The Search for an Orgasm

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Paula arranges help for Faye to have an orgasm with a man.
7.9k words

Part 12 of the 12 part series

Updated 05/19/2024
Created 01/21/2024
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This is a standalone story.

Thanks to Fixer43 for his assistance in refining this story. Do yourself a favour and check out <a href=> his stories</a>. Also FreyaGersemi for a final read and polish! See <a href=""> her stories</a>.

This story is fiction, and you are welcome to imagine the characters as you wish but all characters are 18 years old or older. Events, medical and biological descriptions are not intended to be accurate or diagnostic so please don't flame me on that account. Again: This story is fiction.

As with my other 1x: stories, there is an intro, 'Who Am I?' and a concluding 'For those who like closure'. There is also a 'If anyone wonders' where I try to address some things that I think might come up in comments, but it might generate more! But you can skip all of those if you are in a hurry, or don't care.

Who Am I?

My name is Paula, but most of the story is about Faye, and she will be telling her parts of the story. We are both in our mid-twenties and whist I am slightly taller than her at five eight, (1.7 m) we have similar figures but I am a brunette and she is a blonde.

On similar figures, just imagine fit and curvy, but nothing extreme. More details as and when needed, but you need a seed to populate your imagination.

We have been friends since Secondary School, and even though we went to different Universities, we kept in touch, met up when we could, and went on holidays together. The biggest difference is that I seemed to have a much better sex life than Faye as hers were a succession of a few dates, a night in the sack and then fizzing out. I didn't quite understand what the problem was as I tended to keep the same guy for a few months until it was clear that we got to the "it's not you, it's me" moment. Now we were back in the same town.

One guy I tend to get together with in between is Steve, a bit of an oddball sexually, but totally devoted to giving women orgasms. He is so skilled in pressing all the right buttons, that I'm sure he could get a sex doll to scream its head off.

Part of his skill is that he claims his erection and orgasm are both totally under his voluntary control, that is he only gets either when he decides with his mind, rather than his body being in the driving seat with his mind making suggestions. Or to put it another way, for him, he claims, they are like waving his hand and not like breathing. Whatever I might believe, he can fuck for hours and then come in a second when either he is asked to, or he wants to.

It's probably some mental trick, but hell he can give me, and other women, a good time in bed when that is all I want. Which is good because in other ways he is very boring with interests in beetles and fungi and which shirt has fewer airmiles and carbon footprint, oh, and ancient middle eastern religion. He makes a lot of money doing something to do with commercial law and patents, but he could buy me solid gold dresses and I wouldn't want to marry him.

You may wonder how he ever meets women. Well, there are times that women gossip, and he comes highly recommended if that is what you are shopping for. His other oddity is he insists that you have had a recent sexual health check-up and that sex would be 'bareback', so birth control was the woman's responsibility.

What has this to do with Faye? Well as you ask.

The Search for an Orgasm

I got a call from Faye early on Sunday morning, and it was a good thing that I was alone. Actually, it wasn't that good as my last relationship had fizzled out a couple of weeks ago and I hadn't found someone to replace Kev in my bed at the weekend. Anyway, back to Faye, she sounded upset so I told her to come over and we would have a chat about men and how useless they were in general, and in bed in particular. It was a guess, but as it was the top topic between us, it was odds on.

Now although we talked about men, Faye was quite shy about sex and so I knew little about what happened between the sheets with her dates, and she had never wanted to know 'what happens behind closed doors' when it came to my love life. Now if it wasn't for the fact that we were friends before sex was invented, I might have insisted, but... well, Faye was Faye.

The doorbell rang and I let Faye in. She went straight to my dining room table, where I had already poured her a coffee and laid out some breakfast pastries. She slumped, head in hands, not her normal self at all. I sat next to her, instead of the opposite as I would normally do. I put my arm across her shoulders and gave her a half hug. "What's up, chicken?"

She took a deep breath. "Would you say I'm frigid?" She then lifted her head and looked at me, so I would have to be truthful.

"Honestly, Faye, I couldn't tell you, but who said such a thing?" I tried to sound as caring as I felt, but this is the first time we had ever spoken about sex.

