The Purge

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A beautiful woman learns who really loves her.
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In an America wracked by crime and overcrowded prisons, the government has sanctioned an annual 12-hour period in which any and all criminal activity-including murder-becomes legal. The police can't be called. Hospitals suspend help. It's one night when the citizenry regulates itself without thought of punishment. Summary by Universal Pictures.

"David? You promised me you'd install the WestStar System this year. It's one week until The Purge and you haven't done anything that I can see. I know companies that sell and install them are booked solid so this means you haven't taken care of it, have you?"

"Relax, honey. We'll be just fine. We have the BenCore I System and it's more than adequate. Besides, no one ever bothers us here and just statistically speaking, there's almost no chance anyone will."

Rachel was fuming. She'd repeatedly told her husband of four years that The Purge paralyzed her with fear. She started to get that sick-to-your-stomach feeling every year six months in advance, and it only got worse as the day approached. Every other woman she knew had the same concerns and fears as she did, and all of them who had the financial resources took every precaution available to remain safe during the night of mayhem. During the annual event, one literally locked oneself inside one's home and hopefully, inside a panic room and hoped. One hoped there was nothing powerful enough to penetrate its defenses but after last year's close call, she could have strangled him for trying to claim there was only a small chance they could be targeted.

Until last year, that had been the case, when Purge supporters had funded an ultra-powerful laser beam that could easily penetrate even the BenCore I model, and that thought sent chills through Rachel Adams.

As with computer viruses and anti-virus programs, there was a constant war being waged by those intent on overcoming any new security system and those designing them. BenCore built what was the state-of-the-art system three years ago and it was considered impregnable until last year's Purge when morning-after footage showed what happened to three different families that had entrusted their lives to the BenCore I. One clip was particularly disturbing as it showed a man who'd been brutally murdered while his wife was gang raped by two men who'd repeatedly promised to 'take her by force' during the last two purges. Everyone knew exactly who did it, but because everything was legal during The Purge, no crime had been committed.

Yes, only a small number of the powerful new lasers had been sold in the city, but the fact that even one of them was out there frightened Rachel to her core. She and her husband couldn't afford a WestStar system outright, but they could afford to finance one. Her husband was reluctant for one reason—money. Because the cost was so high, it would take them years to pay it off and they still owed roughly one-third of the cost of the BenCore model he'd had installed after they were married and moved into their first home. Unlike cars, trade-ins just didn't happen with security systems. To him, it was a matter of dollars and cents. To Rachel, it was a matter of life and death or as in the case of the woman she'd see on television, a fate worse than death. And quite honestly—her sanity.

She loved David and outside of the yearly battle they had over self-defense measures during The Purge, they were ideally suited for one another. He was 27 and worked as an engineer for the City of Los Angeles while Rachel was 25 and made very good money as a local model. She regularly got work doing local advertisements for companies which used her in spots on television and in city newspapers. Her beautiful, smiling face was on hundreds of city busses and a number of billboards throughout the metro area. She'd never been able to break out of the LA market, but she was okay with that as Los Angeles had always been home.

Her looks were a blessing in the sense they brought in a lot of work and a lot of money. They had also allowed her to find a guy as good-looking as David Adams who'd won her heart over the long line of other interested men she'd either dated or turned down over the years. Yet those same looks were a curse when it came to her notoriety. It was illegal to threaten anyone with violence prior to The Purge, but it was very easy to make one's intentions known in such a way as to make prosecution impossible.

Rachel routinely received those kinds of threats delivered in very subtle ways. Over the years, numerous men she'd met would see her and point at her with their index finger and raised thumb to indicate they wanted to kill her. Others would discreetly thrust their hips as they looked at her indicating a desire to rape her during The Purge. She knew this happened to virtually every woman in some way, but that knowledge did nothing to mitigate the fear she felt every time it happened. And after watching the video of that poor woman being so brutally rape, it made her previously irrational fears seem very rational indeed.

