The Rask Rebellion


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"Your human handlers have taught you some new tricks," she snarled, rolling her bruised shoulder as she began to circle again. "But they are no substitute for strength."

She leapt into the air with alarming ease for someone her size, raising her fists above her head as she loosed a startling roar. Korbaz dodged out of the way just in time, rolling across the floor as the Matriarch landed where she had been standing a moment ago, bringing her fists down with enough force to crack the marble. As Korbaz rose to her feet, the Matriarch rushed in, a vicious back-handed blow lifting her off the ground. Cooper heard the thud of the impact even from twenty feet away, the Admiral crashing down, a split lip leaking more blood.

The grinning Matriarch stood over her, raising her hand as she prepared a strike, her black claws glinting like knives in the firelight. Cooper fought the impulse to draw his weapon, to put a slug through the back of her head before she could deliver the coup de grace. If he did that, he wouldn't be saving Korbaz, he'd only be robbing her of her only chance to win.

To his relief, the Admiral deflected the blow, gripping her assailant's wrist. She tugged, pulling the Matriarch closer, using the leverage to deliver an open-palmed strike to her face. There was a sickening crunch as the Matriarch's cat-like nose was crushed, blood spurting from her nostrils, the hulking Rask blurting a wail of pain and alarm. She leapt clear as she clutched at her face, withdrawing her hands to see that her fur was stained crimson, her yellow eye turning on Korbaz with renewed anger.

The Admiral was now on her feet again, the Matriarch wiping her broken nose on her sleeve, which did little to stem the steady flow of blood. A murmur passed through the ring of observers, the guards muttering to one another, having not expected the fight to go this way. The Matriarch glanced at them, her supreme confidence faltering, even if just for a split second. She soon repressed it, standing tall once again, looming over her adversary.

"No more play," she growled, "your antics no longer amuse me."

She charged in, her muscles bulging beneath her leather getup as she harried Korbaz with savage swipes and blows. Korbaz did her utmost to block them, but the Matriarch was like a walking blender, blood spattering as her meat hook claws found their mark. For Korbaz, it was like trying to ward off a cat-o-nine tails with her bare hands, her arms covered in fresh cuts. The fur on her forearms was matted with blood, her tanned skin sliced open. It looked so painful, but Cooper kept reminding himself that this was normal for them, that these wounds would not cripple or disfigure her. Her body was already a patchwork of faded scars and long-healed wounds. Her kind were built for this.

The crazed monarch forced her beyond the bounds of the circle, the guards stepping aside as she pushed her back, nearing the edge of the circular room. Korbaz was caught with another back-hand, the blow sending her staggering into one of the marble pillars. Her skull bounced off the stone, dazing her, and giving her opponent an opening. The Matriarch raked her claws across her midsection, cutting deep, Korbaz loosing a bellow of pain. More blood began to stain her tank top, the fabric shredded, leaving three long tears that revealed the caramel skin beneath.

Korbaz put a hand to her stomach, wincing, but she had not been disemboweled. Another inch deeper, and her guts would probably be spilling across the floor.

The Matriarch afforded her little opportunity to catch her breath, swinging at her again, this blow aimed squarely at her throat. Korbaz ducked under her arm, the effort no doubt making her fresh scars burn, her assailant's claws biting into the marble above her head. The strength of the strike was enough to take a chunk out of the stone, the brittle material splintering, creating a shower of dust and tiny fragments. The pillars were not as sturdy as they had appeared.

Korbaz let loose a martial arts yell, gripping her opponent's collar with one hand and spinning around so that she was side-on to her. She pushed her thigh between the Matriarch's legs, pulling on her jacket as she used the leverage to lift her, Cooper watching in awe as her adversary's feet left the ground. There was a thud that shook the floor as the Matriarch was sent sailing over Korbaz's shoulder, slamming into the marble, the air knocked from her lungs. He had seen her practice this move before, and it had looked painful enough when they were doing it on a soft carpet.

The Matriarch struggled to pick herself up, but Korbaz struck again, letting her Rask savagery loose. She delivered a flurry of swipes as her opponent fought to regain her footing, the heavy jacket providing some protection from her claws, but not enough to let her escape unscathed. She left scratches on the exquisite leather, a golden button bouncing across the polished floor, the Admiral landing a blow on the Matriarch's cheek. It left a deep cut just beneath her eye patch, the Matriarch snarling as her frustration overcame her. She righted herself, lifting Korbaz with her forearm, tossing her through the air.

