The Perfect Alpha - Killer Elite 09

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Torie learns the truth about the war...
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More then six hours passed by before everyone was called back into Court.

"I never thought it would take this long for a judgement." Clare whispered to Torie.

"It didn't, we've been playing Monopoly and I'm winning.." Alpha Carter whispered to the Alpha couple who wore shocked looks on their faces.

"Well we had to make it seem like we were actually deliberating, and of course you are winning, you own everything from rail road to rail road going past GO. Can't land anywhere on that corner with out paying out to you." Alpha Marcus muttered playfully while trying to sound petulant. Several snickers were heard as others listened in. Alpha Carter banged the gavel several times to bring the room to order.

"We have gone over the testimony and the evidence presented today in the case of Pack Greywolf vs Unit 112 Commanded by Commander Swift in regards to the event known as the Bus Massacre. We have found you guilty of War Crimes in the senseless acts of murder against innocent none combatants, namely Elderly Citizens and Children." Alpha Carter announced and banged the gavel against the table.

"This ends the Criminal phase of this Court ruling. As Alpha of the fore mentioned pack, Alpha Torie Greywolf will begin proceedings for punishment. You humans will be escorted back to your vehicles and the Court thanks you for your time in these proceedings." Alpha Carter said as he was looking from one lawyer to the next.

"I plan to file an appeal immediately." the female Lawyer shouted. The others began shouting the same things as well. Alpha Carter banged his gavel as wolves were shouting at the lawyers now. Once the room was quiet he continued.

"In our Laws, there are no appeals, no Governor or even the President can commute a given sentence once found guilty. We are not bound to your laws within our borders, we have no true prisons, just holding cells. Why is that, because to break the law and be found guilty, there is only ever one sentence, Death. Now leave us.." Alpha Carter reminded them. The Security began moving them out of the building and back to their cars.

"Alpha Torie, we step down to your Judgement." Alpha Carter said and pulled off the robe. "Damn that thing is hot.." he grumbled as the others agreed and followed his example. Torie stood up slowly, Clare standing with her and holding her hand.

"Call forth the families of those who suffered most from this act." she called out. It didn't take long, but by comparison many families were no longer able to gain Justice as they were all dead.

"Do you see all those gathered, barely ten people able to confront those who had attacked their Elderly, their Children. Why, because your act wiped out the rest of them as they fought for their right to live." Torie said coldly to them.

"Call forth the pack members who want Justice.." Torie said as she stared at a visibly shaking Swift. As the rest of the pack moved closer and the visitors stepped back. She tilted her head a bit.

"Remove the shackles from all but this one.." she said as she pointed out Swift. The rest had the cuffs and shackles removed, none of them moved as they awaited their fate.

"You all stand in the center of our territory, from here and in every direction it is over thirty miles to the boundary. Get past the boundary and you are free, get caught, you die. You are served up to pack Justice." Torie stated and gazed at Swift as she added, "To the families I offer the man who Commanded those of his Unit to fire on their families and left them to suffer. Commander Swift, may you die well." She finished in a cold emotionless voice while the rest cheered.

The rest were pushed out the door and given an hour before the Wolves and Cats were set loose. The families remained behind and took Swift into another room where his screams were heard well beyond the last of his people died. Torie did not participate, there was another she wanted more and her cat wanted beyond all others. They would wait for their own form of Justice.


He sat listening as Commander Swift screamed, to anyone else they would have caused nightmares. But to him he could shrug it off. When the last scream sounded and the last listening device was destroyed, he sat back in his chair and looked over at the woman in the shadowed corner. Even he had never seen her face, nor had he ever asked too. She was an asset to be moved about his own Chess Board and nothing more. True she was much better then he had realized.

"How did they find the devices?" he asked of her and she just seemed to shrug a bit.

"Don't know, didn't stop to ask and not my problem. You paid to have them placed and I placed them, beyond that is not my concern." she reminded him once again.

