The Pleasures of Hell 02.020


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God, she hoped David was having a better time than her.



~~Day 32~~


Caera purred. David laughed and rubbed her belly some more, digging his nails into her skin. Naturally, she bat at his hands with her claws while simultaneously bending down so she could playfully bite at his fingers. Huge, muscular, and sexy curvy, Caera's slightly cat-ish body shape matched her reaction to scratches surprisingly well. Cat-ish dinosaur-ish, if you looked at the tail and spikes and stuff. Regardless, scratching her belly got him some cat-like reactions, and scratching her back between her spikes got him some dog-like reactions, too.

She was naked, and lying on her side while he was on his knees behind her. The scratching and massaging had started with her back, and had slowly drifted more toward her front as time had gone on. Whether it was because of his persistent aura, or his expert massaging and scratching skills, Caera's skin grew redder and softer by the minute.

But they would not have sex. Nope nope. Dao had told him -- Jes translated -- he was free to have sex with Caera if Dao wasn't there; he was her pet, not her lover like Jes was. To Dao, David was a cherished, weird human-not-human pet to keep satisfied. And he had to admit, he kinda liked that. She'd also suggested he was free to have sex with Acelina, but it didn't seem like there was any chance of that happening, given the woman's attitude.

Even with permission to have sex with Caera, they weren't going to, because the cave they were hiding in was a new area. Not safe to get super distracted while Jes, Dao, and Acelina were out hunting.

But, god, her breasts were so big and beautiful, and her stomach was so flat and firm and perfect.

"I hope Acelina doesn't kill them," she said.

"I hope Jes doesn't kill her. She really could be useful."

Something about the way her breasts softened, too, and flattened against her chest with gravity, was so hypnotizing, he couldn't help but dial up the aura a bit as he failed to bite down a groan. Caera laughed and rolled onto her back. Her spikes bent enough for the position, and she licked her slightly protruding snout as she up grinned at him.

An eight-foot-tall giant of a woman with a slim, muscular, hourglass figure with huge breasts was grinning up at him, fully expecting, hoping, he'd do something sexual to her. Yeap, Hell might have been an absolutely horrible place, but for some damn reason, it was treating him pretty well, relatively speaking.

He hoped Mia was having as good a time as he was.

His hand drifted up Caera's hard, flat stomach, up onto one of her breasts, and he shivered as he gently squeezed the huge mound so it filled his palm and conformed to his fingers.

"You think... Jes will kill Acelina?" he asked. Squeeze. Squeeze.

Caera smiled, showed off some of her very big fangs, and continued rolling over until she faced him. One breast squashed his hand against the other, loosely trapping it between them, and he again groaned.

"She might. They haven't stopped arguing for a moment."

"I was hoping that was, maybe, I dunno, just them being attracted to each other?" He tilted his head to the side, and slid his fingers around and around her breasts, particularly taking time to let the lower one rest its weight on his palm. So heavy, and perfect and amazing and getting softer by the moment.

He wasn't naked. His skirt was on, and probably the only reason he wasn't already erect. Being naked put his sex drive on a hair trigger, apparently.

"Hey, don't get any ideas," she said, slipped her giant tail over her leg, and poked him with it. "No sex. We're defenseless."

"Right. No sex."

She nodded, but her smile was relentless.

"And yes, Acelina and Jes are attracted to each other. Demons are attracted to demons, and angels." She shrugged. "Not as much as to humans, though."

"Not as much? Uh, no humans walking around as tall as you, with a stomach like this"--he pressed his free hand against her hard, flat, naked stomach and its subtle abs--"and... breasts, like these." He gently bounced the higher of the now very soft, heavy pillows in his palm.

"Not every human guy wants to fuck an eight-foot-tall tregeera, David."

"Um, yes they do."

She laughed. "And yes, demons -- and angels, probably -- always want to fuck humans the most."

"But why? We're all kinda just... boring?"

"To you, maybe. To us, it's different." She shrugged, and with her tail still hooking over her hip, she brushed his leg with its back spikes. "Maybe it's because of resonance. I don't know."

"Being sexually attracted to your meals is a very weird, kinda twisted quirk."

"It is. Hell is a weird, twisted place." Nodding, she reached out and ran a claw down his chest. "Better get that aura under control."

"You're not helping."

