The Parker Residence

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Sharon takes on a new job.
8.5k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/12/2023
Created 10/05/2022
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Sharon was tired. Her job had become a bit of a drag; the pay not worth the amount of crap she had to put up with. As a cashier at a mom and pop grocery store she had become less than enamored of the general public. She feared that if she continued at this job she would start to hate people, which she did not want of herself. Not only that, but she was constantly hit on by men, and occasionally women. She didn't mind it usually, but some times it just made her feel a bit useless. She understood that attractive people were treated differently. Some times, she just hated it. But, if she was honest, she did sometimes used it to her advantage.

She was on the internet, and she ran into this local add she had seen a few times. It was odd, vague, but also intrigued her.

The Parker Residence:

Rich man wants attractive young woman to work on his household staff.

Must be willing to clean house, occasionally drive, and other small chores

around my very large home. She will be afforded her own living quarters

within that home, and will be asked to do other things as needed.

After that there was contact information and she finally decided to make call that number.

"Hello, Parker residence."

"Yes..., I am answering an add I found on the internet and this was given as the number to call,"

"Ah, a moment. I will see if the master is available."

She thought to herself, the master? It was a weird way to refer to an employer. But what the hell, he was apparently a very rich guy, and she knew next to nothing about how rich people acted.

"Yes, Robert here."

"Mr. Parker..., I am answering an add I found on the internet."

"Of course, of course. You are interested in working for me?"

"Yes, depending on the pay and benefits and such."

"Well, I will be up front, I don't want to waste your time, or mine. Are you willing to have sex?"

It was a shocking thing to hear someone ask over the phone. She had never thought she would hear that question up front. Especially about an inquiry for employment. "Uhm, well, I don't think so. No."

"Then perhaps you should seek employment else where. I might have to change my add, it seems most of those that call are not expecting to hear that question. I get it, it's okay, but it is an absolute requirement for any who will work for me. So you have a good... "

He was about hang up but she quickly interrupted, "How, I mean how can you ask that question? Is it legal?"

"To ask the question is not breaking any laws. I need women who enjoy sex, and are willing to, well, have sex. I understand if you are not..., that's okay. Now is there anything more?"

She hesitated, she said nothing, for a moment she thought he had hung up. "Where would we meet for this interview. You will have to admit, it is a bit out there. And does the job pay well?"

"I have four women who work for me, I usually require five to run my household. One moved on a few months ago and I have been trying since to replace her. I usually invite those that interview out to a meal, on my tab, and then we can go over everything. Working for me I can tell you pays very well. Are you honestly considering it now?"

God, she thought to herself. Could she really consider this job. What the fuck did she have to lose?

"Yes, I guess I am." With that he told her he could have her driver pick her up, or they could meet at a restaurant he frequented. The restaurant not that fancy which surprised her. She said she would meet him there for lunch the following day. She could not believe she even agreed to it. The meeting would be tomorrow, Wednesday, on Thursday she had to go back to work. She shocked herself. Guess I am braver than I thought.

At five foot six inches tall, long dark hair, brown eyes and a body many men loved to stare at, Sharon was used to being looked at. But still, she was nervous. She arrived a few minutes early. Not too early, Just enough to see if he would arrive early. She wanted to check this rich guy out before she sat with him.

He said he would be at a corner table, and he was as good as his word. This table away from prying ears. She was shocked. He was so attractive. Maybe in his thirties, he had dark hair and eyes, a perfectly trimmed mustache, normal eyebrows and a very sensuous smile. As she walked up to the table he stood and she saw that he was tall, an inch or two over six feet. He wore dark pants and a dark low cut shirt that showed of his nice chest. Nothing like the staid business man she had anticipated. His sleeves were rolled up and she could see from the bulges in his shirt, and his thick arms, that this was a man that worked out.

Reaching out a hand as he stood, she said, "Hello, I am Sharon."

He did not say his name but merely walked around, pulled her chair out and said, "Have a seat pretty lady." Sharon sat across from him. She was very nervous. She was unsure how this would go. He took his seat across from her and after taking a deep breath he said, "In truth, I am surprised you are here. You are obviously a beautiful young woman, and you were shocked by my question."