She decided not say anything else to David but rather to stop by The Security Store on her way home from work and see if there was any way to get a WestStar Premium installed at this late date. She shivered when she thought of being told 'no' even though she was pretty sure there was little-to-no chance she could be scheduled at this late date.

As she entered the store, it was getting close to 9pm, the time when the store closed. She hoped she'd have enough time to make it to the counter and hopefully order a new system. Even though it was late, she took a quick look around hoping to avoid Ryan Carter, who'd worked there for at least the last five years that she knew of. Ryan was a nice enough guy and he was actually pretty good-looking. It was just that Rachel was happily married and Ryan appeared to have some kind of obsession with her. Maybe that was too strong a word as Rachel knew she had a tendency to overreact and read something into a look or a comment that wasn't necessarily there when it came to her security. Even so, she did her best to avoid him whenever possible on those rare occasions when she came to the store.

Ryan had never actually asked her out or even directly hit on her, but he was just way too...helpful...for her comfort. She had no proof he was stalking her, but she felt certain she'd seen him at several photo or commercial shoots over the last two years, lurking just out of view. The guy she'd seen each of those times wore sunglasses and a ball cap and she'd only gotten a glimpse of him each time, but after the fifth such incident, it began to really creep her out. No, he'd never come around during any Purge and she had no rational reason to fear him. Then again, overlooking any potential threat, no matter how small, could be a fatal mistake.

Not seeing him anywhere, she walked toward the WestStar counter and was very unhappy to see a dozen people in line ahead of her. She was wearing sunglasses and a floppy hat herself just in case, but deep down she knew it was a very flimsy disguise. Ryan Carter looked like a lot of other guys. Rachel Adams looked like very few other women. After ten minutes, she'd moved up six places in line. She busied herself with her smart phone checking messages and emails while keeping an eye out for Ryan.

She'd lost track of the time when she heard a voice announce, "Ladies and gentleman, The Security Store will be closing in ten minutes." She panicked as she realized there was no way she'd get to the counter by 9 o'clock and hoped they would just allow anyone in line to stay.

As she looked up to check the line again, she saw him. He walked to the front of the line and began counting as he pointed at people in line. "One, two, three, four, and...five." She was number six. Ryan said, "I'm sorry, folks. Everyone from here back will need to leave as we can only take these last five customers tonight."

People began to complain then started yelling as they demanded to be helped because they'd arrived before 9. "I'm sorry, but that's been policy here for as long as we've been in business. You can come back tomorrow and try again." The yelling got louder until security guards moved in letting people see they were armed. The noise died down and people began to leave, Rachel included.

Just as she turned to leave she heard, "Rachel? You can stay if you'd like. I'd be happy to help you." She braced as she turned back around and forced herself to smile. Yes, he creeped her out but she was by no means above using her feminine wiles to her advantage when necessary.

"Ryan? Is that you? Oh, my goodness. What a pleasant surprise. It's so good to see you! Are you sure you don't mind?" she asked as though she was very concerned about taking up his valuable time.

"Not at all," said. "It'd be my pleasure. Why don't you come with me and we can sit down in my office in the back where it's quiet so we can talk."

When he opened the door to let her into the "Employees Only" area, her antennae went way up as there was no one else around. "We seem to be the only ones here," she said trying not to let him know how much that bothered her.

"That's okay. It'll give us some privacy. That's not a bad thing, is it?" he said cheerfully as he let her into his small office. He helped her with her chair, went around to his desk and took a seat. "So what can I helped you with, Rachel?" he asked. He really did have a nice smile in that boyishly handsome sort of way, and Rachel needed his help so...

"Well, as you know, the gawd-awful Purge is just a week away, and like many other people, I'm just wondering if there's any way..." She flashed her best smile at him and said, "Any way at all to get a Premium system installed before then."

He bowed his head slightly before saying, "Rachel, I'm sorry, but we stopped taking orders almost a month ago. We're installing Premies 24 hours a day, seven days a week and there is no possible way to get it done."

