The Satyr Ch. 03

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Sick of the trickery, the naive hero plans a revenge.
7.6k words

Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 11/22/2020
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Mr. Coon, the baker, gave me lots of weird looks when I delivered him the honey. Even though the spunk on my face and tunic had already dried, I still must have smelled strongly of the satyr and his potent spunk. It was as if his animalistic cum served to mark his territory as well as for procreation! With a shameful look, I took the money from Mr. Coon and thanked him for his business. In my mind, I was sure that he was going to tell my father that not only was I late with the delivery, but that I also smelled like a cheap whore when I finally showed up!

The door slammed shut and I turned around to walk back home through the forest. I was feeling angry at myself for letting that creature fool me not once, but twice, into fulfilling his perverted needs. And what was more, I was angry at myself for how horny sucking the satyr's dick made me! Not only did I suck his cock, I did it willingly - that was probably the most humiliating part. And he was right - somewhere in the back of my head, I probably knew it was a trick the whole time. Some distant part of me wanted me to do it.

I was alone again, stepping into the woods, hoping I wouldn't run into Argus again. I couldn't afford that, not yet. I wanted to get back at him... somehow. But how? He was so cunning, and I wasn't afraid to admit that I wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed. The creature needed to be taught a lesson, but I knew I wouldn't be able to do it alone.

Who would help me, though? I couldn't tell my friends that this creature tricked me into a blowjob twice already - they would just laugh at me. And my father? He will for sure be fuming once he learns that once again, I was the satyr's bitch. He hated the guy already, but I had doubts that he would be of any help on getting back at him.

My mind was racing as I was walking through the forest, when suddenly, I heard something. Footsteps. I stopped in my tracks - was it Argus again? What should I do if it was him? I probably shouldn't talk to him at all, but how was I supposed to resist, if he wasn't going to sweet-talk me into something dirty again?

Luckily, it wasn't him. A figure emerged from the bushes, someone who I didn't recognize. A short, stocky man stepped up on the path. He was wearing a flannel shirt and baggy overalls - it must have been killing him in this weather, having all his body covered in clothing like that! I couldn't tell if he had hair or if he was bald - his head was hidden under a cap and his face carried a bushy beard and a friendly smile. A lumberjack!

"Afternoon, lad," he said, tipping his cap to me, "Where are you headed? Taking a nice walk through the woods?"

I was a little taken aback by the friendly attitude of this man I've never met, but I wasn't going to be rude to him just because he was nice.

"Oh... hello, sir," I replied politely, "No, nothing like that. Just on my way back home. Long day today."

The lumberjack stepped closer and then sniffed the air. Then he looked at me with a raised eyebrow and a smirk on his face. Of course he could smell the potent spunk of that darn satyr!

"I can tell," he chuckled, "Are you returning from the barracks, boy? Paid a small visit to the soldiers, have we, mmm?"

I instantly went red in the face with embarrassment.

"What? No, sir, nothing like that!"

"Really?" he questioned my answer, "Because it sure as hell smells like at least ten virile men did a number on you, boy."

I sighed. Might as well tell the truth - the man was a total stranger anyway.

"It's not like that, sir... I was tricked, actually. Well, kind of. By this strange creature that lives in the forest. But you probably wouldn't believe me."

"Ah!" to my surprise, the woodsman grunted knowingly, "So you ran into the satyr, haven't you?"

I paused and looked at him. I wasn't expecting other people to know about Argus!

"Yes!" I nodded, "Do you know about him?"

"That old perv? I wish I didn't know about him. You see, I'm in the woods all the time, just minding my own business, trying to do my job, and that little hairy bastard harrasses me constantly!" the lumberjack complained. Based on the tone of his voice, he was as frustrated with the satyr as I was!

"Really?" I asked, intrigued by what this man was saying.

"Yes", the man answered, "The beast has been getting on my nerves, something fierce. But I've had enough of him... I decided to teach that little prick a lesson about messing around with innocent people."

"Wow!" I laughed, excited. I couldn't believe my luck! It seemed like fate sent this man in my tracks for a reason, "Sir, I would love to help out with carrying out your plan. Or at least be there with you to see it when it happens."

The woodsman smiled at me.

"Is that so, lad?"

"Yes," I nodded frantically, "In fact, the sooner the better! We could do it right now... He will probably least expect it now, after I sucked him... errr, I mean after we just rain into each other."

