The Reluctant Mistress


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Rallying, she cleared her throat with studied deliberation. Sophia's head had perked up when she heard the soft sound of the door opening; now the pale woman tilted it forward as if to stare sightlessly down the length of the bed and her nubile, exposed body. Lucinda straightened up and stood still for a moment, before turning on her heel and striding hurriedly back downstairs.

"Look, you'll have to go on without me tonight. I feel like I have a migraine coming on. I'm sure you'll be better able to network without me there to embarrass you, anyway."

The argument took five minutes: he seemed more irritated at being stood up than the prospect of not having her along after all; of course, he was also mindful of the time. With a slammed front door and an unnecessary revving of his penis extension's over-compensatory engine, she was suddenly alone. Except of course for her uninvited guest upstairs. Lucinda took her time padding back up in her heels, hoping that calmness of motion would promote coolness of spirit. The sight that awaited her for the second time that evening was still enough to take her breath away, regardless of foreknowledge. With the finality of her husband's departure, she felt cut off and insulated from everything outside, free to take her time in dealing with this little situation. She felt, in fact, fully alone now with Sophia.

First of all, as the brazen girl recognised her return with a muffled syllable that might have been a question, Lucinda strode up to the head of the bed. With both hands she reached down, none too gently, cupping the back of Sophia's neck in one hand as she tugged at the ties of the blindfold with the other. With a couple of protesting noises from its wearer, it came off to drift aside onto the pillow. Lucinda found herself illuminated once again in the twin glares of emerald headlights.

"Hah! Don't think you're going to get off that easy, you... I want you to see this!"

Handcuffed to the headboard, gagged and presented as if on a platter, Sophia seemed to take this philosophically (judging by the available evidence) as her head fell back upon the pillow. From a sneaking glance down the bed, taking in the array of stiffened and engorged intimate parts on display, Lucinda was sure that her neighbour was enjoying every second so far. Her eyes fell upon the toy and the bottle of lubricant between Sophia's spread thighs as they darted down her body; the invitation was clear, but she had no intention of taking it up... Yet. A sudden flash of inspiration struck like lightning. She ducked down to reach into the bottommost drawer of the nearby bedside cabinet. They were exactly where she'd left them, weeks ago. Her hand shaking a little in what was mostly anticipation, Lucinda picked up her lipstick and the wand vibrator and turned, shielding them from the restrained girl's curious gaze until she dropped them lightly on the creamy curve of Sophia's belly. Sophia would likely still be little the wiser, what with those glorious tits of hers interfering with her view.

First things first. How appropriate that the colour of the ball-gag matched so closely the Strumpet Scarlet of the stick; uncapping the makeup and taking her time, Lucinda worked her way around her subject's stretched lips with care to avoid smudges or overflow onto the shiny rubber ball between. All the while Sophia gazed up at her, suitably spellbound.

It took a minute or so to fumble the slim wand with its round head out of the packaging and slide in the batteries. Lucinda deliberately took her time, perched on the bed next to her provocative captive, hoping to build the tension a little. Like she'd said, she didn't want to make this easy on the girl. When Sophia squirmed in the interim, her legs shifting about as she grew impatient, Lucinda swatted her sharply on the thigh with the tips of her fingers: Sophia lay still and perfectly passive thereafter.

The deed done, Lucinda hopped up on the bed properly and flicked the skirts of her gown aside as she straddled her neighbour's waist. She brandished the vibrator, waving it accusingly before Sophia's face.

"There! Is this what you want? Is it what you were hoping for?"

Lucinda tried to hide trepidation behind exaggerated belligerence, but her supine subject simply stared back with yearning arches of her rich brown eyebrows. Even with the gag, that gorgeous face was still so expressive. She moaned; a primal little sound of pure desire. The rumble of her diaphragm seemed to transmit itself through Lucinda's abdomen as she knelt astride, striking a sympathetic chord deep within the tanned woman's core. Quietly, she switched the wand onto a low buzz, and let it drop. Sophia shivered once as it touched the outer end of her collarbone, and lay intensely still as it trailed along towards the middle. From there, it slipped down to the beginnings of the cleavage between her subtly supported breasts before tracking upward to circle a rigidly raised nipple. After a couple of loops, Lucinda let the vibrating head graze lightly against the budding tip. Another shock bolted through her pinned companion, a small plosive cry escaping around the gag.