"I'm innocent. I just wanted some scratches and massages."

He squirmed under her claw as she gently poked his sternum.

"Jeskura and Acelina, you think they might actually kill each other?"

"It's possible."

That'd really suck. His relationship with Jes had grown quite a bit since they'd been stuck in the tunnel for a day. They even kinda got along now. Sorta. No such luck with Acelina, though.

"I hope they don't."

"Why? You care about Acelina that much? She's a giant asshole, David."

"I know, and I get that. I just... I dunno. So many people down here, in Hell I mean, are so ready to just kill each other on sight. I like the fact she talks."

Chuckling again with that quiet, 'I know something you don't' sorta sound, Caera reached out, and gently pushed him onto his back. She rolled toward him again, and pressed her breasts down against his chest, burying him in her much, much bigger weight as she kissed him.

"You sure it's not just her tits?" she asked.

"Mmmb?" No good, couldn't say a thing with her lips on his.

"Don't give me that. Every time you look at her, I can tell you want nothing more than to feel those things around that big dick, soaking you with milk while you drench her in cum. That aura doesn't lie."

Okay, yeap, that was very true.

"I admit, I was pretty damn surprised by the whole lactation thing."

"And turned on by it."

"I... was."

She grinned some more, and instead of kissing him, rested on him. Literally. She let her head rest in the nook of his shoulder and neck, and didn't move, content to make him work hard for every breath, considering how much she weighed.

"Spire mothers let the best hatchlings who survive the pits and become adults taste of them. It's pretty delicious."

He raised an eyebrow. There were a million oddities with how Hell did the whole food chain thing, but this didn't fit.

"Any, uh, other demons do strange things like that?"

"Not lactate, no."

"And... uh... do you get any sustenance from the milk?"

She lifted her head enough to grin down at him again.

"Yes. Spire mothers are unique like that."

"A lot?"

"No, just a little bit of resonance." She leaned in again and licked his neck, long and slow, like a grooming cat. "And no, you can't get resonance from a demon's cum. Or your cum."

He laughed. Damn.

"They seem pretty unique, then," he said.

"I found some records suggesting maybe spire mothers and children of the spires like Vinicius were supposed to rule spires together. Or maybe, it's just some shitty reflection of the surface."

"A reflection... You really think some pieces of Hell are just reflections of the surface?"

"The records I found hinted at it. Some think the volarin and volaras"--incubi and succubi--"started being born in the spires only when humans started the whole civilization thing."

"Oh. You think the spires adapt based on what's happening on the surface?"

"I do."

Interesting hypothesis. Supposedly, Heaven and Hell had been around for a very long time, and if they evolved as reflections of the surface, that fit better with the whole scientific theory of evolution. Kinda. Assuming time passed the same in Hell as it did on the surface.

No wonder Caera was so into uncovering Hell's secrets. Shit was confusing, and everything he learned just made him want to learn more, an itch in his brain he couldn't scratch.

"So Acelina is super valuable," he said. "Not for the milk, I mean, but because of how important they are to spires."


"You think if we drop her off at the Grave Valley spire, Azailia will help us on our... quest?" He almost choked on the word.

"Maybe, but probably not."

"Why not?"

"Because she's a demon. She's going to see you, an unmarked, and immediately think of ways she can use you to her benefit. She might try to take over Death's Grip, now that Zel's dead, and she might think you can help with that. Or she might just eat you, thinking it'll give her your powers."

He groaned and knocked his head back against the ground a couple times. There was always that possibility. Any time a demon saw David, there was a good chance they might try and eat him, and that chance only increased when they realized he could craft auras that couldn't be resisted. Reading the ancient language was just the cherry on top for a power-hungry demon.

Of course, eating him might give them nothing, just a meal, or worse. Maybe he was poisonous? That'd be kinda cool.

"Admit it," Caera said, and she pressed her chest down on his harder, enough to half knock the wind out of him.

"Admit w-what?"

"That you want to fuck Acelina's tits." She pressed down harder, earning some gargled choking sounds from him.

"I admit! I admit!"

Laughing, she relented and pushed herself up onto her hands, both on either side of his shoulders, so she could grin down at him.

"You break easily."

"I am a weak little man who needs protecting."

The sound of her laughter filled him with a warmth he wasn't used to. Making his sister laugh was one thing. Making a woman laugh, one he'd had sex with? There was something pleasing about that he couldn't put his finger on. But he liked it, a lot. He wanted to do that more.

