The Punisher


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After a couple of more minutes? Bingo! A senior-girls gym class came in from playing basketball and went over to the section right near the showers. Waiting a few minutes talking with Emma and Kara, I wanted to know their take on how things usually worked.

I got a full analysis. They pointed to the idea that some set of girls never showered there, just changed clothes, sometimes with wet-wipes. Another set would always shower, usually the most athletic ones since they really liked showing off they were athletic, or (and this was my correction) jocks like to shower because it's normal and easy.

Lastly, there was the sometimes-group, and they'd take it or leave it.

We walked around, and I looked up and down at the locker room, talking in low tones to Emma and Kara - I'd told them to point out 'features' that included who I would probably find attractive.

I whispered back about what things I did or didn't find attractive - toned muscles, not always the biggest boobs or smallest, just ones I found sexy and interesting, a variety it turned out.

There's no good way to describe the joy I felt walking around that locker room.

Especially because we stuck around the senior girls, we were totally ignored, or at most noticed in an appreciative way like I'd been looked at in chorus. It was like I wasn't there, or I was just someone tying their shoelace, it was someone doing something but irrelevant.

Most all the girls had some kind of pubic hair design/cut, at least one that wasn't super bushy. Boobs ranged from tight to chest, to medium (most of them), to heavier/fuller (some), and lastly to the oddballs. The last category included shapes like pencils hanging down, another with totally sideways-aimed, one girl had ultra-huge breasts. They looked like fun to play with, but at the same time their lower-bound was near her belly button. I felt sorry for her, it had to be a huge weight to carry around.

Also interesting were the bras they were wearing. Some were lace, some foam, some cotton, some jog-bra spandex like some of my mother's. Different colors and textures, etc. One common theme (and I'd noticed this in Madrigals every year) was girls almost never tried to match the bra color to the panty color.

In catalogs or online ads, these almost always matched.

I don't know why I expected this, and I mentioned it to Emma. She said it was stupid. You buy panties in a multi-pack, you buy bras at a bra store or maybe if you're totally lucky with your body, at a normal clothing store. The only places that sell matched sets automatically add 50 percent to the price and it's for nothing since it's a random chance what you pick in the morning, unless you're totally OCD and sort them by color in your drawer or something.

I had to laugh at that.

There was no way I would choose my underwear on any given day. It was entirely reach-grab oh-that's-the-one-whatever as a reaction. Girls, per Emma, had it the same way.

That was a mystery solved.

Still, OH MY GOD the beauty around me!

My jeans contained my enthusiasm but my interest had risen to the point that I wanted to solve it. We left the locker room, then went down the hall and I remembered there was an alcove room before you could walk into the viewing stands for the swimming pool, for swim meets, but we checked and the pool was empty and quiet.

Looking at Kara, I said, "I'd like to, can we now?"

She was smiling. "I've been waiting since you said where we were going. I am So Ready for you!" Bending down, she unzipped my pants and pulled me out, but Emma took that over while Kara pulled her own shoes and then jeans off, and finally her top. Quickly she was entirely naked except for socks.

I wanted cootie, but I wanted some major boob-sucking first. I'd gotten an eyefull and there's nothing like boobs (I'd recently discovered) to give soft-warm licks and nuzzles.

There were small stairs going up to the swimming stands, so Emma stood up two flights and I got to suck and caress while Kara was working on my rod, pulling me into a Yes Right place. I moaned into the breast I was kissing on, then pulled the nipple up and stuffed it all the way into the back of my mouth to let it tickle almost to my throat.

Wow. Fulfilling stuff.

Kara was moving me along, though, and I wanted to try making love again.

I pulled off. "Emma, let's try standing, from the back."

She came back to the flat part, but grabbed the going-up handrail to get braced, and I got behind her. Kara wasn't sure what to do, I could see that, so I said, "Kara, hold her from the front? Brace her?"

Kara moved around and I got my head up and sliding between her folds. Pushing slightly, I went inside, and out slightly and in, farther, meeting huge gripping resistance but LOVING it.

Soon I had a rhythm going, holding onto her hips and slamming myself forwards.

