The Quarterly Competition


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They soon hit it off. Adam texted his friend to tell him not to come back to the room, and they were soon underway. However, Bree was having none of waiting and dragged him into a bathroom, locked the door, and ravaged him before they even left the club. She urged him to leave the bathroom first, then followed about a minute later.

Had the condo he'd rented not been basically across the street, a second round of public fucking might have been on the menu. As it was, before he'd even closed the door to the condo, she was on her knees, sucking hungrily at his lovely cock, ignoring the latex aftertaste and bringing him quickly back to firmness.

'Adam' knew that he'd found a winner as their sexfest began in earnest. This second round ended up with bent over the balcony railing and getting pummeled in a fresh breeze to the gentle sound of ocean waves. He escorted her to the bed and excused himself the bathroom. He returned more than ready to go, stiffer than before, and condom number three was put into use.

After the sixth condom, Bree asked coyly for her hands to be uncuffed, went to the other room to retrieve her purse, and retrieved a piece of paper. She found him sitting naked, in a chair, and she slid onto his lap, straddling him. Kissing him deeply, she handed him the piece of paper and let him read it.

"I'll trust you if you trust me," she whispered in his ear.

He looked it over and saw that it was an STD panel from three days before, marking her 'clean' of any problems.

"Oh... are you sure?" he asked.

"Mmm hmm," she purred. "And feel this little bump under my skin here on my arm? No pregnancy risk here."

"So, no risk, no babies?" he said. "Are you sure you trust me?"

"Absolutely," she whispered. "I want every drop of that delicious cum."

(The reality was, she did trust him. She'd done her research and seen clean screenings for him every year, the last having been in February.)

"Well then," he said.

With that, he angled his stiff cock upward, and she sighed at the feeling of his bare shaft entering her.

Darkness faded into the daylight of April 1st. Handcuffs, blindfolds, standing sex, seated sex, countertop sex, floor sex, there wasn't a single place in the entire condo where they hadn't fucked. The day waned into darkness again. Bree was beyond insatiable, perhaps more energetic than she'd been 24 hours before. At last, at around quarter 'til midnight, she rode him cowgirl with unbridled enthusiasm, climaxing several times before her pussy finally milked what seemed like the final drops out of his cock.

"I...holy fuck you're amazing," he gasped as she rested on his chest. She was able to hear his heart still pounding from their exertions.

"Why thank you, sir, you're pretty damned amazing yourself."

"I...I need to go to the bathroom," he moaned, trying to extricate himself.

"Oh, stay," she whispered, not letting him go. "You're so quick to recover, just put it off a little, let me get that gorgeous cock hard again. I need it."

"Wow, you are something," he said.

Then, after a moment's deliberation, he said the last thing she ever thought she would hear.

"Marry me."

She chuckled. "Yeah, right."

After another pause, he spoke again. "No, I'm serious. I've never had a lover remotely like you."

She looked up at him and smiled knowingly.

"That's so sweet of you to say, but can you clarify something for me?"

"What's that?" he asked.

"When you say 'Marry Me,' do you mean you want me to marry 'you' personally, or both of you?"

A look of shock and surprise crossed his face. He tried to cover it, but there was no doubt Bree had hit a nerve.

"I...I don't know what you mean?" he said. "Are you trying to say I have a split personality?"

"No," she said, giggling innocently. "I mean, should I marry you, Blake Cooper, or your brother Jake Cooper who is currently chilling out under a blanket on the balcony couch?"

Blake (since we now know his name) sputtered a bit before finally rolling his eyes in surrender.

"Jake!" he called. "Come on in; the jig's up!"

After a few seconds, a man entirely identical to the one in bed peered around the edge of the balcony door timidly.

"What now?" said Jake, the other man.

"She knows," said Blake.

"How?" asked Jake.

"Come on into the living room, boys," said Bree. "Why don't we have a little chat."

The two tall men with swimmers' bodies, heads hung low, skulked embarrassedly into the living room of the condo and took seats on opposite ends of the couch. Bree grabbed a robe and took a seat in a chair and faced them.

"A little over a year ago," she started, "I started working with a woman named Lynn from Chicago."

"Cabo," said both men at the same time.