Vindictively fixated, Lucinda raised the wand up again and held it there, in clear sight above her plaything's straining bosom. The wand buzzed menacingly as she cranked it up a couple of notches. Gradually she lowered it down again before tapping once, abruptly, each of Sophia's nipples. Another electric effect took the girl by surprise.

Fascinated by her own experimentation, Lucinda next let the head of the wand fall upon Sophia's stomach just below the centre of her ribcage. Reflexive twitches of her muscles rippled beneath the bound woman's skin in response. Lucinda drew the vibrator downward over Sophia's belly, dipping into the hollow her navel and watching the results with increasing excitement. As it emerged below the bellybutton, the orb of the wand's head came into close proximity with the kneeling woman's own crotch. Impulsively, she pushed it inward until it resonated against the fabric of her dress, barely clothing her loins from its touch. It was Lucinda's turn to shake at the first experience, and she sighed out some of her frustrations as the droning head continued to tickle between them.

She knew it was time. She rose from her straddling position and stood, next to the bed once more. The buzzy little toy she left on the covers beside Sophia, who watched with rapt attention as she reached around to unzip the back of her dress and let it fall into a puddle on the floor. The same way went the strapless bra she'd chosen to hide away beneath the dress, and her own stylish but not especially alluring thong. Finally she unpinned the hair she'd done up for the evening, letting it spill like liquid down her shoulders in a lush raven-dark waterfall. She stood there considering Sophia, legs spread shoulder-width apart in a powerful posture, clad in only her sheer thigh-high stockings.

Biting her lip, the olive-tanned woman took up her chosen tool once more and set it to a furious, racing pulse. In an echo of her earlier work she touched it briefly to each of her own nipples, feeling them tighten up atop her more modest breasts, biting her lip before letting the toy trickle downward. She kept one hand poised upon her hip as she stroked it through the black, elegantly trimmed thicket of pubic hair atop her sensitive snatch, before probing it insistently inside moistening folds. All the while, she maintained eye-contact: it was Sophia's enchanting green gaze as much as anything that brought a new, blissful gasp to her lips. Stuck in restraint on the bed, the shorter woman could only watch with longing and plainly rising desire.

Lucinda massaged herself with the wand's tip for as long as she could bear, running it back and forth through her sensitive crease. She was careful not to let it kiss the inflamed little nub within; it would have been undignified for her knees to buckle beneath her. Eventually, enough was enough for now. She moved back to the bed, climbing back aboard in a lower crouch than previously, planting her knees wider to either side of Sophia's hips as she drew close to her neighbour's trembling milky-white form. The wand was still in hand, but that hand was supporting her on the mattress: with the other she reached up to take a pink nipple lightly between her thumb and two fingers. Teasing gently, she tugged it up a fraction before letting go. Repeating the motion, she began to squeeze slightly tighter with each reiteration. Sophia's breathing sped up noticeably. When Lucinda lowered her mouth to the other shuddering breast, pinching that nipple firmly between her teeth and closing her lips around it for a soft suck, Sophia began panting into her gag.

Shifting so that she could kneel between Sophia's opened legs, the darker woman's hand rose to the prone girl's shoulder, taking hold firmly. Lucinda arched her back a little, all in the name of making space for the vibrator, which she inserted carefully between their bodies. When she was satisfied as to its location, she lowered her abdomen down against Sophia's: planned to perfection, the buzz of its head coursed through both of them as it settled into the enveloping furrows of their united loins. Lucinda found that she had to let go of the toy, safely held in place by their pressed-together snatches, to stab a hand down on the pillow beside Sophia's head in order to support herself against the sudden, delicious buffeting. Trapped beneath her and the wand both, Sophia could only groan lasciviously behind the gag. Her captor had all sorts of plans, so many ideas about what to do with her newfound plaything, which simply evaporated from her mind under the twin onslaughts of the vigorous vibrations and Sophia's flawless, soulful stare.

Lucinda found her neck curving, her face dipping down towards that pale neck bisected by the black velvet of the choker. She kissed every inch of skin she could find, found herself nuzzling up beneath a pale earlobe. The word circling her companion's throat rose to mind. As the tempest of sensation consumed their aching nether regions, she whispered in the girl's ear:

"My Sophie..."

With that, the pact was sealed. It took great concentration, but she was eventually able to extract the desperately-quivering wand from between their bodies. Turning it off, rendering it silent at last, she put it negligently aside. It was time for something else.

