The Roommate Experience Pt. 01


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- "Welcome!" he said, holding on to Tanya's hand a bit too long. "Please make yourselves at home. My weed is your weed. And Joe's beer - obviously, the same."

I took my cousin aside a moment later. "She's only 17." I whispered.

- "No shit?" he murmured, looking at her one more time. "Too bad .. you should cultivate that action, Joe. Future prospects, you know?"

I chatted with Laurie for a while. She had been with Ron for over a year, so I had met her a few times. I liked her. When somebody put on the Talking Heads' 'Life During Wartime', Laurie squealed and dragged me into the living room to dance.

We worked up a good sweat. Then I grabbed a fresh beer, and went to look for the sisters. Well, two of them, anyway. Sam was in the kitchen, pinned up against the stove, with two of Ronnie's more disreputable friends telling her jokes. At least, that's what I thought they were doing. As I drew near, Sam saw me.

- "Hey, Joe!" she called. "This guy says he's a P.I.. Is that true?"

I didn't know Gerry very well - but if P.I. stood for Permanent Ignoramus ... then yes, he was. Gerry grinned, and flashed a me a piece of cardboard the size of a business card. It read: P.I. - and then, in smaller print, 'Panty Inspector'. Standard Joke Shop stuff.

- "That's not a real job, is it?" said Sam.

The two jerks laughed their asses off. Honestly - it struck me that if I left Sam alone for half an hour, she'd be upstairs, in one of the bedrooms, on her back, with guys lined up to climb aboard.

- "She's with me." I told Ronnie's friends. They had the good sense to back off. I was not channeling much Christmas spirit, and precious little goodwill toward men.

Why did I care? Couldn't answer that, for the moment.

- "Did I do something wrong?" asked Sam.

- "No. We need to find your sister, though."

We found her, talking to Laurie. I relaxed immediately. Laurie was smoking a joint, and offered me a toke, which I declined. Tanya didn't.

- "Is that a marijuana cigarette?" asked Sam.



Christmas gave my stepmother a great idea.

- "Since you're working full time, I think you can afford a little more, when it comes to rent." she said. From the tone of her voice, I could tell that she had already whipped my Dad into line. It was a done deal, as far as she was concerned.

- "I'm saving up for college." I said. "You'll notice I haven't even considered buying a car."

- "You can still save, and pay a little more around here." she insisted.


Marty was treating Caroline like the protagonist in a fucking Jane Austen novel - in another eight or nine years, he'd have progressed to holding her hand.

I had no problem with Caroline. Actually, I didn't know her all that well. I'd been trying to stay away from her - and to keep her sisters with me - to give Marty some room. Lord knows what he was doing with it.

He kept asking me to go to their house with him - and I kept going. I asked myself why: really, I did. Maybe 60% of it was loyalty to my buddy. The rest? Fucked if I know.

Tanya was jailbait. Avoid at all costs. That didn't mean that I was blind. She was funny, with a caustic sense of humour and a sharp tongue. Ron was probably right: one of these days she was going to turn into a proper little hottie. Couldn't fault her taste in music, either.

Sam was a conundrum, shrouded in a mystery, wrapped in a nutbar. I couldn't figure her out - and I couldn't decide how I felt about her. Dumb as a bag of rocks. Pretty. Sweet, at times.

Best left alone.

Against my better judgment, I took up with Anne again. That was a mistake. We both knew it, right after the first time we ended up in bed. But it took a second fuck, in her bedroom, before we were smart enough to call it quits.

Then Marty invited me to a cottage party.

- "I'll drive, if you can get us a case of beer." he said.

- "Let me guess: we're taking the sisters."

- "If that's okay with you."

It turned out to be a massive party, with incredibly loud music, over 100 people, and a beautiful night sky.

- "Sit near me." I ordered Sam and Tanya. I didn't want either one getting into trouble.

Quite a few beers were drunk that night - many of them by me. I was feeling a bit ... melancholy. Maybe it was breaking up with Anne again. But I snapped out of it when I heard the first chords of Heart's 'Barracuda' blaring over the speakers.

- "Listen to this." I told Tanya. "The drums. Everybody hears the guitar - or Ann Wilson's voice."

- "She's awesome." said Tanya.

- "I know - but the listen to the drummer. He's kicking the shit out of this song!"

Tanya just grinned. She loved it when I talked to her, made her the centre of my attention. She listened to me for twenty minutes solid, as I switched to Zeppelin, trying to explain what made John Bonham such an incredible drummer.