Rachel felt that sick feeling in her stomach/. Her only hope was to pull out all the stops. She uncrossed and recrossed her legs and smiled again. "Not even for me, Ryan? You've told me more than once you think I'm...very special. Is there anything I could do to show you how special you are to me? Anything at all?" She again slowly repeated her leg crossing and never stopped smiling.

She could see he looked hurt. "You really don't understand, do you?" he said politely.

"Understand...what, Ryan?" she asked as she licked her soft, full lips.

"Please don't do that," he told her.

"Do what, Ryan?" she asked as though she had no idea what he meant.

"That," he said, "This. This routine. It's unbecoming."

Rachel feared she was losing the battle and changed tactics. "Ryan, I'm scared. I'm scared to death. My husband was supposed to take care of this, but he...he just blew it off. I'll admit I'm desperate and yes, I'm sorry, but I was trying to take advantage of our...friendship." She looked imploringly at him and said, "So can't you please, please get me on the list? I have the money for the downpayment right..."

"Rachel?" he said interrupting her. "My feelings for you may be an annoyance...or even a joke to you, but they're genuine I can assure you. At least they are to me. Your husband is an okay guy, but anyone who wouldn't do anything for you, to include laying down his life for you, isn't worthy of you. Look, I know I'm not in his league in terms of looks or the job I have, and Lord knows I'm nowhere near being in your league. But there is nothing I wouldn't do to protect you and keep you safe. Nothing. But no one, not even me—hell, not anyone who works here, can you get a system installed before this year's Purge. It's physically impossible."

Clearly disturbed, Rachel stood up and said, "Words are meaningless, Ryan. If I meant as much to you as you say I do, you'd find a way. Actions talk, bullshit walks." And with that she turned to walk out.

"I know you're upset, Rachel. But you're not angry at me. You're angry at your husband and at the system." She stopped at the door but didn't turn around as he continued to talk, "I didn't vote for The Purge. I've been against it since the idea was first raised. But it's the law of the land so I do what I can to help people by working here and..." He paused then added something that didn't make any sense to her, "And in other ways." His voice trailed off for a moment then picked back up. "Were it within my power, I'd install a Premie for you myself," he told her using the colloquial name for the new vault. "But I can't." She opened the door and as she walked out he called out after her, "But that doesn't mean I still can't protect you, Rachel, and I will. You have my word!" he said as she walked away, her heels clicking on the cement floor.

Beginning a week prior to each year's purge, the national government made public service announcements several times each day. Their purpose was to remind the citizenry of both their absolute right to purge as well as precautions people could take who wished not to participate. "Not to participate" was government-speak for those who wanted to survive the 12 hours of sheer hell inflicted on them by the angry, the disaffected, and those who were just pure evil by nature.

One of the reminders was to test and retest any security system to ensure it was functioning properly and well stocked with enough food, water, and other essentials to last the full 12 hours. Rachel began stocking it with a case of water, granola bars, power bars, and other snacks. She made sure the two 9mm pistols they owned were clean and loaded with several spare magazines next to them. They would also each have a knife as a backup although Rachel knew if it got that far, she was almost certainly dead...or she would be praying for death.

Each year, her anxiety built until around 6pm, an hour before the beginning of the Purge when a warning blast of the eery-sounding horn rang out. That's when she and David went inside the vault. As they entered, a kind of peace always came over her knowing there was nothing more she could do. She didn't believe in God, but she always thought of a line her father told her had often been attributed to Robert E. Lee just before the Battle of Gettysburg. He'd warned one of his general's not to become decisively engaged with Union soldiers if they encountered them. When Lee learned that very thing had happened and there would be an all-out battle, he told that general, "It is all in God's hand now, sir." Ironically, the South lost that battle and many say that as a result, it also lost the war. So much for God's hands, eh?

Rachel couldn't help but wonder what fate awaited her each time the outer locks were sealed. That first year together, they didn't see one person on their security cameras. For them, The Purge passed uneventfully even though they learned that two of their neighbors had not faired so well. The second year however, there had been several attempts made to gain entry. She watched in a detached kind of way as armed men easily broke into their home and ransacked it taking everything of value. Each group quickly moved on as soon as they saw the BenCore I, knowing it was impossible to breech.

