The Philistine: a periodical of protest (Vol. I, No. 3, August 1895)


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But then—is Egotism Art?

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“Meditations in Motley” reveals a new American essayist, honest and whimsical, with a good deal of decorative plain speaking. An occasional carelessness of style is redeemed by unfailing insight.—I. ZANGWILL in _The Pall Mall Magazine_ for April, 1895.

A series of well written essays, remarkable on the whole for observation, refinement of feeling and literary sense. The book may be taken as a wholesome protest against the utilitarian efforts of the Time-Spirit, and as a plea for the rights and liberties of the imagination. We congratulate Mr. Harte on the success of his book.—_Public Opinion_, London, England.

Mr. Harte is not always so good in the piece as in the pattern, but he is often a pleasant companion, and I have met with no volume of essays from America since Miss Agnes Repplier’s so good as his “Meditations in Motley.”—RICHARD LE GALLIENNE, in the London _Review_.


For sale by all Booksellers, or sent postpaid on receipt of price by THE PHILISTINE.

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To the Homes of Good Men and Great.

_A series of literary studies published in monthly numbers, tastefully printed on hand-made paper, with attractive title-page._


The publishers announce that Little Journeys will be issued monthly and that each number will treat of recent visits made by Mr. Elbert Hubbard to the homes and haunts of various eminent persons. The subjects for the first twelve numbers have been arranged as follows:

1. George Eliot 2. Thomas Carlyle 3. John Ruskin 4. W. E. Gladstone 5. J. M. W. Turner 6. Jonathan Swift 7. Victor Hugo 8. Wm. Wordsworth 9. W. M. Thackeray 10. Charles Dickens 11. Oliver Goldsmith 12. Shakespeare

_LITTLE JOURNEYS: Published Monthly, 50 cents a year. Single copies, 5 cents, postage paid._

Published by G. P. PUTNAM’S SONS,

27 and 39 West 23d Street, New York. 24 Bedford Street, Strand, London.

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