She wasn't coming, but she was grunting nicely. I wondered what a girl coming would look like, but then the idea faded and I got lost in the Big Happy of, "Cccuuuuuuuummnnnngggg urrrnnnn Yesss! uRHssssss Ahhhh Ooooohfuuuuuck YAH gooooooo Gofuck wow, ohhhh, ohhhhhhhhh fuck that's good, yeah...."

I'd pumped a good load into Emma, but my knees got a little weak and I stumbled backwards. We groaned as I came out and turned to lean back against the wall, the cold tile of the place sucking my overheat out.

Kara came around and said, "Em. You're dripping... Oh, and so is Kev." She came over and dropped to one knee in front of me, running her cool hands up my thighs, then over, and picked up my mostly-full but aimed-down cock and sucked it into her mouth. Bobbing down farther, she made 'MMMmmmm' yummy sounds, then a ring with her forefinger to compress and pull any remaining cum out of me. That also scooped up any remaining juices or whatever, so she had to lick up her fingers, too.

It felt Amazing for her to do that, of course.

"Emma, Kara, that was exactly right. I think we're going to have to do this more. Maybe not the locker room tour every day, but something."

Kara had stood up and retrieved a panty-liner from her bag and handed it to Emma.

Emma was busy trying to figure out which way was up, and get her panties on again. Watching the process of her putting in a panty liner? This was a new thing for me, but I saw why it was needed.

"Kev," Kara looked at me, a questioning face. "Why is it we get away with walking through the locker room? So much of what the God said was right, but I didn't hear that we'd be invisible."

I had a pretty exact memory of the event, probably to help me enforce things. "That's an easy one. The phrase was something like, 'Everything odd about you and them will be immediately forgotten'. The more crazy weird things we do, the less we will be noticed and remembered."

She could see that, but was worried. "Our task is to make lives of exemplary karma. We have to build vast goodwill, and not complain, I remember the rules. The trouble is, all we get stuck with is way too complicated, and I have no idea how to do anything, so I can't do an 'exemplary' job!"

I started getting dressed. There was no answer to her. She should have known the answer already, but didn't have any clue what real humility was. The help she gave Emma wasn't nothing, it was good and useful and not self-centered, but as far as i knew, she only did it so she could be transactional about it later.

We made our departure from the area and walked back towards the main part of the building. I handed off their lunches but said, "Remember, tomorrow, you need to pack your own lunches, or pack them tonight for tomorrow. We have food now. You might want to study up on what kinds of meals are nutritious, according to doctors, not food advertisements."

Just leaving them like that, I didn't even kiss them goodbye. I thought about it, maybe, or maybe I shouldn't. I was getting sex from them, that was intimacy and could have some caring, emotional part to it, but there was still a part of me that was really pissed at them for just being murderers.

I hadn't asked them about how that happened because I wasn't ready to hear the answer.

Hearing details about Dani would bring her death closer to me and that might make for a complicated time. We had enough complications as it was, trying to live together as newly married people.


== Bumping Chelsea ==

After our tryst by the pool, I got to class on time, but coming out of that class, I saw someone waiting outside for me to exit, leaning against the wall opposite my classroom door.

Chelsea stepped forward, "Kevin. A minute."

I stepped to her, then we got out of the way of the throng of people.


"I have some questions. I dreamed about you Very, Very strongly last night. I know, that's not your doing, but it was very specific. It wasn't so much a dream as a premonition?"

She was confused.

"And? Did I do something wrong?"

Her head shook, fast. "OOOOh, no, no, that's not it at all. I just... When I woke up, I realized that something was different about how my life was working, about... who I was? Of course, I knew all about you and Emma and Kara's situation, the conditions for being your wife, all that. It just rang in my head like a bell - BOOM, there it is. I'm saying, I'm kind of freaked out. This is me, not you. My oddness, not yours. You're good. You're... amazing. There's not words for that part. But me, I can feel the path of my life shifting."


"You know, I like it. Kind of surreal, for sure, but I've had a surreal life for a long time now."

The second bell rang, and we didn't move; some guy came moving by us fast and I had to step forwards, almost missing her but instead she grabbed me around the waist, then put her other hand up on my shoulder. "I'm not used to being nice, Kevin. I make a point of moving fast and not worrying too much about collateral, but I take care of my friends and I want to be a good person."

