The Pussy That Never Got Dry


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When Patricia engaged in sex with Bill, she would often leave the bed covering, top sheet, fitted sheet and mattress cover wet with her secretions. He had taken into investing in a slew of towels and absorbent material to place under her ass as he took her. As she settled into taking Bill's thick 6- inch bat into her body, over time, her orgasms increased and at the same time, the responsiveness of her pussy increased. More cream, more orgasms. Plain and simple, the longer she was fucked, the wetter and orgasmic she would become.

Her boyfriend, Bill, only had so much staying power, but he loved being inside of her. It took him some time to get used to his entire nether regions being awash in cream and cunt sauce sometimes after an act of intercourse with his girlfriend. When they fucked doggy style, her pussy would leave the sheet wet with her drippings onto the sheet below. One thing became clear early on, because she would get so wet and orgasmic, he wasn't able to last long through being drowned with her wetness, the squeezing/massaging action of her tight, silky smooth chute and the pleading/mewling sounds that would come from her throat. So, while it pleased him to have sex with her at any time and any place, he had yet to seriously pummel her in a way that separates boy-fucking from MAN-FUCKING.

Chapter Five

On Wednesday night, as Patricia emerged from her bath and began to add lotion to her body, she had an idea. Bill was due to call tonight. Thinking about their 'scheduled' phone-sex session had caused her 'mini-thimbles' to harden. She threw on a sheer nighty and a g-string. Bill was due to call in a few minutes. A few minutes turned into an hour. As she paced her apartment, she called his cell phone every hour on the hour till 2am leaving messages and still received no answer.

The next day, Patricia went to work and tried to let it pass that Bill had yet to contact her. By evening, she started worrying that maybe something had happened to him. When she got back to her room/apartment, she decided to call her best friend, Sheila, to find out if she had seen Bill recently. After reaching her later that evening, Sheila reluctantly confided that she had seen Bill the night before at the local bowling alley with a girl she hadn't recognized. She stated that he had made a show of introducing her as his new girlfriend. Patricia was understandably taken back and aghast! She was pissed that he would humiliate her and their relationship by openly dating another woman. As she caught her image in the mirror on the wall, she decided that she was tired of playing the naïve woman she pretended to be. She knew Bill and knew he was a cock hound. She made up her mind that she wasn't going to sit around and cry about the obvious. She also knew she needed to do something to pick her heart up off the gottdamn floor.

"Gottdamn him!" she screamed out loud after hitting 'end' on her cell phone.

She looked at the clock and it read 11:30p. She quickly changed into a large, clingy shirt (in that it displayed her nipples to perfection) and running shorts. She walked over to her mirror and noticed the flushed appearance of her face, and the telltale outline of her hardened nipples under her shirt. She walked out of her apartment and made her way to the steps and began to walk down to the third floor... the male floor. She knew where she was headed. She stopped in front of door 317. She had done her homework when they had talked months earlier by stopping by the personnel office and getting the information from a girlfriend. She knocked. She didn't need to look at her breasts to know her erect nipples were very noticeable under her shirt.

Brian opened the door, in the process of getting dressed for his shift at work. As his eyes widened at the sight of Patricia's pretty face, they immediately took in the incredibly pleasing sight of her perfect pear-shaped breasts and erect nipples, sticking out like miniature ice cream cones. "GOTTDAMN!" he thought as he also the noticed the soft, side-to-side sway of her twin beauties.

"Hello Brian. I know I asked you to stay in touch with me, but I neglected to give you my phone number or my room number so you could let me know when you wanted to come by," she said, hesitating on the next to the last word, teasingly. Fuck, she was horny, tonight! She had to unleash her horniness, some way.

"Yeah, you're right... I would have looked pretty goofy walking around and knocking on all the female doors in the dorm trying to visit you," Brian laughed as he fastened his shirt, looking directly into her eyes. She held his eyes with her own.

