouldn't consider incest with him if he was alive and begging for it. You defy all the bad Jewish stereotypes that anti-Semites believe so much. He lived them in every detail, though admittedly the small cock wasn't his fault. I wouldn't mind eating Mom out, but she's happily married to a former nun, believe it or not. She's the monogamous type. You and I aren't, thankfully.

"Any other questions?" Becky smiled at us.

"Yeah, does Ian have a trust fund or something, then? Is he rich?" Liam suddenly queried.

"Honey, I love you, but why do you care about that? Or is it that you're nosy? By the way, you're next to have my ass and I want badly to give it to you, so make sure to eat well at breakfast. You'll need the energy. I love you very much. You are my soulmate, Liam. Ian is my brother. It's a different kind of love. I'm in love with both of you, but one of you is a matter of blood and the need to bond with family, while the other is just the kinky Latin stud who really gets me more than anyone else.

"That would be you, of course. You get why I cry over war movies and not over sappy chick flicks like most women. You see why I prefer movie butter popcorn to kettle corn and black olives to green ones. You share my passion for karate, kendo, and judo. We click, bond in other ways that other men never could with me. I adore how you are with your niece, for example, and I admire your business savvy for what it is. I love your Reuben sandwiches and your sautéed cabbage. I understand how annoying you find it when your mother badgers you about your love life. Mine does the same to me, mostly because she is happy and wants me to be so, too," Becky completely changed topics to her relationship with Liam.

"Damn it, girl! We really have to get married now!" Liam laughed as he kissed Becky very passionately on the mouth.

"I'm not done yet. You asked about Ian's finances. Well, that's simple. I wired a huge chunk of my money to him last night. I've been living well on it, so much of the rest is Ian's. Dad left him nothing, but that was his problem. As far as I am concerned, part of Dad's estate belongs to Ian, plain and simple. He's my brother and he gets his fair share of the inheritance. Des, your fiancé is now a multi-millionaire. He never has to work another day in his life if he doesn't wish it.

"That's not the only surprise, however. I didn't say 'half'. That was for a reason. It's more like a third. Dad had one more child out of wedlock and that was Tammy. Yes, Tammy, I am your sister and Ian is your brother. I wired another third of the funds to you last night as well. Felix, you married an heiress and didn't even know it. Yep, Ian, your other sister is a sista. You fucked her, too, so that's incest as well as interracial coupling. Quite the wild man, aren't you?" Becky surprised everyone now.

"Oh, damn, I am so fucking wet right now I can't believe it! I fucked my own brother! My brother is a white man and I let him fuck me while extremely fertile! Oh, God! This is incredible! No wonder I liked Ian so much from the start. He's my brother! Just you wait, next time I get the chance to have Ian fuck me thirty ways to Sunday, I'm gonna want to eat your pussy, too, Sis. I want to have a fucking threesome with my brother and sister!" Tammy reacted unexpectedly by both kissing both of us, her siblings, on the mouth.

"Yes, and I fucked him, knowing that he was my brother. I let you eat my pussy, knowing that you're my sister. I'm totally there with you on the incestuous threesome idea. I love it. By the way, Ian, I can't insist, since I'm not really your boss, but I badly want you to fuck me at work at least once a day. Well, even if I were your boss, I wouldn't act like my old man, as tempting as it would be. I would take no for an answer, though I would still make those advances, more as an open invitation. Like it or not, you're the resident stud and we're your harem. I planned it that way. I set it up to ensure that my brother would have partners ideal for his pleasure, myself included," Becky declared, rubbing her pussy as she said this.

"Very well, Sis. As your brother, I want to thank you and treat both you, my other sister Tammy, my loving fiancée Desiree, my brother-in-law Felix, my future brother-in-law Liam, my delicious girlfriends Blanca and Tina, and my good friend Bacchus to a very nice breakfast at Denny's. How about it? We can use the energy, with all the sex we have in mind for the rest of the day, I suspect. Thank you for being such a good sister, Becky, among other things. I do have one question, however. Does this make me Blanca's uncle, too?" I smiled with devious intent as I got dressed.

