The Right to Surrender Ch. 03


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The next day when I arrived home Norman was sitting on my bed having let himself in and he was busy wanking himself off with a pair of my panties wrapped around his cock whilst holding another pair up to his nose with his other hand. Yes, I felt a measure of disgust but really I was also somewhat glad to see him, despite it likely being bad news for me. He gave a grin and continued to play with himself until he grunted and spasmed and sprayed his seed into my underwear and dribbled more onto my carpet. He wiped the dregs of his cum on my panties before tossing them to me and smirking as some sticky cum stuck to my fingers.

"You remember a guy called Tony Taylor?"

Not immediately, it wasn't what I'd expected Norman to lead with but once I had got a hold of my wits the name came back to me. He was a serial rapist that I had arrested a few years back for a fairly minor assault, but he was well known and had served time before and my evidence and the witness testimony had bought him a five year stint. I could remember how happy I was outside the court at 'getting him'. He had been a big, intimidating guy, covered in tattoos and a real threat you felt but I had stood strong and felt so empowered when I had snapped my handcuffs on him and charged him at the station.


"Don't give me that Pigslut. You remember him fine I'm sure. Well I met Tony in jail and even shared a little cell time and he's getting out day after tomorrow and when I told him about our little deal he was so keen to visit here and re-acquaint himself with you."

My heart stopped. Norman was telling other cons about me and him? And Tony Taylor. A man I was personally responsible for jailing? Norman was threatening in his own way but he wasn't really physically intimidating but Taylor was (as I recalled him) the complete opposite, a steroid boosted nutcase with muscles everywhere. I stood blankly then stammered.

"You told him? But..."

"Relax Piglsut. He doesn't know exactly what hold I have over you just that I have a hold. I won't tell him about your prints on the gun or those pics, I've got of you, I'll keep them all to myself just now as long as you keep behaving nice, you know."

That at least was something.

"So anyway, first stop Tony's gonna make when he gets out tomorrow at 5 is your apartment, and he's going to find it unlocked and find you naked and with you with your own fucking cuffs on your wrists behind your back, ready to entertain him just like you did with me. What's the matter bitch? You wanted it from me, worried Tony might be a bit more angry than me, a bit more vengeful?"

Of course I was but what could I do? I wasn't in any sort of position to bargain with Norman he basically owned me completely unless I was willing to chance my luck with the evidence he had of my fingerprints on a gun he had used to kill someone with. And again I could only imagine the kind of time I would get in prison, cops don't tend to get treated too well inside and women could be even nastier than men. And besides wasn't this just going to be a more extreme, more risky version of how I had served myself up to Norman originally. And wasn't I just a little wet at the prospect of this.

Norman smiled, took the gum out of his moth that he had been chewing and carefully implanted it in my hair before patting me on the cheek and saying.

"You are either here and like I say tomorrow or you know what happens."

I did, so I was.


I was physically shaking as I attached the cuff to my left wrist at five to five the next day. With fear? Yes, but I would be lying if I did not admit to a fair amount of sexual excitement too. Before I reached my other arm back to properly cuff myself I dipped my hand to my pussy and rubbed at it to find it was absolutely slick with my juices. God I hated myself. With an effort of sheer willpower I reached my hand back and manoeuvred it into the open cuff and awkwardly snapped them closed. The metallic click echoed through my house and I knelt there, completely naked and waiting.

I bit my lip nervously as I knelt there waiting. He was late but what was I going to do about that? Hell maybe I'd get real lucky and the bastard wouldn't even show up at all. But did I really want that? Wasn't there a part of me that was relishing this, looking forward to the ordeal I was going to be putting myself through? Couldn't I stop this if I really wanted to. Norman's evidence was one thing but if I really wanted to I could get a wire and record him admitting what he had done?

I heard a door bang in the apartment block. Was that Taylor? I quickly thought back to how angry he had been when I had arrested him, the look of sheer hatred he had flashed me in court when he had been sentenced. This was a feral beast that I had caged up and now I just knelt here helpless waiting to give myself to him. My front door slammed shut and I flinched then gulped hard as he barged into my bedroom to find me kneeling before him. He looked just like I remembered him on the day of arresting him, in old jeans and a white wife beater vest and dirty, scuffed boots. I dare say I looked somewhat different than he remembered me though.

He smirked and flicked the cigarette he was smoking to my shag pile carpet and stamped on it and ground it in creating a hideous looking burn mark right in the centre of the room. He walked around me stealthily, inspecting me but also wary that this was some kind of set up I guess. I wish.

"Getup! Stand up! Come on!"

He was impatient and as I struggled to my feet he 'helped' by grabbing a handful of my short hair and pulling directly up. My scalp burned but it hurried me up and I stood before him as he cupped his hands and roughly groped my firm breasts. He grunted and said in a low voice.