"You're not weak, after what you did for your sister."


"And you agreed to help me. Definitely not weak."

He shrugged. "I could still crack? Dressing up as a Cainite and just walking into their lair? Yeap, that could easily prove too much, I crack, and run away screaming and crying."

More chuckles. "Somehow, I don't think you'll do that." She lowered herself back down, but more into his side, and squished her huge breasts into him as she snuggled between his arm and chest, and slipped her claws under his skirt.


"Your aura is driving me insane. Gonna rub one out for you and calm you down. I'll keep my eyes open." She nodded toward the cave exit in the distance she faced. He hadn't even noticed she'd lay specifically in an orientation so she could easily watch it.

"You're the one that keeps talking about giant tits."

She leaned up and in enough to kiss his jaw, and brought her lips to his ear.

"I bet I could convince Acelina to let you fuck them."

He shivered as her long fingers wrapped around his increasingly hard length.


"Not like you'd need me to, though, with that aura of yours."

"I'd... prefer to not use my aura like that."

She leaned in over him and kissed him again.

"I get that, but with a bitch like Acelina, you'd be doing her a favor. She wants to fuck you. She's just too proud to admit it. Use the aura and give her an excuse."

"That sounds pretty twisted, Jes."

Caera lifted her head up enough to not-so-gently headbutt him in the forehead. Ow.

"The fuck did you just call me?"

"Uh, I mean, that does kinda sound like something Jes would do, you know? Just, bully her way to what she wants. She--" He sucked in a breath as Caera squeezed his cock, hard. She lifted it, set it along his abs, and nudged her side against it as she stroked its base with a softer grip, thank god.

"I get that you're a nice guy, David. Dao loves it. Jes loves it. I love it. It's not something we ever see except in scrying pools. But..." She stroked him faster, and kissed his neck again as she made sure to rub the head of his cock against her breasts where they squashed against his chest. "Demons respond well to being bullied. Really well."

If that was true, why was she bullying him? She definitely seemed to enjoy doing that. And for some reason, he seemed to enjoy receiving it.

"Mia says that about surface girls, too." And, apparently, some guys.

"Mia's right." She gave his cock another hard squeeze, enough to make him wince for a moment, before she opened her mouth wide and encased the entirety of his throat between her teeth. But she didn't bite down. She gave him a lick, a chuckle, and snuggled back into his side again as she stroked his length. And with her planting her breasts into his side, one of her breasts rested on his sternum, and with how long his cock was, she had no trouble keeping his glans buried underneath its heavy softness.

He melted into the heat of her body, and let the fingers inside his chest pluck the strings. Silent sound, still vibration, something flowed out of him into the world around him, and painted the world in the unheard music. Sexual comfort. Cuddling. Cozy, safe, relaxed. The image of a woman, someone he cared for, snuggled into his side as she happily relaxed him with a slow handjob.


The I word. It stuck out like a blazing star in his mind. Intimacy. The only person he'd ever been intimate with in his life, ever, was his sister, and there wasn't anything sexual there. But for some reason, here in Hell, he was getting a lot of intimacy in a way he could never have predicted.

He liked in. Something inside him, something he'd long put away in a box, liked it.

Caera leaned back over him, and kissed him, as cum flowed up his length. It poured out of him, and with her breast sitting on and squashing his cock's tip, the thick white fluid soaked his chest, his abs, and Caera's as well.

She smiled down at him, nudged her forehead into his, snuggled back into the groove of his chest and shoulder, and helped him cum again. And again.


"Uh, what the fuck?" Jes said, standing at the entrance of the cave and gesturing to David and Caera. Dao and Acelina stood beside her, and Dao had a big, happy, warm smile on her face.

"I was keeping guard the whole time," Caera said, nodding as she slowly stood up. His cock slid free of her insides, sending tingling sparks down its length, and the huge woman let out an almost animal groan as a flood of white poured out of her and landed on his pelvis.

Dao clicked and chirped a few times, giggling.

"I tried!" Caera said. "The boy just... keeps cumming."

"We know that already," Jes said, rolling her eyes as she hooked her wings around her shoulders. "Come on, admit it. You just wanted to fuck him while the rest of us were gone."

