The Philistine: a periodical for curious persons (Vol. II, No. 6, May 1896)


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This complete set of twelve dainty booklets and THE PHILISTINE for one year for One Dollar is the most attractive offer that could be made to a Bookman for the price. The LITTLE JOURNEYS form an introduction to the master minds of our century which will lead many younger readers to make wider excursions into the best literature. For the busy man or woman here is a small library complete in itself. These are the unexacting books that solace us for the harrassments of active life.

Address THE PHILISTINE, East Aurora, N. Y.


The Leading Exponent of Bimetallism and Protection in the United States.

A national weekly journal, Truthful, Fearless and Aggressive in the discussion of Public Affairs and other events of general interest, in which those who are literary, as well as those who desire to be fully informed on current events of Public Importance will find what they want.


_The American_ is fighting the battle of the masses against those who would fix the gold standard permanently upon the country; holding that the supreme duty of the American People is to conserve, protect and fortify the interests of the United States. $2.00 per annum. Sample copies free.

$3.00 for $2.00.

JUST THINK OF IT! For $2, the regular price of subscription, we will send _The American_ and any one of these well-known periodicals:

To Date. Munsey’s. Cosmopolitan. The Black Cat. McClure’s. Peterson’s. Book Buyer. Godey’s. Romance. American Sentinel. Farm Journal. American Agriculturist. Rural New Yorker. Art in Advertising. Ladies’ Home Journal. Sunday School Times. American Gardening. National Temperance Advocate. American Woman’s Magazine.

The name of the subscriber must be one not now on our list. Mention this advertisement.


Little Journeys


Little Journeys to the Homes of American Authors.

The papers below specified were, with the exception of that contributed by the editor, Mr. Hubbard, originally issued by the late G. P. Putnam, in 1853, in a book entitled _Homes of American Authors_. It is now nearly half a century since this series (which won for itself at the time a very noteworthy prestige) was brought before the public; and the present publishers feel that no apology is needed in presenting to a new generation of American readers papers of such distinctive biographical interest and literary value.

No. 1, Emerson, by Geo. W. Curtis. ” 2, Bryant, by Caroline M. Kirkland. ” 3, Prescott, by Geo. S. Hillard. ” 4, Lowell, by Charles F. Briggs. ” 5, Simms, by Wm. Cullen Bryant. ” 6, Walt Whitman, by Elbert Hubbard. ” 7, Hawthorne, by Geo. Wm. Curtis. ” 8, Audubon, by Parke Godwin. ” 9, Irving, by H. T. Tuckerman. ” 10, Longfellow, by Geo. Wm. Curtis. ” 11, Everett, by Geo. S. Hillard. ” 12, Bancroft, by Geo. W. Greene.

The above papers will form the series of _Little Journeys_ for the year 1896.

They will be issued monthly, beginning January, 1896, in the same general style as the series of 1895, at 50 cents a year, and single copies will be sold for 5 cents, postage paid.


We make a specialty of Dekel Edge Papers and carry the largest stock and best variety in the country. Fine Hand-made Papers in great variety. Exclusive Western Agents for L. L. Brown Paper Company’s Hand-mades.

GEO. H. TAYLOR & CO., PAPER DEALERS, 207-209 Monroe Street, Chicago, Ill.

A MOUNTAIN WOMAN. By ELIA W. PEATTIE. With cover design by Mr. Bruce Rogers. 16mo, cloth, gilt top, $1.25.

The author of “A Mountain Woman” is an editorial writer on the Omaha _World-Herald_, and is widely known in the Middle West as a writer of a number of tales of Western life that are characterized by much finish and charm.

THE LAMP OF GOLD. By FLORENCE L. SNOW, President of the Kansas Academy of Language and Literature. Printed at the De Vinne Press on French hand-made paper. With title-page and cover designs by Mr. Edmund H. Garrett. 16mo, cloth, gilt top, $1.25.

PURCELL ODE AND OTHER POEMS. By ROBERT BRIDGES. 16mo, cloth, gilt top, $1.25 net.

Two hundred copies printed on Van Gelder hand-made paper for sale in America.

HAND AND SOUL. By DANTE GABRIEL ROSSETTI. Printed by Mr. William Morris at the Kelmscott Press.

