The Photo Shop Ch. 07

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Nancy treats her mom Grace to an exiting photoshoot.
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Part 7 of the 65 part series

Updated 05/26/2024
Created 11/04/2020
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The Photo shop by Candyman666©

Chapter 7 : Nancy and Grace

After a few weeks, I started wondering if and when I would hear something from Nancy and the potential birthday gift for her mother Grace.

Then on a beautiful sunny Thursday, the shop doorbell chimed. Making my way from the computer room to the shop, I was pleasantly surprised to see Nancy, the beautiful young mother who gave me, a while ago, the treat of a lifetime; wholesome mother's milk, straight from its most beautiful natural source. She was accompanied by a more mature woman, who I presumed was her mother Grace.

"Hello Nancy, to what do I owe the pleasure of your visit?"

"Hello again, I am here to follow up on your suggestion, but first, allow me to introduce my mother Grace."

"Hello Grace, nice to finally meet you after everything your daughter told me about you."

"Oh I hope she didn't divulge any of my secrets or told you what a bad mother I am," Grace replied with a smile.

" absolutely not, on the contrary, Nancy was singing your praises, but she didn't tell me how beautiful her mother looked."

"Flattery will get you anywhere...Lew was it?"

"Yes indeed, Lew, the village photographer, and did Nancy tell you why she brought you here?"

"Not really, she mentioned that I should check out your shop and that she had a very nice time with you, taking photos of her and the baby."

"Ah Nancy, did you bring your mother here under false pretenses then?"

"No Lew, but I am not sure if I would've been able to convince her to accompany me if I had divulged my dark motives."

"Dark motives, God girl what are you scheming for me now?"

"Well mom, I think it is high time you had some decent photos taken, and as your birthday is coming up and you never can find anything for me to buy you, Lew suggested a portrait photo session. That's why I brought you here today, to have your picture taken."

"Absolutely not Nancy, I look a fright."

"Hey mom I told you to wear a nice frock, and you did, and you absolutely don't look a fright you are gorgeous and you know it, you just don't project it the way you could."

"I must absolutely agree with your daughter Grace; you do look stunning, in fact remarkable for a lady of your age."

"What, you told this man how old I am?"

"Yes mom I did, and I even showed him one of the rare photos I have of you; he was immediately enthusiastic to get you in front of his lens."

"Absolutely, I would really appreciate it if you would do me the honor of posing for me, and don't let your age influence you for one second, you look more than ten years younger than the age your daughter told me."

"You are just saying that to convince me to do what my daughter wants me to do."

"No Grace, I mean it, you have a natural beauty, which, by the way, you've passed on to your daughter I had the pleasure of photographing a few weeks ago."

"Come on mom, go for it, how long has it been since you had decent photos taken? And Lew might pleasantly surprise you with his unique photo techniques."

"Alright, what's the worst that could happen? That I look like an old hag in the pictures?"

"No way Grace, I will make sure of that! Oh, by the way where is baby Emilia?"

"She is with her great aunt," Nancy replied, "my mother's older sister and Emelia's godmother. She is also the one that named her."

"Lew, my mom is in no hurry." Nancy said, with a sideways wink.

"Come on Nancy, I don't want to take up Lew's whole afternoon. Half an hour should more than suffice to take a few pictures."

"Dear Grace, let me, as the professional, be the judge of that. We will take as long as it takes to bring out the best in you, although I doubt that will be very difficult, you being absolutely gorgeous."

"Lew stop with these compliments; if you keep it up I'll start to believe you."

"OK mom I'll see you in few hours. Lew will give me a call when he's done and I can collect you."

"Jeez Nancy, you make me sound like I'm a kid you need to pick up from school."

"No mom, more like a kid that came to play with a friend."

On those words Nancy quickly exited the shop and left her mother, a bit lost for words, in my care.

"Excellent, let's go to the studio!"

When Grace entered the studio I heard a sharp intake of breath.

"Oh my, I had no idea you had such a big studio back here, it doesn't show from the street at all."

