The Pop Star and the Dreamer


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"I miss my mom." She cried into my shoulder. "I hate that jerk. I gave them money, I brought them houses, but it was never enough. He took me to court, sued me. All for money, evil bastard."

I cradled her head in my arms, held her tightly. "It's going to be okay. Everything will work out."

She shook her head, wiped away tears. "No, I can't do this anymore. I hate this plastic world they built around me. I used to love it, but now, now it's just dragging me under. I need to get away."

"Have you considered rehab?"

She nodded. "Yeah, I tried it once, but it was bullshit. The security were dealers. There were more drugs on the inside than there are around here."

"There must be good ones."

"No, I just want to get away."

"What do you mean?"

I need to go somewhere I wouldn't be recognized. Somewhere I could just live, get away from the drugs, the cling-ons. I need some space."

"There must be places. Alaska, that's pretty remote."

She laughed. "Too close. I was thinking of something further away."

As we sat drinking coffee, she asked, "Could you start canceling all my appointments. I don't think I can stand to be around people at the moment."

"Will do, what about performances?"

"Oh, god yes, especially performances. I don't want to be one of those stars who has a meltdown on stage."

"How long do you think you'll need?"

"Six months, cancel everything."

About six in the morning, she drifted off to sleep and I started going through her schedule, canceling everything. I would love to say that they were happy, but the greedy bastards fought me every step of the way. I got everything from, "We'll sue you. If she's not here on time, we will sue," all the way up to death threats. My midday, the record label was on the phone. They jumped on me, and the threats came thick and fast. Ralph Merchotto, the head honcho, rang me personally. There were no hellos, he went straight for the jugular. He screamed viciously. "Listen, you little weasel. Stop canceling all those fucking shows. It's going to cost us millions."

"Liar, you have insurance. Use it. Her life's in danger. Do you understand? She is having a fucking breakdown."

"Oh boo fucking hoo. Just get her up and about. Give her some smack and get her moving. She's been down this road in the past. We're not doing it again."

The doctor arrived a little later. Kiara looked terrible, she had started to tremble and shake as she started going into withdrawal. The doc told me to keep her hydrated, get some food into her and try to keep people away.

As I walked him to the door, he shook his head. "These people are crazy. Do you realize how close she came to losing her life yesterday? She was at the pearly gates. Christ, I hate this. She should be in care, rehab. If she doesn't get off the drugs, she will die."

He was, or at least appeared to be, genuinely concerned. As I closed the door, he snapped loudly. "Keep those damn parasites away from her. Try to keep her away from social media. Find a way to get her some space.

Remembering how much she liked to steal my sandwiches, I made her a couple, got some OJ from the refrigerator and carried in a tray.

She looked up, and big smile crossed her face, when she saw the sandwiches. "Are they for me?"

"Hell no. The doc said you wouldn't be hungry. These are all mine."

That was all the incentive she needed. She snatched the first one off the plate and dived on it like a starving coyote. "What happened when you canceled the shows?" she asked nervously, her body trembling.

"There was some angry feedback, but mostly they just want you to get better." Okay, it was a lie, but seeing the relief on her face made up for it.

I came and went throughout the day. She deteriorated as the day dragged on. The trembles had grown into full on shaking. She was feverish, curled into a fetal ball crying.

Later, I found her rifling through her drawers. She stood up carrying a packet of pills. She saw me, just as I walked up behind her. She jumped, startled, and tried to hide the pills.

"Kiara, you don't have to hide them from me. If you want to take them, take them. I'm not here to judge, or condemn. It's your life."

I helped her back to bed, and she settled in. "How are you feeling?" I asked.

"Like shit."

"Sorry, I'm not sure there's much I can do to help."

"It's fine, not your fault." As we chatted, she reached out with a trembling hand, passed me the pills, and said, "Throw them away. Ignore me if I ask for more."

"What about when you yell at me?"

"Tell me to shut up. Nash, I need you. Please don't let me down. Slap me if you have to."

"Kiara, if I take them, I'll flush them."

I saw her cringe, but she growled. "Good, while you're at it, flush them all. Flush everything."

That day made me lose faith entirely in the human race. As I worked through her request, I had to methodically prune the schedule, canceling more gigs and functions. Some of the vitriolic responses were just off the wall. I tried to be as honest as I could be, without giving away any secrets.