"Then let's not waste any time," the woodsman said, reaching out to me with his hand. I noticed he was very hairy, much like Argus, but I paid it no mind. My only focus was on this plan right now.

"My name's Basil," he said, "Let's teach that furry bastard a lesson, together."


The lumberjack led the way through the forest, way off the path, deep into the wild labyrinth of trees and bushes. I was a little hesitant about going at first, but then I figured that I could trust someone like a woodsman with finding the way back. He spent most of his time in the forest, after all.

On our way, Basil told me the plan that he already had all worked out in his head.

"This satyr is the most perverted creature I've ever seen. He will trick anybody and fuck everything, just to get his rocks off. But it would be impossible for him to always find someone for that, these woods are pretty much deserted. And I know for a fact that he needs to blow his load at least a couple times a day."

"So, here's that he does: There is this tree, deep in his territory. You see, I got a little lost one day and wandered there, only to find the creep fucking a hollow knot in the trunk of that tree! I stayed to watch the whole thing and then came back several times. He goes there quite often. The tree is like his personal fuck-toy. A perfect size and depth for a dick."

A tree? That was pretty out there, but it definitely sounded like Argus - that horny, old bastard.

"I see," I replied, "But what about it?"

"Well," the lumberjack chuckled to himself, "As a woodsman. I know all the trees of this forest, and some of them have really interesting properties. There are these trees on the northern side, really old and sturdy... And they leak sap. A powerful sap, that won't let go so easily. I was thinking I would dribble a little bit of that into this toy of his... Turn his fuck-session into a very a sticky situation."

He was planning to trap the satyr in his own toy - and by his own dick!

"That's genius!" I exclaimed, only to be shushed by the lumberjack, because we were getting dangerously close to the satyr's territory.

"Sorry," I whispered, "Just one thing... It won't hurt him, right?"

"No," the lumberjack shook his head, "Nothing like that. This is not your ordinary sap. During the carnival, every year, folks from the village sometimes use it to secure their masks and costumes to their bodies. It holds like nothing else, but it's safe for the skin. His manhood won't take harm... but it should teach him a valuable lesson. He won't be able to pull out of the tree until his cock grows soft - and if I know that horndog, that's going to take him a while."

The woodsman sure knew a lot about the satyr. I wanted to ask if he fooled around with him too, but then decided against it. It wouldn't be very polite to ask something like that, even though I was interested. And besides, I'm sure a man like this wouldn't get tricked by Argus - he seemed to be just as cunning as the satyr was!

We finally approached a small clearing, with a disfigured tree in the middle. Its thin trunk was kind of bent at waist level and then continued horizontally before branching out, basically growing at an angle. And right in the middle of that bent I saw it - a small, perfectly shaped hole - almost as if it was made for a dick!

"Wow," I whispered as I saw that thing. I was imagining something gross at first, but this was like the smoothest knot I've ever seen on a tree. Almost as if it was hand-carved into the trunk. I stepped closer to run my fingers over it, I wondered how it would feel against my fingers. It was so smooth, the satyr must have used something to smoothen the wood.

The woodsman chuckled behind me.

"Looks like you like the satyr's plaything, don't you, lad?"

I looked at him and blushed. How embarrassing of me to be turned on by something like this. I must have still been riled up from drinking the satyr's spunk.

"It's not like that, sir," I denied it, "I'm just... curious, that's all."

"Nothing to be ashamed about, kid," he assured me, "Hell, if we're being honest with each other, I've taken that thing for a ride a couple of times when the satyr was done with it."

That surprised me. The woodsman debased himself on this hole too?

"Really?" I asked him in disbelief.

"Sure thing, lad," he said, as he gestured to it, "And you can bet that it feels really good on your cock. Why don't you try it out yourself? It'd be a bonus to have the satyr be trapped in your sloppy seconds for hours."

"Heh, yeah, I guess that's true," I said, already imagining Argus being stuck in this tree, finally outsmarted by someone else. I decided I was going to take the woodsman up on that offer.

Without much shame, I lowered my pants in front of the older man and pulled out my semi-hard cock. It was going to be hard in no time - I needed a release so badly. Just a few strokes and my cock was as hard as a rock.

"Be quick about it, though," the woodsman urged me, "He could be back any second."