"Yes, if you want to take good pictures, having space is of the utmost importance, lots of space. I don't want to be in your lap while I'm taking pictures. You wouldn't feel comfortable and that would result in forced expressions, absolutely no good, so I try to keep a distance between me and the model. I want the person I photograph to feel relaxed as if they are sort of on their own. OK let's get you started in a garden setting."

I pulled down a background with a spectacular yet intimate garden view, moved a garden bench in front of it, and enhanced the natural light coming through the roof, with some artificial daylight.

"Please take a seat and try to pretend you're sitting in your own garden. I'll even make it a bit more real with bird song, creating a real garden atmosphere."

"Oh my, I thought I would have to stand in different poses, I never imagined I would be sitting in a garden."

I saw that Grace started to relax as she took a fairly natural pose, just like she would be sitting in a real garden or in a park enjoying the scenery.

"Just look to the side Grace, don't look at me, at least not yet, I'll tell you when to shift and look into a different direction."

I started to snap away, moving around the studio at quite a distance from Grace. After a while she didn't even notice I was there anymore, listening to the sounds and watching some footage of a real park I had projected on the opposite wall.

"OK Grace, now please stand behind the bench."

After some more shots I suggested we change the scenery to something entirely different. I replaced the garden view with one of a den, with bookcases filled with colorful books and an open fire, in front of which, I installed an old leather easy chair, a little side table and a floor lamp. Handing her a book, I asked her to pretend reading it. Grace was really getting into this; she was like an actress and played her part to perfection.

We were now about thirty to forty-five minutes into the session and had exchanged some pleasantries, some of them even of a slightly sexual nature, so I thought the time was ripe to see if I could get her to disrobe for me. I changed the scenery to an old fashioned living room with a chaise longue.

"Grace, I am not sure if Nancy told you that I specialize in a more specific type of photos, bringing out the natural beauty of the model I am photographing?"

"She told me that you took pictures of her and the baby in a rather unclothed state, yes."

"Would you be willing to do something similar?"

"Come on Lew, at my age?"

"What's your age got to do with it?"

"Lew really, I am fifty-two, well over the hill!"

"Allow me to completely disagree, you are a gorgeous woman in your prime and I have no idea what hill you are referring to. Apart from the fact that you absolutely don't look like a fifty-two year old woman, unclothed photos of a more mature lady can look stunning. Tell me, have you ever done that before, pose in the nude?"

"Oh we are at complete nudity already, are we?"

"As a matter of fact we are yes, but I beg you please answer my question."

"No I have never done anything like that."

"Not even topless on the beach?"

"Uh...yes I have gone topless on the beach, but that was years ago."

"If you dared to go topless on the beach would you dare to go topless in a photo studio?"

"No, as I said that was years ago and I don't look like that anymore."

"Please again, let me be the judge of that. What do you risk? It's all digital and if you don't like what you see afterwards there is always the delete button on my camera, so what have you got to lose aside from your clothes?"

Grace started to laugh after that remark.

"Come on Grace, be daring, do something you have never done before, and you might never do again unless it's in the privacy of your own bedroom. Let's start with losing the dress, you would still be like on the beach, in a bikini, which I am absolutely sure you still wear when you go to the seaside."

"Yes I do wear bikinis on the beach even these days."

"Do it Grace, this is what your daughter would like you to do; well she did it first."

"OK then, but I warn you, you may have to delete them."

Grace got up, turned with her back to me and started to pull the zipper of her dress down, letting it drop to the floor before stepping out of it. Being a good mom and housewife, she picked it up and folded it carefully. I held out my arm for her to put it over and carefully laid it on a nearby chair.

"OK Grace now the moment of truth, please turn around."

Grace slowly turned around not knowing what to do with her arms.

"Relax, you're doing great, and by the way you look superb, I wish I'd had such a figure when I was fifty-two."

"How old are you in fact Lew?"

"I am fifty-nine, not really that much older than you, we are basically the same generation. So that was your first step to total abandon Grace. Are you going to reveal your stunning body to the camera? You know the actress Gwyneth Paltrow?

"Yes I do, what about her?"

"On her fifty-eighth' birthday she had a photoshoot in her own backyard with the caption 'on my birthday in my birthday suit''. Her daughter was not very pleased with what she did, but yours is all for it, so take the leap. Would it make you feel better if I lose some clothes as well, so that we are on an even keel?"