Day two was worse. Kiara looked lousy, and she screamed at me to go and refill her prescription. "Just do what you're fucking told. Do your job, or fuck off."

She broke down, sobbing so hard, her whole body shuddering in my arms. Food and drink, I kept feeding them to her, but she was at the vomiting stage. Anything going in came right back.

It didn't help that her phone was full of missed calls and text messages from the record label. In particular, Ralph. It was going off so regularly that in the end, she threw it at me. "Here, you deal with these bastards."

When I answered Ralph's call, he snarled viciously. "Why in gods name are you answering, Kiara's phone?"

"Because she asked me to. What do you want?"

"I need to talk to her about all these canceled shows."

"She doesn't want to talk to you. I'll tell her you called."

"Listen, asshole, like it or not, you work for me. Now, put the little Princess on the phone."

Getting more agitated with every word that came out of his mouth, I snapped, "I work for Kiara, not you. What's more, she doesn't want to be disturbed. She is in withdrawal. She needs some space." I disconnected the call, but he rang back, over and over. I just turned the volume off and let it ring. I did get a nasty thought, though, what if he turned up?

I rang the security company that monitored the house and got them to come and secure the front gates with a heavy chain. While they were there, I got them to show me how to turn off the intercom.

At least that way, Kiara could get a couple of days rest. Having no experience, I wasn't sure how long this would take. All I could do was hold them at bay for as long as possible.

The next day was slightly better. She ate, and it stayed down. She looked better, but late in the day, the tremors and night sweats came back.

It was the next day that Ralph and bunch of his cohorts turned up at the gate. Of course with the intercom turned off, I didn't know they were there. It wasn't until Kiara's phone rang that I realized they were out there. The call came via the security company, who Ralph had called to let him in. "Hello, Mr. Collins. It's Jacob, from First Home Security. I'm at the front gate, and there are a group from AGM records, here who want to be let in. What should I do?"

"Stay there buddy. I'll come down. Under no circumstances are they to be let in."

"Okeydokey. thanks, Mr. Collins."

As I walked up to the gate, I could her Ralph going off at the security guard. The moment he saw me, he started. "You fucking little upstart. I'm gonna fire your ass."

"You can't, I don't work for you. What's the problem?"

"I need to see Kiara. You've got her locked up in there, and god knows what the fuck is going on. You're probably molesting her."

I saw the security guard cringe, especially when Ralph started back in on him. "Don't you understand, this fucker has her locked up against her will. He's keeping her prisoner in her own home."

The guard stared at me, wondering what the hell to do.

Ralph saw him weaken, and saw his avenue. "Have you had any instructions from Kiara?"

He grimaced, swallowing a big lump before replying. "No, all our instructions come from Mr. Collins."

"That's because he's holding her against her will. Now let us in, so we can check she's all right."

"You're not coming in. I have strict instructions." I turned to the guard, Jacob. "If you aren't happy, let's call the police. I will allow them inside and they can talk to her directly. These gentlemen here are not to be allowed in."

The guard stared uncomfortably back and forth between us all. "Shall I call them?"

Ralph snarled. "Yes, god damn it. Get them here ASAP."

I beat, Jacob to it. I called the police, explaining the situation. Within twenty minutes, a squad car rolled up. They looked uncomfortable, but agreed to my terms. A lady officer and I walked up to the house. As we walked, I explained the bits I had left out in front of Ralph.

Kiara was surprised when I walked in with the officer. I did the introductions, and left them to talk in private while I made lunch for Kiara.

As I handed over the food to Kiara, who was again in tears, I asked the cop, "Everything okay?"

She nodded, "Yes, I'm happy everything is aboveboard. Although, I'm going to arrange for a car to come by every evening to check, if that's okay."

As we walked back out to the gate, the cop said quietly. "Sheesh, this Ralph guy is a real piece of work."

"You don't know the half of it. He's a god damned slime ball."

She nodded. "Just between us, you're doing the right thing. I can't keep him away unless you want us to issue him with a nuisance order or something."

"No, I'll deal with him. All I want is for her to get some clear air. She can get healthy and make up her own mind."

At the gate, she informed the group That she had met and spoken with Kiara, and I was telling the truth. Kiara had indeed instructed me to act on her behalf.

