The Perils of Eronemus Ch. 03


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This led to a further shouting match between these female executives (lending me insight that things could be just as chaotic here as in the mercantile drawing rooms of my home city). Eventually, I saw Morg nodding gravely as more and more of the council were persuaded to send a smaller, well-armed delegation to plead our case at Haldrenfast.

I was relieved to be appointed to accompany this party of eight, who were to be supplied and mounted to travel lightly and swiftly.

"Monitor Magda Reeda-Marr?" said Morg, as discussions appeared to be ending.

"Yes, Sister Suprema." Answered Magda, snapping smartly to attention.

"Given your experience and knowledge of the Plains of Wroth adjoining our lands, I hereby appoint you leader of this delegation. You are likewise to provide protection to Master Eronemus here and utilize all his assets to good effect based on your judgment of any situation that may arise."

"It will be done as you have ordered Sister Suprema." Answered Magda unsmilingly and most seriously. Yet I could see she could not suppress that twinkle in her eye as we briefly exchanged glances.


The journey from the edge of the Forest of Yerras to the east through the Plains of Wroth passed uneventfully for our small party of emissaries. We all rode mounts of the same exotic hue I saw earlier when we entered the stronghold of the Moira. The Amazons all had warhorses, but as I was admittedly not an experienced rider, I contented myself with a manageable gelding. It was a balmy day and we were now entering cultivated plains. Magda told me that we were nearing Haldrenfast.

We were riding side by side near the front of the column.

"Old Erkmark is a land littered with the detritus of ancient kingdoms," I explained to Moira, ticking off each point with my index finger in the air to give emphasis. "Observe this road we are traveling upon. It is of some indestructible stone which pre-dates your culture. I could only conjecture if the Hovanish who have since gone extinct millennia ago built it using technologies long forgotten."

"Eronemus?" Magda asked me while suppressing a yawn. "Do you believe that the gods have decreed every being to perform tasks that have yet to be manifested to each one of us?"

"Not quite," I spoke up immediately. Squinting, I replied, "Rather, I believe that a man makes his own luck, talent and hard work being the key to success. No gods dictate my destiny."

"Take my own case," I continued confidently, warming up to the subject. "My prior training as a waghalter, bawd, scribe and advocate of no mean caliber gave me just the right skills to enable me to rise above the predicament I faced before the sorceresses of the Council of Ten. Nonetheless, with quick thinking and a dash of pluck and courage, I now find myself out of their reach and in the company of extremely brave and beautiful warrioresses as yourself."

"Hmmm," replied Magda shaking her head. "I believe that had a lot to do with Morg deciding to mount a raid upon the Council's keep."

"Well, erm, that too, of course." I swiftly added pretending to cough delicately. "Definitely true Maggs."

Looking at me seriously Magda said in a quiet voice, "Just don't place too much stock in your book learning Eronemus. I can see that you think you know a lot, and you really have read about a lot of things. However, Thuriya, the All-Mother may have plans for you beyond your reckoning."

"I-I'm afraid I don't follow you Maggs."

"Take your recent captivity and journey with us. It could be that you are fated to make a change just as you are- no frills, no pretenses, no trappings. Just the real you."

"Surely you can't mean that I will change history by being naked do you?" I said with a merry smile, trying to cheer her up. She seemed to be rather pensive this morning.

At that, she just looked long at me and shrugged. Then, she said cryptically, "You never can really tell my friend."


It was about midday when we saw the smoke arising from habitation drifting above the horizon and the hazy outline of a walled town materialized in the distance. My companions confirmed that this was Haldrenfast. Then, they were suddenly alerted by signs of an approaching armed band on large mounts hailing from the distant town. There was a sudden flurry of activity as Magda shouted orders and my warrioress companions smoothly took up defensive positions. They had a lot of practice doing this.

There was a ring and clatter of steel as blades were made ready. I didn't even draw my short sword as I knew I was less than useless with it. The Amazons knew it too. They didn't bring me along to engage in sword fighting.

Soon, we were surrounded by at least double our numbers in riders. Not surprisingly, they were all women, cut in the same mold as the Moirans, although more heavily armed. The riders were clad in silvered mail from head to knee and each was mounted on a fantastic beast resembling an overlarge two-legged avian sporting the most fantastic plumage. They sat silently astride their chased hardwood saddles, barring the road to Haldrenfast.

