The Pregnant Exhibitionist

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She's pregnant and loves to show it off.
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Adventure #1 - Target

Being pregnant gives me such a rush. I'd call it a sexual high. I love being so heavy and swollen and round...and being so short it just makes my belly look that much bigger. This is my second pregnancy. I thought the first time I was pregnant, it was like I'd been plugged into an electrical socket. This time has been even more intense.

Is it a fetish? I'd say it is. When I'm pregnant, I feel like 1000% more sexual than usual. I love the attention I get. I love when people feel my belly, even if it's a total stranger. Now that I'm in my 8th month of pregnancy, I've been wearing tighter and tighter clothing that reveals even more of my belly. I can't resist! I'm a bit of an exhibitionist in that sense. People stare at me and try to act like I don't notice. I always notice. And I like it.

One such day, I'd gone out to Target to run some errands. I had my 16-month old with me in the stroller. I'd managed to stuff myself into a workout top. It really didn't cover my belly and the more I walked, the more it was riding up my bump, but I didn't care. That feeling I felt from my half-exposed belly, waddling around pushing my young child around...I felt like a breeder. I was in an absolute daze.

So I was in Target...I had a whole long list of things to get, some baby stuff, groceries and I really needed a maternity dress. I'd put my son in the cart and folded up the stroller and was struggling to put it under my cart. Bending over has been a challenge for me lately. A woman came over and helped me. I smiled and thanked her. She asked me when I was due and I told her in six weeks. She shook her head.

"Six more weeks? You poor woman!" she said.

"Yup," I replied, rubbing my belly. "Hopefully she doesn't stay in there too long!"

I loved making comments like that. We exchanged a smile and she tentatively reached out and touched my belly. I nodded as if to say it was OK. I moved her hand toward the upper right side of my belly. "She likes to kick there," I told her. "But she's not doing too much right now."

"Hang in there, mama!" she said as she removed her hand.

I smiled and began doing my shopping. My day was already made from that experience alone. As I walked around the store, I noticed a young gentleman that had been kind of following me around from afar. Whenever I glanced at him, he was looking at something on a shelf, then putting it down. I could tell he was watching me. But I kept focused on my own errands. Nonetheless, I could feel myself getting more and more turned on by this guy checking me out. And he was totally checking me out. So I decided I'd try to corner him.

I was down by the paper towels aisle and had looped around. I noticed he was kind of tailing me from an aisle away, so I spun back and "accidentally" crashed my cart into his.

"Oh! Forgive me, I'm so clumsy!" I said. He immediately turned beet red.

"It's OK," he mumbled, looking down at the floor.

"No, I really have to pay more attention," I said. "It's hard moving around with this belly and these aisles are so narrow..."

I had my hands on my belly and was kind of playing with the bottom of my shirt, which was now about a third of the way up my belly, enough that my belly button was exposed. He glanced up at me and then down again.

I stepped closer to him.

"No need to be shy," I said. "I noticed you've been following me around. Would you like to touch my belly?"

"Y...yes, can I?" he stammered.

"Of course!"

I took his hand and ran it across my belly for a few seconds, then let go. "Feel as much as you'd like," I told him.

He was so nervous, he just ran his hand around me for a minute, then pulled back and ran off. I'm not certain if he actually bothered to buy anything. The idea that this guy was so taken by my big, round belly waddling around that he took the time to follow me around Target was such a turn on...and I was already pretty turned on just by walking around with the baby and the stroller and the belly hanging out.

I finished my shopping and went back home, still floating with sexual energy. I thought about that young man touching me, his sweaty palm against my tight, round belly.

I thought about it some more later that evening as I was in the shower, soaping up and scrubbing down all my pregnancy curves. I felt a rush through my body, remembering the sensation of those hands on my belly and I started to masturbate, my body shaking and jiggling as I slid two fingers in and out of my vagina and tugged at my left nipple. My orgasms have become so much more powerful these days and this one left me weak in the knees, so much so that I had to sit on the shower floor for a few moments to catch my breath.

Adventure #2 - Amy's Wedding

My old college roommate Amy was getting married one weekend. The date had been saved for months. I just wasn't expecting that I'd be 8 and a half months pregnant at the time—and a bridesmaid!