"Well, you want to write my phone number down?" Patricia said as she arched her back slightly, giving Brian an even better view of her hard nippled breasts. She could see his eyes darting from her nipples to her eyes and back again to her nipples. She knew she was teasing the fuck out of him and she absolutely loved the reaction she was getting! She was really enjoying the way he was looking at her, appraising her, trying not to be affected by her womanliness. She knew what she had and she knew that men absolutely lusted after it, but there was something about the way Brian didn't come onto her that had her subtly convinced that he was one of the few men at this facility that wasn't absolutely lusting after her. For some insane reason, she hadn't honestly been able to get him off her mind since she had met him months ago.

'Fuck Bill', she thought.

Brian wrote her phone number and room number on a corkboard attached to the back of his door as she recited it to him. He swore to all that was religious and holy on this Earth that he could detect the smell of excited pussy! She told him that she didn't have anything planned for the next day and to have a nice night at work and turned around and started back down the hallway. Brian opened his door a tad and watched the seductive roll of her hips. He watched as she turned her head slightly as she turned the corner to look briefly at him...because she knew he was watching her shapely ass. Fuck, I'm going to be thinking about those nipples and that J-Lo ass for the rest of the damn night, he thought. Five minutes later, Brian was making his way to work with a dick as hard as the lies Donald Trump was telling during this election cycle, and wondering what was behind Patricia's sudden and undeniable interest in him.

Patricia went back to her room with her panties soaking wet. As she closed the door behind her and leaned against the door, she surmised that she was playing with fire. Unfortunately, tonight the fire was between her thighs and she was going to use the fantasy of what may have happened if she had gone in his room and locked the door. She masturbated herself to some very wet orgasms with her thick 7-inch vibrator that night in the isolation of her bedroom, holding a pillow over her head... while the phone rang half the night, without her bothering to answer it.

Chapter Six

On Saturday morning, Bill called and after bullshitting for five minutes admitted that he had been sleeping with another woman. Patricia stopped him cold with her words of 'fuck off' and 'don't ever contact me again'. She figured he'd been cheating on her the entire two months, so what was there to talk about? He tried calling her back several times throughout the day but she stopped answering the phone.

Brian called her at 5pm to ask what she had planned for the evening. She told him that she had a bottle of wine and that she felt like cooking so she was going to make a home-cooked meal of spaghetti and salad for the both of them. Brian thanked her profusely telling her that she didn't have to go through all the trouble. She told him that it was not trouble and that she had planned on cooking anyway, so it wasn't a problem to put out another plate. What he didn't know, was that when she was stressed, Patricia liked to cook.

At 8pm sharp, Patricia heard Brian's knock at her door. She took off her apron and ran in front of the door length mirror that hung beside the door to her room. She had put on a pair of black Lycra ¾ pants that hugged her ass perfectly and an orange Denver Broncos football jersey with a white tank top underneath it all. She wore no bra. She had wrapped her hair in a single ponytail. She looked good enough to eat and she knew it. She needed for somebody to desire her, tonight.

She adjusted her tank top and shirt, noticing her nipples beginning to show themselves as visible protuberances under her tank top and jersey. She reached for the door and found a smiling Vaughn on the other side. She noticed that he had three DVD movies in his hand as he made his way into her apartment. She got a whiff of his cologne and immediately liked it. He wore a nice pair of black jeans and a black Philadelphia 76ers basketball jersey, which showcased his rather muscular arms she hadn't realized he possessed. As she watched him bend over and place the videotapes on her small coffee table, she took notice of his hard, taut butt cheeks.

'Hmmm...this night may end up better than I thought," she mused to herself as she headed to her small kitchenette and began to stir the angel hair pasta she was preparing.

"Mind if I take a look?" Brian said from behind and above her.

"Sure, go ahead," Patricia replied, feeling him brush against her left hip, slightly.

"Damn girl, you got skills!" Brian said excitedly and honestly as he lifted the lid off the simmering pot and feasted his eyes on a delicious concoction of tomato sauce, carrots, mushrooms, green peppers and other vegetables bubbling softly. The smell was heady.

"What? You think I'd invite you for a lame meal? Come on, Brian, I didn't get this meat on my bones by not knowing how to cook," Patricia said lightly, while eyeing his large Black hand replacing the lid.