"Jake, the Jerk! Last night he said I was so frigid that when I open my legs a light should come on!"

It took me a moment to understand what she had told me and if it wasn't so hurtful it might have been amusing. "What a dick! And I suppose he couldn't give you a decent orgasm either!" I thought putting the blame on him would make her feel better, but she burst out into tears and sobbing.

Between the sobs she managed to speak. "It... it's... it's not just him..."

I turned her to face me and pulled her in for a full hug and spoke softly in her ear. "Hey, hey, you've got me as a friend, what do you mean?"

She sniffed. "I've never had... had an... orgasm."

I was initially unsure of what I had heard, I couldn't get my head around the fact that none of her lovers had achieved such a basic part of lovemaking, or even just having sex. "Not even pleasuring yourself?" I had to know if it was just with men or something medical.

"Oh, I can with a vibrator, but I don't think it's right so I don't go too far."

So, what have we here? I ask myself; shyness and likely something else. "Right, you can be honest with me... what's the problem when you are with a man?"

She gave me a hug and Faye and I talked. Apparently, the first time she thought she was a bit too drunk, and he was a bit too eager, so it hurt... a lot. As a result, when it comes to making love, she is worried that it's going to hurt again so she is always tense, and just can't relax.

Of course, that means she isn't as receptive as she should be and so, although sex doesn't hurt, she isn't comfortable either, the result being that she tends to just lie there. Because of that passive behaviour, her partner doesn't really get any feedback or feeling that he is appreciated and that tends to be that, ending with the rather cruel comment that tipped Faye over the edge.

I thought about how to help and immediately Steve came to mind. "Faye, I have a male friend who is an amazing lover. He could bring a smile to the Venus de Milo." Faye looked quizzical. "I could mention your problem to him, and I am sure he would help."

"When you say friend, he's not your boyfriend?"

I smiled. "Oh good God no! He's just someone who I get together with when I need a night of great sex. He never has a permanent partner as I believe he isn't interested in relationships." Actually, I'm not sure that is true, but I couldn't live with him.

Faye looked uncertain. "When you say help, do you mean have sex with me?"

"Yes, that is precisely what I mean. But sex is more than that to him. He takes his pleasure from seeing you have orgasms, and I do mean that in the plural. Having an orgasm for himself is the furthest thing from his mind; even if he has been fucking you for ages."

She went quiet and I gave her time to think. Eventually she almost whispered as if she was frightened some demon would overhear and jinx her, "If you think it would help, can you?"

I gave her a hug and a kiss on the forehead. "I will and I'll let you know." I also filled her in about his need for a health clinic check and in our discussion about where, we agreed it would be at my house and I would be in another room in case she needed me to comfort her. I agreed. But I would need to pass all that by Steve.

Faye and I spent the rest of the evening chatting about other things, work, movies, art and music. Basically, anything but sex.


I rang Steve and started to talk about Faye, but he insisted that we meet up at a Café as he said he needed to see me 'in the round' to understand what I wanted. I asked if Faye should be there as well, but he said no.

We met up at the Café and had a long chat. Went from just ordering coffees, to ordering lunch, and Steve seemed to be asking all sorts of questions that would never have occurred to me, like about her preferences in men, education, music, movies and even jokes.

Steve didn't blink an eye at Faye's request that it would be at my house or that I would be in the house. When I asked him about that he said, "She's nervous and doesn't want to think I would turn up unannounced if I knew her address." I'd never thought of that, partly because I knew he wouldn't.

Provisionally we agreed for Saturday night at eight though he would need to 'make arrangements', which I thought was odd, as if he didn't know if he would be free? But we are talking about Steve, and Steve is well, Steve! He also said that Faye wasn't to have any alcohol that day, which was the opposite of what I was thinking.


Faye came over at six and we were both dressed up as if we were going out for a night on the town, but I suppose that's a confidence thing.

We had a Chinese Meal for two and Faye was surprised that all we drank was Green Tea, but I told her Steve's instructions. Luckily, she hadn't had any alcohol that day. I also checked she had her health report, all clear, as was mine post Kev.

