The Perfect Alpha - Killer Elite 02

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Torie survives once again...
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Daniel could not understand it, bullet after bullet just seemed to bounce off the Werecat while the others were screaming at him to stop. The clip ran dry and he threw the gun away to pull his long blade bowie knife. He was determined to show Jasmine how much she meant to him. Originally the gun was if she had to be persuaded and the knife to remove any clothing still in his way while he proved his love for her. He just knew if he fucked her, she would eventually fall in love with him, realize the truth that she did in fact love him. Now he was trying to protect her from a shifter who had gone rogue.

Jasmine tried to knock him away from the girl, he'd shot her more then nine times, she figured the only thing keeping the girl upright was adrenaline. Now Daniel is holding a knife, what the hell was he doing with a knife and a gun in the first place, she asked herself. He swiped at the cat while they circled each other then he lunged towards her. She instantly sprang to the side then a paw smacked into his wrist holding the knife. The sounds of his arm breaking cut through the night as did his scream of pain soon after, the knife went flying and he fell to his knees holding his broken arm.

Cathy was on her phone instantly as the women gathered around Jasmine and the small shifter, Torie. Torie just curled up by the logs they have been using as seats, so Jasmine sat beside her and started checking the wounds that had to be hidden within the dark fur. Jasmine expected to find blood on every square inch of her, but instead came up with nothing.

"She's not injured?" Cathy asked in confusion. She knew they healed quickly, but not that quickly. Jasmine shook her head and felt as confused as Cathy sounded.

"That's not possible, even Alpha's don't heal that quickly. And I know he could not have missed at that range." Beth stated quietly and was greeted with a low rumble from Torie.

"Torie, please shift so we can make sure you are okay." Jasmine asked her, soon enough she felt the girls body mold and remold herself into the young girl again.

"A girl? a little girl?" Daniel said and sighed as he flopped against the rock beside him. Jasmine ignored him and checked Torie over carefully.

"How is she?" Cathy asked finally. Jasmine smiled as she looked at Torie, who smiled back.

"She's fine, not sure how but he seems to have missed every shot." Jasmine was saying. Daniel looked indignant right up until his head exploded followed by the sound of a gun shot. Before anyone could react, Beth's chest exploded outwards and she fell even as the second shot rang out.

Christina's head also exploded as she stood frozen in the midst of the carnage being brought against them. Jasmine covered Torie before she too lost her face as another shot rang out. Torie looked around waiting for her turn to die, then looked at Cathy who had seen enough and turned to run only to be cut in half by another round of gun fire. Torie moved even as she shifted to her cat form, slipping into the darkness she could hear siren's wailing in the distance and growing closer. She moved off into the darkness, what ever had killed everyone had either let her go, or never saw her.

Six Months later....

"Hold up little one.." a voice called after Torie. Torie paused only because this one did not smell like a human. She waited for them to approach, a tall man, lean of muscle and build with short cut hair, brown in color and light blue eyes, walked into the area while she waited.

He stopped and pulled off his backpack then dug around inside it. She smelled fresh meat, it had been months sense the last time she had eaten red meat. He sat a large raw roast down on a flat rock and backed away.

"For you baby girl, I know you need it and I just want to talk. After that you can leave if you like or come with me and enjoy some real food and good healthy meals. Up to you." he said while she scanned his surface thoughts. He held no malice towards her, but he was hiding secrets, of that her cat was sure. Making her way to the meat she began eating.

"Good, now while you eat, I want to make you an offer." he said to her and she just chuffed while shrugging at him.

"I want to train you in how to fight, track, hunt and kill. This will strengthen you and your cat, in return you promise to do the odd job here and there. And I promise it will be up to you which jobs you take and which jobs you won't take. After five years you can leave or stay and continue to work with my group, again it will be up to you." he explained as she ate the meat. She spoke to her cat who told her he was another cat, but not like her and the training would be good if it meant becoming stronger and more capable of defending ourselves.

