The People Makers Ch. 04

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Taylor has sex with Tessa's best friend while Tessa watches.
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Part 4 of the 16 part series

Updated 01/05/2024
Created 12/17/2023
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Taylor was at another official function when he heard his name being called by a pretty voice he knew well.


Survey Service Captain Andrea Farber suddenly flowed into his arms. It felt so natural.

Taylor and Andrea had known each other, on and off, for twenty years. They had met at the Academy and there had been a spark between them but Taylor had been with Cherry Oteri. Taylor recovered from that lost opportunity years later when he helped her out on Sheppard's Planet, and the two had consummated their on again, off again relationship right before Andrea got married to Herbert, a four dimensional investment banker. After that, whenever their paths crossed again, they got together for brief but intense dalliances. Whatever guilt that Andrea felt seems to have long since abated. She didn't seem troubled by her infidelities with Taylor as long as they were infrequent enough. Whether she was seeing other men on the side Taylor didn't know and he didn't want to know.

At 40 years of age Andrea hadn't lost any of her beauty. She was a gorgeous redhead with a pretty face, and large breasts with enormous areolas which were a delightful handful for Taylor. Her breasts still wonderfully filled out her dayshirt. How Taylor wished he could have her again!

"How have you been, Handsome?" she asked, her green eyes sparkling.

"I've been stuck here at Port Auburn while the Immortal is being repaired," said Taylor. "It's been a month, and I have two more to go."

"Poor boy," she said mockingly. She traced a finger over his arm as she stood close to him, very close. She gave him a look of yearning. "The Relentless is only going to be here for three days, but I might be able to fit in an old friend in my busy schedule... if he asks me persuasively." Her eyes sparkled at him.

"Andrea...." Taylor sucked his lips in. "I... I can't."

"Can't?" She looked puzzled for a moment. Then her face clarified. "You and Sophie."

"No," said Taylor.

"You and Sophie," Andrea nodded, grinning.

"No, Andrea."

"Your mouth say no, but your eyes say yes. You've finally consummated your slow burning relationship, haven't you?"

"I... it's hard to explain," said Taylor.

"Not so hard," said Andrea. "You have a penis, Michael, a p-e-n-i-s. Sophie for all her calm demeanor, has a vagina, v-a-g-i-n-a. Sophie very much wants you to put your p-e-n-i-s in her super logical v-a-g-i-n-a and I know you've been aching to do the same. Am I right?"


"I'm so happy for you both!" She gave him a quick hug. Then she took a step back. "But... are you exclusive? You can't be seeing her openly. Regulations and all. Are you sure you don't want to spend a few hours catching up... with little ole me?" She smiled at him.

Taylor was sorely tempted. He found Andrea as attractive as ever. And what's more she was an equal, in more ways than one, a fellow Survey Service Captain. His relationship with her was subtly different than it could be with anyone else, the things they could both share and understand, as they both... unburdened themselves.

"Hey there, Gallant Soace Captain!" said Tessa, coming out of nowhere. She somehow inserted herself into the small space between Taylor and Andrea, using her body to widen it. She kissed him on the lips and smiled when he responded. Then she spun around to face Andrea, putting a possessive arm around Taylor's waist. "Aren't you going to introduce me to your new friend, dear?"

"Uh, Tessa, this is Andrea Farber, the Captain of the USS Relentless."

"The Relentless? Wasn't that your old ship, Dear?"

"Yes," said Taylor. "Andrea was given command when I was listed as Missing in Action on New Eden."

"Ouch! That must have hurt! You must really resent her!" said Tessa. "Were the two of you about to come to blows?"

"No," said Taylor, grinning. "And Andrea is not exactly a new friend. We went to the Academy together."

"Really?" said Tessa, with exaggerated wide eyes. "Then this must be the first time you've seen each other in what, 20 years?"

"We've come across each other... from time to time," Taylor grinned. "Andrea, Tessa is a Special Negotiator with the Diplomatic Corps. She's very intuitive, in some ways."

"I can see that," said Andrea, with her hands on her hips, making her pouty breasts stick out all the more. "I hope the two of you are very happy together."

"We are," said Tessa, and Taylor felt her grip grow slightly tighter. "What about you, dear? Is that a wedding ring I see on your finger?"

"Yes," said Andrea. "My husband, Herbert, is a banker."

"You probably miss him terribly. Will you be seeing him soon?" Tessa asked.

Andrea blinked several times. "Yes." She turned to Taylor. "Nice to see you, Michael. And nice meeting you, Tessa." She walked stiffly away.

