The Perils of Rock n Roll Decadence


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He looked down at her for a moment, her fingers still lightly resting on his cheek, before he finally nodded and his grin once more returned.

"Ok." He said before his eyes sparkled playfully "Or we could stay for a minute; I like having you against me like this."

Still feeling that pleased warmth, his flirting made Mia laugh this time rather than roll her eyes. Even so, she still slapped his chest gently as she pushed herself away from him, ignoring the odd feeling of loss that she felt as his hands slowly slipped from her waist.

"Come on, they'll all be waiting." She replied in a good-natured, long-suffering tone before walking out of the elevator, with the feel of Theo's eyes on her.

Well, she was sure they were on her ass with how the severe tightness of her jeans emphasized the way that she walked, especially in her heeled boots...a thought confirmed by the flirtiness in her boyfriend's friend's tone as he said, "Right behind you", and followed her out.

Mia just laughed softly, feeling that tiny flattered sensation return as they made their way towards the front of the hotel. Everybody else was waiting there already, including Migs who was trying to surreptitiously hide a can of beer beneath his hoodie, much to Johnnie's amusement, and so after a quick explanation of why Ethan wasn't there the group headed out into the still lightly falling rain.

By the time that the five of them had reached the venue -- the smaller of the two enormous halls at the Venus Apollo -- the weather had cooled even more and the rain had grown a little more persistent, though neither was enough to dampen their spirits as they stood four people back from the doors. The whole night now seemed more real, more...exciting, as they waited outside the concert hall knowing that the band were no doubt already in the building.

Mia and Marie were almost bouncing on their toes as they stood as close to the wall as they could get to try to stay out of the rain. Even when they had been waiting well over an hour, laughing and joking, and of course with Mia jokingly dismissing Theo's flirty comments, or trying her best to ignore the way that his eyes traced over every inch of her appreciatively -- though she did smile at that once or twice -- both of which he seemed to do more to her than Marie now, no doubt because Ethan wasn't there and Johnnie was.

Even after all of that time as the wind grew ever chillier and the rain began to fall heavier, and each of them stood with their arms wrapped around themselves in their hoodies, their spirits only grew ever more excited, their smiles ever broader, and their heads spun ever more deliriously, as the time for the doors to open drew closer and the line outside the hall grew ever longer.

Even so, as time wore on, all of the waiting in the steady drizzle and the cool breeze began to wear on each of them. Even knowing that they would have melted inside -- and no one wanted to wait for the cloakroom service when they were this close to being at the front -- one or two asked the others why they hadn't brought coats as they tightened their grip around themselves, or in Marie and Johnnie's case, around each other. Seeing those two made Mia wish a little more that Ethan had been there, at least he would help her stay warm and a little drier, she thought with a sudden shiver as the wind gusted sharply and the rain began to pelt down heavier.

Whether it was seeing her tremble, reading her mind, seeing the look that she had given Marie and Johnnie, or -- knowing Ethan's friend -- just wanting a chance to hit on her, Theo suddenly straightened from where he was leaning against the wall and opened his arms a little.

"Mia, come on before you freeze in the rain." Her boyfriend's friend said with more amusement than concern, that playful gleam in his eye saying that, although he was being nice, he also enjoyed the idea of having her close to him again.

It was that twinkle in his eyes, and the fact that she knew him, that made Mia shake her head slightly and smile politely back. Well, it was those and the fact that she could still remember her boyfriend's friend's hands on her waist and her body lightly pressing against his, and the thoughts and feelings that she had had with it. If Migs had offered she would have been there like a shot!

Theo, of course, wasn't going to give up that easy.

"Oh come on Mia, you're getting soaked. And Ethan did make me promise to look after you. You wouldn't want him to be pissed off at me if I bring you back ill, ah?" He asked convincingly, and even standing where she was Mia could feel the force of his personality almost willing her to give in or pulling her to him.

Whether it was the force of his point, the fact that the wind suddenly gusted coldly, the compelling aura of Theo himself, or just because deep down part of Mia still absently wondered at her earlier thoughts, the dark-haired girlfriend didn't know, but after a moment of staring at him indecisively, trembling gently as the rain pelted her already wet hoodie, she finally, albeit reluctantly, walked over to Theo's open arms.

