The Quiet Friend Pt. 02


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Gil gave him a narrow eyed look and then glanced at the floor and noticed there was a pair of knickers simply laying there. Rowan swore under his breath. Sarah had left them there without a thought.

"Whose are those?" Gil asked. He looked at Rowan. "Are they Katarina's?"

"What?! No! They're Sarah's!"

Gil burst out laughing. "I know."

Rowan felt bewildered.

Gil's laughter died down but his smile didn't disappear. "Katarina told me what happened. She's still at the bar. She needed me to come and get a couple of things for her. I, uh, knocked because I wasn't quite sure what might be happening here. Seems like a lot happened," Gil added, looking down at the knickers again. Then he laughed again.

Rowan, feeling his face grow hot with embarrassment, half smiled and shook his head. "Very funny, Gil."

"So, I take it she's upstairs."

"We were just leaving."

"Right. You know, there's a few condoms in Katarina's bedside drawer. If you needed some," Gil added, almost as an afterthought.

Rowan was about to answer but at this point, Sarah came into view and quickly walked down the stairs.

"Gil. Hello," She said.

"Sarah," Gil greeted her with a grin.

She looked nearly as embarrassed as Rowan did. She quickly moved forward and grabbed her knickers from the floor and then took Rowan's hand. "We're leaving now. Bye, Gil!"

She pulled Rowan past Gil quickly, without so much as another glance at him and Rowan followed without resistance, giving Gil a sheepish look as he went through the door.

Once they got to the street and started walking, they heard Gil shout, "I guess I'll clean up here then!"

Rowan glanced at Sarah, who had her eyes shut tight momentarily as she slowed. "I was hoping he wouldn't notice anything," She said.

"I think that might have been on the fringes of impossibility."

"Well. One good thing came out of going upstairs," Sarah said as they began to walk at a normal speed again.


She opened her bag in front of him and he looked in. There were a few condoms in view. "I looked into her bedside drawer as soon as you left the bathroom. I know, I know. I shouldn't have been snooping. But I figured she had to keep some somewhere and luckily I found it pretty quickly. Now we don't have to go anywhere to pick some up."

"Oh," Rowan said. Then, "Good."

They walked back to his flat in a hurry.

Once he opened the door and walked in, she immediately shut the door behind them and grabbed his hand to turn him around. Rowan barely had time to react as her lips met his and she kissed the corner of his mouth, lingering long enough for them both to pant a little once she broke it off. She brought her hands up to his face and kissed him again. This time he found it very intimate.

"Can't seem to stop kissing you," She murmured.

He replied with a nuzzle against her neck.




He did not answer. He smiled and took her hand and walked to his bedroom, flipping the light on as he entered, briefly frowning at the piles of books and clothing he'd left lying around.

"Sorry about the mess," He said.

Sarah did not seem to have heard. She tossed her bag onto the beside table, moved to the side of the bed and swept a pile of clothing off with one wave of her arm. Then she got onto the bed, on her knees, facing him with a smile on her face. Rowan began to walk towards her and nearly got onto the bed when she shook her head and held her hand up, palm towards him.

"Not yet," She said. "Take your clothes off first. All of them."

Rowan chuckled. There was a subtle tone in her voice that told him it would be a bad idea to disobey and he found he rather liked it. He took his clothes off slowly, stopping at just his boxer shorts as he stood in front of her. He was already hardening a little just from being in this situation with her.

Unashamedly and brazenly, she looked down at his boxer shorts and bit her bottom lip, glancing at him briefly and letting her tongue poke out to lick her upper lip.

Rowan felt impatient and yet found he wanted to prolong this. It didn't stop him from asking, "I thought you wanted to just... get to it?"

"I want to savour this. I changed my mind," Sarah replied with a smug grin.

Rowan stared for a moment, wondering if she was just playing with him now. He decided she must be, given the grin that had appeared on her face and the very slight raising of her eyebrow.

"Take them off," Sarah said, pointedly looking at his boxers.

He didn't even think about it. He slipped them off, kicking them to the side and watched as Sarah looked at his erect cock with appreciation. She beckoned to him with a finger and he walked over to the bed, only for her to suddenly reach out and pull him with force, onto the bed and right in front of her. Then without another word, she pushed him to the side and onto his back.