"Yeah, thought these babies were real bitch. Thought about them all through the trial, stared at you then jerked off later think about twisting them and pulling them while making you squeal like the pig you are. Or is that Pigslut you are? Norman tells me you got ink, show me!"

God I was almost wishing the asshole would just get on with it and fuck the bejesus out of me but he was drawing things out and humiliating me and getting off on it, I could see the front of his jeans tenting up with what looked like a very big dick in there. Of course I couldn't use my hands so I had to slowly spread my legs and thighs as wide as I could for him to dip his head down there and admire the lewd tattoo that adorned my inner thigh. He rubbed his thumb on my tattoo then ran it along to roughly abrade against my bare pussy lips, then his finger slide easily inside me and we could both feel just how wet I was. He eased a second finger in there and played with my clit with his thumb all the while making direct eye contact with me. He smiled, we both knew my body was loving this situation and I was getting off on it, I gave a little whimper and he pulled out, leaned back and spat a big load of thick saliva in my eyes.

"Dreamed of doing that to you in court as well pig now get down on your knees, I been waiting a long time to get sucked off and if you don't like it bitch just keep remembering it's your fault it's been so long for me!"

He placed his powerful hands on my shoulders and pushed me to my knees as he unzipped his jeans and flipped out his big cock. It was nearly fully erect and he slapped me about the face with it while I opened my mouth and tried to capture it. He held back though and instead stuffed both his hairy, sweaty testicles into my mouth whilst his dick prodded at my nose and my eyes and began to leak pre-cum on me. I guess I could have bitten down and bit bastards balls off but, as satisfying as that might have been, look at the situation it would have left me in so no, I submissively just sucked and licked his disgusting balls until he had had enough and jacked back then rammed the entire length of his cock into my throat / mouth and began to mouth fuck me with gay abandon. I struggled from the start to keep up with him. With no hands I had no control and he buried his fingers in my hair and just rammed his crotch time and time again hard into my face, the erect tip of his dick dancing on the back of my throat whilst his wet balls slapped noisily on my chin. I was crying, choking, gagging simultaneously on his dick and felt like such a worthless whore as he treated my mouth like some two dollar cunt. The only good thing about this was that he was ready to cum in seconds and he kept hold of my hair as he reared back and aiming his dick right in my face he let go a long groan as his cock exploded with blast after blast of warm cum that splattered in my hair, my eyes, up my nose, in my mouth and on my lips. He just kept on ejaculating and by the time he finally dried up I felt like half my face had been covered.

He stood back and laughed before slapping his now flaccid dick against me then squeezing the last of his seed out onto my curtains, leaving a dark stain on them. He left me there on my knees, cum drying on my face and rummaged through my flat. He returned ten minutes later to find I had barely moved. He was drinking juice from my fridge and eating something and he stood over me and looked at me.

"I guess Normie's got the goods on you bitch, don't he? Or you wouldn't be doing this would you? Still I reckon you like it, don't you? Bet Normie's got you doing some twisted stuff with him, hasn't he? Got some strange tastes that one better you than me being in hock to him. Me, I just like fucking bitches up. But you know that don't you copper? You know what my trademark was don't you?"

I nodded slowly, I knew what he liked most of all. It had only just come back to me how he had liked to fuck the girls in the asshole then make them suck him clean. Outwardly I groaned but inwardly I felt a surge of excitement at this new humiliation. I couldn't believe myself – could I really get turned on at this depravity? Then he lifted his hand and showed me he was holding my pink toothbrush. That confused me until he turned his back to me, reached around and began to brush his own asshole with my toothbrush, really getting it in there. Then he used it scoop some of his cum onto the bristles and held it out to my mouth.

"Come on Pig, let's see what you're willing to do to please me. I'll hold this out you can do the work."

Little believing I was doing this I leaned forward and moved my own head to brush my teeth with that bizarre and sickening concoction. That was a convicted criminal holding that brush and I was a serving police officer. Obviously watching me do this vile act got him aroused again and I saw through cum encrusted eyes that he was getting hard again. He had implied where that was going next and I was not to be disappointed as he pushed me over onto my front, got in behind me and pushed his, thick, hard dick slowly into my tight , waiting arsehole.

As I lay there, with my face sticking to the carpet, getting rubbed into it with the motion of his ass fucking he leaned forward and spoke to me.

"Had to do this a few times inside bitch but it wasn't with anyone as pretty as you. Had to make to do with a few scrawny male butts but they all took me just the same!"

I allowed myself the horror of thinking about how many arseholes Taylor had fucked with his cock in his time and that now he was pummelling mine and with no sign of any protection. And you know what? The thought of how dirty and filthy that was made me even more aroused. He ass fucked me for near on ten minutes before he finally withdrew and moved around on his knees to my face and I was only too happy to take his dirty, smelly cock straight from my own ass into my gasping mouth. I sucked and licked him clean and in the end he sprayed a second load of his cum all over my features.