Cooper winced as she came down hard, climbing to her feet unsteadily. Even with the moves that she had learned, the Matriarch was like a force of nature, impossibly large and strong. He hadn't really allowed himself to consider the possibility until now, but what would happen to her if she lost? Would the Matriarch kill her? Was that how these bouts ended?

Another guttural roar echoed through the audience chamber, the Matriarch starting to run, the claws on her pawed feet leaving scratches in the marble. Like a freight train made of muscle and leather, she charged, bearing down on Korbaz. Why wasn't she moving out of her way? She was just standing in her path as the juggernaut neared, her eyes fixed on her opponent.

At the last second, she reached out, catching her assailant by the wrists. She let herself topple over backwards, the Matriarch's momentum carrying her forward, Korbaz planting a foot on her adversary's belly to lift her as her back hit the floor. All of the Matriarch's speed and strength was turned against her, Korbaz releasing her, redirecting that energy to send her cartwheeling through the air. Near half a ton of snarling Rask crashed into a nearby pedestal, the stone support breaking into two clean pieces as it crashed onto its side. The ceramic pan that it had been holding aloft came tumbling down on top of her, spilling its contents of burning coals, showering her in flames.

The Matriarch became a hissing, spitting whirlwind of fury, scattering the red-hot coals as she flailed around. The pan shattered into pieces on the floor, more flames spreading, the onlookers retreating to a safer distance. There didn't seem to be much chance of a fire starting. Everything was made from stone, save for the drapes, and none of the coals had landed close enough to ignite them.

Still frantically patting her smoking hair, she threw off her leather jacket, the magnificent garment now torn and scorched. Beneath it, she wore only a sling that contained a pair of mammoth breasts, like a primitive sports bra. Her muscles were even more developed than those of Korbaz, her abs like slabs of granite.

She was beyond anger now, a strand of saliva dangling from her lip, her one pupil dilated into a black circle as she stared intently at her quarry. Her leather pants creaked as she broke into a dash, her enormous body moving faster than seemed possible for someone of her size, closing the distance between her and Korbaz in the blink of an eye. She skidded on the marble as she slowed, putting all of that momentum into a swipe that could have shattered bone.

Korbaz dodged out of its path, her confidence growing, ducking and weaving as she avoided the Matriarch's strikes. Some of them landed, the Matriarch's claws sending blood spraying as they cut into her forearms, tearing more holes in her stained tank top. Korbaz returned the favor, her talons a blur as she scarred her opponent in kind, painting bloody trails across her tanned skin.

How much more of this could they take? It was death by a thousand cuts, they were going to succumb to blood loss at this rate.

The flurry of claws was interrupted as the Matriarch lifted Korbaz off her feet again with another devastating back-hand, tossing her across the floor like a toy. Winded, she struggled to her feet, rising just in time to deflect a swipe that would have cut straight across her face. For all of Korbaz's training and preparation, her opponent was still overpowering, her sheer physicality making her almost unassailable.

The Matriarch rammed her shoulder into the Admiral, knocking her off balance, her back slamming into another pillar with enough force to crack it. She crumpled, a few fragments of stone raining down on her, her mouth opening in a breathless gasp of pain. The towering Matriarch advanced on her, Cooper balling his fists so tightly that his nails were digging into his palm, his breath catching in his throat. The desire to intercede was overpowering, but if he gave into that impulse, he might as well be killing Korbaz with his own hands.

The snarling Matriarch reached down to grip her throat, lifting her to her feet, then slamming her against the marble pillar. Her hold tightened, Korbaz clawing at her forearm as she was lifted off the floor, the Matriarch's bicep bulging with the effort. Even braced against the pillar, lifting a quarter ton with one hand was quite a feat.