"Technically, no. Maybe uncle-in-law, if there is such a thing. Still, if she wants to call you Uncle Ian, I have no problem with it, as long as she calls us Uncle Liam and Aunt Becky. As for breakfast, I appreciate it, but allow me to make this my treat. You're my brother and it's high time that I do something special for you, for Tammy, for all of you, really," Becky proposed.

"Okay, then, you're Uncle Liam, Aunt Becky, Uncle Ian, Aunt Desiree, Aunt Tammy, Uncle Felix, and Uncle Bacchus, as far as I'm concerned, from now on. That's what I'll call you from here on out. Tina here will be my wife. That's how I think of her. She's my wife. I want to marry her, in fact, someday. How about it, Tina? Will you marry me? Don't worry. We'll keep fucking everyone, but we'll do it as wife and wife, okay?" Blanca urged us all.

"Yes! I will marry you, Blanca! I've waited for a while for this proposal and I've always known that I would accept it. So, may I call them aunts and uncles, too?" Tina replied, kissing Blanca feverishly on the lips.

"Hell, yeah!" Blanca answered, kissing Tina back just as hard.

"Hey, we're family now, all of us, and when Nina joins us, you can call her Aunt Nina, too. I'll sweet talk her into it, of course. Now, how about that breakfast? I'm hungry and I want more calories to burn away with our next little orgy," Des snickered, holding my hand and not letting go.

Yes, we're family now. Just add Nina, and it will be complete. Boy, would that be a situation. As it was, I was about to become a father several times over, and I really looked forward to that. We would definitely need more space, so the extra money would come in handy. Two sisters and I fucked them both ... talk about your surprises!

Chapter 12

"So, Ian, Des, you two are engaged to marry. Liam and I are now engaged as well. Blanca and Tina are engaged. Felix and Tammy are already married. That leaves Bacchus and Nina as the only true singles in this group. Allow me to propose this solution, assuming that Nina joins us, which I believe that she will. Bacchus should marry Nina, plain and simple. I know that this would shock your parents, but it is the obvious answer. Whether or not they realize what's really going on will depend on how much information you volunteer and how much they guess. That's what I think should happen," Becky informed us as she polished off her bacon.

"Fine by me. Nina could do a lot worse. Bacchus definitely knows how to fuck and has the gear for it. Of course, she will be part of the group if my plans work and all four men will be nailing her, plus all of the ladies. I still plan for Ian to put a baby in her, but Bacchus will certainly get a chance as well, as will Felix and Liam. It might even be fun to make it a game, have all of them fuck her when she's very fertile and see who puts the bun in her oven. I love the idea of them knocking up my little sister, my sweet Nina. Want to see her picture?" Des offered, while enjoying her French toast and feeding me a bite with her fingers.

"Sure," Bacchus grinned, thinking of their wedding night, which would be unorthodox, but would still be fun for both man and wife.

Des showed them what I had already seen. Nina was smaller than Des, but not extremely so. It was as much a matter of her petite build and rather short stature that made her seem as tiny as anything else. The younger sister had a very Mediterranean, olive complexion, as well as heterochromic eyes, the only trait that she shared with Des. Her hair was long, wavy, and chestnut brown. The women in Des's family never could bring themselves to cut their hair, or so it seemed. If Des had more of her Irish mother to her, Nina was definitely Italian.

"Fuck, yeah! I would totally hit that!" Liam reacted with obvious lust.

"So would I. Definitely. But then I've met her in person and I admit that she gave me some hard-ons. Sorry, Des, but it's true," I grinned as I confessed that information while I devoured my omelet.

"Oh, and you didn't think that I knew? Trust me, I am well aware that you've wanted to fuck her for a while. What man in his right mind wouldn't? No need to apologize. Just make sure you finish the job and fill her belly with your spawn," Des responded with a serious lip lock and a smile as she stroked my cock under the table.

