The Photographer

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A photographer gets an interesting new client.
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Note: Special thanks to Dan Scott for your insights and editing. This story is better because of the work you put in!


Jack's phone rang with an unfamiliar number. While he would normally click on the red button, he was expecting a call from a number he didn't recognize. Blake, a long-time friend and mentor to Jack, had just retired and had sent all of his photography clients to Jack. Blake mentioned that one client in particular had her yearly session coming up and to expect a call soon.

"Hi, this is Jack Lynch, can I help you?" he answered.

"Hi Jack, my name is Alicia. Blake gave me your number and said you could help me with some photo shoots," the voice on the other end responded.

"Yes, Blake let me know you'd be calling. What kind of shoot are we doing? Indoor, outdoor, spread, profile?" Jack responded.

"These will be indoor mostly, though we may do a few outdoor shots in my yard if the weather permits. Also, to be clear, you're comfortable with nude shoots, right?" Alicia asked.

Jack had been shooting for several years and had done several nude shoots in the past. Blake had taught him how to be a professional and how to handle these requests, so he wasn't shocked when the request was made.

"Yes, I've done many nude shoots. It won't be a problem at all," Jack responded confidently.

They quickly set a date and time to meet. After the call had ended, Jack couldn't believe that his very first gig from Blake would be a nude shoot.

Jack decided to give his former mentor a call to see what information he may be able to provide.

"Hey Jack, what's going on?" Blake said upon answering the phone.

"Hey Blake, got my first call from one of your clients: Alicia. Anyhow, she called me up to do a nude shoot. What can you tell me about her?" Jack responded.

"Oh wow, a nude shoot? That's a first. I've done some risqué stuff with her in the past, but never fully nude. She's gorgeous, so that should be something else. Maybe I need to come out of retirement," Blake responded before laughing heartily.

"No way, man. This one is all mine. You're retired now, remember?" Jack replied, before adding, "Anyhow, I appreciate the referrals and the information. I'll let you know how it goes."

"Any time. Definitely let me know how it goes," Blake said as they ended their call.

Jack grew even more excited. Maintaining his professionalism was critical, but he was excited nonetheless. With just over a week until the appointment, he would count the hours until his shoot with Alicia.

On the morning of the shoot, Jack loaded all of his equipment into his car to make the 30 minute drive to Alicia's house. Not knowing exactly what the indoor lighting would be like, he loaded every last lighting rig he had, as well as his extensive collection of lenses.

Jack's excitement over the shoot had subsided only a little. Even though he had done nude shoots before, they always made him somewhat nervous and he wanted to make sure he made Alicia comfortable. His mind raced endlessly over the 30 minute drive, until his car GPS had notified him he had arrived, awaking him abruptly from his racing mind.

The house was located outside of the city and as Jack approached he saw that the house sat on an expansive piece of land. The nearest neighbor had to be more than a half mile away. The property was filled with trees and enclosed with a fence on all sides.

Jack walked to the front door, carrying his multiple DSLR cameras with him to maintain an air of professionalism. After ringing the doorbell and a brief wait, the front door swung open.

"Hi, you must be Jack. I'm Alicia. You're a little early, I'm not quite ready yet. Come on in," the beautiful blonde responded.

Jack was mesmerized. Alicia was stunning. He guessed she was between 5'3" and 5'4" and had curly blonde hair that seemed to shimmer in the light. Her eyes were big and wide, with bright blue irises that demanded your attention and long thick lashes that hung above them. Her button nose sat softly over her full, thick lips.

Alicia was wearing nothing more than a black lace bra and a pair of very short jean shorts. Her breasts were perfectly sized, probably no more than a C cup but substantial on her small frame. As she turned to walk into the house, her bubble butt was presented to Jack, rounding out the figure of perfection in front of him.

Jack could only muster a "Nice to meet you, Alicia," before following her into the house.

For as much as Jack was eyeing Alicia, she too had her eye on him. He wasn't the epitome of manliness, but Alicia instantly felt comfortable with him. He was taller than her, but didn't tower over her and he had a decent build and a thick head of black hair. His five o'clock shadow was well kept, and he had an easy way about him. Her nervousness over doing the shoot subsided once she saw him.

