The Pink Case

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Karen is given a difficult choice.
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You know who you are. "What happened next?" "The story isn't finished." "Please write a sequel."

You have my sympathies. Go run a warm bath, and sharpen the razor blade. This was written especially for you!

The pink case

It was cool up in the attic and Ralph kept getting distracted. He'd already found the pink case that Karen had asked him to bring down, but it was full. They'd moved house twelve years ago but there's always one thing that never gets unpacked. Random stuff had just been dumped in the case and forgotten. They had bought much better luggage since, but for this nostalgic trip she wanted her old case. She said she'd be more comfortable carrying this smaller one; and it brought back fond memories. Also she was sick to death of tripping over other peoples' rollalongs in train stations. This was a proper case that you carried; it was bright pink and easy to spot. Now, in the dim light of the single dangling bulb, Ralph was engrossed in its contents - some of them ancient.

Most of the items he'd shoved to one side. They really needed throwing away. But here was Karen's very first nursing bra; with the little flap that had let Naomi feed. Today she could get both her breasts in one of these cups, but in pregnancy they'd been enormous. Naomi was in her second year at university now and might need something like this one day - if they still made such things.

And here, the pair of baby bootees Ralph had bought before she had even been born. They hadn't known what sex the baby would be and he'd chosen blue. Not that it mattered; he'd been delighted it was a girl.

He was currently browsing through some old photos in an envelope. Here was the first scan where they couldn't make out the baby's gender. Another showed Karen in a bikini on the beach at Bournemouth; that nust have been on their honeymoon; her baby bump was not yet discernible. Two others were old black and whites he'd didn't recall seeing before. On the back of one was 'Me and Andy, 1st year uni. He introduced me to the delights of apples and oranges!' The other was similar but with four of them. Written on the back was 'Me, A, M & P at Windermere'. Those were taken a year before he and Karen had met. And here was their official wedding photo, still in its original frame. It had hung over the mantlepiece in their old house. They were toasting each other with the first champagne they'd ever tasted. Ralph couldn't remember why it had never been hung up when they got to this house; probably because photos of Naomi filled most of their wall space.

"Did you find it?" shouted Karen.

"Yes, I'm coming down now."

He dragged the items with him to the trapdoor. But as he put his foot on the first rung of the loft ladder, he changed his mind. He hauled the pink case down of course, but left the other things within easy reach. He wanted to clean them up as some sort of surprise; though he wasn't sure of the details yet. He manoeuvred the door back into place and climbed back down.

"Ah, there it is!" said Karen. "I bought that for my first year at uni - I didn't have as much stuff then."

"I'll take it to the kitchen and give it a good wipe."

Ralph washed the outside, getting rid of the accumulated dust. Then he thoroughly cleaned the inside after tipping into the bin bits of paper, old pens and other accumulated debris. In a cupboard he found a box of pot pourri sachets. He popped one in each of the mesh pockets; now it smelled a lot less musty. One pocket had the suitcase keys in. All these years and they were still attached to each other on a large split ring. He imagined Karen might never even have locked this case. But it offended his sense of logic keeping two keys in the same place. It took the blade of the veg knife to force the ring open. Then, when they were separated, he wasn't really sure what to do with them. He dropped one in his pocket and put the other in its lock. Life seemed slow these days, so the trip to the loft was probably the highlight of Ralph's weekend.

This was going to be Karen's first trip away from her husband and she was excited. She had listed herself on Friends Reunited where she was only interested in her time at Lancaster University; she wasn't bothered about finding anyone from her school or work days. After a year of zero activity, out of the blue her old friend Marie had contacted her. She was also married and living abroad, but had recently booked a flight to return to England. She would be coming back for her parents' pearl wedding anniversary - thirty years. But Marie had booked flights for a week's stay, only to find her father had surprised her mother by booking them on a cruise on the Thursday after their big party. Left with four more nights before her return flight she had tracked down Karen, who was now going to meet her for a long weekend. They were due to hook up at the university on the Thursday, find a hotel, and revisit some of their old haunts. They would see some of the lakes again, and probably drink too much.