Rowan looked up at her and could see her eyes smouldering as she took off her clothing, bit by bit. Her top went flying to the floor to join the other piles of clothing. To take her skirt off, she kneeled over him and slid the waist down over her buttocks and down her thighs. Then with a slight rocking motion on his pelvis and an incredible amount of flexibility, she slid each leg free and dropped the skirt on the floor. Now she was hovering above his cock, her moist pussy exposed as her legs knelt wide apart.

She gestured to her bag briefly. "Get a condom out of there."

Rowan obeyed without thinking. He looked to and reached for her bag, nearly dropping it in the process.

"Carefully, Rowan!"

Just about setting it on the bed with one hand, he reached into it, easily coming across a packet which he pulled out with the tip of his fingers. She reached out for it and he gave it to her.

"I hope this is the right size," Sarah said in an off-hand tone as she ripped open the packaging and pulled out the condom.

She lowered herself down so that she was right in front of his crotch and with both hands, she lightly rubbed his shaft, briefly touching the head and making him jerk. Then with an agonising slowness, using both palms of her hands, she rolled the condom over the head of his penis and down his length.

Silently, she moved forward over it and lowered down until her pussy was touching the tip of his cock. She took hold of his shaft and held it in place as she slowly lowered herself onto him.

Rowan couldn't help but stare as she slipped over the head of his cock and lowered all the way down to the base, her mouth slightly open. He breathed hard. She was tight and wet and he gasped as for a few moments, she simply sat and squeezed her muscles around his cock, savouring the feel of him inside her. She smiled, leaning forward to put her hands on his chest, her prominent nipples hanging invitingly. But Rowan was so focused on her hands and her pussy around his cock, he simply put his hands on her hips and squeezed, ignoring all else.

She began to grind against him, her hips thrusting forwards subtly and her body lifting up just a little so she could move up his length. She sank down on him again and squeezed with her pussy. Rowan gasped. Her movements became more obvious, always back and forth and never quite lifting. She pressed down as hard as she could, always squeezing lightly at the end of each forward grind. Soon, her eyes were closed and her breathing was coming in shallow gasps as she was riding him with a fast, regular rhythm, her fingers clawing into his chest for grip.

Her grunts became prominent as she learned further forward, thrusting her hips against his body. Her breasts rippled with each movement making her nipples bounce and he watched as her hips seemed to roll under her waist. His hands held her hips, helping her move and he was beginning to feel his orgasm build quickly. It seemed to be rising from his abdomen, but he felt it most at the base of his cock, shooting upwards.

Before he knew it, he was cumming hard, grunting hoarsely as his whole body seemed to stiffen briefly and his hips jerked with each pulse of his cum from his cock. Rowan stopped breathing, arching his body as she kept going, until he collapsed back to the bed, his breath coming back to him.

Sarah did not stop. Feeling the climax building, the tension rising in her own body, she moaned loudly, riding him harder and then stopped suddenly, squeezing his legs between her thighs and nearly breaking the skin of his chest with her nails. She let out a guttural sound and jerked her body forward stiffly as the first of the waves of orgasm broke over her body. She kept jerking with each successive pulse of pleasure, slowly subsiding, her pussy pulsing and twitching, her legs squeezing his body, her low cries punctuated with her fingers digging into his chest.

Sarah opened her eyes and looked down at him, her chest rising and falling with shallow breath slowly gaining depth and she slowly lowered her entire body forward to lay onto him, burying her face in his neck and emitting a few moans as she took in his smell. When her orgasm had finally stopped, she lay there for a while, simply rubbing her face against his skin and letting her breathing settle back to resting pace.

She felt his hands slowly trailing up her back until they stopped midway and he pressed his palms flat against her. She raised her head just enough to look down on him. She gave him a simple kiss and Rowan's hands travelled up further to her upper back, stroking with his fingertips as he went. She lowered herself back down again, not wanting to lose the feeling of closeness that she was sure he was feeling too. In fact, Rowan had not ever felt this close to anyone before. The physical feel of her body had become the pure emotion he felt for her.

"How you feeling?" She asked, her voice muffled against his neck.

"You have to ask?"

She smiled and kissed his neck. "This feels so comfortable."

"I'm glad to hear that. For me, too."

"What are you thinking about?"