"The irony of our lives," the Matriarch panted, "is that we are forged by our hardships. We begin as formless lumps of ore, and it is only through steel and fire that we are shaped into something more. Only through our struggles do we develop, strengthening muscle and bone through training, hardening our minds through discipline. When you shy away from that struggle," she hissed, forcing Korbaz back against the pillar as she kicked helplessly at the air. "You grow weak, complacent. What the humans have done to you, they will do to all of us in time, and I cannot permit that. This war will temper my territory, sharpen it to a razor's edge, but you will not live to see it."

The Matriarch drew back her other hand, preparing to slice open her throat, panic flashing in Korbaz's eyes. She braced her back against the cracked marble, gripping the Matriarch's furry forearm in her hands, gritting her sharp teeth. She used the leverage to deliver a vicious kick, throwing all of her strength into the last-ditch attack, her foot connecting with the Matriarch's knee. It buckled under the blow, the Matriarch faltering, a yowl of pain carrying across the room.

She relinquished her hold on Korbaz as she stumbled back, the Admiral landing on her feet, her panic replaced by steely intent. She darted in, swiping at her opponent, the Matriarch blocking her even as she staggered on her injured knee. Korbaz kept up the pressure, swiping her claws across her stomach, giving her a trio of fresh scars across her abdominal muscles. The Matriarch tried to put more weight on her leg, but faltered again, almost toppling to the floor.

Korbaz took full advantage, lunging, but changing direction at the last second. The Matriarch's patch was over her left eye, creating a small blind spot where she wouldn't be able to see an incoming attack, the Admiral dancing around to her left side. She put all of her strength into a savage knifehand strike, chopping at her adversary's exposed throat. The blow knocked her opponent off balance, the Matriarch clutching at her neck, gagging and sputtering for air. Korbaz gripped her wrist in her hands, kicking her feet out from under her, the two of them rolling on the marble as they struggled. When the dust cleared, Korbaz had her in an armlock, one leg wrapped around her neck as she put pressure on her elbow joint. The Matriarch spat and snarled, squirming as she tried to escape, her flailing claws failing to find their mark.

Her strength and size meant nothing now. She was pinned, helpless.

"The old ways don't work anymore!" Korbaz growled, Cooper blinking at her in surprise. It was the first thing that she had said since the start of the fight. "Survival means adapting, changing," she panted. The Matriarch tried to break free again, but she applied more pressure to her joint, the pain compelling her to lie still. "You have made yourself an obstacle, you're holding back our progress, keeping us trapped in the past. Your stubbornness has already cost enough lives, I can no longer stand by and watch our people stagnate!"

"You would have the Rask become no more than vassals to your human masters," the Matriarch hissed. "You once expressed those same concerns to me, you warned me that our votes were being overruled in the council, that our sovereignty was being threatened. What changed your mind?" she demanded. "What have they offered you in return for your fealty?"

"I learned, I changed," Korbaz replied. "Stubbornly refusing to question your beliefs is not strength, and changing your way of thinking is not cowardice. I have been forced to face my own failures, to question who I am and what I know to be true. It was a far greater challenge than any that I have faced before."

"I will die before I watch you make my people clawless in all but name!" the Matriarch spat.

"No, you won't," Korbaz replied calmly. "If I can change, then so can you. I once held you in the highest regard, and one day, I wish to do so again. Submit."

"I am not so easily subdued!" the Matriarch roared, making another violent escape attempt. Korbaz applied just a little more leverage, a sickening pop echoing through the cavernous chamber as she broke the former monarch's arm, a gasp of shock and agony cutting through her rage like a red-hot knife.

Korbaz finally released her, leaving the Matriarch shivering on the floor, her arm rendered limp and useless. She tried to rise, but her leg gave out, sending her crashing back to the marble. Only now did she seem to accept her defeat, lying spent at her opponent's feet, her blood smeared on the marble.

Korbaz rose up, breathing heavily, pausing to rub her bruised throat as she looked over her former master's prone body. Her arms were covered in innumerable cuts, her straw-colored fur soaked crimson, her tank top shredded to ribbons. She glanced over at Cooper, giving him a relieved smile, the motion making her split lip start to bleed again.

The Palace Guard who had been standing to his right took a knee, bowing his head low, the sudden movement startling Cooper. The warrior to his left did the same, more following in turn. Soon, only Cooper and Korbaz were still standing, his eyes sweeping over the circle of bowing figures.

She had done it, she had won. The war was over.