"So, what are your thoughts on the shoot today?" Jack asked once they had settled at the kitchen table.

"So, I'm wanting to make a calendar with these pictures for my long-time subscribers to my website. I'd like a mixture of shots. Some with me in lingerie, some inside, outside, by my pool, etcetera," Alicia responded.

"No kidding, what kind of website do you run?" he asked.

"I guess you could call it a personal modeling site. I do live streams where I model all sorts of lingerie. I also model myself without lingerie and other stuff," she responded sheepishly.

He got the hint and smiled before responding, "That's great. I'm sure your subscribers are going to love this calendar, then. Let me know where you want to start and I'll get my equipment setup."

They decided to start with some lingerie shots in her bedroom. While he setup his lighting stands, she disappeared to get changed. When she emerged from her closet, Jack was presented with an image of sheer beauty.

Alicia was wearing a single piece black teddy. It had a large slit down the middle which showed off her cleavage and slim waist considerably. She walked into the room somewhat bashfully, which was funny considering the nature of the shoot for the day.

She crawled onto the bed as Jack prepared his camera. He instructed her on different poses to make, maintaining a calm and assuring voice the entire time. Within his mind, Jack did all he could to focus on the composition of the shots instead of the incredible subject in front of him. While mostly successful, the fact that she would soon be nude in front of him loomed large.

After they wrapped up the shots in the bedroom, Alicia chimed in with her thoughts on what should come next.

"I think it's time for me to get naked. Can we start outside by the pool?" she asked him as he was reviewing some of his shots on the camera screen.

"Sure, absolutely. I'm going to head outside to check on the lighting and get my camera gear ready. I'll meet you down there."

Jack's heart began beating harder as he walked outside and began prepping for the next round of shots. He'd already seen much of Alicia's incredible body, but this was going to be something entirely different. Little did he know how different it would actually be.

The outdoor lighting was perfect, so Jack didn't have to do much to prepare. As he was changing out his lens and applying some filters, Alicia walked out in a blue silk robe.

"I don't know why, but I'm nervous. I'm naked on camera all the time, but this is not quite what I expected," she said to Jack as she approached him.

"It's ok. You can trust me. You have nothing to be nervous about. Take your time, I don't have anything else going on today," Jack said in a reassuring voice.

Alicia smiled appreciatively. She turned her back to Jack and took a step forward. She slowly let the robe drift slowly off her body. Jack watched as her perfect, thick, toned ass came into view. He marveled quietly at the perfect, curvy shape of her body, thanking the gods that he was chosen to do this shoot.

Then it happened. Like a shock from a lightning bolt, Alicia turned to face Jack. His eyes were trying to lock onto her face, to help her feel comfortable, but what stood in front of him captured his attention immediately.

Alicia had a cock. A large one at that. As she stood in front of him, he couldn't help but stare at what hung between her legs. He could only guess at the size, but she was nearly as big as his 7" erect cock, and she wasn't even erect. He felt like he had stared for hours until he adjusted his eyes upwards. As he scanned up her impressive, curvy body, he saw her beautiful, large, teardrop shaped breasts. Her small dark pink areolas surrounded her perky erect nipples. His eyes finally made it up to her face, where she was smiling knowingly.

"He didn't tell you, did he?" she asked him.

"I'm sorry, what?"

"Blake. He didn't tell you that I'm trans, did he?" she responded.

"He did not."

"Is this going to be a problem?" she asked, clearly somewhat concerned about his shocked reaction.

He gathered himself quickly before responding, "Not at all, Alicia. I apologize for my reaction. You just caught me off-guard. We'll have no issues whatsoever. I'm sincerely sorry."

Alicia nodded and smiled.

The image of her body was burned into Jack's mind, though. The smooth, toned legs. The perfect, shapely ass. The slim, toned waist and curvy hips. The perfectly shaped breasts. More than anything though, his mind couldn't stop seeing her thick, long cock. It wasn't just the shock. He felt incredibly aroused and attracted to her - all of her. He wrestled with the thought even as they moved around the pool to setup some shots.