"And mine," Felix added as he finished off his ham, egg, and cheese sandwich.

"Also mine," Bacchus chimed in, swallowing some orange juice right afterward.

"Mine as well," Liam declared, while wolfing down his Potatoes O'Brien.

"I wouldn't mind a little of your spawn myself. Would it trouble you terribly, ladies, if I let these men gang-bang me, just this once? I went off the Pill, because I'm tired of trying to seduce my brother into fucking me. He'll screw his boyfriend, but not me. He really must be gay, or just not into incest," Kerry, our waitress, informed us as she gave us the check, which Becky rushed to pay.

"Sounds gay to me, if he doesn't want you, though I suppose that he could be bisexual and monogamous or just opposed to incest. God have mercy, you're the sexiest waitress I've ever met!" I remarked on Kerry's classic white-blonde hair, baby blue eyes, and fair skin with a scattering of freckles.

Kerry leaned over in her top that barely covered all of her cleavage, making it clear that she wore no bra, and told me in her saucy voice, "Just for that, honey, consider me your permanent booty call. My ass is yours for life, whatever else I do or whomever else I date. I have never been so highly praised by anyone, though I've had some definite flattery in my time. I don't even care if it's true. A girl like me can never hear something like that too much. I will fuck you and anyone else you say, anytime, anyplace, whatever the risk to me. You call me, and I'm there. Here's my phone number."

"Well, Ian, I'd say that you just got yourself a living, breathing sex toy, all for your pleasure. Good work, man! Way to go!" Liam high-fived me as I programmed in the number.

"Kerry, if you feel that way, just move in with us, please. Do yourself and all of us a favor. Move in with Ian and the rest of us. We're planning to shack up and you could have permanent, lifelong access to Ian and every other person in this circle, sexually, for whatever both you and we desire. If your brother opens up to fucking you, his boyfriend and he could also join us, right? Wouldn't you agree with that, Ian?" Des proposed.

"Absolutely. I concur completely. I'd fuck you any day of the week and fifty ways to Sunday, and so would the rest of us. I need to make sure I save plenty for the others, but I would definitely take you up on your promised booty," I felt my cock stir seriously while Kerry topped off my coffee and even stirred in the cream and sugar.

"See, Kerry, you really ought to bring your sweet ass over as soon as you can for that gang-bang. Just not here. Do it where we can all have room to fuck you silly. I certainly wouldn't mind that mouth of yours between my thighs. You're not opposed to eating black pussy, I trust," Tammy, who had been surprisingly quiet, spoke at last while she ate the last bite of her sausage biscuits and gravy.

"Honey, I'd eat any of you gals out if Ian tells me to ... whatever Ian says goes from now on. He runs my life. Besides, the idea of some brown sugar doesn't sound bad at all. As of today, I consider myself Ian's slut. Aaron can kiss my ass. Oh, I'd still fuck him given the chance, and his boy-toy Leo, though it's hard to tell who's the bigger twink. It's part of why I want to fuck them so much, but I want Ian for other reasons, not just the compliment. Still, the compliment made it easy and sealed the deal. Even Aaron and Leo will have to deal with Ian's timing and plans, whatever they might be.

"So, how about that gang-bang? Don't worry, I'm up for anything that you guys want, especially Ian. Whatever it is. Hell, I'll clock out now if Ian asks me to. I can find another job. I will not find another Ian," Kerry confessed as she abruptly sat on my lap and let my hands roam her naked ass ... yes, she went commando!

"You got that right, no offense to the other guys," Des perked up.

"None taken. We're all unique, I think," Felix assured her.

"My sentiments exactly," Bacchus joined in.

"We can find you another job indeed, but hopefully your boss will understand you clocking out early one day, anyway. I'll try to convince him if you need any help with that, babe. If not, I'll hire you for something, trust me, or get you hired, if you prefer waiting tables," Becky promised Kerry, taking the opportunity to touch her cleavage lightly and playfully as she did so.