"I don't know."

She laughed.

"Honestly, Sarah, it's like my mind's this pleasant blank. I'm not over-thinking. I'm not even just... I don't know. It's like all I'm conscious of is this feeling I've got where I'm floating and you're floating with me."

She let out a small sound and turned her head so her ear was against his chest. His heartbeat sounded deep in her head. She was aware that his cock had shrunk and that she had never actually climbed off his body. She did not want to move, so instead, she brought her hand up to his collarbone and started pressing against it. She applied pressure along it, more for just a way of touching him, rather than any intent to produce a particular effect. However, when her prodding fingertips reached near the inner end of his collarbone, where it almost turned into the hollow at the base of his neck, he let out a small moan.

"I'm floating too," Sarah whispered. She pressed against his collarbone even harder this time, using her fingertip and moving it in a small circle. Again, the moan came from him. It seemed she had found a spot.

"You like that, don't you?"

"... Yeah. I do, actually. Never realised that before. Collarbone. Strange."

She pressed down again and this time used her knuckles to rub against his collarbone on the other end. It seemed there was a spot just under the collarbone, sort of settled into a little groove at the curve where his bone turned up into his shoulder.

That was the biggest reaction. He let out a half grunt, half moan that had a sense of urgency to it. It made her lift her head to look at him. He was looking up at her with an almost embarrassed look on his face but she found it arousing. Very slowly and deliberately, she moved up a little and kept eye contact with him until she was at the perfect position to look down, lower her head and bite his collarbone moderately hard along the shoulder end.

Rowan's head rolled back slightly and he closed his eyes, savouring that particular sensation.

She maintained the bite for a few moments and then broke it off, saying, "You like being bitten. That's interesting."


She smiled at his sheepish look down at her. "You don't get to touch me. Put your arms down to the bed on either side."

He moved his arms even before she finished her sentence and settled them calmly on the bed, palms facing down. Rowan watched her as she looked over his body, up and down his neck and along his shoulders. He felt her hardened nipples slide up his body as she moved up and leaned down to bite his shoulder once. Then further up towards his neck and finally on his neck itself. Rowan closed his eyes again. She bit the other side of his neck and instead of biting along, this time she moved down toward his nipple, scraping his skin with her teeth slowly and lightly. Rowan loved every moment of it. He had no way of describing the curious pleasure he got from feeling her physical domination over his sense of touch. The bites, along with the initial contact, radiated pleasure softly into his skin.

When she reached his nipple, she carefully placed her mouth over it. She scraped against his skin with her teeth as she closed her mouth right on his nipple, gently biting it and slowly pulling at it. He gasped at the electric shock that conducted from his nipple into his body. She did it again and again, pulling hard with each successive bite and it only made him moan louder and longer. She gave it a quick, hard suck and kissed the skin underneath.

Then she moved down, slowly rolling to the side and lifting up so his cock finally left her body. She turned to look at it. It was semi-hard and the condom was still half on it. She took the condom off and threw it into the nearby bin. There was still some of his cum evident on his skin. She began to stroke his cock with one hand, looking right at his eyes. He returned the look and his arms involuntarily twitched.

She shook her head. "Nope, you don't get to touch me yet."

"I'm aching to though..."

She smiled. "Good."

He was now hard and pointing straight up, her hand wrapped around the shaft, moving up and down very slowly. She stopped only for a moment, adjusting her position so she sat cross legged next to him. Rowan stared at her curves again. He let his eyes move over the curve of her shoulder and down her arm. Then her waist and the way it flared out to her hip. She sat with her back straight, her breasts proudly displayed and her nipples hard. He was suddenly aware of her squeezing his cock gently, just behind the head and making gentle circular motions with her fingertips.

She shifted again, to her knees so that she was hovering over his chest, her breasts hanging and her nipples pointed straight at him. He almost lifted an arm to touch but remembered her order to keep still. Her hand still on his cock, she leaned down to kiss his nipple and then drag a slow kiss underneath it to his abdomen. She scraped her teeth against it in a biting motion before moving down further, licking this time and kissing his skin. While she did that, her hand carried on with circular motions near the head of his cock with her fingertips.