Her face was so close to mine, we were nearly touching.

She licked her lips. Looking at me with a new question in her heart, she asked, "Could you be my friend, Kevin? And, could I be yours?"

I didn't have an answer to that other than to do the obvious thing, the thing Every Single Movie says is the right thing: Kiss The Girl.

I kissed her. It was tentative at first, then steamy, then pressing together hugging as a kiss, wondering at what kind of tongue this was that my tongue was having such a great time playing with.

We were missing class. I was missing a class I liked. It didn't matter. This was good. I felt some real emotion bubbling in me, a connection.

Eventually, we broke. I remembered her question, and said, "Yes."


I smiled, "It's official. You are now my friend. Congratulations. You join many esteemed people." Thinking about how she was perceived, though, I added, "Several additional conditions. First, you can't object if we have a running joke in our DND group using your name, that's in good fun, you'll laugh, too. Second, same rules apply to all my friends. Be nice to people. Third, Please come, 'join our happy cadre' [a phrase we used sometimes for our quests], our DND group is fun and imaginative and offbeat and deeply honest and caring and Good. Mary Jones - graduated last year - is in charge of stuff, this week at least. We rotate. Gotta share the load with food and prep and cleaning, to make the creativity happen."

She nodded, she was a little out of it.

"What's your next class, I'll walk you."

"AP Anatomy and Physiology. A-123, second floor A wing."

We walked that way, silent. She grabbed and took my hand, and I let her, she seemed fragile all of a sudden. Maybe having super-vivid dreams (of a new life) will do that to you.

I opened the door for her and the teacher was in the middle of a sentence. Seeing me, though, he paused a second, long enough for me to say, "Sorry if this is odd of me, bringing Chelsea in late. She's excused."

This was Extremely cheeky. I had no power to excuse anyone.

Still, the teacher just nodded and said, "Of course she is," and made a note in his ledger. Chelsea went to sit down and I went to my class.

This was very odd. I didn't even know Chelsea that well. She was an epic person, for sure, so active in everything and just able to get more done (by reputation) than lots of other people put together.

== Tuesday Night ==

After school (at home), Emma and Kara worked on more organizing, getting their own stuff sorted, building the shelving units for their clothes, then wrapping them in a queen bedsheet (with a rip, in our rag-bag) to curtain it off so it looked tidy.

I hadn't practiced piano in a couple of days and I was getting concerned, so I avoided them and set up my keyboard and put in some time on some Supertramp songs I'd been working on. They were just fun to play, upbeat and joyful. I was finding increasingly I could sing along with my playing, but it took more concentration.

Dad came down to check how things were going, and complimented me on the setup, that things were coming together.

I mentioned that I'd probably want to convert the downstairs TV area into a study and crafting area, and I'd be getting a new TV for that zone.

He didn't mind, but he did get an idea, went away, and came back down carrying a box, which turned out to have a bunch of bottles of wine in it.

I was confused. "Uh, why?"

"Kevin. My father was the only son, of an only son. I'm an only son. It may go farther back than that. My dad said, some traditions must be passed on. Make sure your kids know what wine is, what it goes with for food, OR, NOT, and not to think it's silly or old fashioned. There's so much wrapped up in wine. Open one. Let it breathe an hour, then have a half-glass, sip it very slowly. Over dinner, taste how it changes the food's flavor, but don't forget to have water or something between sips to reset your palate."

I didn't care much about the wine, I'd had some before but it wasn't much for me, but it was important to my dad, so I thanked him.

He gave me a hug and told me he was proud of me.

Just before he went upstairs, I asked if he objected if I got a car. He nodded and said, fine, just don't forget to budget for insurance and gas, and anywhere from 300 to a thousand a year in repairs.

My dad was good to me, I was happy to have some clues. So much of the rest of my life was moving on its own.

The dinner my wives (!!) made was reasonably nice, mashed potatoes with steamed broccoli, cottage cheese, and the remainder of the polish smoked sausage.

== ==

That night, I made love with (had sex with?) Kara again. It wasn't that romantic.