"How much to find a way to kill her?" he demanded. He could hear the soft laugh coming from the woman.

"Only she could ever harm or kill herself, you should know this by now. And must I remind you that I am not an assassin, I gather information, nothing more." she said while moving closer before adding, "But I do kill, I kill anyone who sees my face, shall I prove that for you?" she warned while moving closer.

The Director backed away and shifted the light to keep her features hidden. He was pretty sure she was some form of Shifter or even a Vampire given her ability and talent. Why she was willing to move against her own kind he had no idea, but then again, everyone had their price, you just had to find it.

"You've made your point, your account has been accredited, I will call if there is anything else." he said quickly and waved her out.

He watched as her figured was enveloped by the shadows and simply faded from sight. The door never opened and the curtains never moved. It wasn't until he turned on the over head light that he knew he was alone in the room and it had taken nearly thirty minutes to finally make that move in case she was waiting for him.

Moving through the forest's shadows a lone woman slips a listening device into her ear before climbing up a tree almost a mile and a half away. Reaching down she turned on the devices she had set up while in his Office on various occasions. It had taken months of assorted visits to his Office in order to have all the pieces at play and working together.

Each device listened to everything said and done within the room, but until a motion detector told them the room was empty, none of the data would be sent out to a receiver. Scanners picked on radio frequencies and that was how they got detected. These sent out nothing until the room was empty, but they could record everything even with a scanner at work and never be detected. The motion detector had two purposes, to start recording when there was movement and to send data when there was not after a twenty minute wait of no motion.

She finished the last of the settings then concealed it all carefully, from the ground you would never see any of the small equipment. From the air it would appear as an old birds nest. She dropped to the ground carefully and covered her tracks before moving away from the area.


Torie watched as Chris and Candice walked out of her Office. Clare was seated near the fireplace from sense the meeting had started. Most of the Alpha's had flown or driven back home once the prisoners were dead and only a half dozen still remained as they awaited late flights because of bad weather fronts in the North.

"You can come out now." Torie called out, Clare had already known about the intruder as well, they had not alerted the Warriors yet because they were both curious about the woman.

"Now how long have you known I was there?" she asked from a far corner.

"Sense walking into the room, your scent is well hidden, but my cat and I know what we are looking for now." Torie replied and smiled at Clare who had not noticed for almost an hour.

The figure stepped forward a bit and swung her hand, Torie spotted the device and caught it easily in her hand. It was a form of receiver and she looked questioningly at the figure.

"That will give you information, but only use it once a day. It'll keep the transmitter hidden. I set up listening devices in the Directors Office, from there bursts of recordings get transferred to a listening post and then relayed around 3am to a computer within a safe house and stored. A copy of the day gets delayed for twenty four hours before being archived into a hard drive. While it is available, you can listen to what he has to say. I would suggest a data dump into a computer that way you can hear it at your leisure. Listening to it through that thing would be tedious at best." the woman explained and began to fade into the shadows.

"Why are you doing this?" Clare asked. The figure froze before replying.

"He stole away the life I was suppose to live, no one gets to do that. By helping you he is made to pay and I will see Justice." she answered and was gone.

"How does she do that?" Clare asked after checking the spot the woman was standing in.

"Hmm? Oh? She's a teleporter." Torie answered and spotted the slot for the cable that could handle a data dump that would take less then a minute.

"She's a genetic then?" Clare asked and Torie nodded.

"Well why aren't you more excited then?" Clare asked looking a bit confused.

"She's one of the first generation, who exactly I don't know and we may never know. What I do know is that she is better off in the shadows for now with no one knowing who she is. It means she does not have a target on her back. She will come in when she is ready and not a moment before." Torie explained quietly. Did she want to know who the woman was? Of course she did, but in the world of spies and information, it's better to be a ghost.