"You are one dirty bitch copper, aren't you? You're fucking getting off on this?"

Given how wet I was I could hardly deny it. He took longer to get his erection back this time and in the meantime made himself at home in my apartment, helping himself to anything he wanted. He also went to the toilet twice and both times I played an integral part, first he used my mouth and face as a urinal and pissed all over me (just another stain for my ruined carpet) then after going for a crap he had me clean his arse with my tongue, pulling my face in tight and just rubbing himself clean on me. That was probably the worst, being used as toilet paper for a crim that I had banged up. By the time his hard on had fully returned I think he was getting a bit bored, Norman had obviously put some restrictions on what he could do to me (I got the feeling he had been told not to hit me and that annoyed him, he really looked like he wanted to slap me about a bit – who knows maybe I would have liked it). He began telling me of some crimes he had committed that he hadn't been caught for, some that I had investigated and we both knew I could do fuck all about it now, in my position. Then he found a marker pen in my flat and took to writing on my body, WHORE on my forehead, PIGSLUT on my chest, something on my back and more.

Finally, once he was hard enough he dragged me through to my bed, tossed me onto it and fucked me roughly on it, making sure to cum deep inside me. Again I could only wonder how many other women (consensually and otherwise) he had used his dick on and here he was shooting his load inside me and telling me he hoped I'd fall pregnant from it. He left after that, obviously having had his fill of my company but I hadn't cum and I badly need to so I struggled back to the room I had started in and after several false starts got the keys and undid my cuffs and before doing anything else I sunk to my knees and began to play with myself and very quickly came in a huge flood that soaked my carpet again. I still had a face caked in dried cum but who cared, I had needed that.


I took a hot bath and retired to my bed, sore and exhausted from my ordeal, yet if you told me that Taylor was about to burst in on me again and take me right there or any of the other scumbags I had sent away were about to do the same I would have gladly played the part of victim for them and let them do as they wanted. I drifted into sleep with those thoughts swirling around my head and somewhere fell into a fitful dream where I was stalking someone, a girl, Ruth, through a series of deserted alleyways until I grabbed her and just like Norman said she was only too eager for me to take her, first with my fingers and then with a strap on dick that seemed to have materialised from nowhere. I was just in the midst of buggering her hard, whilst pushing her face into a dirty puddle when I was unceremoniously shaken awake.

"Wake up bitch! Come on wake the fuck up!"

It was Norman and he was clearly agitated and not happy. He grabbed me by the hair and pulled me up to a sitting position, clearly not happy at my delayed rising time.

"W-What? What's wrong?" I stammered.

"Your cunt of a friend, Officer Lopez."

He snarled the words and I was frightened at what Maya had done, was my secret life about to be exposed?

"She shook me down last night at the bar, pretty much implied I was guilty of Christ knows what and whom. Bitch treated me like shit! Me!! Well I'll tell you this before the week is out that bitch is going to get my cock in all her fucking holes and you know what? You're going to make it happen!!"


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Wendylooking4BbcWendylooking4Bbcabout 8 years ago

I am addicted to your writing. I cannot help myself while reading your stories, I have

taken my toy out and constantly pleasure myself while imagining I am Pig Slut

and have surrendered to my master the rapist pervert.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
I want it !!

Wow! This story is hot! It has got me so wet. It's given me all the encouragement I need to try and attract some sleazy sex offenders. I'm gonna walk the streets tonight in short skirt, black lace stockings and high heels, while pretending to be drunk. If you're in brixton, london at 3am and a filthy old pervert look out for me - white brunette, early thirties.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
great start of a story

Great start i would love to read more on how she is used and more like maybe in the bar used her mouth and face as a urinal and pissed all over her And make her do more bad men .

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

More please. Great Story so far hope for a great ending.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

This pushes all my buttons. Can't wait to see what you have planned for the next chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Cannot wait for chapter 4

I'm now checking your stories page atleast once a week. Great stuff and cannot wait for chapter four. I like the aspect of him making her help him hunt people. The more she is degraded the better.

KumSlutKimKumSlutKimover 9 years ago
Glad To See Another Chapter!

Really loved this series! Really hot! Please keep it coming!

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
please hurry with ch 4

I can hardly wait.

PaperdartPaperdartover 9 years ago

Glad to see that you still have time for writing and that you have continued with this story. It looks as if our heroine is going to help Norman set up Officer Lopez for a bad time. I am keen to see how you describe it all.

iceblockiceblockover 9 years ago
Every Few Days

I would check into my bookmark of your stories just to see if there was a new one available only ever really hoping to see this one continued. And not in any way does it disappoint. Brilliant again DC. I shudder at the thought of a conclusion, can only hope the last part is 6-7 pages long at least! Thank you for your response to my email and for this continuation.

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