Kara wanted me up on top of her front, but with her legs over my shoulders, for some reason, but then said no, that hurt too much, so of course I stopped and we changed positions to finish up (which she seemed to enjoy better).

She said she'd dreamt of doing it that way when she was in junior high but it was disappointing.

I laughed and agreed: "There's LOTS of dreams I had in junior high that weren't realistic. BUT!" I smiled widely, "TODAY! I saw something that was beyond any of my most wild fantasies, in that locker room. I could have imagined the idea of it, but there's NO WAY I could have imagined the FEELING of it, the wonderment at God's creation, the beauty in front of me, the curve and softness and fresh-skin clean happy of freshly showered round and nipple and potential, and abdomen and bush..."

They were smiling, too, since they were with me, I think they were able to look at the others there and just appreciate it, even if they were girls and not guys.

It had to be at least a little the same for guys, maybe, at least for gay guys, and I didn't qualify. I recognized there were some guys who probably weren't that attractive, and ones who were better looking, maybe, but it's not like we stared at each other's dicks or anything. It wasn't polite.

For Emma and Kara, they could look and not feel worried about it being discussed. They were already murderers, so no worse thing could be thought of them. They were regarded as vile and without honor as well. The kicker was, they could not be remembered, so they could do whatever looking they wanted, staring in that room, though I didn't know if they had figured that out yet.

When they talked with me in low tones, walking around, I think they were just trying to function as the assistants, the role they'd been assigned, and didn't really have or make any aesthetic choices. Making a choice about what's beautiful (art or people or architecture, whatever) is a personal act and reflects on the person making the choice as well as the thing chosen.

I had so little context about what their lives were like before. I guessed that they had some kind of stuck-in-limbo thing going on, a taste of real life vs. their false-front lying and trash-talking people.

I pictured their before-life as filled with complaints about surface things, like clothes or makeup or whatever they'd talked about in their clique. Really, though, I knew I had little idea of their reality and perspective, it was just all so mean-spirited and I couldn't identify with that easily.

In trying to describe their mindsets, they were literally prevented from doing so by a rule of mine. I'd given them an order they literally couldn't violate. Preventing too many complaints really just shut them up with nothing else to say.

There was humor value in this, from the outside, but it was also really damn sad.

== Wednesday ==

We got up in the morning and took the bus to school, much less of a hassle than it had been when there were always screaming people around me. I used my wax/silicone earplugs and that helped a lot, and it was a lot more comfortable than walking.

We did the lunchtime tryst thing again, this time to a Gents' bathroom, and I did it doggie style again since sitting down wasn't an option for them. Some freshman was in there when we went in, so I asked him nicely (might as well chance it) to stand outside the door and keep people from coming in.

Coming out again, he was standing across the hall, waiting, bored, earphones in his ears and waiting. I wrote a small note for him as 'excused' just like I'd done with Chelsea, and he told me 'no problem' with enough emphasis that I was pretty sure he actually didn't mind doing it as a kindness to me (not us, he looked at the girls and grimaced).

Oh, and chorus was another situation where Rose leaning into my back Was Not A Problem. In fact, it was a welcome change to have some body contact during school, and I started to realize how lonely I'd been, just walking around and not getting any touch on any regular basis.

Lots of people are like that.

There's no one to touch them, no place to be caressed or held, or even acknowledged.

Only by seeing the contrast was I getting how much it matters.

== Thursday ==

Again, we took the bus - much nicer than walking, sorta, but I was starting to miss the birds.

On the bus, though, lots of girls were looking at me. Just turning around and looking, they kind of made me feel uneasy. I couldn't tell, but it almost seemed like they wanted something from me, or expected me to say something? I couldn't know what that was. I'm not that good with social stuff, and Kara and Emma didn't know either.

After chorus, several people came up to talk with me. They were wondering (out of the blue?) about joining the DND club, they'd heard fun stuff about it. I gave them Mary's number.

After chorus we talked.

The big question they asked me was, how friendly were people, and would it be okay to play with more people?

I said sure, it's really friendly, and sometimes people can pair up, or switch around, and have fun with it. Plus, I added, the goal is for everyone to have fun, imagine what life could be like in this odd situation with very limited but magical powers, to go on a quest and live in the imagined-adventure.