"I am Magda, Monitor and Warrioress of the Moira, allied to the Tribe of the Errienyx." Said Magda in a deep and loud tone, with her chin up high. "These are my sisters in battle and with us is our herald, advocate and scribe, Eronemus Dissidatus, late of the City State of Kai. We come in peace and crave an audience with your most honored High Suprema Yannessa."

Mentioning my name caused our opposite numbers to glance at me quizzically. It seemed they were not used to seeing a man armed and accoutered as I was in the company of their equals.

An exceptionally heavy-set and grim woman in a red-plumed morion rode closer and studied us one by one. "We have been made aware of the impending arrival of emissaries from the Moira. However, we were attacked only last night by parties unknown. Deaths were caused and some damage to our fair Haldrenfast. Until we can sort this out, I regret to inform you that we cannot allow you to pass and seek audience with the High Suprema."

As expected, there were exclamations of disbelief and disappointment from our side. Even my entreaties fell on deaf ears. As the exchange continued, I became aware of the presence of newcomers to the scene. These were also women, but women accoutered not for war. Each wore voluminous robes of white and gold, bearing torcs and armlets of exquisite workmanship. Every last one was young and ravishingly pretty, their hair grown long and braided down their backs with what seemed like silver twine.

Leading them was a woman of extremely grave mien who stepped forward unsmiling and silent. She seemed about my age, but much taller and heftier. This was emphasized by a tall tiara-like ebony headdress atop her reddish-brown locks. She had dignified features and finely chiseled cheekbones lending her a rather serious beauty. She was wrapped in a single garment of scarlet and gold which covered her from neck to feet such that I could only see her hands which bore a staff of engraved hardwood. I could see that even concealed by the folds of her robe, she had heavy breasts befitting a woman of her stature and full rounded curves which lent her an earthy, sensuous look. My mind wandered and set me fantasizing what she looked like wearing only her headress.

I started getting an erection immediately and smiled to myself.

As she approached, I heard exclamations of 'Maitra' and knew she was their version of a Priestess-Mage. This caused me to stop my daydreaming immediately and wiped my smile off my face.

Magda dismounted and bowed deeply. I did so as well.

"Lorannis vronis est. Kelabennis valomft." I said, recalling the formal greeting from the almost dead language. This appeared to catch her attention judging from a quizzically raised eyebrow and a questioning look she shot at me.

Although we repeated our previous entreaties made before the helmeted captain of the detachment, we failed to gain approval for an audience before the High Suprema. I looked at my companions and saw that they were getting desperate.

Remembering some obscure ritual I came across before, I formally requested the Maitra to be allowed to demonstrate our good faith and intentions- through the Ritual of Divestment. She only looked at me and kept silent. Feeling the eyes of my companions on me, I made a decision on my own to proceed.

Speaking the formal lines haltingly in a language that died before Haldrenfast was even a mud village, I proceeded to doff my cloth cap and lay it on the ground before me. I then undid my cloak and set it beside my cap. Next, I unbuckled my belt, wrapped it around my sheathed sword, and dropped them on the cloak. Finally, I knelt and unlaced my boots. Taking both of them off, I followed these with my knitted stockings so that I was standing barefooted on the road.

I ended the ritual with a flourish, feeling quite good with myself. I knew that the Ritual of Divestment was the best formal way of ceremonially proving that we came in peace with no weapons or desire for combat.

Silence followed my discourse, save for the sounds of the wild and the occasional fidgeting of our mounts.

Suddenly, the Maitra began to speak. She talked to us in clipped, sibilant tones and we had to strain to catch the import of her words.

"You speak the dead language gracefully herald." She said, addressing me directly. "But mere ceremony is not enough to prove good faith and intention. The Ancients believed in carrying out their intentions to the fullest. As truth revels fully when unclad, you must prove sincerity with your truth."

Then, she looked at me intently, as if waiting for something.

I stood there flabbergasted. Was she crazy? The Ritual of Divestment was simply that- a ritual. Surely she did not expect me to literally undress completely in public? I became ever so conscious that I was the only man present and that suddenly, all eyes were on me waiting for my next move.