Looking down at her hands she replied in a half whisper, "I am surprised at myself. I am not a virgin, but your question. Well aside from it being out of the blue, it would frighten off most women."

"That is why I am honest and open about it. I don't want to lie about what I want my household staff to do." Lowering his voice here he continued. "Sex is definitely part of it. Young lady I must tell you, you are gorgeous. May I ask how old you are?"

Sharon blushed. "You are very bold. You seem not at all worried about the reactions you might receive when you talk to someone you barely know. About sex I mean. It is disarming. I am nineteen."

"A bit young," a strange look crossed his face. He was taken aback by her age, she thought. "I hope you mean that in a good way. The bold comment." With that he slid a piece of paper across the table, obviously for her to read. The first part was standard fair explaining her duties, and that overtime would be offered but never demanded. Then the second section was very surprising. That she would occasionally be asked to have sex with him, and rarely to spend the night in his bed. She could be paid a standard salary, which was incredible, or could be paid by the hour, which was also incredible. The paper said that he offered bonuses for performance and that any medical needs he would pay for.

Then part three. It was crazy. Employees would occasionally be asked to have sex with other men, or even women, and other crazy things. He would be known as master, even in front of other people. She would occasionally be required to have sex with other staff members. If she lasted one year, she would be given a big bonus and she could also stay receiving a bonus that would increase each year. If she only lasted six months, she would be given a stipend for six weeks for her to find new employment. Anything less and she would leave with what ever money she earned, and any thing she wanted from her bedroom. Including the bed.

"This is for real. This is not some kind of crazy joke. And it can't be legal."

"Technically, probably not. It is basically a promise I make to my girls. I take care of my girls."

"And you need me to sign this and agree to all of these stipulations?"

"Yes, I do. I am completely open about what I want. You don't have to sign it right now, I give you through Sunday to think about it, but as I will be out of town for a week starting Monday, I would really prefer that you come to my house Friday. Sign and then we can go shopping on Saturday to decorate your room. This is all up to you Sharon." Having said that, he took it back, obviously he was careful with his..., contract?

Her answer was to look into his very sincere eyes and say, "I really will have to think about this. This is crazy, I can't believe I am even considering it."

The handsome gentleman, who had never told him his name. She assumed it was Parker as he handed her a card. "That is my direct line. Just call..., and I dearly hope you say yes." Leaning in he whispered in her ear as he arose, "Order anything you like, it is on me. I have to go. We can have a lot of fun, Sharon." His warm breath on her ear, his sensuality made her shudder. She read the card, Robert Thoreson. At least she knew his name now.


All that evening all she could think of was him. He was so hot. So magnetic. But, what he was asking for was basically a sex slave. Was she up for that? I mean, could she do that for six months. Six figures was incredible. A year? The money was so very tempting, basically she would be whoring herself out. God it was wild!

Sharon went to bed undecided. She could not believe of herself that she was even considering it. But, it was such good money, and she could save, actually go to school. Her mom and dad had done the best they could, but made just enough money so that she could not get a scholarship, but not enough to send her to a real college. A University.

The morning was beautiful. Right at that moment she decided to call in sick. What ever she decided she needed some time to think it over. She ate a light breakfast, started to read a few pages of a novel she had been reading and then decided to call a friend.

Janelle was pretty, but not as pretty as her, and Sharon knew it. Janelle was a good friend, but often a bit jealous especially when they went out as the guys had a tendency to stare at her. "Hello, this is Janelle."

"Hello girl, how is ya?" Sharon responded.

"Hey..., great! You at work, on a break?"

"No, in truth I am playing hooky. I need to tell you something, but maybe it would be better in person. Can you come over here? I really need to talk this out."

"Sure, give me a half hour, gotta brush my teeth and stuff. I will be right over."

She had told Janelle everything. Janelle sat in silence for just a moment and finally said. "You are right. This is wild. Never heard of anything like it. You actually might want to do this? And it does sound like he wants a sex slave. You say he fucks all his staff?"