A knock at the door and Torie called out, "Come in Jaxon." She moved to the couch and sat with Clare in front of the fire while Jaxon and Candice stepped into her Office. They moved to the loveseats opposite and facing them.

"Have you both come to an idea of what your plans are?" Torie asked and looked mainly to Jaxon. He was about to respond when she held up a hand to stall him.

"You need to understand something before you answer. Clare and I talked quite a bit about this for quite a while before coming to this decision." Torie added and they both nodded as they listened, "Jaxon you will not be First Beta when Chris retires, you need to get in touch with your true cat and not the haphazard wolf wannabe cat you currently have residing in you. Candice would retain her position as First Beta to Clare, she earned that even before you became mates, she has always worked hard no matter where she was and always maintained a level head. I hope you can understand our reasoning." she said in finishing. Jaxon and Candice looked stunned.

"Do you feel that Jaxon, inside you now, anger and frustration?" Torie asked while watching him and he took several deep breathes before nodding.

"A Cat would not have reacted like that. Sure a cat can be angered and frustrated, hell you and everyone saw that in the Court earlier from me. But I always try to temper that, I try to never just lash out blindly. Wolves can and do lash out at the wrong time and over things a cat never would, so tell me how I can make you First Beta when this is how things are now?" she asked him.

"You are right Alpha, I am just not ready yet." Jaxon admitted quietly.

"If you wish I can introduce you to several Toms who would be quite willing to show you a better way and how to get in touch with your cat properly." Torie suggested. Candice watched him carefully, she would move if that was his choice, but she hoped it would not be.

Ten days after the trials and still the Northern Alpha's were stuck unable to fly out to their territories. Two had finally given up on their private jets and flown using commercial resources and got home that way. The rest was far worse, even if they flew as far as they could North, they would still be days from reaching their territories by ground transport. All they could was wait and hope the weather would let up.

Jaxon spent more time with other Toms and Alpha Marcus who was teaching him to reach into his true cat inside of himself. Torie was pretty sure that they could help him given time. Chris did retire and Torie named Francine, one of the top trainers and Warriors to the position as her First Beta. Francine is more like a body builder but still with enough feminine curves to turn everyone's heads while still intimidating many of them.

She also has a quick mind and knows battle strategy, she had worked with Alpha Raven closely during the War and pulled off many campaigns that left them with very few injuries and maximum damage to the enemy bases.

"We need sensors placed around the perimeter, we need them to not only detect heat signatures, but movement by anything that weighs more then 70 pounds." Torie was saying as she placed marks on the map. She was using a blue marker, then switched to yellow, "On these I want the same thing but placed twenty feet above the ground.." she concluded.

"Above the ground Alpha?" Candice asked curiously. Torie grinned and winked at the cats. One of them saying,

"Silly Wolves rarely ever look up, how do you think we cats get the best of ya all during tag?" he asked. Candace blushed and nodded.

"It was also a tactic the humans adopted as their own during some of the pack raids during the war." Torie explained.

Everyone filed out of the room to begin placing the sensors. Torie noted that Clare and Candice were looking at the map. Torie moved up to see if they had spotted what she'd done with the tree sensors.

"You left our mysterious friend an opening." Clare said as it dawned on her and Torie nodded.

"Now to the lesser operative they might see the start of the opening, but they would never see the true route, only a professional would see it." Torie explained and they both nodded. Clare and Candice took off to take care of pack business, they were busy getting the new clinic rebuilt and reopened on time.

In the days following the trial, Chris and three Warriors had gone to her safe house and removed all but five million in cash and gold from the safe. All the Jewelry and Art work was loaded up and brought to the pack. The Pack House had gone through it's own changes as well, the walls hollowed out so steel plates could be used to reinforce the log walls, bullet proof glass over the windows and steel core doors that led outside and into the garage.