"Psst, Eronemus," hissed Magda. I looked back and to the side and saw her staring at me expectantly with wide-open eyes. "What's wrong with you? What are you waiting for?"

"Maggs," I pleaded, growing alarmed at how things were turning out. I broke into a cold sweat, anxious that my scheme was backfiring on me.

"You heard the Maitra, little man," growled Thessa, one of our party.

"Yeah," followed another, in a rising tone. "Take them off." By now all my companions were frantically whispering to me harshly.

"Get it off, little man."


"Get naked."

"Take them off!"

"Take them off!"

"Take them off!"

I looked around me and saw only hostility from my own camp. I turned around and saw that the guardswomen barring our path were getting impatient. The Maitra and her apprentices, on the other hand, stared at me coolly and confidently. Did I detect slight smiles on their lips?

I sighed deeply and slumped my shoulders.

Mortified, I knew I had no choice in the matter.

I looked down to the ground, unable to meet my watchers' eyes. Hands trembling, my fingers undid the fastenings of my finely spun shirt, one button at a time. I felt the breeze on my chest as I slid my shirt off my shoulders and dropped it on the ground.

As I undid the snaps of my trousers, my hands were shaking. My skin was cooled by the breeze but I was getting heated up from inside. I grew aware of my heart pumping wildly. I began to hyperventilate.

As I discarded my trousers, I was only too aware of the bulge forming in front of my brief undershorts, which was the last thing I had on. I was burning in shame at being forced to undress before an impromptu female audience -- but at the same time I was vibrant. I was trembling and a delicious shiver would run up my spine unbidden.

I slipped my fingers into the waistband of my undershorts but stopped there. The shame of it all was getting through to me in full force by now, and I looked back to Magda once more, pleading with her.

I saw that she was flushed, her pretty face strained with anticipation. "Please Eronenus," she whispered. "You're the only one who can help us now."

Seeing that hungry look on her lovely face only seemed to turn me on. I felt hotter and even more sweaty. My cock was now swelling up and making an indecent bulge, impossible to hide.

I turned back to the Avendaans but averted my gaze from their eyes. Of course, I could feel the weight of their expectant stares all focused on me. My exposed arms and shoulders were breaking out in gooseflesh particularly so as the breeze was playing on my bare skin.

'This is it.' I said to myself. 'Here goes nothing.'

I took a deep breath and hooked my thumb and forefingers under my waistband. Closing my eyes, I pulled down my undershorts and felt it drop to my ankles. I kicked it away and realized I was now completely nude before about a score of fully armed and accoutered women.

Naturally, my cock sprang to full attention after being freed. My balls swelled up, hanging loose in the warm air. Instinctively, I put both hands in front of my erect shaft with palms outstretched. I was all too conscious that the Avendaans were seeing my full frontal nudity and my hard cock which I clutched with my hands. I squirmed nervously knowing that at the same time, my Moiran allies were being afforded an unrestricted view of my nakedly displayed ass.

I was so flustered with embarrassment that I turned slightly to the side, my buns bunching up as I bent inward to cover up my aroused sex so the Avendaans were now seeing my nude hip and part of my butt cheek instead.

I was awash with shame but for some reason, I felt very much alive.

Sheepishly, I looked first to the left, at my allies and then to the right, at the Avendaans. I was surrounded, naked and exposed.

Then, pleading in a tiny voice, I said, "Can I put my clothes back on now?"



No-one, however made a move to help me out of my predicament. I was not about to be allowed to dress. I remained naked, on display.

Exchanging some words with her captain, the Maitra slowly approached me bringing along her acolytes. Still covering my dick with my hands, I stood there, meekly, my heart pumping wildly. They closed in on me and continued to gaze with apparent interest at my nakedness. They also seemed to have that hot, hungry, sexy look in their faces.

"He appears to be well-aspected Maitra," spoke a blonde haired beauty staring intently at my cock and balls.

"We must make sure, child." Answered the Maitra. She looked at me and ordered sternly, "Raise your arms and spread your legs so that you may be inspected."

I hesitated, and as they stood waiting impatiently, I heard Magda whisper from one side, "Do as they say Eronemus."

