The Perfect Alpha - Killer Elite 11

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Torie and Jaz pay the ex-director a visit...
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It's been two years sense Torie went on the rampage as Wrath, long sense has she come to terms with her own anger issues and been able to work through them. The Pack is solid and on it's feet, many of the families that ran off during the start of the war have returned.

A year after the Taylor ordeal, Torie and Jas went to visit the Director of the CIA Black Ops, seems they had a new Director and the old one had retired and moved out of the Country. So for the time being they would put their revenge on him off until another time. It was a short time later when Torie came into heat and Jaxon helped her to conceive the twins. Torie decided after the heat that pregnant or not, she would never call on Jax again, if Luna wanted her pregnant it would happen. To say that Candice wasn't secretly overjoyed by Torie's choice would be an understatement as she was never that wild about it, it is a wolf thing, she would say when asked.

Many other pregnancies were reported among the other packs as well. And even Jas and Francine have come pregnant, with being mates it seems Luna is working overtime in her blessings. Torie smiled as she watched the kids playing on the bed only to see her daughter pop from sight and reappear behind her brother.

"Uh oh, Clare guess who can teleport.." Torie called out loud.

"You have got to be kidding me?" Clare called back with exasperation. Torie grinned, well it would be a learning curve. She sat back and watched over the kids at play, little Storm named after his Great Grand Father and little Raven named after her Grandmother. Both sported long black hair, sun kissed skin and beautiful purple eyes.

A knock at the door and Jas was stepping inside with a very pregnant Francine moving in behind her. Jas was currently still the temporary Alpha as Torie was still dealing with a few more minor issues that was especially hard to get past. The feelings of abandonment do not just go away easily or the resentment against those she viewed that did it.

"Mom, Fran, good morning." Torie said as she smiled.

"Oh my Luna, I thought being gay meant I would never have to think about this.." Fran groaned as she sat down. It brought an 'Amen' from Candice sitting in the next chair.

"Whimps.." was Jas's response which had everyone laughing softly.

"So what can we do for you?" Torie asked while Storm gnawed on her finger. A sudden movement and in a split second Raven was on her lap while Jas and Fran's eyes widened in shock.

"Seems Luna is not with out her sense of humor." Torie said with a sigh. It brought grins to their faces. "Anyways, please continue?" Torie prompted.

"We've kept feelers out for the Director, well the one we want anyways. We were able to spot him here and there going from the US, through Mexico and down to Brazil. The Brazilian Government wanted nothing to do with him as he seems to have stepped on more then a few toes pushing to get them to agree to one action or another over the years." Jas was explaining and handed over a file folder. Torie resettled the kids on the floor which had them shift to their cats and start wrestling.

"It took a few more months but he popped up in the Virgin Islands and then in the Caribbean where he may have bought an Island. We are still checking on that...." she stated while Torie flipped through the files and shook her head.

"No, he didn't stay there, he had to blackmail their Customs Officer in order to let me in for a job and that Official is still in place. That man was pissed off beyond anything I had ever seen, so no he would not be allowed to stay, surprised he even got off a plane or boat there." Torie stated and Jas nodded.

"Okay that would explain the sighting in Bora Bora and finally in Micronesia where he again may have been able to purchase his own Island." Jas said in conclusion. Torie kept up with her while reading the file and smiled.

"That is about the only place he did not make a flat out enemy. While the Officials are all above board when it comes to Governing, they do know that now and then a rule does need a bit of bending here and there to ensure harmony within the Country. Having a drug lord does not promote harmony." Torie stated and pulled out her phone.

"Ahh Colonel, this is the blue eyed veil..." Torie greeted and paused before she continued and speaking in a dialect none of them knew and so just sat silently. Pretty soon she hung up the phone and set it a side.

"What was that all about?" Clare asked curiously.

"That was confirmation that the Director is in Country and yes he does have a private Island. He is currently having a private landing field built on it because just to drive a speed boat out to it can take up to two or more hours. He is willing to provide us a boat, weapons and a security pass at all the check points. He is also willing to leave the Island to us, as long as we do not dispute any cash or fine metals found on the Island. And as long as we pay the property taxes which he will set at a dollar per year." Torie answered as everyone else's jaws hit the floor.