We'd already gently butted heads over this. Mostly over how I was going to fit into the bridesmaid dresses she'd picked out. They were nice enough, some frilly cobalt blue chiffon, but, well, you try guesstimating how your body grows and changes over the course of a pregnancy!

Needless to say, the dress was a little bit tight on me. Not gonna say my huge belly was about to rip through it, but that's kind of how I felt. I really had to work to get the dress on in the first place. I was probably pushing 7 months the day of the fitting and, well, I'd grown quite a bit since then. My husband had to help me, first by holding my ass while I stepped into the dress, then helping me to winch it up slowly over my roundness. Then we had to close up the back. I don't want to talk about it. No, seriously, I don't.

There are always days late in pregnancy where you just feel like, "BLAMMO!" I'm just gonna burst out of everything. This was one of those days. I looked like a giant blue balloon with legs and arms and if you stuck me with a pin, I was going to pop. Think Violet Beauregard. If you thought being part of a wedding party and having to spend a large chunk of time on my feet standing around was something I was looking forward to, well, think again. But I love Amy like a sister and I wasn't about to let her down on her big day.

We had to arrive early and of course my poor husband had nothing to do but sit around while I went into the bride's room at the banquet hall. There were four bridesmaids, Amy's sister, one of her childhood friends and another one of our college pals. I'd met everyone at one point or another in life. I walked in and of course everyone started going gaga over me and my huge belly. I probably spent more time being told I was glowing and getting my belly touched and rubbed than I did getting ready, that's how big of an attraction I seemed to be.

Usually, I like the attention and getting touched, but in this case, well, it was slightly embarrassing. Amy was busy getting her makeup on, and her dress just so, and she was absolutely breathtaking. And here were all of her bridesmaids, and her mother, and even the makeup artist and photographer hovering around me. I did my best to deflect. Pretend I'm not here! That's easier said than done when you've got a belly the size of a Thanksgiving turkey.

Then, we had a photo call and we had all of these silly staged photos with Amy and her future husband Noah. I kind of tried to hang back for the photos I was in. But even Amy insisted I stand front so everyone could see the pregnant bridesmaid. She even posed for photos with her hands on my belly!

I started to feel a little like I was upstaging Amy, and before the ceremony I pulled her aside and started to apologize, but she wouldn't even let me get a sentence out before she started gushing over how grateful she was that I was here even though I was so pregnant, and how much she loved me, and how much it meant to her to have me up there with her...and we both started to get a little weepy...which for me wasn't so uncommon since I usually get to be an emotional mess late in pregnancy. I said we needed to pull it together so as not to mess up our makeup before the ceremony.

So the ceremony began and of course I waddled my way down the aisle with one of the groomsmen. Even he said to me he'd take it at my pace, which I appreciated. I felt every one of those eyes hitting me and my big, blue belly. Particularly from my husband, who'd been so patient all day. I turned and winked at him. The ceremony, at least for me, was kind of a blur. That dress felt extra constricting, and of course my feet hurt, my legs hurt, my back hurt and my baby girl was doing somersaults inside my belly the entire time. Just unable to sit still. And I could tell people were occasionally shooting glances my way because I must have looked uncomfortable and I kept rubbing my belly. But I made it through.

At the receiving line after the ceremony, I once again became the main attraction. A few people asked if I was OK because I looked uncomfortable, and I said I was fine, just too much standing. Many people touched my belly and told me how beautiful I looked, which I of course appreciated. I also got my share of fun comments:

"Wow, you sure look ready to pop!"

"Seriously, you still have another month???"

"Oh, mama, you're absolutely glowing!"

And my personal favorite:

"I'm amazed you could even stand with a belly like that!"

All the while I grinned and I couldn't help but revel in the attention a little bit. The comments and the touches were really starting to turn me on.

Finally, when the reception began, I searched out my husband and sat down for a little bit. Nothing felt better than getting off my feet and letting him rub my back for a little while because by that point I was really suffering. I felt super radiant and sexy, but sore as hell.