Again, I sighed. I deliberately looked away and put my arms up, locking my hands behind my head. I stepped wider, spreading my legs. I felt so vulnerable in this pose and could not help but remember the Pefft who we saw at the Void Henge.

I was deliberately exhibiting my nudity to these women, my hot erect cock and balls vulgarly displayed for their examination.

It felt so sexy.

I felt a slap on my ass as one of the acolytes spanked my butt cheek with an open palm, "Open wider, little man." I spread my legs wider, blushing from my face and behind.

Then, I felt cool fingers tickling my balls, gently weighing them. Slim feminine fingers gripped my hot shaft and seemed to pet it. The pleasure was so intense I felt myself involuntarily spurt a few beads of precum which came dribbling out of my cocktip. There was hushed giggling which only served to turn me on even more.

"Very good," I heard the Maitra say. "Notice how firm his scrotum is, and the shaft is smooth and healthy."

"His cock is big, and hot."

I exhaled sharply, realizing I was holding my breath as I felt the shaft of my hot, hard dick being stroked slowly and sensually.

"He is indeed divinely aspected."

"And his cocktip- so smooth like a bulb." I sighed with uninhibited delight as I felt a thumb and forefinger imprison my cocktip. I felt a woman's breath caress the silky-smooth helmet of my cocktip --heightening my sense of vulnerable exposure.

I was trembling with shamed pleasure and knew I was on the verge of coming as they would not stop handling my penis. I gasped deliriously as I felt a soft fingertip making tiny circles on my cocktip, smearing the drops of precum around. Now they were stroking my meat non-stop, and I was making rude humping, pumping motions with my nude hips.

I felt the tell-tale pressure build up in my balls and I knew I had crossed the point of no return.

"Uurghh," I grunted as I ejaculated explosively. I came, and came hot and hard. I arched my back sharply and shuddered in the throes of an exquisite orgasm. I was beyond caring that my audience could hear me moaning with delight as slick slippery cum shot out of my cock.

I continued to spurt hotly, wildly and uncontrollably. I heard sounds of surprise, amusement and delight. There was a lot of giggling and tittering and I felt a delicious, sexy shiver throughout my naked body. Dimly, I wondered how I must have appeared to these female witnesses- standing totally nude, arms behind the head, legs spread out, cock pumping out streams of the juice of my loins, and my bare ass cheeks humping as I came. I must have spurted about six good loads and the rest came out in a trickle.

It was so humiliating to have been forced into performing an impromptu sex show for a female audience. It was also so very, very delicious.

Afterwards, everyone seemed to have settled down. The Maitra appeared satisfied and prevailed upon the guard to let us through. Not surprisingly, my companions (who all seemed in good humor now) clustered around me and beamed happily at what I just accomplished.

"Great job Eronemus," smiled Magda, looking genuinely proud of me.

"Uh, c-can I get dressed now?" Glancing around in alarm, I saw the Avendaans walking off with all my clothes.

"They say you'll have to remain naked as we ride into town." She replied to my shocked disbelief. "As sign of good faith."

"But I can't ride like this." Waving at my bare nakedness and my cock which was still hot and erect, still dribbling cum.

"Don't worry Eronemus, we can fix that."


So it was that I found myself riding at the head of the column sitting side saddle style on my trusty gelding, one hand on the reins, the other covering my cock which was still throbbingly hard and hot. In Kai, only women rode horses like this. I fumed at the irony of it all.

About a mile onward, Magda rode up to me. "Just checking that you're all right."

"Couldn't be better." I replied testily.

"Cheer up Eronemus." She said, patting me on the shoulder. "Remember what we talked about earlier? The All-Mother sees your unique gifts."

Looking down at my cock, she said, "She has big plans for you."

"Oh shut up woman," was all I could say.


To be continued...

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stevehaywoodstevehaywoodover 9 years ago
Please continue!

Loving all chapters!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago

This is great stuff; I can't wait for the next chapter!

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Please continue!

Great work, please keep it up. I love your world and the pleasure the female characters are having at his expense.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Great Story

I can't wait to see what other big plans she has for him. Please continue.

mememe621mememe621over 11 years ago
Love it!

This fantasy world keeps getting richer and richer with each chapter. Wonderful story, and I can't wait for the next chapter.

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