"Yeah maybe, if you wouldn't mind doing that it would make me feel less on display."

"I don't mind one bit Grace, you see I lost any hang-ups about my body at a rather young age, in fact when I was about fourteen or fifteen my parents decided to join a naturist club. Can you imagine, me in full puberty, discovering my own body parts and what they could do for me, never ever having seen a totally naked female in my life? I had been limited to snap shots of famous sexy movie stars in bikinis, to which at the time I masturbated. I lost all my shame in one go. But for now, Grace, prepare to see a fifty-nine year old naked male body."

Upon which I removed my T-shirt, undid my pants and dropped my boxer shorts sporting a bit of an erection.

"Wow that is drastic, the full Monty. I must admit though you look pretty nice for a man of your age."

"Thanks for the compliment Grace, now I must insist that you unveil you scrumptious body, and by the way I apologize for my bodily reaction to your first unveiling, this is something I have absolutely no control over, it only confirms how good looking you are."

It was as if a big weight had fallen off Grace although she remained a bit hesitant to take her bra off. When it finally came off and I got a first view of her luscious C-cup breasts I felt a serious tingle in my underbody, which resulted in something I would have preferred to avoid. When the panties came off and revealed Grace's real hair color, it felt like I was hit by a waterfall but then one of blood and rushing upward instead of downward giving me a towering erection.

"Again really sorry, but when I discovered your little secret of not being a natural blonde but in reality a ginger, it got my blood rushing to where I didn't want it to go."

"Never mind Lew I haven't seen one of those in a long time and it's great to see I can still have such an effect on a man."

This left us both in our birthday suits drinking in each other's features. Grace was staring as much as I was so I didn't need to be embarrassed and avert my eyes.

"Great let's shoot some photos, please sit in front of the chaise longue and put your elbows on the seat, that will nicely show off your very beautiful boobs, then add to that a sultry look with your enticing greenish eyes."

By taking that pose Graces' stomach was pulled very tight, though there was no need for her to pull it in, it was already very flat. For a woman her age and having had a child I was pleasantly surprised. Grace had beautiful round breasts as I thought before, clearly a C-cup with a slight sag, due to their weight most probably, very small areolae and very pointy cute little nipples which seemingly were also filling up with her rapidly heating blood.

"Your boobs are totally different from Nancy's, she must take after someone else in the family in that department."

"Yes Nancy has very similar breasts to my sister's, her aunt."

Laying on the sofa with her arms stretched above her head Grace's figure was really as good looking as one of a mid-twenties body, again those boobs that stuck out and the flat midriff and stomach almost made me drool.

"How do you do this Grace to have such a lean body with such a flat stomach, do you spend much time in the gym?"

"No absolutely not, I sometimes do some sit-ups at home but I am blessed with some strong belly muscles and luckily that is something that Nancy inherited from me. Don't mind me asking Lew but what is it about my natural hair color that made your dick reach for the sky all of a sudden?"

"Probably because my mother was also a red head, which by the way, I only discovered when we joined the naturist club and she started to walk around naked for the first time in front of me. My parents, and me of course, were members from about my fourteenth till a little over my eighteenth, when they got bored with it and became more interested in ballroom dancing. They picked that up when I was about sixteen, and of course I was also sent there to learn how to perform the tango, quickstep, cha-cha-cha and the like."

Grace was now really getting into posing as she started into more and more daring positions, really flaunting her delicious body. None of this was helping to bring my cock back down. It was sometimes difficult to take the pictures sporting this pole between my legs and Grace noticed too.

"I see that you are having problems concentrating Lew?"

"Concentrating Grace? Oh you mean this? Well what do you expect with such a divine body in front of me in all its natural glory?"

"Stop flattering me Lew I am not a spring chicken anymore."

"Maybe not, but I wouldn't turn down the opportunity to take a bite out of this, not so spring chicken anymore."

"Stop teasing me Lew you're making me start to feel all tingly all over, which is something I haven't felt in a very long time."

"Come on Grace with the way you look you must be swatting them away like flies."