Taylor turned to Tessa. "You were a little tough on her, weren't you?"

"Just having a little fun," said Tessa. She squeezed his arm. "Actually, she looks like she'd be fun in bed. Is she?"

"I wouldn't know," said Taylor.

"Of course not," said Tessa, rolling her eyes.


Taylor gasped as he pounded in and out of Tessa's pussy. Her thick dark reddish pubic curls concealed the object of his mounting desire. It didn't take Tessa very long to strip another layer of secrets from him.

"She was engaged to be married, the first time we did it," said Taylor. His penis was hard and red and felt ready to erupt inside of her.

"And the next time?"

Taylor poled into her harder. Just a little more....

"The next time?" she asked again, putting a hand on his chest. She didn't push, but the message was clear.

"After she got married," said Taylor, getting a pained look on his face.

"Well well well. You do have a thing for married women. First Cherry, then Andrea. Or was Cherry the first? She certainly wasn't the last, was she?"

Taylor gasped again. He was really close now! He sensed that Tessa didn't seem especially upset by this latest revelation from Taylor's past. If anything, he screaned, she seemed almost turned on by it.....

"Did you like it, my Gallant Space Captain? Seducing a woman about to be married? Looking into the eyes of a fellow officer and making her want you more than the man she was about to marry? Fucking an officer of the line in her own Captain's Cabin?"

"Yes!" Taylor cried, jerking his head back. "Yes, yes yes!" He gasped as sperm whipped out of the head of his penis, shooting into her with enormous velocity. Tessa gave a dry chuckle and wrapped her legs around him as she was richly inseminated.


As they lay together afterwards, Tessa said, "Would you have done it?"

"Done what?"

"Done what?" said Tessa, imitating his voice. "Sex with Andrea. If I hadn't come along at that moment, would you have slept with her?"

"Of course not!" said Taylor indignantly.

"Because you're loyal to me, right?"

"Of course," said Taylor, wondering where this discussion was going.

"But...." Tessa's roving hand was tracing an unusual pattern over his chest, over and over. "What if I said you could?"


She looked at him with big green eyes. "What if I gave my permission? For you and Andrea?"

"You... you would do that?"

Tessa sat up on her elbows. "Maybe. You'd have to ask me to find out."

She looked so beautiful with her heavy sloping breasts, her thick orange curly hair, and her commanding gaze. What was she thinking? Somehow, Taylor felt he was being tested. But what was the correct answer?

Taylor reached out and stroked her cheek. "I want you... and only you."

"Really?" said Tessa. Her face was a mask. Was she jealous... or disappointed?

"Really," said Taylor. And then, to silence all this uncomfortable talk, he pressed his lips against hers.


The following day, Maggie Tysons just happened to drop in on them at lunch. Only Taylor didn't screan that it was accidental. Tessa had invited him out to lunch and she easily could have arranged it.

"Hey, you!" Maggie said, kissing her friend on the lips.

"Hey you," said Tessa. "What are you doing here?"

"Eating lunch, or about to," said Maggie. She put her hands on her hips. "What are you doing here in a cafe?"

"What do you know, Michael and I are eating lunch too!"

"What a coincidence!" Maggie cried.

"Like to join us?"

"Love to," said Tessa. "That is... if it's all right with my Gallant Captain."

Taylor felt all eyes on him. "Of course, Tessa."


"Wallace Manning," said Maggie, between bitefuls. She was talking to Tessa, but in between she would give Taylor furtive looks and little smiles. If Tessa noticed, she didn't seem to mind.

"So you finally sealed the deal with Wallace?" Tessa asked.

"Um hm," said the flirty brunette. Her hair was dark and thin and straight, like Sophie's.

"So, how was it?" Tessa asked.

Maggie dropped her electrofork, extended a finger of one hand and curled the fingers of her other hand into a tunnel and inserted her finger into it. "You know. In, out, in out."

"Maggie!" said Tessa.

"Well, that's all it was," Maggie grinned.

"No romance? No passion?"

Maggie shook her head. "He just used me like a piston." She gave Taylor a sly smile. "No offense, Michael."

"None taken," said Taylor. There was something very appealing about her little smiles. She was flirting with him right in front of his girlfriend! Her face kind of reminded him of Sophie, but her manner was very, very different.

"I'll bet Michael could teach Wallace a thing or two," said Maggie.

"I'm sure he could," said Tessa, giving a hungry smile. "Like what?"