He met her gaze, returning her smile, the motors in his prosthetic leg whirring as he followed suit. For a few moments, there were no sounds but the crackling of the fires, then Korbaz's voice broke the silence.

"Tend to the former Matriarch's injuries, then confine her to the palace dungeon," she snapped. "Contact our forces and have them stand down. I want all of the MAST launchers deactivated, and their locations transmitted to the Coalition for reclamation. There are many wounded still on the battlefield at the East Gate, organize search parties to recover any survivors, friend or foe. Time is of the essence."

The circle broke, the warriors hurrying away to carry out her orders. Two of them stooped to pick up the bloody, broken Matriarch, hauling her to her feet. She gave Korbaz one last resentful glance before the guards led her out of the room, her broken arm dangling at her side as she limped away. It was like all of that fury and malice had been drained from her, leaving her not exactly cowed, but certainly more cooperative. Maybe it was a combination of pain, exhaustion, and her natural impulse to submit.

Once the room was clear, and they were alone, Cooper walked up to Korbaz. He thrust her jacket back into her hands, making her wince.

"I thought I told you that I wasn't your attendant," he said, planting his hands on his hips.

"Am I mistaken, or did I see you bow your head back there?" she asked, wiping the blood from her lip with the back of her hand.

"Everyone was doing it," he replied with a shrug. "I didn't want to spoil your big moment. Hey, do you need like...a towel or something? You look like you had a fight with a blender and lost."

"On the contrary, I had a fight with a Matriarch and won," she replied. "I can rest later. Right now, I have a war to end. We must get word to Sarif before he loses patience and decides to take matters into his own hands."

"Already on it," Cooper said, tapping at the touch panel on his forearm. "You know, this whole thing was a little less...formal than I imagined."

"Well, we are at war," she explained. "Under normal circumstances, the territory's ministers and other observers would be here to witness the challenge, but..."

"They're all hiding in bunkers, right." He glanced up at her, feeling pride warm his belly as she cocked her head at him curiously.

"What is that little monkey brain of yours thinking?" she wondered.

" much I hate admitting that your losing streak is finally over."

"Why?" she asked, giving him a coy smile. "Does that bode ill for you?"

"You were a complete pain in the arse as an Admiral. Now that you're a Matriarch, it's gonna go straight to your fat head."

"That's a funny way of congratulating me," she said, reaching down to ruffle his hair. "I saw how worried you were when you thought that I might not prevail," she cooed, his cheeks starting to burn. "You can be so sweet, little tin man. Just as long as you don't open your filthy mouth."

"Don't get your blood in my hair," he complained, ducking away from her as she grinned at him.

"So, will you be referring to me as Matriarch now?" she added.

"Gotta admit, the title has a nice ring to it," he replied. "It's kind of MILF-y."

"I don't even want to know what you're babbling about," she sighed.

She turned to examine the throne for a moment, then began to walk over to it, draping her jacket over her shoulders like a cape. She slowly mounted the steps one by one, Cooper watching as she neared the hound that was still chained up beside it. It raised its hackles as she approached, pulling back its black lips to expose its boar-like tusks, a low growl emanating from deep within its throat. There was still some blood matting the coarse fur around its muscular neck where the former Matriarch had cut it with her claws.

Korbaz was undeterred, pausing at the top step to reach out to the creature, presenting her still bloody hand to it. It sniffed her fingers tentatively, blinking its glassy eyes at her, the fat-filled hump on its back wobbling as it rose to its feet. It moved its wet nose up her forearm as it took in her scent, investigating her, Cooper realizing that he was holding his breath. That thing could probably bite off her arm if it decided it didn't like her.

She slowly slid her hand beneath its massive jaw, starting to scratch its chin with her claws, the beast lifting its head to encourage her as its eyes gradually closed. It seemed to be enjoying itself, the growling turning into an affectionate huffing, its ferocious demeanor morphing into that of a giant lapdog. Now that she had earned the beast's approval, she turned, sitting down on the marble throne. She shifted her weight on the padded cushions, reaching over to scratch her new pet's head, her eyes surveying the audience chamber.

"How does it feel?" Cooper asked, his voice echoing through the empty room.

"Like a lot of responsibility," she sighed. "I never...really wanted this."