The Pineapple Lounge Ch. 04


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Their secret exchange went unnoticed by the others in the room, their attention captured by the unfolding scene of appreciation for the portrait. With a lingering touch, Suzie withdrew her hand, a knowing smile playing on her lips. It was a silent acknowledgment, an unspoken agreement that their connection was much more than just friendship.

Suzie voice then pierced the air like an electrifying whisper as she addressed Mark. "I want you to take some photos of me like that, they will be my present to you both" she said, her voice laced with a mixture of excitement and anticipation.

The room fell into a hushed silence, captivated by Suzie's daring proposition. With a swift step back, she became the centre of attention, commanding the gaze of everyone present. Her buxom figure was showcased in a tantalizing ensemble, the fabric of her form-fitting skirt clinging to her curves with every seductive sway. A slender waistline accentuated her hourglass silhouette, drawing the eyes to the swell of her hips. Her luscious blonde locks cascaded down her shoulders, framing her face with a touch of wild elegance.

Previously the music in the rood had faded into the background, but as Suzie began to dance provocatively to it, everyone took notice. Her movements took on a sensual grace. Her hips swayed with an innate rhythm, hypnotizing those who watched. With each step, her skirt glided effortlessly over her thighs, revealing glimpses of smooth, sun-kissed skin. The soft curves of her legs seemed to go on for an eternity, inviting exploration and igniting fantasies.

As the layers of clothing peeled away, piece by piece, the true essence of Suzie's beauty emerged. Her bra, with its intricate lace design, cradled her breasts, lifting and enhancing their natural shape. The moment it slipped away, her bosom was freed, proudly displaying its voluptuousness to the appreciative gazes of onlookers.

Her skin, a canvas of flawless perfection, glowed under the warm lighting, exuding a captivating radiance. Every curve, every contour, was an invitation to indulge in the allure of her femininity. The room was filled with a palpable tension, a mix of awe and desire, as Suzie continued her strip tease with unwavering confidence.

Finally, as the last garment gracefully dropped to the floor, Suzie stood before them in all her glory, unabashed and unapologetically herself. Her body, a masterpiece of sensuality, exuded an irresistible magnetism. From the gentle curves of her hips to the gentle arch of her back, every inch of her form was a testament to feminine grace and allure.

With a sultry smile and a glint of mischief in her eyes, Suzie relaxed back onto a couch, ready to be photographed. The room erupted with applause, a collective expression of appreciation and desire. The night was theirs, and with Suzie's provocative unveiling, they knew it would be a night they would never forget.

Suzie's naked form was a captivating sight. Her ample breasts, with their generous curves, stood in contrast to Lisa's smaller, pert ones in the photo. And the soft hair in-between Suzie's legs, drew the attention of everyone present, though gave her modesty some protection. As she struck different poses, Mark got his phone out and began to take her picture.

Lisa, took charge, offering directions and suggestions to enhance the allure of the photos. "Arch your back slightly, Suzie," she commanded, her voice low and seductive. "Let your lovely breasts be the focal point. Yes, push them out like that"

Suzie followed the guidance, leaning back gracefully to accentuate the curve of her breasts. Mark's gaze and his camera frame lingered on her erect nipples, which he ached to touch and caress. Lisa's voice grew more explicit as she continued, "Spread your legs wider, Suzie."

Suzie, blushing with adrenaline and not a hint of shyness, complied. With a daring smile, she parted her legs more, exposing the colourful innermost parts of her unshaven pussy with her fingers. The blonde curls framed the delicate folds, Suzie's pink lips glistened with arousal, creating a striking contrast to Lisa's shaven intimacy from her monotone photo.

As the room buzzed with anticipation, Lisa's desire coursed through her veins, igniting a primal fire within her. The sight of Suzie's unabashed embrace of her nakedness awakened a hunger that could not be contained. In a single, fluid motion, Lisa shed her clingy dress, exposing her own alluring form to the hungry gazes around her.

Her lithe and supple frame stood in stark contrast to Suzie's voluptuous curves, creating a mesmerizing tableau of feminine beauty. Lisa's pert, perky breasts were topped by rosy peaks standing erect with anticipation. Moving closer to Suzie, their bodies aligned on the plush surface of a couch, their skin radiating with the heat of their shared desire.

Their eyes locked in a sizzling exchange, communicating a shared understanding of the ecstasy that awaited them. Fingers intertwined, they embarked on an intoxicating dance, their bodies moving in harmony. Every touch, every caress sent shivers of pleasure cascading through their intertwined forms, feeding their hunger for one another.