"Which hotel will you girls be staying at?" asked Ralph.

"We don't know yet. Marie is getting the train up from London. We'll meet up at the university and decide when we get together. I'll let you know when we've checked in. You don't mind if we go a bit upmarket do you?"

"I don't mind at all; you haven't seen each other for years. Go and have a ball; we can afford it."

"And don't expect too many phone calls after we settle in. We'll be indulging ourselves. We're planning on finding a hotel with lots of extras."

"What kind of extras?"

"You know - spa treatments, facials, and massages."

"I thought you were taking a trip down memory lane."

"Oh we are, but that will only be in the daytime; we'll pamper ourselves in the evenings. And we won't be able to take our phones to saunas and so on."

"Don't worry about that. Fill me in on all the details when you get back on Sunday night - just as long as you're both good girls."

He was only joking.

"Of course we'll be good."

She smiled.

When Ralph got in from work on Monday he almost started laughing. Karen had already begun packing. He couldn't resist having a quick peek in the pink case. She'd packed a couple of summer dresses and walking shoes as expected. There was also a little black dress and a pair of high heeled shoes. Obviously the girls planned an expensive evening out, or possibly there would be a dinner dance at the hotel. Before Thursday came around he expected to see jeans and boots too. He knew she and her mates had hiked all over the Lake District while they were at uni.

At work on Tuesday Ralph was in a toilet stall when two young lads from the packing department next door came in. He vaguely recognised their voices but couldn't recall their names.

"So how did you get with old Mrs Cornell from accounts?" said one of them. "That was your third date with her wasn't it? What did you do - escort her to the bank to draw her pension, and go home for a nice cup of tea?"

"Don't knock it mate. Dorothy may have grey hair but she's only fifty and her tits are still lovely and firm - no sag at all."

"I still think you'd have been better tryng for Kathleen in our department. She's only twenty and is obviously gagging for it."

"Kathleen's ok but Dorothy has a wealth of experience. When you get her knickers off, her pubic hair is light brown, and her cunt is as pretty as a mouse's ear. At her age she's grateful for the attention, and is up for everything. Last night she gave me apples and oranges."

"What did she do - treat you to a visit to the fruit market? I can hardly bear the excitement!"

"Apples and oranges, I'll have you know, is an old expression for anal and oral sex. And I'll bet you a month's pay Mrs Cornell's arsehole is tighter than anything Kathleen has got!"

"You've done anal? You lucky bastard! I'll look at her in a different light now. You must introduce me to Dorothy when you've finished with her!"

"I doubt if you could keep up mate!"

After they'd left, Ralph thought about their conversation as he washed his hands. He'd never heard the phrase apples and oranges used that way before, but it had been written on the back of Karen's old photo. And apparently the Andy she'd written about had introduced her to them. He knew she'd had a boyfriend before they'd met. She'd mentioned him in the early days of dating, but never volunteered many details. She had certainly never said anything about anal; it was quite disturbing. Soon after they started having sex, Karen pleasured Ralph orally all the time - took to it like a duck to water. But later, when he had suggested they try anal sex, she quickly shut him down. It turned into a no go subject and he never mentioned it again. Maybe she had tried it with this Andy character and decided she didn't like it. Then again, if that was the case why had she referred to it as a delight? He had no issues with her past relationships but decided to examine the photos again when he got home.

That night Karen went to her usual Tuesday evening class. For the last year she'd been doing pottery and they already had a few treasures around the house - some looked quite professional. She often stopped off for a drink with the other students on her way home so Ralph had plenty of time. He fetched the photos down from the loft and studied them again, but there was nothing new to be found. He did make a note of their faces though. OK, they'd have changed over the years but perhaps not too much. 'A' was clearly Andy from the first photo. He remembered the lad's voice in the toilets: 'You've done anal? You lucky bastard!' He felt the same. The guy in the photo had been where Ralph never had - with any woman. He thought 'M' was probably Marie and 'P' would be her then boyfriend. He put the envelope away on top of their huge wardrobe where Karen would not be able to reach it. Tucked under the bed he saw the pink case. Out of curiosity he pulled it out. It was locked. What on earth would she want to lock it for? The hairs on the back of his neck stood up. Perhaps he could guess.