"That wasn't--"

"Yeah, sure. How many times did he cum?"

David raised a finger. "Um, did--"

Jes shot him a glare. Not a super angry glare, but a 'shut up' glare, nonetheless.

Caera casually lowered herself down to all fours. Whether that was because she just preferred walking that way, or because her legs were still quivering, she'd never say.

"A few."

"A few dozen, more like." Jes gestured around at the mess. "Bet you came a lot, too."

Caera sat cat-like, upright, with her arms straight down in front of her, and grinned.

"More than that night he spent all that time focusing on you."

"That was a reward for risking my neck!" Jes said. Before Caera could throw some words at her again, Jes gestured to Acelina. "If I'd known Acelina here would just fuck up the hunt, I would have stuck around for some fucking too, you know."

"No luck?" Caera asked.

Dao clicked once, leaned down and gave David a kiss, walked to the entrance of the cave, and took a squatting, resting position. Guard duty. She and Jes still had their armor on. Acelina had no armor, but she had left her necklaces and belly chains and bracelets and ankle chains and other loose chain piercings behind.

"Quiet, riiva," Acelina said, hissing. "I have to learn in days what you creatures spent months learning in the hatching pits, and years out in the mountains."

"Hey you shut up," Jes said. "Dao's right. You can't clip clop everywhere like a stupid surface bitch in high heels. Dao's got hooves and you don't hear her."

"I weigh thrice what she weighs."

"Don't care. You need to learn to sneak."

Acelina flared her wings. Much as her wings were thin and spindly, they were still massive. And much as Acelina didn't have the muscle tone of Caera, she was still a foot taller than her, nine feet tall and scary as fuck. She marched forward and glared down at Jes with her eyeless, featureless face, her bared, white, sharp teeth in her wide, scary mouth the only thing visible against her entirely black face. Even her four giant horns gave her a queenly, intimidating look.

And of course Jeskura the gargoyle didn't give a shit about any of that. She flared her wings, too, and her long tail snapped behind her as she ground her talons against the stone and glared up at the much, much bigger demon.

"I see no need for these hunts," Acelina said, claws at her sides.

"Oh do explain, bitch."

"You, your wanted riiva lover, and Caera, can hunt." Well, at least Acelina seemed to respect Caera. Jes and Dao, not so much.

"And what, leave you here with David? You'd--"

"I would what? Eat him, only for you to return and see what I did? Or perhaps I eat him and flee, and find myself in yet a worse situation, likely to be exploited, or eaten." She put her hands on her wide hips. "Say what you will of me, Jeskura. I am no fool."

"No fool? What happens if we get split up? What happens if some Cainites jump us, and the only person who isn't injured is you, and you have to get us food?"

Both ladies turned, looked at Caera, and waited.

Caera sighed, prowled over to David, and lay beside him.

"Acelina, just try, okay? It's unlikely we'll ever really need you to hunt, but shit happens."

Acelina growled, but folded her wings over her shoulders like a cloak, and sat against the cave wall opposite of everyone. It was a small cave, so it didn't put much space between them. Even the way she sat was queenly and feminine, both legs to the same side underneath her, and her half leaning toward one hip.

Jes rolled her eyes and marched over to David and Caera.

"Dao gives you permission to fuck Caera when we're not around and you take one whole day to use it?"

"I uh... um..."

Daoka, still squatting by the cave entrance, chuckled with some chirps and tossed a pebble Jes's way. The gargoyle knocked it aside with a wing, but groaned, sighed, and sat down beside David on his other side.

"My fault," Caera said. "Had to scratch the itch."

"Then it's David's fault 'cause that itch is caused by his aura!"

"Not just his aura," Caera said, licking her fangs as she smiled down at David. "He's very cute."

He gulped. "I'm getting better at controlling it. It's just..." Tell them? He hadn't told them yet, about the weird symbols running through his mind, for no other reason than he couldn't make sense of them. But the longer he stared at them, the more they came into focus.

"Yes?" Caera asked.

"I've been distracted. Half the time, I'm trying to figure out how to work the aura. Best I can figure is it's like playing an instrument, right? An instrument I can't stop playing, like it's a hurdy-gurdy someone else is cranking. All I can do is press keys."

All four ladies looked between each other, and the two with eyebrows raised them quizzically.

"It's an instrument," he said. "Never mind."