"Thanks." She murmured softly as she tried to figure out which way would be less awkward, and less likely to make the tall attractive guy flirt with her.

Before she could decide, Theo's hands once more firmly grasped her waist -- sending a momentary flutter through the hot girlfriend as she remembered the elevator -- then his hands slid softly around her back, resting together as he gently, yet strongly, pulled her towards him, pressing her soft, firm breasts gently into his tight chest again. What was worse, Mia could feel her stomach press against his body and the closeness of his jean-clad crotch to hers again.

At first, Mia's own hands were crushed uncomfortably between her and Theo, as he had pulled her to him before she had had the chance to think. However as she looked up at him smiling down at her, the attractive 19-year-old girlfriend moved awkwardly -- her boyfriend's friend wasn't exactly going to let go now he had her in his arms again -- before she managed to free her arms and...reluctantly realizing that they had nowhere else to go...gently placed her hands on his toned waist.

To begin with, Mia hardly looked up into Theo's smirking face, but rather just stood there as frozen as a stone as she tried to ignore the feeling of his arms around her or his body pressed against hers and tried to keep her mind from recalling her curious wonderings about what Johnnie and the others had said. The fact that she could almost feel his crotch pressing against hers, however, didn't help with that last part though.

Still, after a short while his warmth and shelter from the rain did make the dark-haired girlfriend feel a little more comfortable, and as the conversation continued and she once more joined in, Mia began to feel more relaxed, and soon her concern began to melt as her body warmed, and before long she was laughing and joking with the others again.

"Feeling better?" Theo asked with a warm, yet caring, smile, as he looked down at her after she and Marie had just made fun of an attempt that Migs had made to chat up a girl in the line.

"Much, thanks." She answered with a bright smile of her own before shifting a little to get more comfortable, her hands slid around his back as she moved, which made his slip to the small of her slender back.

"Well I'm glad I could help." He replied with a more playful twist to his lips and a softer voice. "I told you I could warm you up, didn't I?"

Whether it was the growing excitement within her as the time for the doors to open drew closer, the way that she was feeling more comfortable now that everyone was joking and talking, the slightly playfully flattered feeling that she felt from Theo's flirting, or just the stunning smile he was giving her, Mia laughed softly at that and tapped his back with her hands.

"Stop it!" She chastised with a small pleased smile which only made Theo's grin grow wider.

"What? It's true isn't it?" He asked with a teasing-innocence that melted into a very insinuating smirk as his enticing grey-green eyes lit up. "But if you do get colder and wetter, it'll take more movement and friction to get you warmed up."

That made Mia eye him with amused censure that fortunately hid her sudden thought about Theo's size and skill again which she stomped down before it could take root. Theo's eyes glinted with laughter as he suddenly took on a look of absolute innocence as he started to vigorously rub up and down her back, as if that had been what he had been talking about all along. That expression just looked so foreign on Ethan's friend that Mia couldn't help but break out into a soft laugh into his chest.

"You have a dirty mind Mia Kennedy." Her boyfriend's friend teased as he returned his strong hands to the base of her back and pulled her gently closer to him.

"I have a dirty mind?" Mia asked in playful astonishment "Uh-huh..."

Before she could say anymore, Marie suddenly burst out laughing and called her name. As Mia turned to look at her friend her cheek brushed against Theo's chest as he held her...and she held him...close enough that she had to rest her head against his chest so that she could look at what was going on and laugh at Migs as Marie pointed to him further up the line.

And so the happy, light-hearted conversation went on as the rain fell, the late afternoon-early evening cooled, and the wind blew; each increasing as the time ticked on. Most of Mia felt much warmer as she and Theo held onto each other, but still the relentless wind and cold rain couldn't be completely blocked; well, not unless she let Theo press her against the wall, and she wasn't about to go that far with him, he was bad enough with his playful comments as she was!. And so soon the parts of the dark-haired girlfriend that were still exposed to the weather began to feel the chill. And so Mia was soon gently rubbing her hands and flexing her fingers against Theo's back to work some warmth into them, and shifting a little uncomfortably as her back -- and especially her ass in her tight jeans that was only partly covered by her hoodie -- began to really feel the chill and rain.

