The Prisoner Pt. 07

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Martin gets his revenge & heads for home.
4.9k words

Part 7 of the 22 part series

Updated 03/25/2024
Created 02/06/2020
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After turning the tables on Warden, Martin has now dressed while Warden has been deprived of her clothing. Her naked body is now bound, lying on her back, arms and legs spread eagle and fully on display before Martin, who has moved a dildo fucking machine between her legs ..... and switched it on.

Martin stood back, smug as could be, watching the machine moving the dildo back and forth beginning to pound her pussy. He wondered how humiliated she must now feel. Especially so for her, being a dominant woman, not used to being on the receiving end of such abuse.

"Please stop! Turn it off," she begged.

"What was that?" Martin said, pretending not to hear and making a gesture of deafness by putting his hand to his ear.

The machine continued to pull the end of the dildo in and out of her pussy. She was getting wetter with each rotation of the electric motor.

"Please; I can't take much more," she gasped.

"Oh, but I enjoy you being my plaything. Looks like your pussy is enjoying it too," Martin said, gesturing towards her wide-open legs. "Here, let's try this..."

Martin leaned forward and pressed a button on the side of the machine, and it started to speed up. Warden let out a moan instantly the moment she felt the speed and intensity increase. He then pressed it on another notch.

"Noooooo, she cried. Oh no! Please Martin. I'm.......I'm..... sorry."

"Sorry? For what you put me through? And goodness knows how many other men here you did the same too.".

"I was only doing what I was......."

"Listen you bitch," Martin said, angrily, cutting her off. "You put me through hell! My cock is hairless, thanks to you. And if I had not escaped, I have no fucking idea what you would have done to me or how long you planned on keeping me here. So, fuck you, Warden!

Martin looked at the machine keeping up the intensity of pounding her over and over.

Martin smiled, looking at the machine. "Yes, quite literally, FUCK YOU, Warden".

Martin moved his hand to touch her long head of hair as he also looked down her body to between her legs.

"I see your pussy is shaved already. So, maybe, I should instead shave your head instead, as revenge? He ran his fingers through her hair.

"No! No!" She immediately reacted to the thought of him shaving her bald and wriggled side to side to try and escape the fucking machine. But it was useless. Her body was bound and totally secured in the straps. There was no way out of this.

Martin pressed the button again to speed up the machine.

"Ooooohhh, ughhhhhh," she moaned, as the machine pounded her faster and faster.

"Do you know how much I am enjoying this, Warden?" Martin asked, without expecting an answer.

The machine continued to pound away at her, in and out, in and out. She was now getting forcibly turned on.

"Hey, I have a great idea. When I am playing back the video of me doing those jumping jacks that is on your phone," he said, lifting up the device as if to show her. "Then I can combine it with a viewing of your fucking!" Martin laughed out loud at the idea.

Warden looked up and saw Martin turn his attention to the phone. He activated the phone's video function and then lifted the phone to video her in this humiliating position.

"Smile, Bitch!" he said, feeling smug about her predicament and himself getting revenge as the video started to record.

He pushed the setting up another notch on the machine and caught her reaction on camera as she moaned from the increased intensity of the fucking and her body starting to somewhat convulse.

"Oh wow! Martin exclaimed. You make a great porno bitch! Try and lift your tits a bit more towards the camera. No, not like that. This way a bit. Your hard nipples are so fucking hot I want to make sure I get a video close up!"

Martin was saying these things to increase her humiliation. Warden herself was turning beetroot red watching Martin film her naked body during this sexual activity. She had never been videoed in the nude before. She had put a lot of men through it. And she felt comfortable with that. But not comfortable with this. She wondered when this would end. She desperately did not want to cum. But she could not stop the machine. And she was powerless to stop her body reacting.

"Ok, Bitch," Martin said, now turning the phone camera off. I think I have enough material."

Martin laughed out loud and then reached over to adjust the setting of the machine once more. He flicked it onto 'automatic' which was programmed to start with the current setting and then automatically increase the speed in set intervals. The problem was, after a woman who was attached to this machine had cum, the machine didn't know. So, it would just keep on pounding and pounding her at the top setting.