"Like....." Maggie dropped her electrofork with a clatter. She put a hand on Taylor's wrist. Her touch was electric. "Like how to look a woman in the eyes when you make love to her." She stared at Taylor with her firm green eyes. "How to tell a woman how beautiful she is." Her fingers played a rhythmic pattern over his wrist. "How coming inside of her is the most important thing in the world to him." Her green eyes reminded him of Tessa, but the face was Sophie's, a curious combination. "How making your woman happy, how making your woman climax in your arms, is so fucking exciting to you that you'll do anything you need to to make it happen." Her lips were thin, her breasts were far smaller than Tessa's, but like Tessa, she reeked of sensuality.

Taylor, despite himself, felt his shaft stirring in his pants. Her face was close to him now, so very close. She reached out and caressed his cheek. "Know what I mean, Michael?"

"Y-yes." Taylor was embarrassed to hear his voice cracking. The girls laughed, and the tension quickly dissipated. But for the rest of the lunch Tessa gave him knowing looks.

Does she want this?


Sophie was dating Dennis Jerlock. Dennis was a civilian administrator at Port Auburn. That didn't really matter.

What did matter was that he looked a lot like Taylor.

Oh, the two could never been confused for each other, except in a dark alley. But Dennis did have the same gold colored hair, the same broad shoulders, the same blue eyes and strong chin that Taylor did. His chest wasn't as massive, but it was good enough. He was good enough.

Dennis bored her through and through. Sophie knew it on the first date, and reconfirmed it on the second. But when she looked into those blue eyes she could convince herself that she saw Taylor. Her sessions with Taylor were getting hotter and hotter but he had yet to bring her to orgasm. She thought perhaps that her hot sessions with Taylor combined with actual sex with a poor Taylor clone like Dennis might be enough.

It would have to be enough.


The Commandant of the Academy asked Michael to come to another function after work the next day. Taylor warily agreed, even though he knew he'd have to invite Tessa. But Tessa had already met Sophie, she had already met Andrea, what else could happen which could embarrass him?

The answer came in the form of Admiral Chellina. The Grand Admiral came up to him while he was chatting with Tessa by the snack table.

"You must be Michael's new friend. We've been hearing a lot about you," said Chellina.

"You have?" Tessa gave Taylor a glance. "My Gallant Captain, have you been boasting?"

Chellina put a friendly hand on Taylor's. "I have all my spies watching Captain Taylor. They all give me daily reports." She smiled at Tessa. "You've been seen with him at a number of events. If you're trying to hide it, you're not doing a very good job."

Tessa gave Taylor a thin lipped smile. "My Gallant Captain... would you care to introduce us?"

"Oh, yes, where are my manners? Admiral, this is Tessa Hetford, Special Negotiator Tessa Hetford. Tessa, I'd like you to meet Admiral, Grand Admiral Janet Chellina. I've reported to her for several years now."

"Have you," said Tessa, giving a warm smile. She looked at Chellina, who, obviously in her 50's, was no threat to her. And yet she had bright blonde hair and a brilliant smile. She looked from Chellina to Taylor and back to Chellina again.


"You fucked her!" said Tessa. Her body was slick with wetness; she wiped both sweat and hair out of her forehead as she bounced heavily up and down on Taylor's penis. "You fucked your own admiral!"

"No!" Taylor cried. This was one secret he couldn't reveal, he simply couldn't!

"Admit it! Admit it, or I'll never let you come inside me again!" Tessa worked her vaginal muscles expertly like a glove. Taylor groaned as he felt the purple engorged head of his penis being massaged, being massaged so much that it was painful. "No, Tessa, back off, back off!"

Tessa reduced the intensity. "Admit it!"

"All right! But you can never tell anyone!"

"You fucked your own admiral!"

"Yes!" said Taylor, looking miserable.

Tessa on the other hand, looked triumphant as she rotated her hips. A big smile formed on her face. "Is that how you got all your promotions, Michael? Is that how you became Captain?"

"No, Tessa!"

"You fucked her," said Tessa, with a gleam in her eyes, an intense hungering as she rode once more on his shaft. "You fucked her, and told her, please, Admiral, make me a Commander!" Up! Down! "Please Admiral, make me a Captain!" Up! Down! "Please Admiral, give me command of the biggest ship in the fleet, as big as my fucking cock!"

Taylor roared with indignation and grabbed Tessa's face and kissed her, hard. So hard in fact that he bit her lip. With a sudden surge of masculine dominance, he flipped her over in a single motion, and pumped her hard. He pumped her with rage.

"Ah, ah, yes, Michael, just like that!"