For a moment he couldn't remember where he'd put the other key; then found it in his top drawer. His heart rate went up as he opened the case. And what was inside made it beat even faster. Removing the top dress, he found several new packets of underwear. Three new panties - see-through, crotchless, and a thong you could floss with - on the top. And under them, three pairs of hold-up stockings - including seamed, patterned, and lacy tops - all black. Ralph's heart slowed down, and for a moment he thought it had stopped. He was as sure as any husband could be that his wife was not bisexual so her three night trip must involve another man. Now he wondered if Marie was going to be there at all. Had Karen connected with someone else on Friends Reunited? Or was she really going to meet her ex boyfriend Andy? Ralph couldn't know it at the time, but he was only close.

At the bottom of the case things got worse. Two boxes labelled Skins. Each claiming it contained twelve flavoured condoms: banana, bubblegum, mint and strawberry. The only thing Ralph knew about flavoured condoms was that they were only used for oral sex. Their ability to protect against pregnancy or an STI was minimal. Karen was on the pill so she must be confident her intended partner was clean.

"Jesus!" he said out loud. "Twentyfour is eight a day! And what the fuck is Sliquid Sassy?" Further inspection showed it was an anal lubricant. Now he was absolutely sure this Andy must be involved. She intended to spice up their original oral activities and get back on the anal bandwagon. He relocked the case and put it back; Sliquid Sassy and Skins, apples and oranges.

When she got home he occasionally slipped a few questions into the evening's conversation, trying to be subtle.

"So what does Marie look like?"

"Very pretty; she has a classic elfin face with a small mouth and huge eyes."

Yes, that fit with the photo.

"Did I ever meet her?"

"No, she and her boyfriend were only at Lancaster for the one year. It was a student exchange - she's French actually; so was her boyfriend."

"She had a boyfriend?"

"Yes - Pierre - we knocked around as a foursome for a year; her and Pierre, me and Andy."

Ralph let that sink in. Later he tried again.

"How about your ex, Andy - did I ever meet him?"

She tore her gaze away from the television. He noticed a slight frown.

"No. His name was actually Andre, but he preferred Andy when he was in England. He went back to France with Marie and Pierre."

Ralph couldn't resist.

"And you never saw any of them again - never kept in touch?"

Karen turned and faced him.

"No I did not. What's this all about Ralph? It's only Marie coming over; not the guys. This is her parents' wedding anniversary remember, not a secret plot for another orgy. We're grownups now."

"Sure, I was only curious."

She turned back to the game show and Ralph's hackles rose again. She obviously didn't realise she'd said 'another' orgy. So it sounded very much as if the four of them had indulged in orgies that first year at uni. Activities like that should be shared with your new partner. And her words 'We're grownups now' had an odd inflection too. So she'd had wild no-holes-barred foursomes in the past but that was all behind her now was it? It had stopped when the lucky French contingent went home. But Marie had been one of those four and now she was coming back. So the condoms suggesting sex eight times a day fit in very neatly with a return gang get-together. He couldn't think of any reason why she should share the useless things with Marie; she could provide her own condoms. But even if she did, four fucks a day were more than enough. And as far as his marriage was concerned one could be the end of it. And the thought of her getting her arse fucked again, when Ralph had never been up there, made it even worse.

He started to brood and told her he had a headache and was going for a walk. He headed towards the pub - what was he to do? He loved Karen and was sure she had not strayed in the past - well fairly sure. So he could try to get evidence of this upcoming affair and divorce her, but he didn't want that. He could forgive her as long as it did not happen this weekend. The past was water under the bridge. He knew many husbands would want a divorce based on the evidence so far, and the clear intent.

He understood Karen had already cheated on him - albeit only in her head. But he'd invested the best years of his life in this relationship and did not want to throw them away over one mad fling - if he could just prevent her from having it. He loved her, and if he could stop this happening they could get past it. He knew what her reaction would be if he just told her she couldn't go. It would haunt them for the rest of their days. Then an idea began to form. He arrived at The Wheatsheaf but did not go in. He slowly walked back home. Karen was a bit superstitious and might call this off herself if she got scared. So what would scare her? He pictured her opening the pink case.