"Honestly, Patricia, I had no idea you were going to actually cook a meal. I would have eaten anything you put in front of me, to be honest," he said, glancing at her softly yet firmly, watching her smile slightly at the dual meaning of his words.

"W-Why thank you, Brian. I know it has to be hard not having much contact with your family. Do you call them much?" Patricia said as she reached up and opened a cupboard to retrieve two plates. The motion caused her breasts to sway and her ass to jiggle seductively. He watched this with a wistful look in his eyes.

'GOTT-DAMN, she got back,' he thought before replying, "Yeah, my parents and I talk a few times a week. I miss them but they know I'm on a mission.

Soon afterward they took their seats at the two-person dinette set and proceeded to devour two servings of spaghetti and wine. Their conversation was light yet provocative. From the moment she met him, Patricia found his voice commanding and sexy and found herself slipping into mini-daydreams of him fucking her while talking sexy shit to her in her ear... with that voice. As he spoke, Patricia was able to focus on the color of Brian's dark brown skin. She marveled at how the light from the room seemed to shine off of his skin. She noticed the sexy fullness of his lips, impossibly white teeth, and strong jaw line. As Patricia rose to gather the plates to place in the sink, she thought that Brian was unlike anything she had expected him to be. He had been able to stimulate her intellect and her curiosity. His body was a given enticement, but she found her attraction starting to move beyond the physical and into dangerous territory. 'Damn, why am I thinking thoughts like this?!' she thought as she placed the dishes in the sink.

After dinner, they took the wine and sat on her long couch and watched one of the movies Brian had rented. The plot in the comedy drama centered on a black man who had come home to find his fiancé in bed with another woman and his dating problems from that moment on. It was a cute movie but the infidelity of the main character's girlfriend wasn't lost on Brian and his recent relationship. Patricia sensed the change in his demeanor and delicately brought up the subject of his ex-girlfriend's infidelity.

"Brian, how long did you date your last girlfriend before she" she asked, hesitantly.

"Uhh...a little over a year. Why?" he answered, somewhat anxiously.

"Oh, I didn't mean to pry. It's just that I remember talking about with you when I first met you. I was just wondering how you were dealing with it, I guess. You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to," Patricia answered, looking at him with an understanding yet nosy glint in her eye.

Brian felt relaxed from the wine, and this fine ass woman hadn't asked him to leave yet, so he decided to tell his tale.

Chapter Seven

He remembered the shit like it was yesterday...

"I had been working out of town commuting to and from a job about 50 miles away, while living with a woman named Sasha. She was my live-in girlfriend. I met her in 2010 at a previous job where we had both worked. She was a secretary and I was an intern in the psychology department"

"We met and dated for a minute. We moved in after she told me she was pregnant with my child. I was graduating with my master's degree and already working, so it wasn't a bad thing. Nine months to the day after we moved in together, she called me from a hospital emergency room claiming that she had a miscarriage. From that point, our relationship became a nightmare. She became mean, vindictive, impatient, etc... About three months after that, I came home from work and she was gone. She had taken all the furniture, and left me a lame ass note saying she would contact me in a few weeks"

"Well, she called. Only she was calling from Louisiana! About six months after that happened, she calls me in the middle of the night to tell me that she left because she cheated, got pregnant, and had just delivered TWINS,"

Patricia sucked in her breath, finding it hard to believe what she was hearing.

"OH...MY...GOD! No, she didn't. I can't believe I'm hearing this. I am so sorry for even bringing it up, BJ..." she said, sympathetically.

"Naw, it's cool. I mean I did tell you when I first met you that a woman had cheated on me, I just didn't go into all the grisly details" he said, smiling.

"How do you feel about her now?" she said.