Taylor cried out as he hammered her cunt as hard as he could. Suddenly he stiffened and released inside of her, emptying his balls in an extremely satisfying way. He gasped, collapsing on top of her.


"That was the best ever, wasn't it?"

Taylor nodded. His body was covered in a sheen of sweat. He felt like he had just run a mile. His organ, his body, felt so incredibly relaxed.

Tessa traced that unfamiliar pattern over his chest. "You sleep with pregnant women... married women... even your superior officer... is there anyone you won't sleep with, Michael?"

"Tessa, it's not like that. You're painting me like-"

"A ladies' man," she said, stroking his face slowly. "A rogue, but a gentle rogue. My rogue," she kissed him passionately. Taylor felt the warmth of her breasts pressed against him, her legs intertwined with him. He never wanted it to end.

When she pulled back she gave him a smile. "So, I repeat the question. Is there anyone you won't sleep with?"

Taylor frowned. "I... I don't understand what you're getting at?"

"What I'm getting at, my dear, Gallant Space Captain, is my dear friend Maggie."

"What about her?"

"Would you like to sleep with her?"


"Of course not!"

"Of course not!" said Tessa, imitating his deep voice. "Why not? Don't you find her attractive? I was watching you at lunch with her the other day. There was chemistry between you two. Don't deny it."

"Tessa... Maggie is a pretty girl... but I only have eyes for you."

"Do you?" she said, in a way that made Taylor wonder if she knew about Sophie. "What if I asked you to do it, as a personal favor for me?"

"For you?" Taylor was totally confused now. "Why?"

"Maggie is my best friend." She gave him a crooked smile as she played with his deflated shaft. Her fingers lingered at the tip. "She wants you."

"She does?"

"Surely you can't be that blind, Michael."

"She was flirting with me, yes, but-"

"She wants you to fuck her," said Tessa bluntly, squeezing the tip of him hard. "She's told me so."

"She has?" Taylor wondered how that conversation had come about.

"Yes. So, will you?" She stared at him questioningly, even as she fondled his most sensitive part.

Taylor struggled for the right words. "Tessa... I'm with you now. Do you really want me to sleep... with your best friend?"

"You heard how loveless her current relationship is. It hurts her, Michael." She looked at him imploringly.

"She's in pain?"

"Yes," said Tessa. "She has nothing for her own, and she sees you with me, you, you brilliant, handsome perfect male-"

"I'm not perfect!"

"You're close enough!" said Tessa. "You're incredibly handsome, and sexy, and kind." She paused, and her hand cupped his testicles, gently. "Michael, her birthday is in two days. She's turning 40 and she's unhappy, single and unhappy at 40. Do this for me... please?"

Taylor took a deep breath. "All... all right. If it's what you really want!" He screaned her intensely. She really did want Taylor to make love to her best friend, though her motivations were not quite what she said it was. There was a layer of deception in her, he could see it as clear as day, but what it meant, Taylor didn't quite know.

"It is," said Tessa firmly. She pulled on his ball sack gently, which put pleasurable tension on his penis. "You're going to be such a great fuck for her, I just know it."

Taylor shuddered. He never imagined being a part of a conversation where his girlfriend told him he was going to be a great fuck for her best friend. Maybe I should tell her about Sophie. Maybe she would understand. But something held him back.

"Where do you want us to... should I go to her apartment? Or invite her to mine?"

Tessa patted her pillow. "Right here will do fine."

"Your place?" Taylor's eyebrows converged. "And where will you be?"

"Right here, silly."


"You want to watch?" said Taylor.

"Of course," said Tessa. "She's my best friend."

"You want to watch me having sex with your best friend?"

"Um hm," she gave a smug smile as she nodded vigorously.

Suddenly it all made sense. The posed holos of him with an erection jutting from between his legs. The holorecording of their lovemaking.

Tessa liked to watch.


Maggie stepped through the doorway. The brunette cutie was wearing a tight sweater which showed off her small but perky breasts, as well as a short skirt and high heels. Her face was heavily made up with bright red lipstick and dark eye shadow. The makeup made the occasion felt so much more formal, and even more awkward for Taylor.

"Michael?" she said uncertainly, as she stepped into Tessa's bedroom.

"Well, don't just stand there, Michael, give her a hug!" said Tessa. Tessa was wearing a nearly transparent nightie which showed off her heavy breasts and was lying back on one side of her bed.

Taylor, sensing Maggie's nervousness, went up to her and gave her a hug. "Hello Maggie."