Their lips collided in a passionate union, tongues intertwining in an erotic tango. Their bodies melded together, creating an explosive fusion of skin and desire. Their hands roamed freely, exploring every contour, every curve, in a sensual journey that left them breathless and yearning for more.

In the presence of their captivated audience, Lisa and Suzie revelled in their shared exhibitionism, their bodies an open canvas of temptation. Fingertips traced the lines of desire along each other's bodies, gliding over silken skin with a feather-light touch. The striking contrast between Suzie's lush and unbridled bush and Lisa's smooth, bare canvas heightened the erotic tension.

As the room crackled with an electric charge, Mark, unable to resist the temptation, captured the raw intensity of the moment with his camera phone. Each click of the shutter immortalized their unbridled passion, freezing fragments of their unapologetic lust in time. Matt, drawn into the vortex of desire, watched in awe, his own desire simmering beneath the surface.

The air became heavy with unspoken longing and anticipation, as Lisa and Suzie became more intimate with each other, blissfully uncaring that their partners were watching. Their bodies intertwined, their breaths mingling in a symphony of passion. Suzie, unable to resist the allure of Lisa's smoothness and eager to see it in close-up technicolour, slowly traced her tongue along the contours of her intimate core. A gasp escaped Lisa's lips as waves of pleasure surged through her. Her body arched instinctively, seeking more of Suzie's intoxicating touch. The room fell into a hushed reverence as Matt and Mark became voyeurs to this intimate connection, their eyes locked on the raw display of desire unfolding before them. With each tantalizing lick and gentle caress, Suzie skilfully navigated Lisa's most sensitive spots, expertly coaxing her towards the edge of ecstasy. Time stood still as Lisa surrendered to the sensations, her grip on reality slipping away. A crescendo of pleasure built within her, intensifying with each passing moment. And then, with a shuddering release, Lisa's body convulsed in the throes of a powerful orgasm. Her moans echoed through the room, a symphony of pleasure that filled the air. It was a moment of pure bliss, where every worry and inhibition dissolved in the face of unadulterated pleasure. As the waves of ecstasy subsided, Lisa lay there, her body glistening with a sheen of sweat, her senses still reeling from the intensity of the experience. The room remained captivated by the sight, the air thick with a heady mix of desire and anticipation. In that stolen moment of intimacy, Lisa and Suzie had unlocked a world of pleasure. The night still held the promise of even more tantalizing delights to come. And in glorious colour Mark had captured each step of the women's lovemaking.

As Mark continued to record the sensual tableau on his camera phone, the room suddenly filled with a new presence. Matt, drawn by the intoxicating energy that permeated the space, appeared in the frame of Mark's screen, his sculpted physique undressed and glistening with a sheen of anticipation. His eyes locked onto Lisa and Suzie, their bodies still entwined, and a mischievous smile played upon his lips.

Unable to resist the women's allure, Matt stepped closer, his presence sending a jolt of excitement through Lisa and Suzie. They instinctively shifted, creating a space between them, inviting Matt to join in their dance of desire. It was a silent invitation, a magnetic pull that he none could resist.

With a slow and deliberate movement, Matt positioned himself between Lisa and Suzie, his hands finding their way to their heated bodies. His touch was electric, igniting a spark that set their senses ablaze. He caressed their soft skin, tracing a path of pleasure along their curves, his fingers exploring every inch with an exquisite tenderness.

Lisa and Suzie's lips parted in anticipation, their eyes locked with Matt's as they leaned in simultaneously, their mouths finding his throbbing manhood. Mark had never seen a penis as thick and long as this before. The women's tongues danced and swirled around Matt's cock, sharing the intoxicating taste of his desire.

Matt surrendered himself to the blissful torment, his hands entangled in their hair, guiding them in their shared pursuit of ecstasy. Their synchronized movements, their lips, tongues, and fingers working in tandem, drove him to the edge of rapture. The room filled with the sounds of their passionate slurping, merging into a harmonious chorus of pleasure.

As the intense passion between Lisa, Suzie, and Matt continued to unfold, Mark embraced the role of the voyeur, and with each click of the shutter, Mark immortalized the erotic encounters that unfolded in front of his lens.