He was able to regain his composure and do what he was hired to do. Alicia posed in different areas around the pool. Laying on her back on a patio lounger, she held her hardening cock in one hand while the other massaged one of her breasts. The rapid clicking of the camera signaled to her that the shots were being taken.

She spread her legs wide on the ground, as if attempting a split, showing off the perfect shape of her ass, while her cock hung between the legs, as if beckoning you to come hither. She pulled on her cheek to expose her tight, pink hole. The camera continued to rattle off shots.

She dove into the pool, walking out seductively as her erect cock bounced around with each slow, sensual step. Jack continued to let the camera work its magic as he watched in awe. His heart was already pounding, but his own cock was beginning to harden at the sight of her. He desperately tried to think about baseball to calm himself.

After a series of several more shots, Alicia and Jack decided the outdoor shots were mostly done.

"I'd like to get some mixed indoor shots now, if that's ok?" she asked him as she donned her robe.

"Absolutely. Is there anything you have in mind?"

"I'd like to do some shots with me wearing nothing more than a man's dress shirt. Maybe another where it looks like I'm undressing from a nice gown. I'd like some shots of me taking off my bra and panties. Oh, and we have to get a cumshot." she responded.

She watched Jack intently to see how he would respond to her last suggestion. She could see tiny beads of sweat form on his brow. He may not admit it, but she knew that he was intrigued. She smiled to herself.

Meanwhile, Jacks creative mind instantly visualized all of the shots. He realized that he wanted to see them as much as she wanted to shoot them. He did his best to hide the smile taking over his face.

"Those sound great. We can look around the interior of your home and see if anything creative comes to mind too."

"That sounds great! Thanks for being so open to all of this. I'm really enjoying shooting with you so far." she said quickly.

"The pleasure is all mine." he said confidently as they walked back into the house.

They decided to start in the living room. Alicia changed into black lace bra and panties, her massive cock bulging out the sides of the completely inadequate cloth. She sat on the edge of the couch cushion, pulling at the sides of the bra just enough to expose her nipples. Her cock was bursting forth from the panties, which almost seemed to disappear beneath the large package.

"Let's head to the kitchen, I've got some ideas." Jack said, after they wrapped up in the living room. Jack continued, "Do you have any oil and maybe a kitchen apron?"

"I do! I like where this is going." Alicia answered enthusiastically.

The two of them scurried into the kitchen. She grabbed the apron from her pantry, quickly tossing off her bra and panties to put it on. The first shot had her turning her bare bottom towards Jack, while pushing her erect cock down and behind her as she pretended to cook on the stove. Before long, the apron was pulled to the side as she poured olive oil onto her erect cock. Jack and Alicia were trading ideas rapidly, each more erotic than the next.

She had grown entirely comfortable with Jack. She was parading around the house naked without a care in the world now as he watched on, snapping pictures periodically.

They captured photos all over the house. Legs spread wide on the dining room table. Pretending to run naked on her treadmill with a full on erection. Lathered up while taking a shower. The ideas poured in and they were excitedly going from room to room, filling up his memory cards with hundreds of pictures.

Finally, the duo decided to do the final shot of the day in her bedroom. Alicia wanted a cum shot for the calendar, and decided to do it in the comfort of her own bed.

"Are you ready to watch me stroke my cock?" she asked him seductively.

He simply nodded, his camera in hand.

Alicia setup her iPad out of the frame and cued up some porn. She selected a scene with a guy and two trans girls. The man in the scene was being fucked by one as he sucked the other girl.

She settled into the bed and slowly began stroking her large, erect cock. Jack watched on through the safety of his camera, snapping shot after shot as her hand moved up and down the massive shaft. As he watched and shot, he couldn't help but be incredibly turned on by the sight of her.

Her stroking grew more intense, accompanying the tempo of the scene on the iPad. She began moaning slightly as the glisten of precum was being spread around her cock. She massaged her breast, tweaking the nipple as the intensity of her stroking increased.

He kept taking shots, marveling at the sexual energy of the woman in front of him. He was a professional, but he wanted nothing more than to be next to her on that bed in that moment. He didn't even bother trying to hide his own growing erection at this point.

Alicia's pace quickened, before she moaned out, "Cumming now."