The third year, a group had set up the most effective breeching weapon available and for six straight hours they fired high explosives rounds at the vault followed by four more hours in which they used very sophisticated plasma torches to try and melt their way through it. As the three blasts of the horn sounded ending The Purge, the men gave up and removed their equipment. Once there was no sign of other people, she and David exited the vault and saw that they had come very close to creating a small opening.

Repairs had been costly but there was no way of knowing how effective they'd been until tested, and tonight they might well find out the hard way whether or not they would hold. The newest breeching weapon was three times more powerful as it focused a beam of light so tightly it cut through anything other than the WestStar Premium. If Marauders, the name given to those most hell-bent on causing mayhem and destruction, showed up and the newest laser, there would be no stopping them.

David asked her if she was ready and when she nodded, he hit the large red button which said "LOCK." The huge vault door swung shut sealing them inside and the internal air purification system went to work preventing any kind of airborne threat like anthrax getting inside.

In just 57 more minutes, two blasts of the horn would sound and all hell would break lose in every city and place in America. Rachel took a deep breath, exhaled slowly, and looked at the security cameras. "It is all in God's hands now," she said quietly as she wondered whether she was in a secure vault or a tin-can death trap.

The sound of David's voice broke her out of her trance. "We're going to be fine, honey. I promise. You know I'd never let anything happen to you, right? I'm here and I'll protect you."

She just smiled at him knowing he'd already failed to protect her by not taking every possible precaution to do so. If she survived this year's Purge, she couldn't help but wonder whether or not their marriage would, too. How could he pretend she was his number one priority when the almighty dollar clearly trumped her safety?

Neither of them spoke as they sat and watched and listened to the closed-circuit television inside the vault. The federal government was making its final announcement. Once The Purge began, normal programming would resume to give the illusion this was just another day...or rather, the neighborhood. No footage of the ensuing carnage was allowed and very few reporters would be brave enough to risk their lives to bring it even if it was permitted. No, they would have the opportunity to view 'aftermath footage' for days and weeks to come followed by several months of reprieve from the fear and anxiety before it began building all over again.

Last year's nationwide body count of just over a quarter of a million people had reached a record high since The Purge was signed into law. Three times that number were injured from gunshots, fire, stabbings, and the like while countless more were brutalized in one way or another. Some participants chose to pursue only what they called 'low-hanging fruit' or people with no real security system. They were easy prey for the violence. Some, like the Marauders, found the challenge in breeching top-of-the-line security systems; letting the fear of those inside build to a crescendo before entering and doing anything they liked to those who'd entrusted their lives to a metal vault.

Rachel had yet another eerie thought as the first minutes passed uneventfully. She could always use the handgun sitting next to her to take her own life if it came down to that. Another odd thought hit her, as well. She was grateful they had no children to worry about during the insanity. "Thank God for small favors," she thought bitterly.

It was just before midnight when they heard the first sounds. David and Rachel sat bolt upright as they heard the noise of a diesel engine getting louder. "Oh, my God," she said. "They're coming."

It was the same sound they'd heard the year before. Just as it had during the last Purge, the noise grew until a very large F-350 truck pulling a huge generator drove up in front of their home. Moments later, several men jumped up and a guy in a ball cap started shouting instructions. "Fire up the generator! Get the lasers on line! Let's go! Move it! I want to fuck that model bitch six ways to Sunday before the sun comes up! Sloppy seconds for everyone else after that!" Rachel heard the other men cheer at his offer.

The video was slightly grainy but Rachel could see the man's face fairly clearly. She shuddered deeply when she saw the thick mustache and the horrible teeth and the size of his corpulent body. He was grotesquely ugly and Rachel resolved then and there he would never get his wish. She checked the 9mm to make sure a round was chambered and held it in her lap.