"Yes, he implied as much. Or maybe he said it outright. It is all so jumbled in my head. But the money, right? My God that is a lot of money. "

"This could be dangerous, girl. You don't know this guy. Aside from the sex, I mean that is wild enough, but you would be at is beck and call."

"Yes, but a year. I could do a year, maybe two."

"It's up to you, not sure what I would do if I were in your shoes. But you will call me as often as you can, and if I don't hear from you, I am calling the police. I think you have already decided. You are going to move in with this guy. "

Sharon smiled, leaned over and kissed Janelle as they often did. Like sisters. "Yes, yes I am."


She was nervous, his driver had picked her up and then escorted her into what she thought of as an entryway or large foyer. The house was huge, fancy paintings and decorations covering the place. The house was like something out of a movie.

She had expected a staff member to come and escort her to the "Master." Instead the door to the main house opened and he walked in. She stood and he came to her as if she were an long lost friend. She wore a red miniskirt, a white blouse with a black bra underneath, and her hair she had combed to one side, tucked behind her left ear. "Oh my God, you are beautiful. Now come, follow me let me introduce you to the other ladies."

From the entryway, they stepped directly into a huge living room. To their right at the back of the living room was a fireplace. A few fee from that fireplace was a half wall, which turned to a full wall on it's way to the kitchen. A small opening through middle of the half wall was the entrance to the kitchen. It was this hallway that he directed her down, still holding her hand. The living room they left must be fifty feet, by fifty feet. When they came to the kitchen, four attractive women stood at the closest end of an island, facing her and her escort as they entered.

Nodding at the first of these ladies she made note of a blond in a traditional maids outfit. Traditional, but very sexy. She was tall, perhaps five feet ten inches. The same height as Sharon. Her figure was trim, and he maids outfit showed off her incredible legs. "This is Lisa, she has been here the longest, what three years Lisa?"

"Yes Master, Three years and a couple of months. I live to serve. " It was strange reply. Sharon thought it odd, but everything about this place, this man and these women, was odd.

Next inline was a redhead. She was also quite attractive if in a more traditional way. This redhead was on the thin side, even more so then Lisa. She had beautiful dark eyes, and her breasts were hard to miss, perhaps as big as D's, it was hard to tell in the strange outfit she wore. She wore a man's dinner jacket, cut wide. It was black, underneath a white blouse pushing the jacket out and to the sides, this because of her large breasts. She wore pants as if in a suit except they were made into shorts. She had beautiful legs, and she wore short heals which seemed to add to the sexiness of her legs.

"This is Eloise, we just call her Lou."

"Yes Master, I live to serve." Sharon suddenly realized this mantra was part of the job. Part of what he wanted his girls to say. She suppressed a smile, but did not think it would make a good impression if she let her face show her thoughts. Sharon did all she could to keep her face neutral.

"She is my personal assistant, and her job is to keep my schedule. She runs errands for my business dealings. Occasionally she drives when my driver is off, and even helps to keep my house clean." He seemed to not think her attire was strange at all.

"Next is Alice." Sharon noticed that she was dressed very similarly to Lisa, except her outfit was white, with some black bordering on the sleeves, the hem of her ruffled skirt, and a black apron. Where Lisa's apron was white. They both wore clear tights and black three inch heels, which she could not imagine them working in around the house. "Her duties are basically the same as Lisa's."

The fourth woman was different. She was older, dressed in a pants suit and nice shoes. "This is Karen. It is she who really runs the household. She is a nutritionist and does all the scheduling. Daily scheduling, parties, what ever is needed. It is she who will offer overtime when needed. If you take the wage that is. I would recommend the salary offered, it will make you more money in the long run.

Karen makes my meals, and yours if you want, but is the only one we does not work extra jobs around the house. She has enough to do an I am not her only client. I do pay her very well. You on the other hand make take the salary I offered, or the wage. It is your choice. I am also certain you will find on other employment that pays as well as I do."