"Time for me to go now, Warden," Martin announced. "I'm sure someone will find you at some point. I guess you will have a very, very, very sore pussy by then?"

"Please! Please! No, no, Martin, you can't. You can't leave me like this. Please don't," she begged.

"Oh I think you will be fine. I adjusted the timer so it will shut off after 30 minutes, maximum. At least......., I think I did it correctly. Oh well, I guess you will find out soon," he chuckled. "I have to go now," he said, as he placed her phone in his pocket.

He stepped closer to Warden and rubbed his right hand over her body as the machine continued to fuck her. He first moved his hand over her breasts, lightly squeezing each of them as he passed by. Then he moved his hand down over her stomach. And, finally, down towards her pussy. He placed his finger further down and slowly entered her. Moving his finger around inside her he looked down at her face. She looked back, able to feel the difference between Martin's finger and the dildo continuously fucking her.

Martin smiled at her, now looking her directly in the eyes, to show her that he was in total control of her body. He then simply said,


And with that Martin removed his finger from inside her and turned and walked to the door, leaving her behind moaning at the forced pleasure she was experiencing. Martin took one last look back, admiring her toned naked body. The beautiful sight of her tied down on her back, with the dildo moving in and out of her pussy. All her modesty gone and a further humiliation to come by whomever would find her this way. Martin enjoyed that thought. A lot!

He walked out of the door and reached for the handle to close it behind him.

"Martinnnnnnn," Warden screamed as he closed the door on her, leaving her spread naked and being pounded by the fucking machine.

It was done. It was finally over. Martin headed along the corridor to go towards the set of stairs that lead down towards the exit. Now that he was free, he thought about what to do next. He still didn't have answers regarding why he was here. The first thing he wanted to do was report these people, but anonymously, of course. He certainly didn't want to risk getting in trouble for what he just did to Warden. She absolutely deserved it. But the law can be an ass. So, he would just do it anonymously and if this place gets shut down, that will be good enough for him. There will be plenty of other guys to act as witnesses, for sure. He would later make note to attend the trial in the public forum and enjoy seeing Warden sentenced for her actions. She could see how much she enjoyed life herself locked up, under the control of others. Martin quivered at the nice thought.

Martin reached the bottom of the stairs and thought to himself how she had clearly got the better of many men. But she had certainly met her match with him. He had won and he liked the way that felt. He wondered how she was getting on back up there -- the constant pounding. Oh, revenge was certainly sweet. Martin realised that she looked utterly humiliated and felt that it was no more or less than what she deserved. He quickly looked at the phone and the video of her being pounded. He smiled as he watched it back.

Martin reached the end of the corridor and the red door that led outside. He put the phone away in his pocket and then opened it thinking to himself that he may need to find a way of getting some money. He was still unsure exactly where he was. But now that he had Warden's phone, he could probably use the maps to find out where he is and work out a route home.

As the door opened fully, Martin jumped back, startled. On the other side, about to enter the complex he saw three women. They were dressed in uniforms, like guards. They had full gear attached too - handcuffs and batons. They immediately stared at a now frozen Martin, confused at his presence here.

"Erm. Hello?" the one on the left said, inquisitively.

Martin was unsure what to say. It was clear to him that these must be the officers that the Warden spoke of.

"Hi, erm. Warden asked me to go and get something from the hut," he said, attempting to use his wits and think on his feet. He figured that he could get passed them by pretending that he was ordered to go to the place where he had his cock shaved earlier. But instead he could then escape across the fields.

"Really? Like that?" the one on the right said, slightly pulling at Martin's clothes.

Martin was dressed. Males were not.

"And where is his shock collar?" the middle woman asked the other two.

All three women now stared at Martin inquisitively. They realised something was wrong here.

"Ok," the one on the left finally said reaching for her handcuffs. "I need you to wait here a moment."

Martin started to panic. He couldn't let himself be restrained again. He had to do something .... and fast!