"What the hell did you do for them?" Candice asked in shock.

"After I left the Island, we talked about our Bosses and what pricks they were. Turns out his Boss was allowing drugs to be passed through the Docks. So after I left Swift and his group, I called him up asking if he still was having trouble. A Drug Lord had moved on a small Island and was causing issues which he was ordered to leave alone. He asked for my help." Torie explained and shrugged a bit.

"I take it you gave him help." Jas supplied and Torie nodded.

"Free of charge too, told him if I ever needed a favor I would ask. So now we may just get ourselves a nice Vacation spot in the tropics whenever desired and for only a dollar a year." Torie replied and jumped slightly when one of the kittens landed on her lap.

"Oh come on, they can both teleport?" Clare asked slightly exasperated. Torie just laughed with Jas joining in.

"Oh Luna, I forgot they can get a power or two even this young.." Fran groaned and rubbed her belly as she said, "No porting and I mean it.." she was saying to her belly. Everyone giggled softly while shaking their heads.

"Well these two," Torie explained while handling her twins, ".. come from two genetic cat lines, so you may get lucky and not have to worry about it for several years after they are born." Torie said, but even she heard the slight doubt in her voice. Both Jas and She came with strong genetics when it came to the genetic cats.

"So will they be Cats or Wolves?" Fran asked curiously.

"Well every pairing of genetic cat and wolf I ever saw, the couple gave birth to cat shifters. They also held many of the Wolf abilities as well though." Jas answered and shrugged a bit.

"And it didn't matter if the Male was the Wolf or the Female was, when it was with a genetic cat, they always came out as cats." She explained further and Fran smiled.

"Well they will be loved even if they are fully human." Fran said smiling.

"So when shall we go pay him a visit?" Jas asked Torie. Torie looked over and smiled.

"We wait, let him feel safe and secure in his new home, besides he's building his own private air field, let that get finished first. After that, we start planning. My friend is going to have a plane fly over the Island a few times to get some areal shots and send them to us as well, both day and night shots as well as using heat detectors so we know where everyone gathers at night." Torie explained.

"Good thinking, your friend was military?" Jas asked curiously.

"Yes, he started out Military and worked his way up." Torie answered while both of her kittens fell a sleep on her lap.

"When the time comes, Jas and I will take care of this. Before then we need to let the Alpha Council know of all of it and get them to get the other packs to stand down and allow us to do what we do best. They may not like it, but at least they will get a sense of Justice out of it too." Torie explained and Jas nodded.

"Might as well go and give them the heads up, may take a while to calm some of the more hot headed Alpha's." Jas grumbled, how had she let Torie con her into playing Alpha? she asked herself.

"Because I am THAT good?" Torie answered having heard the thought.

"No you are not and stay out of my head!" Jas called out in the hallway causing both Clare and Torie to laugh.

"So we just wait now?" Clare asked softly, she hated the idea of her mate being gone.

"Yes, we wait, we let his Guard drop and then we kick his feet out from under him." Torie said softly and pulled Clare close to her side.

"Oh and you know one day you have to retake your position as Alpha right?" Clare asked with a grin. Torie nodded slowly and shrugged.

"How about after Jas talks to the Alphas Council and ends up speaking to every Alpha who calls in to complain?" Torie suggested and winked when Clare started laughing.

"You are just mean and ornery." Clare said while wrapping her arms around her mate, "I love it.." she whispered and kissed Torie's cheek. Together they sat and watched their kittens sleep on Torie's lap. Torie sat watching the kittens, she knew she could have simply lied and told them the Director had moved on and they would have simply lost track of him.

But the fact was the man would have never stayed safe on his Island for very long, he would still plot and plan his revenge on the pack that had killed his Father. After he'd been missing for more then seven years, his ex-wife had him confirmed as legally dead. It allowed her and her children to move forward with their lives as she had found love with another and it would allow his children to get the benefits of his life insurance policies along with the other benefits as well.