"Yes, and I live to serve also," she replied. "You should know I am married, but I too have sex with the Master. My husband is aware and does not mind."

The Master then said, "There is also a security team. There are three of them and you will rarely see them and they mostly patrol the grounds outside. But, if any of the three wants sex, and they are not on the clock, you will be available for them, unless over ruled by Karen because of work that needs to be done."

Sharon was still absorbing everything she had just heard. She was sitting in Robert's office across from his desk on a comfortable chair. He was behind the desk, shuffling through a stack of paperwork that she was in the process of reading, one sheet at a time. She signed her third piece of paper when he asked, "You are sure you are comfortable with everything you have read so far. I don't want any regrets. Honestly, your age concerns me." Putting up his hand up he continued, "I want a woman who is willing to please me. I mean, she is willing to learn, to do what I ask in the bedroom. For the first few weeks of your employment, you will be in my bed more then is normal." Looking in her eyes he said. "I want to fuck you. I want to fuck you a lot. You are so damn beautiful."

Against her will she felt her pussy begin to lubricate. She was sure she was blushing, but there was something about this magnetic man. His eyes, his sensual lips. He oozed sex and she knew she wanted to find out what it was like with him. Sharon had been with a few boys. Her first encounter at fourteen with her first boyfriend. Since then a few boys had managed to bed her, but never a man like this.

Finally she signed the last of the paperwork. He shuffled them together, put them in a folder and unlocking a drawer on the left side of his desk he stuck the folder in it. Closing the desk drawer he walked over to his couch that was to the left of his desk. "Sharon, come suck my cock."

He leaned back on the couch and she walked over. Dropping to her knees she first took off his shoes and even his socks. She made not of the soft carpeted floor in his office. Sharon then reached up and unbuckled his pants, with his assistance removing them, and then his underwear. She was blushing she was certain, she felt a warmth around her head. His cock popped out, as she pulled down his underwear, and it was the largest she had ever seen up close. And it was already rigid. She was inexperienced at this, but she knew it was part of the job. Grasping his cock at the base she began to lick underneath his balls. He sat not moving and said, "Mmm, that's good, yes. Lick up the shaft. "

Sharon did as he asked, sliding her tongue up his rigid dick. She guessed it was eight or nine inches and wondered what it would feel like to have that monster inside her. Knowing the anatomy of a penis, she took he head of his cock into her mouth and licked his frenulum. The sensitive spot on the underside just below the head of the cock. He moaned which pleased her. She looked up at him, his head was back, obviously enjoying what she was doing. She was no pro, but she attempted to take more of his manhood into her mouth. She was able to take about half of his length into her before it hit her gag reflex. Up and down she began, protecting his cock from her teeth with her lips. She then used two fingers to hold the base of his cock and she began to move a bit faster up and down. Sucking his cock was turning her on, more then she could ever remember. Her pussy was hot, lubricating as she sucked up and down. Her body reacting to the man, the magnetic man and his huge cock.

"Fuck yes, not bad. Oh God, not bad at all. But now, Sharon, climb on top of me and fuck me."

She was wearing a short mini-skirt. Knowing what she was agreeing too, she pulled it up to reveal that she was wearing only a g-string. He noticed and she saw his eyes light up. Her blouse was a white V-cut button up. She started to unbutton and he said, "Let me do that. Slide down on my cock meanwhile."

He must have a lot of confidence in his sex appeal, she thought. He must know she is already wet. She climbed up on the couch, straddled him and then reaching behind she grasped his member. She moved the G-string aside. She placed his huge cock against her opening. Saying nothing, she slowly pushed down on his member. She had never had a cock anywhere as big inside her so she went very slowly.

"Oh my God, uhm, Master. Y-your cock is so b-big."

Placing his hands on her ass, holding her in place he said. "Oh fuck, baby. Yes, your pussy is so hot. Oh my God, it feels so good. P-put your hands on my shoulders." Now releasing her ass he moaned as she continued to move slowly up and down on his cock. With each downward thrust, she took more of his huge cock into her pussy.