- "Tanya? Could you get Uncle Joe another beer? And one for yourself and your sister, if you don't mind."

- "I'll get them!" yelled Sam, as she sprang to her feet. She was no longer a brunette - she'd dyed her hair blonde again. Off she ran. Tanya watched her go, and then turned to me.

- "Joe?"

- "Yeah?"

- "If I was 18, would you go out with me?"

Shit. Shitshitshit.

- "Tanya - you're a bright girl." I said. She could tell that I was building up to a 'but'.

- "I think you like me." she said.

- "You're smart, and you have you good taste in music." I told her. "You still have to recognize why Neil Peart is a fucking great drummer, too ... but you're pretty cool."

- "You didn't answer my question." she said.

- "What was the question?" I asked. I'd already had more beers than I needed.

- "Here you go!" shouted Sam. She handed us both a fresh beer.

I have to admit it: Joe was on his way to getting seriously blitzed. I hadn't intended to. But keeping track of Sam and Tanya was hard work.

We ended up sitting around a huge bonfire. Sam was drunk, and clingy. Tanya was drunk, and growing incoherent. Joe was drunk - and not sure what was going on.

I do remember someone hijacking the turntable, and putting on 'Achilles' Last Stand.' Martin found us there. While Caroline glared at us, he got us to our feet. Somehow, we got the drunken sisters into the back seat of his car. I ended up in the middle, with a sister on either side of me.

Tanya was fairly wasted, and a bit queasy. We rolled down her window, and made sure that she got a steady supply of fresh air. Sam wasn't so far gone.

I was. I saw her pretty face, hovering near mine. And I leaned forward - and kissed her.

Lord knows what I was thinking. Maybe I wasn't thinking at all. Her lips tasted sweet, though. Sam tickled my lip with her tongue. I did what any red-blooded male would have done, and slid my tongue into her mouth.

Yes, I was kissing Sam. French-kissing Sam, to be exact. Marty drove, while Caroline talked to him. I kept Tanya's head near the open window, in case she was tempted to spew. Other than that, I necked with Sam. I did have the occasional lucid moment, and I did ask myself: what the fuck are you doing?

I ignored myself, and kept smooching with Sam. She was a good kisser. I did pull back, once, to look at her. Maybe I was drunk. Actually, I was quite drunk - but she looked just fine. And she tasted very nice.

On my other side, Tanya was snoring. At least she didn't puke.

Marty got us home safely.


I was over-thinking it. It didn't have to be complicated. So when my Dad and stepmother made plans to visit friends for a weekend, I made a phone call. Sam didn't sound too surprised to hear from me. She accepted my offer without giggling or saying anything foolish.

Friday, after work, I biked home. I showered, and cleaned up. Dad gave me instructions for the weekend, and contact information for where they were staying. My stepmother gave me a list of chores she wanted done. They left. I ate my delicious meal of leftovers.

Then I walked over to Sam's house. It was only 15 minutes away, if I cut through the park behind the elementary school.

I rang the doorbell, and Sam answered. Tanya wasn't home, thankfully; she was over at a friend's. Caroline said hello. Her mother simply said: "Have a nice time. Don't be too late!"

- "We won't." I promised. One of the benefits of having come over so often with Marty, I suppose, was that Sam's Mom wasn't too curious - or suspicious - about me.

Sam and I walked back to my house. It occurred to me, as were crossing the park, that she hadn't said anything stupid yet. I'd asked her how work shift had gone, and a few other simple questions.

- "Sam? Can I ask you something else?"

- "Yeah. Of course."

- "We've been walking for ... ten minutes - and you haven't giggled. Not even once."

- "I know." she said.

- "And ... pardon me for saying it, but you haven't said anything ... silly, either. I mean, I'm not asking you to, but ... how come?"

- "I don't know. I think it's because my sisters aren't around." she said.

- "Tanya?"

- "Caroline, too. They're always telling me how stupid I am. And they tell our friends. They tell everybody: Mom, Dad. So I try to say something smart ... only that usually just makes it worse."

I felt for her. Without thinking, I reached out and took her hand. We walked on, in silence, for a while.

- "And the giggles?" I asked.

- "I don't know." she said. "I guess I just want guys to like me. Only I never know what to say, or I say the wrong thing. Don't guys like it if girls laugh at their jokes?"

- "Sometimes." I said. Only Sam giggled at everything I said.

- "I overdo it, right?" she said. "I know I do. It's like I can't stop. I guess I just get nervous, and that's how I react."