"Well, let me see, ummm... the way I look at it now, after looking back at the situation, I gave my all and that's all I can ask of myself. If it wasn't good enough for her, well, there's nothing to be done about that. As far as how I feel about the situation as a whole... I feel that I got off easy. From what I've heard from her family, the guy that got her pregnant was the guy she was dealing with before I met her. The story that got back to me was that he ended up cheating on her and leaving her with the twins to raise herself. I don't feel sorry for her or anything because that's what she chose. She had a choice to remain faithful, but she broke that, ya know? I'm glad that it went down, now, instead of later after I got myself established. To be truthful, I don't think I'd be where I'm at now if she and I had stayed together," Brian said while staring past her shoulder, as if in a trance.

Patricia looked at him with empathy and said, "I don't know what to say. I mean, I don't know if I could be so positive about it the way you seem to be. The way I look at it, she cheated. Okay, that's not good but it's not the worse thing that's ever happened in a relationship. But to go and get pregnant with twins by another man while you are in a relationship is so unwomanly and disrespectful to the man you are supposed to be with. Leaving in the middle of the night without telling you she was going. I guess she couldn't look you in the face after knowing what she was doing to you?"

"You see that's why I can't call her a woman... only a female. You are a least you think like one. She was a sorry excuse for a female. I guess I should have seen it coming when I met her mother. I mean, her mom's is out to lunch and she didn't really raise her or teach her how to be a woman, I guess. I should have known damaged goods when I saw it, but I chose otherwise,"

"And you haven't been with a woman since?" Patricia suddenly asked. She smiled to herself as she saw Brian's facial muscles contort as he tried to deftly answer the question they both knew the answer to.

"You're wild, girl. But since you went there, no. No, I haven't been with a woman in that way in almost a year. I guess your next question is why, right?" he asked while looking at her and turning his body towards her as they sat on the couch.

"Well, yes, I wondered that," she answered, while smiling slightly and wondering how the hell this fine specimen of man could have found the strength to go without the touch of a woman for so long.

"After that experience, I realized that in that relationship and previous relationships, I saw myself always settling. Settling in the sense that I tend to get into relationships with women that want to get into a relationship with me, though I might not be on that track. Seems like I allowed myself to become involved with women that really had nothing going on besides the hole between their thighs. I deserve a better mate than that. I feel with all the work I've put into realizing my dreams, why should I settle for someone that has no idea what they want with their life except they know they want to be in a relationship. I'm tired of riding that train. I decided that I'd wait it out until the right situation presented itself. I could have easily slept with quite a few women by now and I'm not bragging... but I feel that I've gotten to know myself better during this time and when the right situation comes along, I'll be ready," he said, while gazing at her wondering how she had gotten him to reveal so much of himself in one sitting.

She was a genuinely compassionate person and he felt comfortable talking with her about his life. And damn if she wasn't sexy to boot. Though she had on two layers of clothing (sports bra and jersey), he could clearly see the large round indentations of her nipples poking out from her bosom. Being that she had her legs crossed and her left arm across the back of the couch facing him, he was offered a tantalizing view of her breasts and hips. He shifted slightly on the couch, as blood began to involuntarily rush to his prick.

Patricia sat and stared at Brian as he spoke about the morally weak bitch that had stabbed him in the back. She saw tenderness in him that she had never sensed in a man, even her ex, Bill. He spoke so honestly and genuinely that she found herself holding back tears as he described the emotions he experienced during this trying time. She respected his decision not to become involved in another relationship until he found someone worthy of committing to. She knew she had never heard a man make a proclamation such as that, and probably wouldn't again. There was a hidden strength to him that she hadn't noticed before. He was a man's man. A man who seemed to be able to actually keep his word when he made a promise. He seemed to possess a quality that most men lacked, and that quality was truthfulness mixed with a dash of vulnerability. She realized that she was seeing past his dark skin and into the very center of his soul. If her high school girlfriends could see her now!

Patricia reached for her glass of wine on the living room table. As she brought the glass to her lips, she gazed at Brian over the lip of her glass. It seemed as if a huge burden had been lifted off of his shoulders by his admission. Patricia wanted to reach out and hug him, touch him, and let him know that she understood the pain that had dwelt in his heart for so long.

"Can I ask another question?" she asked, speaking softly.