Jack moved closer as her body began to quiver. He watched as her stiff, swollen cock began twitching and unloading stream after stream of warm, white cum onto her toned and perfect body. She couldn't control herself as she moaned loudly as her orgasm ripped throughout her body.

His camera captured shot after shot while his heart pounded in his chest. He had never seen anything like this before. He had just been awakened to a new sexual desire.

And as quick as it had all happened, the session was suddenly over.

Alicia laid back in the bed for a moment to catch her breath. Instead of taking shots or packing away his equipment, Jack stood there a moment to look on the beautiful woman on the bed. She eventually opened her eyes to see him staring at her. She smiled and winked at him, before laughing.

"I don't know if it was the camera or you or what, but that is the hardest I've cum in a long, long time. I'm spent," she exclaimed from per relaxed position on the bed. She added, "Please tell me you got some good shots of that. I don't think I can go again."

"I did. Tons of shots. I think you'll be happy," he responded.

"Good, because there's no way I can cum that hard again today," she said, before laughing again. She sat up in the bed and began cleaning herself up. She looked Jack in the eyes and asked him, "Did you enjoy shooting today?"

"I really did. You're a great subject. Your subscribers are in for a treat," he responded before adding, "You definitely caught me off guard, but you're easily the most beautiful woman I've ever had the privilege of shooting."

Alicia smiled and blushed deeply.

"Thank you, Jack. You made me feel so comfortable and free. So, when can we review the photos together?" she responded.

"Give me about a week to go through what we shot and pick out the best shots. I'll do some editing, but I mostly like for the shots to speak for themselves. Does that work for you?" he responded.

"Yes! I can't wait to have you back here. I'm so excited!" she said, as she jumped up from the bed and gave him a big hug. He felt her semi-stiff cock press against him and found himself strongly aroused yet again.

After getting dressed, she saw Jack out. On his drive home, he couldn't help but relive the day he just had. Everything that he saw had ignited an unknown desire inside of him. Seeing her smooth, perfect body with that large, thick cock had his mind racing.

The next few evenings didn't get any easier for him. As he reviewed the pictures of Alicia, he found himself constantly aroused. His mind drifted into fantasies of this amazing beauty. Still, he pressed on with his edits, marking the best pictures for inclusion in this portfolio. After a few days, he called her to let her know he was getting close.

"Hi, Alicia, this is Jack. I just wanted to let you know I'm getting very close with the edits. Can we get together day after tomorrow?" he asked her after she answered the call.

"Oh yes, definitely! I'll make time for you, Jack. Come over anytime that day, I'll make sure I'm home," she responded excitedly.

He spent the next day and a half going through the remaining pictures of her. Looking at those pictures only deepened his desires. He found himself thinking about her endlessly. His dreams were consumed with her and that perfect body. The more he fought those thoughts, the more they consumed him.

Picture after picture he worked and edited, until he had finally finished. He now knew her entire body better than she did. He was ready for their meeting the next day.

He called Alicia first thing in the morning to see if she was available. Once confirming she was, he rushed to her place, making sure to bring his equipment with him just in case. When he arrived, she answered the door wearing a tight, cut-off pink top and tight work-out shorts of the same color. Jack noticed the significant bulge standing out in front of her shorts. She wasn't trying to hide it today. She was even more beautiful to him now than when he first met her.

"Hi Jack, I'm so excited you're here! I can't wait to see them, come in," she squealed excitedly.

They sat down at the kitchen table as he pulled out his laptop. They began going through the pictures. She was sitting right next to Jack, hanging onto his arm as they both stared into the screen.

They went back and forth as they went through the pictures.

"Oh, do you like that one Jack?"

"Is my cock too shiny in this one?"

"Oh my god, I love this one Jack."

"You're so talented with a camera."

On and on it went, with Alicia marking some pictures to keep, asking Jack for his opinion the entire time. The back and forth went on for over an hour, Alicia glued to Jack's side the entire time. She was constantly laughing and making fun of herself, which only made Jack's attraction to her intensify.

Eventually, they arrived at the shots from the bedroom. They both took in the shots of her stroking her massive cock in the warmth of her bed.

"Oh god, that was so much fun. For me, at least," she said, turning to look him in the eyes.

"It was," he responded nervously.