I caught my second wind after sitting and eating a little bit. I can't say the food was great, but then again I was so hungry I would have eaten whatever they put in front of me. I inhaled my chicken and then started picking off my husband's plate as well. Someone at our table joked about my appetite. I leaned back, rubbed my belly and reminded them that I was eating for two. Later, I even got up and danced a little bit, first with my husband, then with Amy and the other bridesmaids. Even pushing 9 months pregnant, I was still able to move. I could sense, once again, people staring at me, wondering if I was about to dance my baby right on out of me. But I hung in, even with the baby dancing around inside me.

Finally, I'd worn myself out and it was time to go. I went around saying my goodbyes, which resulted in more compliments and comments about how pregnant I was, and demands for baby photos when she was born. And belly rubs. So many belly rubs. Everyone wanted to touch my belly and I was happy to let them. Especially Amy, who just couldn't keep her hands off me whenever I found myself next to her. I whispered to her, "You're next, you know," as I left.

I fell asleep hard in the car on the way home. My husband put his hand on my leg and asked how I was doing. I said I was OK, just tired. And pretty horny from everyone touching my belly. He chuckled.

"My sexy little balloon girl," he said as he touched my belly. "Wanna take care of that when we get home?"

As soon as we got inside, I began to peel that blue dress off my body. He had to help me out of it, as he helped me in. We both looked at my body, my massively pregnant, curvy body. Then at each other. He grabbed me and kissed me hard, and led me over to the bed...

Adventure #3 - Camping Trip

Life had been getting away from me over the past few months. Now 35 weeks pregnant, I was close enough to giving birth to get anxious about when, but far enough away to still try and find ways to enjoy myself. My husband and I had both been working hard, and we felt we needed a little weekend to just get away and collect our bearings before the baby was born and time went down the drain. So we decided to take a camping trip overnight. We'd done this a few times long ago, before we were even married, and it seemed like a nice way for us to be alone and enjoy each other.

We dropped our son off with my mother and got on our way. It was about a two hour drive upstate to the campgrounds. Nowadays, these long car rides can be tough for me. For one, my belly is far too big for me to drive and for two, I'm lacking in bladder control get the picture. Whenever we saw a sign for a rest stop, I tapped my husband and said "Sweetie, pull in there, gotta go!"

It was also a good opportunity for me to get a quick bite to eat. Now, it's pretty obvious by looking at me that I've been eating for two. Maybe two and a half. But what you might not know is that in spite of my belly being so large, I actually can't eat quite that much in one sitting. Baby's grown so big that my stomach has gotten squished around. So I eat, and I certainly eat well, but I eat small amounts more frequently. So passing a rest stop every 50 miles or so was perrrrrfect!

We reached the campground. We'd reserved a secluded area for ourselves near a lake. There was a fire pit, and firewood, and some chairs, but otherwise we'd be fending for ourselves. We packed plenty of food, or at least plenty of food for me, a tent that we hadn't used since the last time we went camping, drinks and flashlights.

My husband set up the tent while I put on my bathing suit. I was going to get a little swim in the lake. The bikini I brought with me was, well, a little on the tight side, but that didn't bother me. I took a few selfies and I thought I looked real good. My belly was big and round, my boobs were just starting to spill out of the top and the bottom was struggling to make its way around my ass. I felt like a Goddess. I kind of wished there were more people around to see me like this. Some other people were swimming in the lake, and a few were boating, but they seemed so far away. As large as I was, it would have been hard for me to be noticed.

I went in the lake and just sort of floated for a while. Being in the water was so wonderful, getting the weight off of my legs and back. I started doing a little backstroke and then I caught a guy in a sailboat watching me. He was a ways away but I could tell. I can always tell when I'm being watched. And I love it. I love that people stare at my big melon belly and if it turns them on, all the better.

I finished my swim and came back to the shore. My poor husband was still maneuvering the tent together. He said last time I helped him put it together. I reminded him that I wasn't pregnant last time. Nonetheless, I gave him a hand and we managed to get it set up. We spread out some sheets and sleeping bags and climbed in to take a rest. By rest I mean he started rubbing my belly and then we both got turned on and before I knew it, we were both naked and having a nice little sexy tent time. Wouldn't be the first, nor the last time we'd do that.