Before the women got too carried away, Matt gave the women instructions to change positions. Mark widened his view until he saw that Lisa and Suzie were now knelt down on the sofa, side-by-side with their bums facing upwards, close enough so they could kiss each other. Standing behind Suzie first, Matt was ready to indulge in the most intimate carnal delights that the ladies had to offer. His enormous penis slipped inside his wife's cunt much more easily than Mark expected. He ravished her hard for a minute or two, making her boobs sway like large pendulums as he did. Meanwhile, Lisa was perhaps preparing herself, as she touched her sex furiously.

Until Matt swapped and then Mark watched as his wife, Lisa, her body glistening with a sheen of sweat, surrendered herself. Mark changed the focus to close-up and watched Lisa's wet, bare pussy expanding to envelop Matt's massive penis inch by inch. Somehow, with her legs as wide as she could manage, all ten disappeared. Matt began to fuck her. Lisa's moans of pleasure filled the room each time he pushed himself to the hilt, coinciding with the sound his large balls made as they slapped against her clit. Mark surreptitiously switched to video, watching to record the intensity of his wife's union, his cuckolding.

After Lisa's first climax Matt withdrew and used Lisa's wetness to re-enter his eager wife. Mark marvelled at the sight of his wife's gaping pussy, into which she plunged her fingers. The room transformed into a sanctuary of unadulterated passion, where boundaries dissolved, and inhibitions were shed. The electric energy permeated the air, igniting a fire that burned through every touch, every kiss, and every climax. Both women had cried out in ecstasy at least twice, before Matt chose to reach his own peak whilst deep inside Lisa's fresh pussy.

It was accompanied by yelps of "Yes, yes, cum inside me Matt. Don't you dare stop!" from Lisa and grunts from Matt who, with frantic last thrusts, emptied his seed into Mark's wife.

Matt quickly withdrew and Suzie gleefully took the head of his cock in her mouth to lick it clean. With her legs still apart and bum still in the air, Mark was mesmerised to watch copious globules of cum dripping out of his wife's cream pie. He couldn't bear to capture that image.

As the intensity of passion had subsided, and with the realization that Matt had reached his limits, Suzie took Lisa's hand and led the trio towards their alluring pool for a moment of rejuvenation and cleansing. Mark, captivated by the lingering electric energy in the air, followed closely behind.

Approaching the pool's edge, Suzie turned to Mark, her gaze commanding and filled with desire. "Leave the camera behind now, Mark," she demanded, her voice laced with authority and a yearning for his presence. "Join us. That's enough pictures."

Mark hesitated, his eyes darting between the camera phone in his hand and the irresistible temptation of joining Lisa, Suzie, and Matt in the water. Setting the camera aside, he undressed and approached the pool, prepared to immerse himself in the tantalizing experience that awaited him.

A seductive smile curled on Suzie's lips as she observed Mark shedding his voyeuristic role. She looked him up and down and lingered on his erect penis, which was of above average proportions, but still only two-thirds the size of Matt's. She was keen to touch it nevertheless. With a gentle grip, she took Mark's hand and guided him into the refreshing embrace of the pool. The cool water enveloped their bodies, offering a fresh canvas for new pleasures to unfold.

With a soft smile, Suzie pulled Mark towards her, her body arching towards him in anticipation. Whilst Matt and Lisa frolicked on the other side of the pool, Mark positioned himself beside Suzie, the water caressed their bodies, heightening their sensitivity. The coolness of the pool was a stark contrast to the burning desire that coursed through their veins. With a tender touch, Mark traced his fingers along Suzie's supple skin for the first time, eliciting a shiver of pleasure.

Their lips met in a fervent kiss, tongues entwining as Suzie shared some of her passion. The pool seemed to amplify their sensations, heightening the pleasure they experienced with each touch, each caress. Mark's hands roamed freely over Suzie's curves, revelling in the softness of her skin and her large bosom. He enjoyed snuggling his face into Suzie's bigger breasts, nibbling on her nipples. In his enthusiasm, Mark eagerly pressed against Suzie, until she could retreat no further. Back onto the side of the pool her breasts and legs floated upwards. Mark was understandably impatient and parted Suzie's legs and positioned himself between them, a delicious tension filled the air. Matt and Lisa were both watching. Mark's desperate arousal pressed against Suzie's opening, aching to be enveloped by her warmth and wetness.