The officer pulled out her handcuffs and reached for his hand. Martin reacted instantly. He immediately pulled his hand away. The officer was startled by his reaction. Martin thought to himself that he certainly wasn't going to wait around to find out what happens next. So, he pulled the door shut and turned and ran down the corridor. He then heard the door opening behind him.

"STOP right there!" came the command, shouted after him.

Martin ignored it. He kept running, now around a corner. But this area was new territory. He had only been in the area leading to the stairs upwards to the training room and playroom. He hoped he would find a way out through another door downstairs.

"STOP!" the shouts continued.

Martin now in a panic, ran around another corner to the left, then the right and finally saw an exit. Relief flooded through his body. He ran up and pushed the door. But it was locked. He tried again. But no. It would not budge. He turned around and started to head back, to instead take a second left and see if that was a better choice. But ... he didn't get the chance. As he turned to do so, he saw one of the women come around the corner, with her baton held in her hand. Martin paused; unsure what to do. She was immediately joined by the other two woman who were slightly slower at running than she was.

"Stay there, prisoner!" she commanded. They were at a standoff. Martin couldn't escape through the door that was now behind him. But neither he nor they were moving forward.

Martin then saw the woman at the back get on her radio and say quietly,

"Yea, we need some help down here." After a slight pause she continued, "Erm. I dunno?"

Martin couldn't hear the reply, but he did hear her then say,

"We will check. It appears we have an attempted escape, somehow."

"Now! Prisoner. Don't make any sudden moves!" the officer at the front then commanded.

"Please. I just need to leave," Martin said. "I don't want to have to hurt anyone."

Martin knew he must act. They had called for backup and he had no idea how near or far that backup was.

He suddenly moved quickly and ran towards the woman. She lifted her baton to strike but Martin was able to dodge it and push his way past her. The second woman made a grab for his waste, but he sidestepped it at speed by pushing his back against the wall and moving past her sideways. The third woman was still on the radio and was unprepared for the unexpected assault by Martin. He got past her easily, just as the other two were recovering to give chase.

Martin now knew exactly where to go. Back down the corridor to the red door and escape outside. He quickly made the twists and turns needed to get back to that corridor as he could hear the three women in pursuit behind him. He reached the end of the corridor and could see the red door in sight. He got closer and closer and then saw it opening from the outside. Martin saw a woman dressed like the other officers enter, with another officer shortly behind her.

Martin carried on running, hoping his momentum would carry him through. He sped up as fast as he could in order to barge his way through both women. But the officer at the front waited until he got closer and then she reacted with her baton. She quickly lowered herself and took aim at Martin's legs.

"Owwwwwwwwww," screamed Martin as she smacked the baton into his legs, that gave way under him.

His momentum was now his undoing as he fell forwards at speed and came crashing to the ground in front of the other officer. Before Martin could react and stand up, the woman who used the baton, now behind him, dived on top of him. She pressed herself into his back and this was followed by the woman in front of him, who was now attempting to pin Martin's hands down.

Martin struggled and was successful in stopping his hands being pinned. He was attempting to push himself upwards when he unfortunately heard the patter of multiple feet arriving. The three offices that were behind him had now caught up. They quickly surrounded him. One grabbing his legs, the other helping the other office with his arms and the other pressing Martin into the ground.

"Nooooooooooooooooo," Martin shouted, sensing his defeat. "Get off me!"

He was in full panic mode now. He had to get out of this, but he couldn't overpower five women from this position on the ground. One woman looked at the other and said,

"Who is this?" gesturing at a struggling Martin.

"I don't know, Becca," came the reply, as she continued to hold Martin down. But he did mention Warden. Said he was off to get something for her. You should go see if you can find her. We will hold him here until you return."

"Ok," Becca said. "If he is any trouble, just smack your stick into his balls. That will teach him a quick lesson and likely make him behave. He is in for a few punishments anyway given what he put us through, attempting escape like that."

"Ok, will do," she replied.

The officer, Becca, got up to head off in search of Warden, whilst the other four women shifted around to best hold down a still struggling Martin. His arms and legs were pinned. There was a woman with her full weight on his back and one with her hand planting his head sideways onto the floor. His movements were now severely restricted.