It was at that moment that a sudden playful, and oh-so-funny, thought sparked in the dark-haired girlfriend's mind, something that would help her hands at least warm up a little. And so with a small but very amused smile to herself the beautiful black-haired girlfriend waited for Theo to be in a conversation with the others before abruptly fumbling with his hoodie and quickly sliding her hands underneath his t-shirt, pressing them against his gloriously warm flesh.

The sudden, unexpected freezing coldness of her hands against his naked body made Theo almost jump out of his skin as he squealed a shout that was so high-pitched that Mia almost thought that he had suddenly become a girl. In a hurried rush he quickly began to fumble frantically to try to pull her hands from his back. Mia, though, clung to his back not only to keep her hands warm, but because she could barely stand up from laughing.

"Oh fuck! You..." Theo began as he struggled vainly to reach her hands while Mia laughed in tantalizingly pleased amusement. The others joined in once they figured out what was going on; especially Migs who was trying to get his own back for everyone laughing at him earlier.

"Ah, that's better!" She replied with an impish grin as she shifted her hands to another warm part of his solid flesh, causing another round of chilled struggling from her boyfriend's friend. "You're right, you do warm me up."

"Mia...damn..." Theo replied as he twisted uselessly while she laughed. When he realized that it was useless his face took on a retaliatory expression. "...Right, that's it..." He added, before suddenly his hands moved quicker than Mia had ever thought possible, lifting her hoodie and the tight vest top beneath and slipping his freezing cold, wet, hands onto the warm flesh of the small of her back.

This time it was Mia's turn to yelp at the sudden cold as she twisted and moved.

"Theo...Theo...don't!" She laughed as the cold wetness of his hands against her bare skin shocked her so much that she couldn't help but laugh and squirm even harder. She could hardly breathe from the shock of the cold and how she was laughing as she struggled vainly.

Her boyfriend's friend was not going to let her get away with starting all of this that easily of course, and so despite her protests he continued to press his large hands into her soft, slender back, shifting them further up and around just as she had moments before.

"Ah, so much warmer now, thanks." He mimicked her words as his hands slipped quickly almost to her bra strap beneath her tight top.

"Theo...Theo, stop! Stop!" Mia laughed, shivering and squirming relentlessly at the cold of his hands before quickly pulling her hands from underneath his top and showing them to him. "Ok, ok, you win, I'll stop. Please."

Keeping his hands still on her naked back, his fingers brushing the strap of her purple bra, Ethan's friend eyed her a moment.

"A truce?" He asked warily, and Mia nodded.

"Yes!" She answered adamantly as she shivered and laughed gently.

Her boyfriend's friend seemed to think about it for a while before his attractive face lit up with a huge, mischievous grin.

"No way, you started this!" He said finally before once more he began to move his hands.

Mia laughed and squealed even louder at the cold as she squirmed and struggled vainly in his arms, much to everyone's amusement, while laughing at her boyfriend's friend to stop as she slapped his toned arms and giggled. Theo, however, was apparently having too much fun, and didn't let up, his hands sliding down, up, and around her back quickly to wherever the cold would affect Mia more.

For her part Mia just continued to laugh and struggle, until his hands moved up and Mia twisted and suddenly she felt her bra strap snap open as his hands rested between her shoulder blades. Even with the cold, that made Mia stop struggling and stare up at him with amused disbelief, her mouth hanging open in playful shock.

For a moment she just stood there frozen feeling his hands resting flat on her back beneath her unhooked bra before suddenly she came back to herself. Glancing at everyone else, who from what she could tell had no idea what had happened Mia looked back up at Theo, and was about to tell him off light-heartedly when she suddenly realized how bad that would sound in front of everyone. For here she was, her boyfriend ill in their hotel room, while his friend -- who was good-looking and renowned for hitting on women -- had his hands up the back of her top and had just, albeit accidentally, unhooked her bra. Oh yes, saying that would look good, especially if it got back to Ethan!