Ralph exploded, started calling me filthy names, and that's when the cop said, "Sir, be very careful. You are another statement away from being arrested. Kiara has asked for some time to get her mind clear. She will contact you when she is ready."

The cops stayed until Ralph and his entourage drove away. Jacob stayed to talk for a while, and I reinforced my instructions. Under no circumstances were they to let inside.

When I got back to the house, Kiara was in tears. "He won't leave me alone. He'll just grind away."

"I'll keep him out. It will be your decision when he gets in."

"Curses," she growled. "What am I doing, Nash?"

"Kiara, this is really none of my business. Over the last twelve months or so, we have become friends, well, at least I see it that way."

She nodded, but said nothing. "I think what you're doing is important. I have watched you go downhill pretty damn quickly. Those people are sucking the life out of you, and all they care about is the money."

She gripped my arm, fear etched into her features. "I know that, but I need them."

"I understand. It's a vicious circle, but let me say this. Get your health back, clear your head and most importantly, do what's right for you. Forget Ralph. Jesus, if he comes back, I'll punch him in the face."

She giggled mischievously. "Yes, please."

That night after I cooked dinner, she said, "Could we go for a drive somewhere? I need to get out of the house."

"That's a great idea. Get some clothes on, and I'll get the car out."

She looked quite radiant as she climbed into the passenger seat of her Mercedes SL Roadster. We sped off with the roof down, the early evening air still warm. We headed south, following the coast. I saw some joy in her for the first time in a long time.

She reclined the seat, stuck her hands up over her head, waving them to and fro in the buffeting air. With real elation, and much to onlookers dismay, she screamed loudly. No words, just a loud echoing scream of joy.

The traffic was pretty light, and we stayed on the Pacific Highway, through Long Beach, Huntington Beach, but as we got to Newport, we, I should say Kiara, saw a Taco Belle sign and she screamed again. "Stop, stop, stop. Go in. I'm hungry."

As she started putting in her order, she suddenly stared at me in horror. "I didn't bring my purse."

I chuckled softly. "Don't worry, I've got it."

I couldn't believe her order. I shouldn't have been surprised, I had been with her in these situations before. We had to get two trays, there was that much food.

She really pigged out. At first, I wondered how we would get through it all, but she gave it a good go. It was the brightest I had seen her since this went down. As we talked, I asked, "What's next? Do you want to head back when we finish here?"

She pouted sadly. "Do we have to? It's been so much fun."

"We can keep driving, but it might be late getting home."

"I don't care. I'm just not ready to go back just yet."

"Cool, then we'll keep driving."

In the car, we headed south. It was such a nice night. Kiara turned on the radio and sang along with the songs, slurping intermittently on her giant Coke.

As the sun set, we were almost in San Diego. "What do you want to do?" I asked.

"I don't feel like driving back. Let's find a motel."

"Are you sure?"

She gave me funny look. "I'll pay you back."

I laughed loudly. "I wasn't worried about the money. I was more thinking about you. Are you sure, I mean, we didn't bring a change of clothes. Shit, I haven't even got a toothbrush."

She pulled out her sexy sad pout. "I'm sure you could last a day without a toothbrush."

"I'll do whatever you want. You're still the boss."

"Goody, then we're staying. Find a gas station, and you can get a damn toothbrush."

She pointed out a 7-Eleven, and rushed inside. I followed along as she kept grabbing things. Again I was called upon to pay. I could hardly complain after my months of first class travel. We found a hotel that overlooked the ocean. I booked separate rooms, and helped Kiara into hers. She was starting to shake, tears flowing freely. "God, this is so hard. All I want is a fix, something to slow me down, take away the pain."

She fell onto the bed, her hands tangled in her hair, twisting and pulling. I sat beside her and pulled her into a hug.

"It will get better. I'll do whatever you want. I've still got one of your prescriptions, if you really can't handle it, I'll go and get you something. But if you can stick it out, tomorrow will be easier, and the day after that will be easier again. I promise, it will."

She rolled a little so she could stare into my eyes, "And how do you know all this?" Her voice full of sarcasm.

"I've been doing research, you know. There's heaps of shit on the net."

"Oh yeah, I guess it has to be true then, huh?"

"Sure does."