"Yes, Cabo," said Bree, now much more business-like. "She told me about an inexhaustible, amazing lover who fucked her into oblivion and then ghosted on her. Now, I know lovers can be tireless, but something about the details in her story raised some questions in my head. The frequency, the number of times, the techniques. It sounded...well, not quite right. I'm a computer programmer who specializes in security and encryption. I have a very good eye for detail, and some of the details lingered for me."

"So... you found us, how?" asked Jake.

"Well..." demurred Bree. "You know my background...I can't say that everything I did was legal. But I was able to dig around and track down a set of tall, well-built twins who travel frequently."

"Again, how?" said Blake. "We always travel separately and register with fake ID's and pay with cash or gift cards."

"Yeah, and wait a minute," said Jake. "I get that you are observant and smart, but I'm still not connecting how you knew to start by looking for twins."

"Ooh, my handsome boys, I have my secrets. All in good time. All in good time. Let's just let this story unfold as it should. Now, let's just sit back, and I'll tell you your story."

The two men settled back into the couch and prepared to listen to her tale. She also settled back and told the story she knew with confidence.

"Your names are Jake and Blake Cooper. You were born, on the same day of course, in Stevens Point, Wisconsin. Your family moved to Tucson when you were three. While you were there, you pretty much kept to yourselves, but you did excel as swimming. Your senior year, you led your high school team to the state finals. Interestingly, you declined swimming scholarships. You also attended different universities, although you both studied finance. Blake went to UC Irvine, and Jake went to the University of Connecticut. Subsequently, you both became fund managers for large investment companies. How am I doing so far?"

"Spot on," said Blake and Jake at the same time.

"Good," continued Bree. "One interesting point, because you were loners, you never seemed to have much of a social media presence. A few of your swimming photos have shown up on Facebook and Instagram, but usually with just a couple of comments about 'where are the Cooper's now?' There's a point of interest. When your parents died a few years ago, you both formally changed your last names to your middle names, so Blake is officially Blake Durant, and Jake is known as Jake Joseph."

"Although the fine print in your time between college and today is a bit murky, I can tell you a few things. Jake now lives in Manhattan, and Blake lives in San Francisco. You also both have steady, if not live-in girlfriends, naughty boys. Neither girlfriend is aware of the other brother. You never visit each other at your homes, and you never communicate electronically unless it is on a burner phone or Kik or similar program. Since Kik is encrypted, it hasn't been worth it for me to try and hack in there."

"But, here's the interesting thing. Sometime around four years ago, you started taking quarterly trips. January 1st, April 1st, July 1st, and October 1st. You always fly to a different destination, dye your hair, and check in with some sort of Anagram of a fictional spy's name."

"And now we get to the point; you seem to have developed a conquest ritual where you both have sex with a poor, unaware girl until she cries 'uncle.' Until tonight, I wasn't certain of your goals for this, but is it really to find a girl who will marry you both?"

Jake looked at Blake, confused.

Blake stammered. "Umm, no, that was just a spur of the moment thing."

"Okay, then," said Bree. "So, the way your game works is this. One of you books a room. You fly into a resort town, separately. You also go, separately, to different clubs and scope out the 'talent.' You compare notes via burner phones, and when one has found a winner, you text the other one who peels away from the girl he has been working on. The non-chooser then goes back to the room and hides in either the closet or the shower. How am I doing now?"

"Yep," said Jake.

"That's pretty much it," agreed Blake. "But, how do you know..."

"About the tag-teaming?" said Bree. "Oh, I got to watch it first-hand with the beautiful and enthusiastic Deirdra in Mexico."

"Watch it?" asked Jake.

"Mmm hmm," said Bree. "I was onto you then. I installed cameras in that room when you were out 'hunting' at the clubs. So, boys, I know all of your secrets. I know how you go to the bathroom and swap out with the other one. I know how you blindfold the girl and swap out, very smoothly, by the way. I know how you are sometimes so daring that you handcuff the girl facing away from you and swap with barely missing a thrust. Even with your trading off, you do have impressive stamina. I did notice, based on your phone patterns that you tend to take a week or so off with your girlfriends back home, so I'm guessing it helps that you store a little bit of juice up before these secret romps of yours. So, long story short, you fuck these girls into the ground, declare that you are the winner, and disappear into the ether for another three months."

"And here you are," said Jake.