- "But you're not giggling now." I pointed out. "So does that mean you're not nervous with me? Or not as much as you used to be?"

- "No, I'm not nervous with you, Joe. Not so much, anymore." She gave my hand a squeeze. "Because I know you like me. You do, right?"

I pulled her to me, and kissed her. She responded passionately. We were just down the road from my house - actually, only two doors away from Anne's house. I didn't care if any of the neighbours were watching. Sam's face was radiant when I finally released her.

- "You're very pretty." I told her.

It was the first time she'd been to my house. My stepmother wouldn't let me have friends over unless I got permission first - and there was often a reason why 'Now isn't a good time'. Sam got the 10 cent tour, and then followed me to the basement. I got her a drink.

It was decidedly odd. I had just discovered that I didn't have to talk to Sam. In fact, I liked her best when she wasn't giggling or saying something stupid. It remained to be seen if she was comfortable enough around me to relax and ... well... Wasn't it Elvis who sang: 'A little less conversation, a little more action please'?

So I kissed her. Sam kissed me back. She wasn't shy, but she wasn't aggressive, either. I had already learned that much, from our necking session in Marty's car.

When I searched out her tongue with my own, she responded in kind. And when I put my arms around her, and pulled her close, she wrapped her arms around me. As a test, I slid a hand down to her butt, and gave it a squeeze. A moment later, I felt her little hand settle on my ass, and give it a rub. I came up for air, and leaned back.

- "You trust me, don't you, Sam?" I asked."We're not going to do anything you don't want to - okay? You tell me to stop, and we will."

- "Okay." she said, leaning forward to kiss me again.

Sam didn't protest when I pulled her close, and let her feel my erection through our pants. When I pressed forward a bit, against her lower belly, she responded by grinding her crotch on my upper thigh.

I lifted up her shirt, and she raised her arms so that I could pull it over her head. Then I took off her bra. She helped, and threw it on the chair, next to her shirt.

For a very slim girl, Sam had nice boobs. She let me cup, fondle, and gently squeeze them. I traced paths with my fingertips. When I bent over to kiss her breast, Sam cradled my head with her hands, and ground her crotch against my leg a little harder.

There was no hurry. We had all night. And Sam was obviously just as turned on as I was. I probably spent twenty more minutes kissing her and her breasts. Then I undid her jeans, and slipped them down her legs.

Her panties followed, and Sam was standing naked in my basement. I stepped back.

- "Can I look at you?" I asked.

- "Yes." she breathed. No giggle. She put her handsup behind her head, making her boobs perk up very nicely.

Sam was bit too slender: no hips to speak of - her waist was almost wider than her hips. But she had nice legs, those delightful boobies, and that pretty face with the abnormally bright blue eyes. I had no complaints.

- "Don't ever let anyone say you aren't beautiful." I told her.

I sat down on the couch, and had her sit across my lap. I could kiss her lips, or nibble at her breasts, all the while caressing her legs with my right hand, stroking her thighs and gradually working my way further up.

Sam sat there happily as I stroked her labia with my fingertips. She didn't flinch when I slipped a fingertip in her pussy. She was wet enough that I could slide my finger in and out, until I had inserted it all the way.

I teased and fingered her, inserted a second digit, and finger-fucked her. When I gently circled her clit, Sam gasped and clutched at me. She groaned and shuddered.

- "Mmmm ..." she moaned.

- "You liked that?"

- "Mmm-hmm ..."

- "Well, let's see what else we can get up to."

I picked her up - she wasn't very heavy - and carried her to my bedroom. But I stopped at the doorway.

"Remember: you can say 'no'."

She didn't. I laid her gently on my bed, and removed my shirt.

I kissed her ankle, and then kissed and licked my way up her leg, caressing her with my fingers as I went. One good thing about my relationship with Anne: she had agreed to oral sex long before she would consent to 'go all the way'. That meant that I'd gotten a lot of practice going down on her.

Sam was now the beneficiary of that expertise. I'm not claiming to be some kind of master pussy eater, but I knew enough to take my time, to use my fingers as well, and to avoid being too aggressive or too direct with her clit - unless she seemed to want that.

She just lay back, and let me do my thing. Sam spread her legs a little wider, and whimpered a bit when I teased her, delaying going anywhere her clit. When I finally did, she came hard, gasping and squeezing my head with her thighs.

I crawled up the bed beside her, still wearing my pants. I took her in my arms, and kissed her. Sam didn't shy away from tasting herself on my lips.