She relaxed a little as I stroked her cheeks and forehead. "Thanks for tonight. God it feels so good to be out in the real world. The house is huge, but it felt lie the walls were closing in. Sheesh, I'm not even claustrophobic."

"It was a nice drive, the company was nice, that frigging car is awesome."

"It was the company. You're a nice guy, Nash. I'm glad you came on board. I'm not sure many people would have stood up to Ralph. He's a very intimidating guy."

"He's a bully, nothing special."

She giggled, a light little snorting sound that sounded oh so nice. "Written any good songs lately?" she asked.

"Yeah, one or two."

"Sing them for me," she breathed.

I chose a love song that I had been working on. I let the words flow out, the cadence slow, soft, inviting. As I sang, I felt her tension easing, the little trembles slowing.

"Oh, that's nice."

I rocked a little, feeling her body slow, her breathing steadier, softer. Just like that, she was asleep, her head resting against my shoulder. I lay back, trying to wriggle out from under her, but she held on tightly. I felt her wake. "Please don't go, just sing to me."

I sang, making up new verses as I went, until she was snoring. God, where was my phone when I needed it?

I would have loved to record this, and play it for her later. I pulled the folded blanket on the end of the bed up over us, and we went to sleep, fully clothed.

I have to say, though, it was the hardest thing. She was a beautiful woman, granted. A few years older than me, but she was still stunningly sexy, and my body reacted the way every twenty-four year-old's would have.

I got an erection that just wasn't going to go away. It stood tall and proud, like a monument trapped in faded blue denim.

Uncomfortable... hell yeah. Kiara wasn't helping. Her head was nuzzled up tightly against my neck. Her breath was warm, and moist. Little pools of condensation were trickling down my chest, my T-shirt damp and sticky.

I knew enough about her life to understand she had a couple of demons in the closet. Obviously dreaming, and not a pleasant one, I felt her squirming painfully. Her hand, which had been draped over my chest, now her fingers were like talons, digging painfully into my shoulder.

I stroked her back, letting my fingers run up and down her spine. "It's going to be fine." I whispered.

She woke up about nine, the day already warm. She jumped when she realized where we were, but straight away, settled back down. "Morning, Nash."

"Morning to you, sweet thing."

She giggled at my name for her. "Wow, I must have been good. Sweet thing... Really?"

"Yeah, we're going on Jerry Springer. The first couple to make love fully clothed. We'll have to lie though. You'll have to pretend to be my cousin, or sister. Or some shit."

"Cousin, I definitely don't want to be your sister."

"Bull, you'd love to be my sister."

"Oh, hell no. Not if you got those sorta thoughts about me."

She giggled, although it built into a full on laugh. "God, I need a shower." She climbed up off me and headed for the shower.

Damn, there's not many women who could sleep in their clothes, with no makeup on, and still look sexy in the morning. At least it gave me a chance to rearrange my jeans and move that god damned erection.

As she walked out, wrapped in two enormous fluffy towels. I spluttered embarrassed. "I'll go and take my shower in my room."

She smirked seductively, sticking out her hip. "Don't you wanna share?"

"No, theirs only two towels, and you used them both."

She started unwinding one. "I don't mind sharing."

Grabbing her hand, I stopped her. "Hey, we paid for the room, I may as well get some use out of it."

She sighed, put on her mock sad pout. "I'll wait out by the car."

True to her word, she was leaning on the hood, waiting. As we climbed in, she said, "I saw a Wendy's as we came into town. Are you hungry?"

I laughed. "Jeez, you amaze me. You've got millions in the bank and you eat all this fast food shit."

"What can I say, Nash. I'm a simple girl with simple needs. I grew up in a small town. I like burgers, shoot me."

"I'm not complaining, just saying."

With the batteries recharged and the worms fed, we hit the road north. Just out on the highway, my phone rang. I was going to ignore it, but I saw, Ralph's number. "Yes sir, what can I do for you?" I asked.

"Stop playing with me, boy. I need to get Kiara back to work. I've had lawyers hounding me. She's going to get sued. Do you understand? She will be fucking bankrupt."

"Bullshit, I've spoken to some of your team. We have indemnity coverage. I will talk to the angry promoters again myself and make things crystal clear. She's not up for it, Ralph. She's getting better, but needs time. So get off her case."

"You sniveling little..." That's when I disconnected the call. My heart was pounding as I tried to get the better of my anger.