After that brief interlude, I put my bikini back on and went to lie outside in one of the chairs. Before I knew it, I'd fallen asleep. The long car ride, the swim and the sex just wore me out. Oh, yeah. The big pregnant belly wore me out too.

My husband woke me up as the sun was beginning to set. I immediately realized I was ravenously hungry, so I pulled some granola out of the bag we'd packed and munched on that for a little while. He started up a campfire and we prepped a little dinner. By time we were done it was pretty dark out.

We still had a good campfire going so we just sat there and enjoyed the silence, the waves of the lake gently swooshing against the shore and the sound of crickets in the distance. Fireflies darted across the sky. We'd brought some s'mores for dessert so my husband pulled them out and we started making them. I got one good one in, but the second one melted and I ended up with a sticky chocolate/marshmallow mess on my belly. He laughed at me, and I stuck my tongue out at him.

He walked over and started to lick the mess off my belly. He told me that the light from the campfire gleamed off of me, making my belly look as round and bright as the sun. He finished licking me clean, and then kissed my belly. Our hands locked and we rubbed my belly together and felt our little girl tumble around inside me. He kissed my belly some more and began rubbing his face against it, which I found just heavenly. His stubble scratched against my skin. That absolutely drove me mad. Eventually, I grabbed his face and pulled him up towards me and we began making out passionately. He knelt in front of me and dropped his shorts, letting his cock spring out. He gently put it inside me and I felt like I'd been shot out of a cannon. He started slow, but began thrusting harder and harder and eventually I was seeing stars. I was breathing heavily and I wanted to moan out but didn't for fear of disturbing the silence. Nonetheless, when he came inside me, I couldn't help but let out one long, guttural moan that seemed to echo forever.

We slept so peacefully that night. He, I, our baby and the silence of nature.

Adventure #4 - The Banquet

Every year, my husband's job would throw a big banquet to celebrate the end of their fiscal year, and of course I'd always go with him. It was a nice night out for us, get to hang out with some of his work colleagues and other spouses, and there was an auctioneer, and good food and what have you. This year, of course, I'd be going with him now in my 9th month of pregnancy, and really, I was absolutely bursting at the seams. My belly felt like it was growing larger by the day at this point, and our little girl was constantly bouncing and booping around inside me. I looked, and felt, like an overstuffed pillow.

My husband wasn't quite sure if I'd be up to going because I was tired and uncomfortable all the time, but I insisted upon it. This was a huge social event, and I absolutely love how much attention people heaped upon me and my belly, so there was no way I was going to miss this. I'd even gone dress shopping and found the perfect outfit. It was a slinky little black dress that clung hard to every curve on my body, with these little spaghetti strands over my shoulder and a neckline that plunged down just enough to show off a bit of my generous rack. I finished it off with a sheer black shawl that I draped over my shoulders and down my arms. I got my makeup just right, put my hair up in a bun and wore my horn-rimmed glasses. I spun around in front of my husband and asked him how I looked. I could see that bulge growing in his pants as his jaw dropped.

I knew I was ready to go.

So we get to the event and come in the banquet hall. There was a cocktail hour and of course I wasn't drinking, but I hung around the hors d'oeuvres table and munched away. My husband was throwing back a few glasses of champagne. A couple of his co-workers came up and said hello, and congratulated us. A woman he worked with struck up a conversation with me about my pregnancy, and so I asked her if she wanted to feel the belly, and before she answered I'd grabbed her hand and put it on me. She seemed a little taken aback by my forwardness. I could only laugh. It happened again with one of his male co-workers. He asked when I was due and I told him I was in my last month. He made a bad joke about me looking like I was due last month but I assured him she wasn't ready to come out yet, and then took his hand and said, "Here, feel her!" He got totally red-faced. My husband was laughing his ass off.

So we sat down at our tables and the entertainment for the evening started. We were sitting with a few couples that we'd sat with the previous year, so we kind of all knew each other. Of course, my belly and I were the main topic of conversation. One of his co-workers who'd remembered my first pregnancy asked if I was bigger this time and I told him I thought I was, but really, at 5′1″ my babies have no way to grow but straight out. And I stood up and pulled my dress even tighter against my body, turned, and said, "See? Nothing but baby!" and I smacked my belly so it made an audible slapping sound.