"Yeah," agreed Blake. "Is like, your mission to get revenge for all of the girls we've done wrong or something?"

"Hmm, I hadn't thought of it that way," said Bree. "But, I guess, sort of. After hearing Lynn's story, I figured you could use a taste of your own medicine."

"Well, you sure gave it to us," said Blake. "I've never...we've never met anyone like you. Did you...train or something?"

"Yeah, is there a sex gym where you live? I have no idea how you kept up with..." Jake trailed off as he was speaking. "Wait a minute. What did you mean, 'a taste of our own medicine?'"

"Oh, look at you Jake," said Bree, smiling. "Look who's the observant one now."

"Wait a minute," said Jake, incredulous. "Don't tell me you have a twin, too!"

"Oh boys, didn't you wonder how I could already tell you apart? It takes one to know one. So, I guess it is time you know the complete picture."

She took a deep breath and gathered her thoughts.

"In public, I'm known as Bree Vanbeck. But, my real name is Shailey Forsberg. As for my other parts, this is Hailey Forsberg.

An identical counterpart to Bree-slash-Shailey stepped around the corner. Dressed in one of the guys' T-Shirts, she took a seat on the arm of Shailey's chair.

"Hi boys, nice to meet you, officially, that is," said Hailey.

"Holy..." started Blake.

"Shit." finished Jake.

"Our lives are very similar, but very different from yours," said Hailey. "Similar, because we know what it's like to have more than one of us."

"But different," said Shailey, "because where you split apart and separated, we merged."

"What do you mean?" asked Jake.

"Well, you live separate lives, except for these wild weekends of yours. We, on the other hand, are pretty much one person," said Hailey.

"Yes, continued Shailey. "We were born of the grid. Our hippy parents homeschooled us and kept us far from civilization. They didn't forbid us; they just said that it would be our decision whether or not to join civilization when we came of age. When we decided to 'join,' we saw that we had a great opportunity, so we created Bree Vanbeck, a computer systems specialist. She makes a lot of money, so one of us can go to work while the other two can either help move things along, or just do whatever they want.

"That's brilliant!" said Jake. "So you can... wait a minute, other two?"

"Oh yeah, said Hailey, smiling. "Come on out, sis!"

A third redhead with almond-shaped blue eyes stepped out, this one wearing nothing but a towel.

"Hi boys," she said, "I'm Bailey. So nice to meet you."

Jake and Blake were now stunned beyond speech.

"You see," said Bailey, the girl in the towel, "after we learned how you play this little game of yours, we figured out how to one-up you. Or maybe I should say two-up you. When you were out at the clubs, two of us installed more cameras and found the best hiding places that we figured you wouldn't use. When one of you went to the bathroom, one of us swapped out with the girl in bed, or on the balcony, or wherever. It wasn't hard as you might inagine."

Hailey giggled. "Once the condoms were gone, that created a bit of a challenge. You came inside of me, and we worried that you might notice that Shailey was a little less...lubricated. So, that was fun little 'exchange.'

After a bit more explanation, Shailey explained one last element. "To fill in one of your first questions, we picked up on the fact that you were twins so fast because, well, we've had similar experiences. We were nineteen or twenty..."

"Twenty," said Hailey, the girl seated in the chair. "Right after our twentieth birthday."

"That's right," said Shailey, "Bailey there started flirting with this chiseled, bodybuilder guy in the bar. He was bragging about how he figured he could outfuck any girl on the planet..."

"And the idea just came to me," said Bailey, the girl in the towel. "Maybe he could, and maybe he couldn't, but it would be fun to see him try."

"The funny thing was," said Shailey, "he just wasn't that good in bed. Yeah, he lasted pretty well, but he had one move, just the two-stroke engine, in-out, in-out. We fucked him into submission within about three hours and sent him home with his cock between his legs."

"The point is, we get it," said Hailey. "We totally understand that crazy thrill you get from fooling someone."

"And from sharing," continued Shailey. "I mean, we're sisters, identical triplets. We complete each other's thoughts, each other's sentences. Hell, we even finish each other's code at work."

"So, two questions," said Jake.

"Just two?" asked Bailey. "I thought you'd have a lot more."

"Well, we probably do," said Jake, "but we've got two main ones. "First, can we get a rematch. We've always come out ahead with two against one, but you 'beat' us three against two. How about you give us a chance now that we know the odds?"