Torie finished off the meat then got up and walked towards him and sat down. He stared at her for a moment and when she didn't move or shift forms he just had to assume she had agreed to go with him. Besides it wasn't like he could try to force her, his cat had heard that roar from across the lake and nearly a mile away, his cat had submitted instantly. He could never win against her power and he knew it. But if he could train her properly, win her to his side, she would be a powerful weapon against anyone trying to move against him.

"I will be a weapon, but I will never be YOUR weapon, remember that.." he heard in his head and froze when he realized it was her cat speaking to him within his mind. She is already much more powerful then he could have ever imagined.

"Apologies, and yes I will remember your words, Alpha." he replied quickly and out loud for her. Then continued along the way back to his SUV, he opened the back door and she jumped in and settled down in the back. It would be a long drive back to the compound where he and the others were training.

Torie looked out the window at the passing scenery until she got bored and then drifted to sleep. She woke up when the car came to a stop and the engine shut down. She looked around to find well manicured lawns and several large buildings that looked more like warehouses, a semi-circle of smaller buildings ran around the perimeter of the larger buildings and walkways joined the buildings.

"We're here, young one." The man stated then handed her some clothing which she took in her jaws and jumped back into the SUV. He closed the door and she shifted to her human form before pulling on the clothing. She opened the door and stepped out once again.

"Can you tell me your name?" he asked. Her cat told her no and to make up a name.

"Jasmine.." she said slowly. He smiled and nodded.

"Well Jasmine, all of the big buildings are training areas. We do that so no one knows we are training, so it is all inside. The smaller buildings are single room housing, most share a house, usually four, using bunks inside them. The Instructors have their own private homes and so do you, befitting your station." he explained as he showed her around. Torie just nodded while she listened to him. He stopped at a small cottage and opened the door Torie remained motionless and looked at him, her eyes glowed brightly.

"She is young and inexperienced, I am a very old Soul and we will not play your games. Try to lead us into a trap that is not part of training and we leave, only to hunt you down later for your part in this farce." Torie's cat radiated the power held within and watched the man tremble as he fell to his knees.

"I am sorry Alpha, I have my orders too, we all do. I swear to you I will not try anything like this again even if given an order." he said quickly. Taylor had never felt anything like this girl before and he knew if he kept with the Humans program, she would hold to her word and come back to kill him. The girl is young, but the Panther side is much older, much wiser and certainly no fool. He quickly led the Alpha child to a proper cottage, one that was not lined in silver and equipped to medicate those within at any time they wanted. There would be hell to pay, but if they wanted to train this one, they would have to play it by the Panthers rules or loose the Alpha all together.

"Come in and close the door Taylor and explain why she isn't in the proper cottage." Commander Swift barked at him from behind his desk. Taylor saluted the man, not because he was an Alpha, but because of his rank within the training facility.

"She knew it was a trap and would leave, Sir." Taylor responded quickly.

"She is a child, are you saying you can not control a simple child?" Swift asked him with obvious disdain.

"She is more then a child, Sir. She is an Alpha from a very old line, more then a thousand years if I was to make a guess, I have never felt such power from anyone before, not even the Pride or Pack Alpha's and I have seen more then a few in my time." Taylor responded. Swifts eyes widened at the information.

"If she is that powerful, we may just have to kill her." the Commander said quietly and more to himself.

"I don't think it'll be that easy, Sir. I watched a human fire point blank at her more then nine shots, she never flinched and she was not injured in any way." Taylor replied, he had seen the whole episode with the group, even the shooting. He was at a bad angle to stop it from happening or he would have and then after he shot the witnesses, she disappeared on him so fast that he lost her scent within a mile. Swift looked at him and frowned slightly.

"Explain your reasoning." Swift demanded.

"After the scene was gone over I went back, I found several bullets mushroomed as if hitting something solid. After that I checked for blood traces, even if he only grazed her, there should have been blood from her at the scene, only the humans blood was found and nothing from a shifter." Taylor recited to him on his findings.

"Seems we have found the one we were looking for all this time. What is her current condition?" Swift asked while opening his drawer and pulling out a folder, the letter head reading 'Greywolf Pack'.