Now his son was out there picking up where he'd left off and causing an all out War had been part of that revenge. Seeking the destruction of the Greywolf pack and all it's members had been another step in completing that revenge. Now with Torie pulling the pack back together and rebuilding it into something even stronger, she knew he would come back. She could not chance his revenge could harm her children or her mate, she would confront him once and for all.

Torie smiled as she hung up her phone, after having located the man and where his mercenaries bunked at night, two Jaguar teams have been staying on the island. Switching off every week, the down team stayed in a safe house arranged by her friend. While the active team kept watch on everyone going in and out of the House. New arrivals by plane were getting pictures taken of them and matched up to Government data bases using recognition software.

For those on a watch list by anyone, information was sent to them as to their whereabouts and activities. Her friend said his Boss was unwilling to get involved even though there was a few wanted Internationally. He did give one sage advice, while his Boss was unwilling to get involved, he would not be heartbroken in the least if something happened to the whole lot of them, that left the Micronesian Government in the clear of any active involvement.

"You are smiling?" Clare asked slowly and Torie laughed.

"Miguel says as long as the Micronesian Government can't be linked to what happens on the Island, they don't care what we do there, just be clean about it." Torie stated and Jas laughed as well.

"Typical, they don't like what is happening but do not feel compelled to fix it themselves. Anything else?" Jas asked finally.

"The last two photos have been ID'd by their recognition software." Torie said with a smile.

"Who did we find?" Jas asked curiously.

"Juan Martinez and Maria Gomez, both heads of their respective Cartels out of Columbia." Torie said slowly as she looked at the over head map of the island. She pointed at the obvious buildings. "Now the Director, Sam Griffon, has his home here." she stated and then pointed at the second building, "And his thirty some odd, soldiers stay in here, they rotate squads of five around like clockwork. At any one time you have no less then fifteen men on the Island not including the Director and his whore for the week." Torie was explaining.

"As each squad is rotated, the squad on down time takes the whore from the Island while a new Whore is brought in to take her turn with the Director for the week. That will be our in, we find the guys bar they are finding the whores and either Jas or I, ride in with him. I am thinking Jas as the Director has never seen her face. I will parachute my way in prior to that and wait with the two cat squads on the Island." Torie explained to everyone listening.

Torie looked at the phone that was on speaker to both squad leaders, "You boys will begin to get things ready. I want this place to be cleansed. I'd like to keep the main house damage free, but the bunk house, level it and preferably with a lot of them inside it. So make sure the charges are to bring it down. They need to be in place by the time I get there. Jas will not have to play with the Director, he'll be too busy watching his World fall apart." Torie added.

"Oh thank Luna." Fran said even as her son was holding her leg and Jas was holding the other twin boy. Jas just smiled at Fran.

"What you don't want me experiencing boy S. E. X.?" she asked while spelling out sex.

"Oh hell no, with a capital H." Fran shot back and Jas laughed.

"Mom can we go outside?" Storm asked as he ran inside the room. It had been three years sense finding the Directors Island and they had taken their time in confining him to the Island. Anytime he left the Island someone was always following him and he was feeling nervous about it now. The last year has seen him staying within his Housing area complete with a large pool that looked like a tropical beach complete with a waterfall.

"Mom tell Storm I get to go too!" Raven came in right behind him. Torie looked at Storm.

"Do not ever let me find out you are ditching your sister again. You both must protect each other, so stop trying to leave her behind, or I will tan your behind, am I clear?" Torie demanded of him while he looked sheepish.

"You can both go play, but know you will be watched, the moment either of you try to ditch each other or leave the other to play with your friends, you will both be grounded for a month." Clare added with a huff.

"Yes, Mom." they both said at the same time. Clare was always true to her word when she said they would be watched and she nodded at one of the Guards who slipped out after them.

"So what do you think?" Torie asked Jas who moved closer to the maps.

"It's a solid plan, just don't take too long to blow the bunk house. Hate to have to give that wanker a hand job just to buy time." Jas said with a grin.