Starved of direct involvement in the earlier sex, Mark yearned to make this new connection with Suzie, whose husband had so enchanted Lisa. Understanding his desperate neediness, Suzie guided his cock into the very core of her desire. With a shared understanding, Mark entered her well-prepared vagina with one thrust, satisfying his euphoric ache. With each stroke and caress, their connection intensified, building a crescendo of pleasure that threatened to consume them both. Their combined moans echoed through the air, mingling with the gentle sounds of water lapping against their bodies.

Lisa wanted to share this moment with Mark and Suzie and, leaving Matt, she joined the passionate exchange, her hands gliding over Suzie's quivering flesh. He fingers trailed along sensitive curves, exploring every inch with a deliberate purpose. Together, the trio wove a tapestry of ecstasy, their bodies moving in unison, their desires intertwining in a harmonious symphony.

Their moans echoed across the water, mingling with the night air as their bodies writhed in unison. Pleasure became their sole focus, erasing the boundaries between them and transporting them to a realm of pure sensual bliss. With every powerful thrust, Mark's manhood stroked against the most sensitive parts of Suzie's inner depths, driving her closer to the edge. Somehow, he refrained from cumming. Until lost in the intoxicating dance of desire, his thrusts grew more urgent, fuelled by the mounting waves of pleasure that surged through their bodies.

Helped by Lisa's touch on her clit, Suzie's body tensed too, making her walls pulsate around Mark's throbbing manhood. Lisa sensed what was imminent and gripped the couple tightly as the intensity of their climaxes rippled through them, cries of ecstasy merging with the swirling currents of the pool. Mark didn't let up, plunging deeper, pushing Suzie even further over the edge, his manhood pulsating with each powerful release of sperm inside her womb.

Their bodies trembled, riding the waves of their shared climax, as they clung to one another in the aftermath. In that moment, Mark, Suzie, and Lisa were united by an unbreakable bond, forged through the fires of passion. They basked in the lingering sensations, the water caressing their spent bodies, as a serene calm settled over them.

As the ripples of pleasure subsided, Lisa's gaze shifted towards Suzie, a tender smile playing upon her lips. Sensing Suzie's neediness, she moved closer, her lips brushing against her ear. As Suzie reclined against the pool's edge, Lisa's hands, gentle and skilled, explored every curve of her body, tracing a path of sensual reassurance. Fingertips danced along goose bumped skin, igniting a new flame of desire within Suzie's core. Lisa's lips followed the same path, planting soft kisses and teasing nips along the way.

Suzie surrendered to the sensation; her eyes fluttering closed as the exquisite pleasure coursed through her. Next Lisa lifted Suzie's legs out of the water, until her knees rested on her shoulders, before she leaned forward to nestle between Suzie's thighs, her mouth and tongue poised to cleanse her friend of her husband's juice.

Suzie's breath quickened, mingling with soft moans of delight as Lisa's ministrations grew more fervent. Each stroke of Lisa's tongue erased more of Mark's essence, replacing it with waves of pure ecstasy that cascaded through Suzie's being.

Matt who had been quietly watched and was captivated by the intimate exchange which had unfolded before him waded over towards the women. His own desires were stirred once again, reignited by the sight of his wife entrapped by Lisa. As he walked his hands instinctively found their way to his own body, his touch matching the rhythm set by Lisa and Suzie until he was again at full mast.

Approaching Lisa from behind as she licked his wife, Mark pressed himself against her, his arousal like a hot rod against the small of her back. His hands wandered along the curves of Lisa's hips, their touch stoking the fire of desire that burned within them. He leaned in, his lips grazing the nape of Lisa's neck, and held her small breasts, one in each hand.

With a surge of desire, Matt wriggled so his penis was positioned at the back entrance of Lisa's sex once again. With some guidance from his hand, he slowly entered her not so tight pussy, their bodies once again becoming one in a primal dance of pleasure. Each thrust brought them closer, reigniting the flames of their passion. Lisa's body responded eagerly, leaning forward into Suzie until their bodies were moving in perfect harmony.

Mark watched Lisa gasp, a mixture of pleasure and surprise escaping her lips, now Matt filled her completely once again. Time seemed to stand still as Matt, Suzie and Lisa lost themselves in the intensity of their union, their bodies aching for release and fulfilment. With every thrust of Matt's cock and lick of Lisa's tongue, their connection grew stronger, the bonds of their love deepening. As their passion reached its peak, a chorus of pleasure escaped their lips, reverberating through the tranquil surroundings. They clung to one another, their bodies trembling, as the waves of their climax washed over them, leaving them breathless and sated.