Officer Becca arrived upstairs. She headed to the training room as she had recognised the clothes Martin was wearing as the training gear that males can wear from time to time. But when she opened the door to that room, she found nothing. No sign of Warden. She walked in and looked around. Everything seemed in order.

Then Becca heard what sounded like a slight moaning in the distance. She was unable to place it; but decided to follow the sound. She headed out of the room and down the corridor. She heard the moaning more clearly now and followed the corridor around towards the noise. She heard what sounded like the whirling of a machine and realised that it must be coming from the playroom ahead. Becca's curiosity grew as she approached the door.

Inside, Warden was still strapped to the table and being fucked by the fucking machine. Her naked body was pulled tight by the bonds Martin had placed there and she was unable to move much in any direction to escape the infernal machine. By now it had increased on automatic mode several times to go much faster, pumping the dildo in and out of her pussy in more rapid succession. She was panting and sweating from the experience. Her naked body was glistening.

Then, she heard the door of the room open.

"Oh my God!" Becca cried out, in exasperation at the situation she saw before her.

Warden looked up towards the door. She felt sick at being found this way, but she had to ask for help.

"Becca. Please! Get me out of this," Warden asked, panting as she spoke, but also with sense of relief that she knew this was now coming to an end.

"Erm. Yes. Of course," Becca replied with still a sense of shock and surprise at what she was witnessing.

Becca moved to the machine and switched it off. The handle turned the final few times moving the dildo in and out of Warden's pussy. It finished by pressing itself into her a final time, to which Warden moaned aloud at the final slow movement.

"How did.....? What happened?" Becca asked, as she started to undo the straps holding Warden's hands in place.

"It was Martin!" Warden stated, emphatically. And with a sense of hatred in her voice.

She purposely avoided direct eye contact with Officer Becca. Warden was grossly humiliated by this experience. To have Becca find her in this way, moaning with forced pleasure, arms and legs spread wide and being penetrated, was just beyond imagining. She was relieved though that it was only one of the officers that had found her and that several of them had not come through that door. But even now the dildo was still inside her, in front of Becca. It was deeply embarrassing.

Becca was also herself embarrassed. She wished she had not been the one to find Warden like this and wished one of the other officers had been the one to go look for her. This was a woman that she respected and worked with day after day. She knew Warden was feeling deep embarrassment and humiliation. They would often humiliate the men, of course. They enjoyed doing that together. Having the men marching in a straight line with a rope fed through their legs tying their cocks together was always a favourite form of group male humiliation. Her and Warden had enjoyed that, laughing together. But that was different. They were males. Becca knew she should not have seen Warden in this state of undress, being machine fucked like this. Becca became a bit red in the cheeks herself as she continued to untie Warden's bonds.

"Where is he?" Warden asked. "Did he get away?"

"It's ok, we have him downstairs, Warden," Becca replied. "The girls have him restrained. He is secure."

Warden breathed a sign of relief. And as Becca continued to free her from her bonds, Warden's thoughts turned to what she was going to do to Martin the next time she saw him.

Becca finally undid Warden'a last strap and then carefully moved the machine back so that the dildo slid out of Warden's pussy. She tried not to think if what she was doing or stare at Warden as she did this, freeing Warden from the embarrassment of having to do this herself in front of her.

Now free, Warden sat up straight. Still naked, but now back in control of her own body. Reacting to the news from Becca about Martin being captured before escaping, she reached out and pulled Becca's right arm towards her emphatically.

At this point she did look Becca straight in the eye and simply said to her,

"Bring him to ME!"

Becca only responded by nodding her head. She has seen Warden upset before, but this was different. This was not good. She knew it was certainly not going to be good for Martin. Not by any stretch of the imagination. The punishment for just attempting escape could be severe itself. Becca wasn't aware there was even one invented to cover what Martin had done here!

Becca reached over to undo the shock collar from Warden's neck. With a turn of her key, it released. The keys to everything in the complex were assigned to each officer and Warden. So were the shock controllers. It meant that her own controller would activate the shock collar if she was close by. If there were multiple prisoners, then the controller would allow you to select who you wanted to shock.