The girls looked at each other, considering the request.

"We'll think about it," they all said at once."

"Second question," said Blake. "Where do we go from here. Are you just going to ride off into the sunset and ghost on us, like we've done? Or..."

He left the question hanging.

"We've talked about that," said Shailey. "Here's our idea. The three of us, well, we figured out a long time ago that we'd never be the type to settle down, at least not in the traditional sense. We would never be able to bear it if one of us ran off and got married and left the other two."

"We also wouldn't like it if one of us didn't share everything with the other ones. We're just too much of a unit to think that way."

Bailey dropped the towel and went over to sit in Jake's lap and was pleased to feel an immediate response pressing into her firm ass.

"So, here's our proposition, boys," she said after placing a long, hard kiss on Jake's lips.

Hailey had found a seat in Blake's lap and was pulling back from a kiss with him.

"We're not proposing marriage or anything," she continued. "But what if a young couple moved into a big, sprawling, private estate in the country outside of Bozeman, Montana, or somewhere like that."

"I like where this is going," said Blake.

"So do I," said Jake.

"Just one couple," said Shailey, who had found a seat between the two couples. "He's a high-powered fund manager, and she's a much sought-after programmer and software security specialist. The two of them can go to work each day."

"Or telecommute, for that matter," chimed in Bailey.

"Yes, agreed Shailey. By now, Shailey had a cock in each hand and was stroking each slowly as her sister's kissed the owners of those cocks, respectively. "Two of us will work, and the others will find...something to do. We'll start out like that and see where things go from there. What do you say?"

She took the silence, caused by mouths that were otherwise busy, to be an answer in the affirmative.


Thanks so much for reading my April Fool' Contest entry. Not exactly an April Fool's joke, but I hope there were sufficient shenanigans to keep your interest. Maybe someday I'll go into more detail with flashbacks of the evenings touched on here. Possibly, even, a sequel for how things end up in Montana.

Thanks for your votes, your favorites, and your comments!

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BigotedeFocaBigotedeFoca7 months ago

Hahahaha absolutely wonderful story, and oh! that delectable unveiling, superb ideation and writing. Thank you for sharing.

rlrmiller1951rlrmiller195110 months ago

different. i like it.

bhojobhojoover 3 years ago

Great story Idea !

Ramjet75Ramjet75about 4 years ago
Amazing concept

And this certainly needs a follow-up soon.

Once again, I am impressed, Well Done.

Steve150177Steve150177about 5 years ago
Twins marrying twins?

Imagine an alternate universe where humans mostly always have identical twins.

Would the pairs mostly always marry each other? Would this normally be a group marriage?

If so would they trade off. And if one of the 4 died early would the other 3 three continue on?

txcrackertxcrackerabout 5 years ago
That I Never Saw Coming !

Another Great Read from you ! This two page story was JUST GREAT ! You always entertain , but this was out of left field . Another 5*'s as usual , and I give them *'s very frugally .

Thanks for the GREAT Read !


ShyChiWriterShyChiWriterabout 5 years agoAuthor


There is weak logic in your criticisms.

1) As they mentioned, they were just going to try it out. Maybe they'd still go on adventures with permission of the others and derive pleasure from it. Did I ever say they were entering into an exclusive arrangement?

2) How exactly would offspring be precluded such an arrangement. In a communal setting, one mother could give birth at a time and they would be able to share parental duties.

3) They are all in high-income professions. Since this is fiction I officially give them enough revenue to self-insure and support themselves over time

4) Accidental death is always an issue in any scenario, or am I mistaken about the nature of mortality? In this one, just like with any good computer system that Bree would work with, they now have 'backups'.

5) If you'd read my end note, I specifically pointed out that this was not an April Fool's prank, but had shenanigans, or did you miss that?

OverthefallsOverthefallsabout 5 years ago
Sexual hijinks

But after all those years I don't see the three girls nor the two boys giving up their games. Especially the girls since you gave us the impression that only one girl was on the grid. And while that may be fun now, thru the years it will fail to be fun. Babies won't exist, accidental death would be an issue, old age and medical care will be a nightmare. So I don't see this being a good long term solution for any of them. And while this may have been fun and sex games, I didn't see an April Fools joke or prank in it.

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