This book is printed in the “Golden” type, with a specially designed title-page and border, and in special binding. “Hand and Soul” first appeared in “The Germ,” the short-lived magazine of the Pre-Raphælite Brotherhood. A few copies remain for sale at $3.50. Vellum copies all sold.

_For sale by all booksellers, or mailed postpaid by the publishers, on receipt of price._

WAY & WILLIAMS, Monadnock Block. Chicago.



This is not a mere reprint of “The Bibelot” edition, but has been edited with a view to making FitzGerald’s wonderful version indispensable in its present OLD WORLD shape.

The following are special features that as a whole can only be found in THE OLD WORLD edition:

I. An entirely new biographical sketch of Edward FitzGerald by Mr. W. Irving Way of Chicago.

II. Parallel texts of the First and Fourth editions, printed the one in Italic and the other in Roman type on opposite pages, the better to distinguish them.

III. Variorum readings giving all textual changes occurring in the Second, Third and Fourth editions.

IV. The omitted quatrains of the rare Second Edition of 1868. To the student of literature these cancelled readings are of the greatest interest and value.

V. A bibliography of all English versions and editions revised to date.

VI. Finally, three poems upon Omar and FitzGerald, not generally known, are here given, just as in The Bibelot Edition, two poems were there reprinted as fitting foreword and finale.

_925 copies on Van Gelder’s hand-made paper at_ _$1.00 net._ _100 ” ” Japan Vellum (numbered) at_ _2.50 ”_

Address THOMAS B. MOSHER, Portland, Maine.



To the Homes of Good Men and Great.

By Elbert Hubbard. Series 1895, handsomely bound. Illustrated with twelve portraits, etched and in photogravure. 16mo., printed on deckle-edge paper, gilt top. $1.75.


A Selection of Famous Books, offered as specimens of the best literature and of artistic typography and bookmaking. Printed on deckle-edge paper, bound in full ooze calf, with gilt tops, 16mo., (6½ × 4½ inches), each volume (in box), $2.25.

⁂ There are three different colors of binding—_dark green, garnet and umber_.

First group: The Essays of Elia, 2 vols. The Discourses of Epictetus. Sesame and Lilies. Autobiography of Franklin. Thoughts of Marcus Aurelius.


The Romance of a Tramp. By Elbert Hubbard. Twenty-eight full-page illustrations. Second edition. Bound in ornamental cloth, $1.50.


By Maurus Jokai. (The great Hungarian Novelist.) An Autobiographical Romance. Translated from the Hungarian by Nisbet Bain. $1.00.



that weekly illustrated paper published in Philadelphia (pity, isn’t it?), is a clean (moderately so) paper, chock full of such uninteresting topics as interviews with actor and actress (bless ’em); book gossip, news from Paris and London, (dear, old Lunnon), woman’s chatter, verse and lots more of idiocy that only spoils white paper. It sells for five cents a copy, or $2.00 a year.

VERY SPECIAL: Send two dollars and _Footlights_ and THE PHILISTINE will be sent you for one year. Address

THE PHILISTINE, East Aurora, N. Y.

THE ROYCROFT PRINTING SHOP at this time desires to announce a sister book to the Song of Songs: which is Solomon’s. It is the Journal of Koheleth: being a Reprint of the Book of Ecclesiastes with an Essay by Mr. Elbert Hubbard. The same Romanesque types are used that served so faithfully and well in the Songs, but the initials, colophon and rubricated borders are special designs. After seven hundred and twelve copies are printed the types will be distributed and the title page, colophon and borders destroyed.

In preparation of the text Mr. Hubbard has had the scholarly assistance of his friend, Dr. Frederic W. Sanders, of Columbia University. The worthy pressman has also been helpfully counseled by several Eminent Bibliophiles.

_Bound in buckram and antique boards. The seven hundred copies that are printed on Holland hand-made paper are offered at two dollars each, but the twelve copies on Japan Vellum at five dollars are all sold. Every book will be numbered and signed by Mr. Hubbard._

The Roycroft Printing Shop, East Aurora, N. Y.


A black chiffon gown for my skirt-dance, For the ball scene a satin brocade, Velvet page-dress to wear in the “Free-Lance.” (And a stand-off for having them made.)



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