And so, lowering her voice, Mia smiled up at Theo as she held on to his arms, his hands still on her slender back as he waited for what he thought would be more pleading no doubt.

"Would you mind...doing me back up?" She asked softly and tentatively, with as much light-hearted seriousness as her amusedly disbelieving expression conveyed

The confusion on Theo's face suddenly turned into amused comprehension as he realized what had happened. Fortunately though he didn't make any kind of comment and instead only gently, and subtly...and expertly, Mia had to admit...hooked her bra back together, before resting his hands on top of the delicate strap. The feel of his fingers tugging at her bra strap, even though he was doing it back up rather than undoing it, sent a flutter through Mia's stomach as she looked up into Theo's grinning, gorgeous face and felt herself pressed against his body.

The fact that they were both keeping what had happened so quiet only sent her stomach even more fluttery, as Mia suddenly felt that they were alone or in their own private moment as she and her boyfriend's friend did something that, while totally innocent, was still so intimate and something that only her and her boyfriend should be doing.

As the butterflies in her stomach fluttered wildly and she looked up into Theo's amusedly smiling face, Mia thought that never in a million years, and especially earlier that day, would Theo -- this friend of her boyfriend's with such a reputation for hitting on women, and who had hit on her numerous times and she had always rebutted -- have his hands under her top, his skin brushing hers, tugging at her bra. For a moment Mia felt very conscious of her body pressing against his and how big and strong his hands were against her slender back, when Theo finally spoke.

"Well I never thought I'd have to do that today!" He joked, unable to resist some kind of comment, and Mia slapped his arm, trying not to blush at the voicing of her own thoughts. Instead she gave him a mock-serious look that told him he wouldn't get to do it again.

"No more." She warned, though she wore a small smile as she said it, before she reached back, ignoring the way that rubbed her soft breasts against his chest, to pull his hands from under her top, keeping her eyes locked with his as she did to make sure that he wouldn't try anything quickly. "Truce?"

With a small, secretive curve to his lips, her boyfriend's friend nodded.

"Until you ask me to undo it again." He replied amusedly

Mia felt her stomach suddenly lurch with those butterflies, her mind trying to flood with her earlier thoughts and her body suddenly spinning in response, at the flirty insinuation that he would be unhooking her bra later -- no doubt before he...

Stopping that line of thought before her cheeks rushed red, Mia forced herself and her mind to calm before she gave him a long-suffering look. It had all taken the briefest of seconds, but Theo still grinned back at her as if Mia had blushed and let her sudden feelings show.

She was about to let his hands fall back around her, when Marie spoke and the dark-haired girlfriend twisted to try to speak to her. Before she could, however, she half-muttered at the awkwardness of trying to move her face to take in each of the group without almost head-butting Theo's chest or chin. And so, letting one of his hands go for a moment, Mia turned around before taking a hold of it again and leaning back against him, holding his hands around her on her flat stomach, and placing her own hands on his. Now she could see everyone easily and still keep warm. Much better.

Marie, it turned out, just wanted to make fun of the pair of them, as did Johnnie, however between her and Theo's responses, it was the other pair that got the worst of the banter that followed. That felt odd in a way, her and Theo against Johnnie and almost felt like it was couple against couple. Dismissing that thought Mia just lost herself in the fun, relaxing nature of the friendly conversation, while also trying to forget the feel of her boyfriend's friend's hands working on her bra...underneath her top...brushing her bare back...while she stared up at his very attractive face...her soft, yet firm, body pressing gently against his tight, toned chest and stomach...

Fortunately the joking and talking did clear her mind somewhat, as did the reassurance that Mia gave herself that everything that had happened had just been an accident, so there was no reason to think about it anymore.

Theo, of course, holding her as he was now couldn't help but whisper flirty comments and compliments into her ear as she listened to whatever someone else was saying, each of which made her laugh softly and feel a little flattered -- but she had long since thought that that was ok by now -- and earned him a playful, and increasingly less hard, slap on his arms as he held them around her firmly.