"You would be surprised what getting to my time of life does to a woman's chances of having a roll in the hay."

"What has getting your time of life got to do with it?"

"When I turned fifty, which was about two years ago, there, now you know exactly how old I am, but you already did didn't you? Well it was as if I was no longer of interest to men anymore. I started to get these hot flushes that come with the change of life; basically I was past the age of producing children and therefore no longer of any use to the male population. I haven't had sex since that birthday. Nancy has been pushing me to do something about it, go out, get on Tinder, but I am not really a going out type of person, I never have been, and besides there are a whole bunch of weirdoes out there that I absolutely don't want to meet."

"I simply don't understand it, you are a very, and I mean that from the bottom of my heart, gorgeous woman, in your prime, no longer burdened by your monthly blood donation to pay off Eve's sinful act in the Garden of Eden. I wouldn't hesitate one second if I thought I had a chance to play with that beautiful body of yours."

"Please don't flatter me Lew - but would you really?"

"Seriously, are you offering?"

"Yes if you are willing. I would love to break my dry spell and I think you could be just the man to help me."

I put down the camera, I had enough photos anyway, and joined Grace on the sofa. I took her tenderly in my arms and ventured a kiss on her enticing mouth. A small flick of my tongue on her lips made her open up and respond with a similar flick of her tongue, drawing me into her, going for broke starting a tongue tango. I immediately started to explore her body with my hands beginning with her back. Grace's hands had moved around my head holding me in place to continue this tongue dance we were performing. This gave me free access to her soft boobs, which up to now I only had the opportunity to touch with my eyes. Moving my hands under her arms to the side of her boobs, tickling and making little circles around her small areolae, which crinkled up nicely, but then I quickly found her rock hard nipples. I flicked them gently, drawing a moan from her lips.

Grace was pushing my head towards her twin hills so I replaced my hands with my mouth, sliding down her neck, adorning it with feathery kisses. Moving over her collar bone, taking little bites, then sliding slowly towards the summit of her left breast. I took her small, rock hard, delicious nipple in my mouth sucking on it at full force, pulling a big chunk of her boob into my mouth in the process. I covered it with saliva while I massaged her right breast with my left hand pinching the nipple between my thumb and forefinger.

At the same time my right hand was going south, moving over her deliciously taut stomach making a small stop at her cute navel and slowly entering the red forest, playing around in it with all my fingers enticing more and more moans from her lips.

In the meantime, Grace had grabbed my throbbing dick, and was massaging it with feathery fingers imitating my play in her forest, on my ball sack. After a quick mouthwatering visit to her right boob I continued with my oral discovery of her midriff, stomach and belly button, leaving a snail trail of saliva. Going down her exquisite body I sunk to my knees and opened up Grace's legs wide, giving me better access and free passage through the red bush to her deliciously pink snatch.

Everything was covered by this delicious red fur, normally I prefer a shaved or at least trimmed forest, but in the case of the red bush, I was happy to enjoy the untamed version to the full. Once in position, I got down to some real licking and sucking, starting from the hood covering her pleasure bean, sliding down the valley between her outer labia and pushing open the entrance to her hot love grotto with my probing tongue. Having had a good taste of her tangy, abundantly flowing juices, I introduced a finger into her steamy hot snatch enticing a loud sigh from her lips.

My finger slipped in without any effort so I quickly introduced a second and third into her tunnel of love. I could feel her pussy muscles grab, massaging them while I increased her pleasure with my tongue roaming over her hood and sucking out her love bean. Finally uncovered I applied small bites making her shiver. With my three fingers inside her I was massaging the spongy tissue of her G-spot enticing little pleasure cries, "Iiiiieeh iiieeeh iiieeeh."

I felt Grace pushing my head harder and harder into her playground while at the same time pushing her pelvis in the other direction and with each cry she was also exhaling a bit of air, more or less suffocating me but also herself. All of a sudden her body went completely rigid while starting to shiver and shake. She was in the throes of a tremendous orgasm, which I swear lasted a full minute before she even started to relax.

Lucky for my survival, she released my head so I could breathe again and then like a drowning person finally reaching the surface, she herself took an enormous breath.