No worries there - I knew I was only going to last for a few seconds anyway. I stepped closer to the tree and carefully inserted my cock into the opening. I started pushing it into the hole slowly. The intense sensation around my dick was unexpected - but of course, I was only used to my hand. I gasped as I felt the hard wooden walls rub my shaft. It was completely smooth and clean on the inside - the satyr must have been taking good care of his favorite toy.

I eventually managed to get balls deep into the tree and by the time I did, my cock was throbbing. The woodsman was right - it felt better than it had any right to. I couldn't wait to fill this thing up with cum.

"It's better than I thought it would be," I said to the lumberjack, who stepped over to the tree as well, to watch me pleasure myself in the strangest possible way.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, he gave me a devilish smirk.

"And it's about to get so much better."

I didn't understand what he meant, until I tried pulling back. With a shock, I found out that I was unable to do it. Something was preventing me from pulling my cock back out... what the hell?

With a panicked expression on my face, I turned to the woodsman. He was smirking at me and pulled out a mysterious vial from his pocket to show to me.

"Uh-oh..." he said, with a mocking tone, "Silly me, it seems that I forgot that I already put it in."

"What?" I shrieked. I tried pulling out some more, but with no luck. I didn't want to use force, afraid that I was going to injure myself and hurt my cock. I was trapped in this tree - and it was the woodsman's fault! But why?

"Hello there, Joey," I heard a familiar voice on the other side. I turned around and froze in shock when I saw Argus appearing in the bushes, casually walking in our direction, "Looks like you've met my brother."

"Your..." I whispered as I slowly turned around. The woodsman started taking off all his clothes, slowly revealing his body, that he was hiding underneath that baggy cloth. He was a satyr the whole time! The cap hid his little twisted ram horns and pointed ears, and the loose overalls covered the thick fur on his body and his furry legs. The satyr was a bit stockier than Argus, a little bulkier too, and from what I could see between his legs, his tool was thicker than his brother's.

I was trapped in the tree with my pants down, between the two satyrs, who were staring at me with victorious smiles on their faces.

"What's going on?" I demanded to know.

"You're stuck in a tree, Joey, I thought you would figure that out already," Argus mocked me, as he came closer. He ran his hand over my back, making me arch up and bury myself even deeper into this hole.

"Hey!" I snarled at him, "What the hell? Was this all a trick? Did you plan this out with your brother?"

"Look at that," Basil laughed, "He's starting to catch on!"

"Joey, you can hardly be mad at me," Argus spoke to me, again with that patronizing, smooth tone, "I mean, you wanted to trick me, didn't you? Trap me in this tree, right? I did nothing to you that you weren't already planning on doing to me. Karma is a harsh mistress, that's a valuable lesson, my boy."

"You bastard..." I sighed, "Tell me, at once, how the fuck do I get out of this thing?"

"You're going to have to do that yourself," Basil answered that for him, "There's very little we can do about it. As long as your cock remains hard, you're trapped in there."

"That's right," Argus confirmed, "As long as your eager little dick keeps throbbing inside of that tree, the sap will hold. If you manage to get it soft, there won't be enough volume gluing it to the walls and you will be free."

"But..." I whimpered. It did make sense, but there was one problem.

Both the men grinned at me as they stepped closer.

"What is it, boy?" Basil asked, knowing too well what my problem was.

"I can't even thrust to make myself cum," I said, "I'm trapped in this position, I can't move! And the hole is so tight... I don't think I'll grow soft so easily."

"Hmmm, what a conundrum..." Argus said, pretending to think about it hard as he stroked his beard, "Hey, brother, do you have any idea on how we could get poor little Joey out?"

Basil leaned over to me, his bearded face just inches away from mine. Even though I was angry at that point, I had to admit he had some rugged handsomeness in his face - just like his brother. Especially in his piercing eyes, which were staring into mine, full of lust.

"Well, there are more ways to make a man cum," he suggested with a seductive tone, "A good old fashioned satyr cock comes to mind."

"You... you mean..."

"If handled correctly, it can make you feel how you've never felt before, lad."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing! The only way out was to let myself get fucked by these bastards? Was that what they were suggesting? They were the ones who trapped me in here in the first place, and I was to give myself to them, just like that?