So we sat there a bit nervously, though why I was nervous I have no idea. We had just watched silly game shows on the TV when the doorbell rang at eight, on the dot. I got up to answer it, switching off the TV, as Faye announced she was off to the bathroom, and headed upstairs; must be nerves!

As a result, she didn't hear my surprise when I opened the door and not only saw Steve, but three handsome looking men behind him.

I was flustered. "Oh, I thought it was just you, Faye might be surprised, to put it mildly!"

Steve was unflappable. "Oh, I'm sure I can explain, if we can come in?" He gave me a quick look from shoes to hair, taking in my low-cut red sheath dress. "By the way you are looking delectable." I didn't know what to do, so I decided to trust Steve and let them in, and we went into the sitting room. Steve looked at the empty room and raised an eyebrow. "Is Faye joining us?"

"Yes, she's just nipped upstairs." I then wondered if he meant her heath check was clear. "Oh, we are both OK." I said cryptically.

"As are we. Gentlemen." And with that Steve then showed the others into the dining room. Just as he closed the door, Faye came back into the room.

She stopped, looked Steve up and down and smiled, he was wearing a jacket and trousers with an open neck shirt. He returned the compliment, taking in Faye's green satin and lace mid-thigh length dress that showed a lot of cleavage. "Evening Faye, nice to meet you, please be seated. You as well, Paula." Faye shot me a glance as if to say, 'is he always like this, or is something going on?'

I rolled my eyes to say 'yes' but realised that wasn't much help. Before I could say anything, Steve looked at Faye and started to address her, but I was included. "Faye, Paula has explained your predicament, and I have carefully considered your needs. It seems you have been poorly served by the men in your life and I intend that will be amended. Now, I know what Paula had in mind, but whilst I am certain that I could give you the pleasure you deserve, your needs would only partially be addressed."

Faye actually raised her hand, like we were in a class, and Steve nodded. "Er, why only partially?"

"Because, Faye, you would only know that I could give you that pleasure, so your next encounter could, or probably would, result in your learnt behaviour reasserting itself."

Faye looked disappointed and I thought it sounded like he was backing out, but I wondered what the three men in the dining room were about. "So, what you are saying is this will be a waste of time."

"For me to be with you for the evening, my beautiful and sexy Faye, would never be a waste." With that flattery, she smiled and looked a lot happier. "But I think, or rather I know, that I have a better plan. One that will give you the freedom to enjoy yourself in any male company and not just mine." Now Faye looked puzzled again.

He continued. "To that end, may I introduce Andrew, he is a fan of psychological thrillers, both film and fiction." And with that the dining room door opened and a tall dark-haired man came in, dressed like Steve, but minus the jacket and shoes he had on earlier, and walked up to Faye who stood, and he gave her a kiss on the cheek before standing to her right side. She shot me another worried look, but I smiled and stood to give her moral support.

Steve spoke again. "Also, may I introduce Barry, a fan of Banksy and modern representative street art." He was slightly shorter and had blonde wavy hair, a trimmed moustache, and did the same, but kissed the other cheek and stood on the other side. Faye seemed both nervous and excited. Again, he was minus the jacket and shoes.

"And Finally, Charles." He strode into the room, looking tall and lean, brown hair with a touch of grey at the temples, so older than the other two but dressed the same. "Charles is a fan of Classical Music." In contrast to the others, he put his hands on Faye's shoulders and leant in for a kiss on the lips that lingered for quite a while, until he stood back to the right of Andrew.

"Now I suggest we all sit here for a while and get to know each other before you gentlemen take Faye to the guest bedroom, and I take Paula to hers. Faye, Paula will be on hand if you need her, so don't worry. Gentlemen, as I have already told you, tonight is all about Faye, so her wishes are your commands and I am sure you will not fail her, or me, in this sacred trust." Faye might not have seen, but they gave Steve a small nod and smile in acknowledgement of his instructions.