She lifted one leg over and set it down between his legs, moving down all the while, until she was able to easily, comfortably kiss right above his pubic area. Her hand was now wrapped around the shaft of his cock and moving in a motion that was driving him crazy, her fingers staying nearly still along his shaft while the heel of her hand rubbed moderately hard on the underside of the head of his cock.

She slowly gripped the head of his cock, keeping the heel of her hand where it was and squeezed. Rowan half grunted, half moaned and Sarah smiled at the reaction. Moving down even more, she was now hovering face above his cock and staring down at it as it twitched in excitement. Then she leaned down and slowly, deliberately ran the tip of her tongue alongside the underside of his cock, ending at the head and rapidly flicked it side to side.

"Fuck..." Rowan said, blinking and staring at the ceiling. More than anything right now, he wanted to touch her body.

He then felt a hard sensation and looked down to see Sarah gently biting the shaft, using her hand to keep his cock flat against his body. He watched as her tongue snaked out between her teeth and ran alongside the shaft again. Then she released it and moved up slightly, this time gently gripping his shaft and exposing the cock-head to her mouth. She raised an eyebrow at him and gave him an amused look.

"What?" Rowan asked.

She shook her head and lowered her mouth, opening it and slowly using her teeth to scrape the head of his cock. The effect was unlike anything he'd felt before and it was an electricity which quickly grew intense as she exerted a little pressure on him, making it too overwhelming. He gasped and shook his head.


She stopped immediately. "Are you okay?"

"Yes. That was, uh, too much!"

She kissed him there and licked the underside again. "Whoops. I guess there's a limit, after all."

"Obviously. But to be fair, it's mostly because I've been ridiculously excited for the last several hours. Even just from looking at you," Rowan said in a quiet voice. His head felt strangely rushed and light.

"That's what a girl likes to hear."

"I'm close to cumming."

"Really? I haven't even touched you for a few seconds now," Sarah said, beginning to massage his shaft and move her hand up and down along it.

"Can I touch you now? Please."

She nodded. He sat up straight away, taking her hand and pulling her to him. Ignoring his obvious erection, he began to kiss her neck, careful not to apply too much pressure for the cut, his tongue darting in and out and she leaned her head back in response. Hands on her buttocks, he slowly manipulated their positions so that suddenly she was on the bed on her back and he was hovering above her, staring down at her nipples and the way her breasts had flattened slightly on her chest. He loved the effect. Her belly rose and fell with her breathing and she looked up at him with anticipation.

"I want to be inside you," He stated boldly, still surprisingly unsure of how she would react to such a blatant statement. It was already clear to him that she was far more of the dominant type when it came to sex.

She simply nodded, a hint of a smile on her mouth. Rowan dipped down to kiss her neck and rose again, looking for her bag. There were two condoms already on the bed. He wondered briefly how they had got there; no doubt having fallen from his grip earlier. It was not as if he could remember that part with any vivid detail. He took one and opened it, rolling it onto his cock and then looked down at her again.

Rowan took her arms and pushed them upwards so that they stretched out on the bed above her head. Resting most of his weight on his hands while holding her arms there, he started to lick and scrape his teeth lightly on her neck, as an alternative to kissing. He worked his way down, briefly licking her breasts and sucking one nipple hard into his mouth. He felt her legs begin to rub him on his lower back, her body already yearning to grip him in her legs. He felt her foot slowly rub his buttock and then the back of his upper thigh and knew he had to be inside her soon, but he wanted to wait and let the excitement of her touch on his cock wane enough for him to last. It was fast becoming obvious this might not happen so easily.

Letting go of her arms, he lavished more attention to her nipples, making sure not to suck or lick too much in case she felt them getting sore but it was not long before he felt her legs press on him, almost wrapping around him and pulling him towards her.

"Rowan?" She moaned.


"I'm wet."

Just those two words made him pause.

"Now, Rowan."

He did not wait a moment longer. He entered her slowly. She felt tight but he slid in easily; it seemed as though wet may have been an understatement. She moaned in a low tone and he felt her squeeze her legs tighter against him. He pushed in deeper, unable to stop himself moaning with her for a moment and then he began to thrust, slowly at first but increasing as she started to squeeze her legs around him in a faster rhythm. Soon, his weight was on her as they moved together, rocking in unison as he went in deep and his mouth kissed her neck over and over, her ragged breathing very loud to his ears.