Taylor recovered quickly after spotting the name on the folder and answered the man, "Malnourished, but could recover with a few good meals in her belly within a week maybe two at the outside."

"Good, work with the Doc's, get her healthy and into training." Commander Swift said and waved him out of the room. After the door closed he looked at the file and opened it. He'd been in charge of that disaster that started the full scale war with the Vampires and Shifters, and it cost him his career he would never rise higher then where he was now. Raven had proven her words of warning, she brought death and destruction on a scale no one had ever seen before and if it hadn't been on US soil, they would have resorted to nuking them. But how can you nuke apparent civilians with out proof of who or what they are, not to mention the ecological disaster that would be left behind for years to come.

Raven was every bit the Juggernaut that was one of her gifts. She was unstoppable and when the real video came out showing that it was in fact elderly and children on the bus. The Public had had enough and demanded that the Government make peace and restitution to all the Vampires and Shifters. The only way Raven finally died, a broken heart, an absolute loss of the will to live on.

Swift picked up the phone and hit the only button on it. It was picked up quickly on the other end.

"Speak.." a voice demanded.

"We may have found one Sir, a young she cat." Swift answered quickly.

"Any proof of who she is?" the voice asked.

"None, Sir, but if my man is right, she may be a Juggernaut." Swift answered.

"Good, my advice Swift, be up front and honest with her from the start. Rather she was on our side out of Loyalty, then to find out you tried to use tricks and need to sleep with one eye open. Keep me informed on her progress, I want daily updates sent to my Office." the voice was saying and added, "Oh and Swift?"

"Yes, Sir?" Swift asked nervously.

"You fuck this up and I will bury your family beside you in an unmarked grave." the Voice promised. Swift wiped his brow as the other end of the line clicked off. The Head of Black Ops in the CIA was not someone you ever messed with and he had many reasons to fear him. He held a thick folder of every dirty deed he had ever done both on and off the books. If he was lucky the man would only kill him, if he wasn't, his family name and everything they had would go down the drain.

Looking out at the Cottage he could see the young girl in question staring out her window and right up at him. He silently wondered if she could have heard his conversation, he knew they had a higher then normal hearing range but more then sixty yards and through closed windows?

He close the blind and poured himself a drink, this training was going to be the death of him, of that he was certain. Nothing to do now but wait and see if the girl killed him or his Boss did.

Eight Years Later -

Jasmin swung the end of the staff down quickly and stopped just a breath away from the downed mans face. His eyes squeezed shut as he waited for the final stroke. When he opened his eyes she has already stood up from her attack position and was walking out of the arena. Looking at the rest of the arena he noted his squad slowly getting up from the ground with sounds of grunts and moans.

"Shiva to the Commanders Office, Shiva to the Commanders Office.." a female voice called from the communications speakers that were placed in every home, office and training room. He looked over and saw her change direction and walk off with out a single bit of evidence to the training they had done the last two hours. The woman was a machine, never missed a day of training, everything from weight lifting to running and swimming to hand to hand fights and weapons training. He had never seen it himself but he heard she could hit a target in high winds at over a mile.

"Quit your staring Mate, that one is well beyond you besides, hear tell she is still a minor." one of his squad yelled at him and he blushed a moment, a minor?

"No way is she a minor." he called back. The young woman was always on his mind, slim athletic build, the weight training keeping her muscles toned and tight with a lot of definition. That skin tone of being lightly tanned even while being cooped up inside most days, long wavy black hair with a blueish tint and those alluring purple eyes that somehow seemed to glow. The last part he blamed on a trick of the light or something.

"What ever Mate, she don't mingle with the likes of us." his friend shouted back.

"What, why, you saying she doesn't like men?" he asked while limping towards the squad.

"What are ya, daft in the head. She's a Were Cat, Panther." another answered. His eyes widened as he looked at the doorway where she had gone through. He didn't have anything against the shifters or the Vampires, he just thought he should have somehow known. His friends pulled him off to the showers his thoughts still telling him he should have been able to figure it out somehow.