And with that, he led me to the two-seater settee whilst Faye sat between Andrew and Barry, with Charles facing her on a footstool. Actually, as soon as they were seated, Steve led me to the kitchen where we filled six wine glasses from the two chilled wine bottles he had brought in without me noticing. I raised an eyebrow as he had said 'no alcohol'. "It's alcohol free, but the effect on the mind will be similar without any effect on the body. The important thing is Faye doesn't know now, but later you must tell her so she knows it was all her and not the wine." We returned to the lounge and handed out the 'wine' and already Faye was chatting happily with the three men like they were old friends.

I was sitting with Steve, his hand on my knee, but heading north, when he observed. "Faye seems to be at ease, I suggest we drift away to give them some privacy as things might develop before they move to the bedroom." I merely nodded and we stood and quietly went out of the room and upstairs. I was surprised that Faye didn't seem to notice and also seemed so relaxed with three men sitting around her who had the mandate to have sex with her.

As we entered my bedroom, Steve left the door open, as he had from the living room to the stairs explaining that. "It is in case you are called, but I don't think you will be. However, Faye will notice the doors and be reassured."


As Paula had told me, he was an odd fish and his introducing his three friends like they were some sort of act, fitted with that. Clearly, they had been both selected and briefed on my interests, which was reassuring. However, apart from being some pleasant company, I couldn't see it getting sexual as, outside of porn, I doubted three men would get naked together; well not ones interested in a woman.

I didn't know what this wine was, but it was very nice with a bit of a kick, and I felt myself relaxing. The men were charming and quietly flattering so even their hands on my thighs seemed unthreatening. Now I had really enjoyed the kiss with Charles, but he was sitting opposite me so no chance of him getting another.

Our conversation ranged over the latest Banksy works and another artist I hadn't heard of, W B Paul, then the use of Classical Music in films, leading to the latest slasher movie. Andrew asked. "What about the scene where the blonde is kissing the hero like this?" And with that he turned my face to his and, in the spirit of recreating the movie, we started a French kiss. It was really nice, and Charles gallantly took my empty glass off me. Just at the point I was getting lost in it, Barry's hands suddenly were around my midriff and I jumped and let out a cry... just like in the movie.

He must have lowered the long zip down my back as the shoulder straps were halfway down my upper arms and my dress was in danger of dropping off my breasts. As I recovered from the shock, my mind reasoned that I had three choices: leave things alone, which would trap my arms; put the straps back over my shoulders, which would signal the end of play; or free my arms and just let things develop. I chose the last one.

Part of my rationale for this were my thoughts that 'of course the men wouldn't get naked together' and 'tonight is all about Faye, so her wishes are your commands'. It would just be me getting seriously touched up by three very nice guys.

So I freed my arms from the dress, the top fell to my waist, leaving my breasts, or rather bra, visible. Now my bra was a nice lacy emerald green, so I didn't feel self-conscious about it being on display, though the thought that three men could see me made my nipples swell. I turned to Barry and decided to give him a kiss, to get a comparison with Andrew and Charles, both different but both nice, and his moustache tickled.

As I was kissing him, his hands on my waist above the crumpled cloth of my dress, I felt Charles gently lift up my feet and remove my shoes, giving my feet a nice massage. That sensation seemed to send a message up to that spot between my legs. Andrew was gently kissing across my shoulders when I felt the pressure on my breasts lessen as he must have unhooked my bra. The pressure was replaced by his hands, firstly cupping my twins, and then gently teasing my nipples. That definitely sent a message down between my legs and I wondered quite how wet I was getting. My arms were not idle, mostly stroking arms or chests and backs of heads as the mood took me.

Charles's foot massage started to become a leg massage, gently stroking along my holdup stockings and caressing behind my knee with surprising effect. This caused my legs to jiggle excitedly with more messages to my sex as his hands continued their journey towards the hem of my dress.

Now between kisses with Andrew and Barry, they were lightly massaging, or just stroking, my tits, arms, chest and tummy, whilst kissing my neck and shoulders. My whole body was tingling with excitement and expectation.

I hadn't realised it, but the fingers of my right hand were picking at Andrew's shirt buttons. Then I felt him unbuttoning them so that my hand had access to his warm firm chest. He kept working the buttons loose and in moments he had freed himself of his shirt and my hand traced along his bare arm, feeling the muscles moving as he pleasured me.