- "Can I ...? Do you want me to ...?" She moved her hand past my waist.

- "I'd love it."

Sam helped me undo my pants, and pulled them off my legs. She did the same for my underwear. Then, without any hesitation, she went down on me.

She took hold of my erection, licked the head a few times, and then took me in her mouth. She could only fit in a few inches, but she bobbed her head up and down on my dick. I didn't need much more than that.

- "I'm gonna -" I warned her.

Sam increased her speed, and I erupted in her mouth. To my surprise, she swallowed it all. When she had finished, she sat back on her heels, and looked at me, smiling slightly.

- "Was that good?" she asked.

- "Surprisingly good." I said. That was true. Sam's willingness to please me - her eagerness - was turning me on.

I pulled her up, to lie next to me. I kissed her, and held her. It was only a few minutes before my cock started to swell again. Sam could feel it pressing against her leg. She glanced down, and then looked up, into my eyes.

- "Are we going to ...?"

- "We most certainly are." I said. "As long as you want to. Remember -"

- "I can say no whenever I want." she said, with a laugh. For a moment there, I thought she was going to giggle.

I rolled on a condom, and gave Sam's pussy a couple of licks, for luck - and to make sure that she was wet enough. She wasn't a very big girl, and I didn't want to hurt her.

She lay back, and spread her legs, holding them apart with her hands. I was surprised - Sam was nowhere near as shy as I had expected her to be.

I entered her in the missionary position. The moment the head of my cock pushed inside her, I happened to glance up, at Sam's face. She was smiling, and her eyes were extra bright. I don't know why, but it felt like we were connecting, somehow - and not just physically.

She was tight - very tight - but my first orgasm, thankfully, had taken the edge off, so I could afford to be patient, and go slow. It took seven or eight partial strokes before I felt my dick slide all the way inside her. Sam sighed.

I was gentle with her. She looked really good, lying back, her pert little breasts sitting up proudly on her chest, eyes closed ... She somehow sensed that I was looking at her: her eyes snapped open, and she smiled.

- "Hi." she said.

- "Feel okay?" I asked.

- "I feel great."

- "I'm not hurting you?"

- "No. Not at all." She pumped her hips at me, taking me just a little bit deeper. With that encouragement, I began to slide into her a little more forcefully. Sam showed no sign of discomfort, so I started to thrust a bit harder.

Fucking Sam was so much better than it had been with Anne. I don't know why. But I could feel the sap rising, and gave her a few more deep lunges before I groaned and filled the condom with my seed.

We lay tangled together for a while, until I could tell that my weight was too much for her. I shifted over, and lay beside her.

I didn't dare fall asleep, though. I had Sam take a shower, and get dressed, before I walked her home. I wanted to get her back early enough that her parents wouldn't be too worried about where she'd been - or what she'd been up to.

Sam kissed me before we got to her house. On the front porch, she squeezed my hand, and then skipped inside.

As I walked home alone, a curious thought struck me. She hadn't said a single word on the way home. Not one.


Marty pulled the plug on his pursuit of Caroline (such as it was).

- "She's a nice girl." he said. "But I don't think we're compatible."

- "Too bad." I had no idea how it took him so long to figure that out.

- "Thanks for all your help though, Joe. I really appreciate it."

- "No sweat, Marty."

On the plus side, I didn't have face Sam's sisters. That it might have been awkward. It did mean, though, that I wouldn't find out if she was still so silly and stupid just because her sisters were around.

I got another opportunity to have Sam over when I had the house to myself. As before, I walked over to her place, and walked back to my house with her. Again, she didn't have much to say. She seemed content just to be with me.

We didn't have as much time, on this occasion. I kissed and fondled her, then stripped her and had her blow me. Then I went down on her.

- "You trimmed!" I said, a bit surprised.

- "I thought ... you might like it more."

I showed her with lips and tongue. This time, Sam propped herself up on her elbows to watch me while I ate her pussy. She fell back, though, and sighed deeply as she came.

Then I flipped her over, onto her knees, and entered her doggie style. Sam seemed to enjoy that, while I discovered that I quite liked her little butt.

When I walked her home, I asked Sam if she'd go out with me the following Saturday.

- "Nothing fancy. Just a pub - with Ronnie and Laurie. Remember? You met them at Christmas."

- "Like ... a date?"

Sam was so excited, she jumped all over me in the park. For a moment there, I thought she was going to fuck me right out in the open.