Back in the house she asked him if he was ok. He said he felt a bit better now but needed a dump. He went upstairs and quietly unlocked the case again. This time her laptop was also in there. So soon; wouldn't she need it for work tomorrow? He removed one of the boxes of condoms and hid it. Now what would she do? Think he'd taken it? Think she'd only packed one and worry about where the other one had got to? Whatever else she did, it would panic her and she wouldn't dare ask him if he'd seen it.

That night he woke up around two. He slipped out of bed and took the case downstairs; he wanted to look at that laptop. He opened it in the living room. It was officially Karen's computer but he often used it. They had their own passwords but he was pretty sure he knew hers. Soon he was in and looking through her emails. There was nothing incriminating at first so he presumed all contact with Marie had been on her phone. He also presumed Marie must be arranging the liaison with Andre. Either he was coming from France with her, or was already in England waiting somewhere - like a sexual vulture. It didn't matter though. The evidence he was looking for was there in the form of a confirmation email from a five star hotel in Lancaster. They had reserved a family room with two double beds for three nights. The four guests were K Pearson, A Carpentier, and M and P Allard - Karen, Andre, Marie, and Pierre! Presumably the latter two had married. So the gang's all here! He noticed the email from the hotel had arrived after he'd got back from his walk tonight, so she would not have seen it yet. He printed it off as quietly as he could, went back up and put the case back.

Wednesday at work he tried to act normally. Part of him was outside looking in; checking if he was betraying his worries. He hoped this same technique would work at home tonight. Would he spot any signs that Karen had discovered some of the condoms were missing? Had she even looked in the case again today? Of course she had. She's be checking it every day

When he got in she was cooking his favourite meal: rump steak and jacket potato. This felt very much like a clue. He'd read that favourite dinners were a common occurrence when cheating wives were feeling guilty.

"I thought you deserved a special dinner before I go away tomorrow." she said breezily.

Her voice sounded a bit strained. She'd discovered the problem with her packing but was probably refusing to believe her husband had just taken half the condoms and said nothing. Then again, he could just be imagining things.

"Thanks. I'll just go and get changed."

He went up to the bedroom and squatted by the pink case. He was about to pull it out when he hesitated. She'd definitely moved it but had pushed it to one end. The corner was aligned precisely with the leg of the bed, and just touching it. Very James Bond; he half expected to find a hair stuck over the gap where it opened. He unlocked it carefully leaving it in exactly the same place. Then he tucked the missing condoms right back down the bottom under her clothes. What would she make of that? Perhaps she'd think she was going insane.

That night Karen made a move as soon as they were in bed. He eased her away from him.

"Sorry I'm really not in the mood babe; still feeling a bit rough."

Her fingers found their way to the target.

"Are you sure you don't want a session before I go?" she purred. "You won't get another chance till Sunday night."

She was sounding a lot more confident now. Ralph guessed she checked the case again. The missing condoms had been in the same spot where she'd originally packed them; next to the other box. She must have missed it yesteday in her excitement to make sure everything was packed.

"No thanks, I'll give it a miss. I'll just have to store up all this sex until your trip is over."

Karen turned away frowning.

"And so will you." he added.

She didn't sleep well.

Thursday morning she showered and dressed in her 'going away' outfit. She checked the pink case one more time. Then locked it and put it on the bed. In the kitchen Ralph had taken the day off work and made bacon sandwiches; she wolfed one down. A hot black coffee blew away her foggy tiredness. There was plenty of time and Karen went back to the bathroom and brushed her teeth. She pottered around for an hour or so, not knowing what to do with herself. The disappearing and reappearing condoms were concerning. She was so sure she had checked the case thoroughly. Surely Ralph couldn't have taken them? For one thing it had definitely been locked and she had not left the key anywhere he could get his hands on it. And for another, why would he do such a weird thing? The items she'd packed made it obvious she was planning on cheating on him - in the worst possible way. So surely he would hit the roof; not play some strange prank? She put it out of her mind.