Lucinda reared up, kneeling proud on her stockinged shins between her Sophie's thighs. A brief rummage was enough to come up with the lubricant and the strapless dildo for which it had been destined. Spurred on by the unabashed lust on her lover's achingly soulful face, she rushed to grease up each of the silicone prongs and slipped the bulb end quickly inside herself, manoeuvring it briefly to her satisfaction. Then there was only one thing left to do.

She entered Sophie effortlessly as she lowered herself down, back to lie on top of her lover with arms snaking around the porcelain brunette. As had been done to her so seemingly long before, she tried her best to kiss the whole of a mouth spread wide by a red rubber ball. Settling for just smudging Sophie's lipstick a little and spreading it out accidentally across swathes of the girl's soft, pale cheeks, Lucy let herself slowly begin to find a rhythm for her first fully-assertive fuck. Though the sensation was a step removed, she could feel no resistance as 'her cock' nestled its way inside her lover's loins. Their ragged breathing synchronised and they began to pant along in time with one another and each delicious thrust. All she could do was hold on to her Sophie, cling on for dear life, envelope her in her arms. Some of the smaller woman's stricken expressions of the recent,turbulent past made sudden, perfect sense to her now.

She fucked her lovely, shameless neighbour as long as her muscles would allow, letting more and more of her weight rest on Sophia's smaller body until she was spent. They both were, exhausted and gulping for breath: with the fatigue reaching even into her fingers, Lucy groped about to unfasten the gag and release those lush lips. She couldn't wait to summon the energy to release the handcuffs, so she simply wrapped her arms around her darling's stretched armpits and fell upon her in a long, deep indulgence of a worn-out kiss. There was nothing else, just the two of them together.

* * *

It might have been that Lucinda's husband got back at last in the small hours of the morning; maybe he booked a night in a hotel after an immoderate amount of booze. It didn't matter: they were gone before midnight; even a lengthy and distracting joint shower and packing everything Lucy owned (or at least, wanted to take with her from the desolation of that sterile home) in two large suitcases didn't take very long. Sophie it turned out, with the kind of pragmatism that knew full well she couldn't have stayed living in the house next door whatever the night's outcome, was already packed. Lucy didn't leave a note for her husband, soon to be ex; she didn't see the point.

A couple of nights later, in a cosy hotel room safely far away, they allowed themselves to relax again.

Travel had been hard, though not difficult to arrange. They'd just wanted to get cleanly away. They didn't have to worry about money, even after the blunt and business-like resignation letter that Lucy sent to her workplace in a few free minutes; she hadn't had to before, and now she'd found something far more exciting to keep herself busy with. By the time they reached the room, a modestly decadent suite with plush, comfortable furnishings, Lucy was about ready to drop at last; her darling companion was in much the same state, but neither was willing to let things lie just yet.

"Come here," the taller woman swept her lover up in an embrace for their first unhurried kiss in ages, before releasing her and hunting up a couple of very important items, "Mmm. Now, put these on..."

She offered the velvet band of the choker to her Sophie, its black fabric a studied contrast to the white lace of the knickers held in the same hand. Her smile alone worth millions below shining, priceless emerald eyes, the pale girl accepted both.

"Of course, my darling!"

It was clear from Lucy's comfortably commanding tone, and the way that Sophie hurried unhesitatingly to strip down in obedience with her mistress' wishes, how their relationship had evolved and matured in their short time together as a couple. Dumping the rest of their luggage in an out-of-the-way corner as her lover disrobed, Lucy moved over to the room's sumptuous double bed. There was one last thing in her hand, which she kept hold of between her fingers as she too undressed. Only when she was naked and lying at leisure on the covers, with the pillows propped up to support her back and her body open to her scantily-clad companion, did she raise it: their blindfold. Not for her Sophie of course, she would never hide those beautiful eyes away. Right now though, she felt at ease in a way she'd not known her entire adult life; she felt loved and trusted utterly, and she loved and trusted utterly in return. Her Sophie.

She treated herself to one last long glance at that lovely face surrounded by its angelic curls, that brilliant smile, that crystal gaze. That wonderful body in its snowy-white underwear. The silver blazon at the throat that told her it was all hers. Then she tied the blindfold around her head and sank back, reclining against the warm, soft bed; stretching languidly, she spread her knees wide apart.

"Sophie my love, stop grinning like that; I've got something far better for you to be doing with those lips..."

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