"Sounds like a swell idea," Argus said, "Of course, that would mean a lot of work on our part... You would have to ask really nicely for it, Joey."

"You've got to be kidding," I shook my head, "I'm supposed to beg you to fuck me?! You're the whole reason I got stuck in this mess!"

"Hey," Basil shrugged, looking at me all innocent, "If I recall, no one forced you to go and get your dick stuck in a tree."

"That's right," Argus stepped even closer, his furry leg rubbing onto mine. His hand was resting on my ass, and his curious fingers tapped the crack between my buttcheeks, "You've got yourself into this willingly and you'll have to get yourself out of it willingly as well."

I closed my eyes and shook my head in disbelief. Here I was, outsmarted yet again, about to get fucked by a satyr - and once again, I was to be the one who asked for it!

"Please," I said, silently. Argus held his hand next to his ear, pretending not to hear me.

"What's that, my boy?"

"Please," I repeated, louder, "I would like one of you to fuck me."

"That didn't sound very enthusiastic..." Basil commented, "Almost as if you kind of liked being stuck in this tree."

"Sounds about right, brother. We better be on our way, and leave the boy alone with the tree."

They weren't about to let me take the easy way out. My cock was throbbing inside of the wooden trap, begging for a release. I swallowed all remains of my pride and spoke again.

"Please, I'm begging you, I need your huge satyr cock deep inside me. I want you to fuck me, nice and hard, until I cum. Please, please, I need it, take mercy on me, please."

Both of them laughed at my desperate pleas. I felt their hands land on my back, stroking my muscles softly. They were really enjoying the situation I was in. I was full of anger and frustration, but I was also so horny from being stuck in that damn tree... I needed to cum badly, one way or the other - I didn't even care anymore if it was one of these creatures' dick that was going to do it.

"You've never been fucked before, have you, boy?" Argus asked, as his hand slipped down to my buttcheeks. I'm ashamed to say that just the sensation of his fingers tapping my hole only made my dick throb even harder.

I just shook my head. I should have known that wasn't enough for my two tormentors.

"What was that, boy?" Basil leaned in, pretending not to hear me. I sighed. The only way to get out of this was to throw away all my pride and go ahead with the humiliation.

"I've never been fucked, sir," I responded with a proper sentence. Argus' finger started slowly pushing between my cheeks.

"And which one of us would you prefer to pop your cherry?" Argus continued with his questions, "Me, or my brother?"

He was making me choose, pushing the envelope even further, making me ask which dick specifically was I going to get up my ass. But at least I got to choose the smaller one of the two... I peeked at Basil and immediately knew that I couldn't take all that girth. Argus wasn't exactly small either, but it was the lesser of two evils.

"You, Argus," I said, immediately correcting myself before the satyr could, "I mean... please, Argus, could you fuck me in the ass?"

Both satyrs were pleased with my change in attitude.

"He learns fast," Basil said, slapping my cheeks.

"Yeah," Argus responded, "Sorry brother... looks like it's my turn today. I guess your size intimidated him a little."

"Aww," Basil leaned over to me with a shit-eating grin, "It's ok, boy. We'll get there eventually, I'm sure."

My face went red with shame and I looked the other way. Meanwhile, Argus positioned himself behind me. His finger was still there, on my virgin ass, prodding it, playing with it. No matter how pissed I was for being outsmarted yet again, I had to admit... a part of me was excited about this.

"Now, just relax, Joey," Argus said with his soft voice, "We'll get rid of that pesky virginity in no time."

I guess I was lucky that he was a satyr - I already knew how much precum he was able to produce. I figured the natural lubrication would make things easier. I tensed when I felt the tip of his cock on my hole, but for the bastard that he was, he was surprisingly attentive - he paused for a bit and put his hands on my shoulders to rub them slightly.

"No reason to be scared, Joey," he whispered in my ear, "After all, you're supposed to enjoy this, right?"

A warm feeling washed over me when I heard him whisper in my ear - I immediately felt my backside opening for him. What was going on? Did I actually want to get fucked by this forest creature?

Before I could properly think about what was going on in my head, I noticed Basil moving to my side. Unexpectedly, he jumped at the tree, on the horizontal part of the trunk that was sort of bending over before me, and squatted before my face. His hooved legs were spread, revealing the semi-hard thick piece of satyr meat between them. His grin said it all, but Argus decided to instruct me anyway.