Jasmine had been given a code name for use in and out of the compound, Shiva also known as The Destroyer of Worlds. In the last two years she had destroyed many Worlds. Crime syndicates who were wholly evil and needed to be taken care of with out the red tape of due process. Her rules were quite simple, never kill a child and never kill anyone in front of their child. Her ammo was unique, a polymer blend that showed no rifling, and could not be traced to any manufacturer as she made them herself. Right down to specific weights of the powder used in each round.

"Shiva, you are needed again." Commander Swift said flatly. He hated he could unnerve everyone under his command except this young woman. She was the only one who looked at him with complete disdain as though she was analyzing a bug. She took the folder and looked through it, then laid it back on the table.

"No.." she said as if it was the end of the conversation.

"It comes from the top." Swift said angrily.

"Then let them do it." she replied.

"Why won't you do it?" Swift asked but already knew the answer to that question.

"Told you all before I won't do that in front of children and that is the only time he can be found, during Christmas when he is with his children." she answered in a tone that suggested he knew better then to ask. Swift was about to argue when she spun on him.

"You ever see the pain in the eyes of a parent who watched their child die?" she asked angrily, "Ever see the look of pure hurt, loss and pain in the eyes of a child when they watch their Parent, Grandparent or Guardian die before them, and not in a quick painless death either, but a slow agonizing one." she asked, her eyes glowing brightly now as he even felt her power radiate from her in waves like an ocean. The door flew open and Taylor ran into the room.

"Alpha Shiva, calm, please.. calm yourself, whatever it is, can wait." Taylor said quickly and calmly as he started to reach for her arm. He watched as her gaze shifted to him, instead of calming she roared like a crash of thunder and he fell to his knees before her.

"Ever think to touch me again, you may cut off the hand that imagined it." she growled at him angrily. She shifted her gaze to Swift who paled at what he had witnessed before him. Even as a human he had felt her power. She turned and walked out of the Office.

"What the hell did you do Commander?" Taylor demanded, he had never before seen Jasmine so upset before not sense the start of her training.

"An.. an.. assignment." Swift mutter while he sank into his chair. Taylor looked at the folder and sighed before walking out and slamming the door shut. Commander Swift picked up the phone and hit the single button.

"Speak.." the voice demanded.

"I told you she would not go for it. And now we have royally pissed her off." Swift answered and took a long shuddering breath.

"That bad huh, we'll figure out some other way to get that Bastard then. Mean While you have a Werecat to appease and I suggest you get to it." the voice replied. Swift remained pensive.

"Something to add?" the voice asked.

"Just reminded of an old saying, 'Never raise what you can't put down..'" he responded and for the first time in his life in this post, he hung up on the Director. Grabbing his drink he downed half of it before he stood up and headed out of his Office to try and talk to Jasmine. He couldn't afford to loose her after all they had invested not to mention all the good she had actually done in her short time with them. Not only had they raised her abilities, but in training with her, even the Humans were becoming better fighters.

Swift just exited his Offices when he saw Taylor following Jasmine, she had a small duffel bag looped over her shoulder and they were walking towards the gate. He picked up his pace as he was chasing after them.

"My Cat said you would try this one day, but I didn't want to believe her. You both did this, not me and I'm out." Jasmine was yelling at Taylor as she walked. Swift saw Taylor start to reach for her arm only to stop when he realized what he was about to do.

"Yeah I wouldn't touch her either." Swift admitted. Taylor turned on Swift.

"You knew her rules, why would you do that, why try and push her?" he demanded.

"We all have our orders and the higher ups have stated that they will find another way to get to this one before contacting us again." he explained to Jasmine.

"You and your Bosses pushed me. I am out of here, if you want my help I am sure you will find a means of contacting me for future assignments." Jasmine said then spun away for the gate. The guards were looking a bit confused about someone walking out the gate but Swift just gestured for them to let his young assassin pass.

"Wise choice, give her time to calm down. Let her have some sort of freedom before trying to contact her again." Taylor said slowly as they both watched Jasmine walk past the gates and over the hills.