"In that case, how about it, Ian? Want a sexy waitress tagging along for the trip home? I swear, I'll be nothing but fun for you guys. Anyone in the group can fuck me at will, provided that Ian is cool with it. I belong to him now. If he wants, I'll even have his name tattooed on my body, anywhere he chooses. As for being a waitress, I love it. I get to serve people, especially the ones who make my pussy wet. Right now, I'm soaked, to be honest, as Ian can attest," Kerry pleaded with me.

"I certainly can," I answered, licking Kerry's pussy juices off my fingers, "Honey, there's no two ways around it. You're gonna fuckin' live with us. Get ready to be fucked good and hard by anyone I designate. You want to be my slut, that's the deal. Move in with us. Fuck us whenever we like. And damn well get that tattoo, on your fine naked ass! As for your twink brother and his beau, if they want to join in, the more the merrier. After all, we still want to add Nina, who absolutely must marry Bacchus. Your bro can marry his fellow twink. But what about you? No desire for a husband within the harem?"

"I'm your slut. That's good enough for me. I do not want anyone thinking that I want anything more than to serve you. That's all I want and that's what pleases me, to bring you pleasure and happiness. If I'm the odd woman out, so be it. Whatever you want me to do, I'll do it. I have no desire to marry, just to please you. Moving in with you? It's like a dream come true. If you want me to do amateur porn, I'll even do that. Hell, I'd do professional porn if it pleased you or even turn tricks for you if that turned you on. I'm all about pleasing Ian, more than anything else in the world," Kerry swore, not protesting even a little when Felix stuck his hand up her skirt and began stroking her clit.

"Alright, let's fucking go already!" I led the others, commenting to Des, "Sure you're not related to her?"

"Not that I know, but I must admit, great minds think alike. I'm still your ginger slut, right? She's your blonde. Nina's your brunette," Des reacted, adding, "trust me, though, Nina's cut from the same cloth. I've checked her internet history. Forgot to mention that little juicy bit. She reads about guys not unlike you, and one of her favorite story codes is brother-in-law, sister-in-law. Wonder why? Another is lesbian incest, particularly sisters. I've read her comments, even, about how much she wanted to fuck her sister and sister's fiancé. Wonder what that means?"

"Wait, I thought that she was an innocent sort, goody two-shoes Catholic schoolgirl type," I expressed surprise while I fondled both her ass and Kerry's.

"No, she's only half as innocent as she lets them think, and that's mostly her reluctance to make too much trouble. Deep down, she's one kinky bitch. I read one story that she rated highly and it was about a man who fucked two sisters and knocked them both up at once, one of them his fiancée and the other his future sister-in-law. Trust me, Nina will grab the chance to ride you. She'll really like Kerry, too. I can just tell. Anyway, let's get moving," Des replied as she joined us on the trip home.

"Wow, you just never know, do ya? I would never have guessed! No wonder you're really rooting for Nina to join us! She's a little wild thing, just like Big Sis. So, Kerry, what are your thoughts on that?" I asked while sitting in the van that had taken us to Denny's and now took us back.

"I'll do whatever you like, honey, but I admit that if ordered to eat Nina's pussy or ass, I would enjoy it more than you ever know. She sounds scrumptious and I want to make her squeal with pleasure as I lick her everywhere below the waist. May I sit on her face, too?" Kerry smiled and snickered as Des and I both grabbed and sensually rubbed her butt-cheeks.

"Oh, you'll get that chance," Des promised, giggling.

Meanwhile, Becky, who hadn't had that much of me yet, knelt and unzipped my pants to suck my dick. To see the woman who I had expected to be my boss just yesterday go down on me and feel her sensuous mouth and tongue on my cock was to truly feel alive. To see Kerry squat over Becky and me while I fucked my sister's throat was even more incredible. I took the hint and started fingering Kerry's butt while Becky sucked and licked my dick.