In the basement a fall out shelter with a door that any bank would be proud of and even more secure. Inside the shelter enough food and supplies to last for five years as long as the number of adults didn't exceed two hundred. Each of the outlying Homes now had tunnels leading to the basement and access to the shelter. Within the shelter four escape tunnels led nearly a mile away from the Pack House. Torie and the others were never going to assume that another war would never start again.

"You wanted to see me Alpha Torie?" Chris asked as the door opened.

"Yes, Chris I know you want to retire, but I need you to continue to work but in a different capacity. I need you to hold information for me and if at any time you can not reach me, and me personally. I want you to release it to the World." Torie explained while walking with him through the pack house and out behind it.

Outside Chris stopped walking as he noted a huge double axle Motorhome with three pull outs. Torie smiled as he looked it over with wide eyes.

"To anyone looking at it, it is a standard Motor Home and you a simple retired man enjoying the sights. But come on and let me show you a few things.." Torie said with a grin. Everyone was watching and clapping at his amazed look. The vehicle had been modified from top to bottom to include satellite television and reception for satellite phones as well. The floor had secret compartments large enough to hide a family of four if needed. Under the large bed in back was a full arsenal that was easily accessible along with smaller compartments through out that could hide smaller arms.

"Chris, " Torie said quietly and handed him several discs, "Keep these safe at all times and if you ever stop hearing from me, release them to the media." she explained as he held them close and then secured them in a small safe that was well hidden with more then a million in cash.

"Oh and it seems Maria was most inclined to join you on this retirement journey." Torie added as the woman stepped up and hugged him tightly. He had always held a fondness for her, as she did for him.

"And you owe me a cook.." she added while he laughed softly.

"Thank you Alpha, I will never let you down." he said smiling at her.

"You have never let my family down and I do not expect you ever would." she said softly and kissed his cheek. Not long after both he and Maria packed up their things and drove off. He knew he was the insurance that would keep the Government at bay as long as he kept the Motorhome moving and continued to hear from his Alpha.

What no one knew was that despite some peoples hopes, Torie was no fool. She had two more copies with the same lawyers who had helped her to secure two safe houses and under false identities. Both of them held sealed envelopes that would be opened in the event they did not hear from her each and every year on the same day, July 3rd, they had no idea what the significance of the day was, but were paid well enough not to ask any questions. She assured them that the information within them was not illegal, but those had to go to the News Media.

"That was wonderful what you did for them." Clare whispered to Torie. Torie looked at her and shrugged a bit.

"He carries a heavy load, something that would tear apart this Country and several others. Do you really believe that Shiva was able to do all those jobs with out the help of other Governments as well?" she asked softly.

"I was able to by pass security check points, road blocks, even took a high powered sniper rifle into the UK, do you really think they would just do it to make the US happy?" Torie asked Clare who sat stunned, "Someone in their own Government knew exactly what I was carrying and what I would do with it and then made sure I slipped away clean before the Country woke up to the news of the Russian Prime Minister being shot dead in his estate." Torie explained which brought others in to listen.

"The Humans are and always have been their own worst enemy. The only time they aren't is when they ban together to fight something else, like us." Torie said sadly and sighed.

"So what do we do?" someone asked. Torie looked up at everyone standing around her.

"We live our lives, we continue to prepare for the day they do it again. Because that day will come, maybe not in our life time, but you can bet it will come, so we prepare and we insure that we do everything we can to be sure we have a future with our Children and their children." Torie said and smiled at them. They smiled back and nodded.

Torie walked in to her Office and smiled to herself, "So how was it?" she asked out loud. A figure moved in the corner.

"Very moving, I think I may even have shed a tear. A real one." the woman answered which made Torie laugh softly. The door opened and Clare stepped inside with Francine and Candice following close behind.

Francine froze and her eyes went wide, "JAZ!" out of all of them only Francine would know her scent anywhere.

"By Luna, I never imagined you were still alive." the woman whispered and stepped forward slowly into the light. Both women hugged tightly as tears flowed freely. Torie was moved by the sight but she could not let emotion cloud her judgement too far.