"STANDING RIGHT HERE!" Fran yelled out and Jas laughed. Torie winked at Clare who still looked nervous about the whole thing.

"You won't have to because you will be the start of the operation." Torie explained and pulled out a small cannister.

"This is no bigger then a tube of lipstick, just twist the cap and a stench like no other will clear the building. It's a mix of pepper spray and mustard gas with out the poison. While it will burn the eyes, a simple set of contacts will keep the sensations down to a minimum." Torie explained and sense Jas would need to wear colored contacts to hide the telltale signs of purple indicating she is an Alpha, her eyes would be protected from the gasses affects.

"Everyone will be tearing up so badly they will have to run out of the building. The first man out of the building will be our sign to blow the bunk house." Torie explained and set several of the lipstick tubes on the counter. Jas picked them up and looked them over slowly.

"They also have timers. Lets say you walk inside the house and he's not in the front with everyone else, just set a timer and when the guys aren't looking leave it somewhere. They will think one of the others dropped it or forgot it. And just keep dropping them until you find the prick." Torie said with a grin.

"And what will you be doing?" Jas asked. Torie shrugged lightly.

"Slipping through the shadows and removing the patrols outside, Both squads doing the same as we move into position for the finale." Torie said with a smile spreading over her lips. After everyone had the plans set, Torie and Jas took separate flights with different companies in order to avoid suspicion. Torie found her contact and he took her to a private air field where a small plane waited for her. Then she was outfitted and waited for nightfall. She would parachute in after the sun went down, with the Lycan natural ability to see in the dark, it was childs play.

Meanwhile Jas landed and went to find the most disastrous clothing she could find that revealed far too much for her own liking. Then waited at the bar that had been targeted as the pick up spot for the Directors loose women. She was able to fend off the advances of others easily enough and those who didn't like the word no, got a special surprise between their legs when she would kick or knee them. It wasn't long before a group of men known to be in the Director's employ, showed up and wanted to bring the new face to the Director.

When they tried to get a free sample, while the others complied, she shrugged them off and said no interest. She made it sound like they were liars trying to get a free ride and there was no island or big man with lots of money. They backed off quickly and after a lot of fast talking on their part, she finally agreed to go see this man. From the boat she sat on the front bow and could easily see Torie coming in for a landing. All the men distracted as they were too busy looking to see who the new whore was for this week. Jas allowed them to help her off the boat and walked with them to the large House. It was much bigger in person then what she had imagined from the photo's.

Torie landed and gathered the chute quickly and carefully, then hid it under several large limbs and leaves. Using their innate ability to communicate through the shared link, they were all off in different directions. Jas kept a tab on everyone as they were moving about the island taking out the patrols. Jas was also leaving the small devices around the House, timers had been set prior to landing on the island once she figured the proper time delays.

"Done.." Torie sent as she snapped the neck of the last patrol group. She moved into position and put in the eye contacts.

Jas smiled her best smile as she finally came face to face with the Director who had wiped out her family so very long ago. As she shook his hand, so the little devices popped off, the affect was immediate and she yanked him forward to slam her fist into his face and knocking him out cold. Jas did not stop and began killing the guards that were within the house, with many already running outside, a loud explosion took care of those within the Guard bunker.

I moved among the running men, claws severing their throats in surprise attacks that left them dying as they bled out quickly. The rest of the cats were busy as well, not only killing those running but making sure that none would escape this Justice that was needed by everyone.

Jas slapped the Director's face waking him up. His eyes darted between Jas and I and he paled as the blood drained from his face.

"Your kind killed my Father." he growled at me and I nodded.

"Of course we did, he attacked us, he hid in the shadows looking for ways to kill us. He got exactly what he deserved. And now so will you, oh and do not fret, a very kind Witch altered your families memories of you. They think you died of a massive heart attack in the arms of a whore." I explained while his face showed shock and denial.

"Mom, kill that piece of shit, if you please." I said to Jas who smiled widely. She extended her claws before him.