The Second Hundred Years Ch. 02


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Dotty motioned William over to her. "Hold this bag about waist high while I help Charley," she ordered and went back to assisting the doctor. Doc Samuels handed her another bag and she piggy backed another IV line into the first one. She handed William the second bag to hold too.

Lewis took the big flashlight and arranged it so it added light for the doctor. He built the fire a little higher and then sat and waited. It was out of his hands now. He watched the group in the corner and heard the man mutter a name. Lewis didn't hear what he said but he saw his Grandpa stiffen and stare hard at the semi conscious man.

A few minutes later William called over to Lewis. "We need to make a stretcher to get him down the hill. See if you can find some poles; there's some rope in my backpack."

Lewis hiked back down the hill several hundred feet to a grove of lodge pole pines. He cut and trimmed two sturdy poles about eight feet long. He also cut and trimmed two that were about thirty inches long. Back in the cave he wove the rope back and forth between the longer poles making a bed. Then he fastened the two shorter poles on each end between the longer ones. The rope would support the man and the short poles would keep the stretcher from collapsing toward each other. It took him about twenty minutes to form the stretcher.

Doc Samuels walked over to Lewis and looked at his work. "Almost as good as a gurney in the ER," he said with a smile. He offered his hand to Lewis and they shook.

"How long you been doctoring around here?" Lewis asked.

"I'm sorta retired now," he answered. "Worked in California for several years and we decided to retire here a little over two years ago. Dotty was my nurse and when I got ready to leave she said she was coming with me. We got married in Las Vegas on our way here. Best move I ever made," he added with a big grin.

"Retiring or getting married?" Lewis asked returning the grin.

"Either one or both, I guess."

Lewis turned back toward the unknown man and asked, "How's he doing?"

"Actually, he's not in too bad of shape. His vital signs are pretty good. He's come to a couple of times but every time he does his blood pressure shoots up. So I gave him a mild sedative to make him sleep. It will make it easier to get him down the mountain too. He is seriously dehydrated and malnourished though. Those two IVs should stabilize him and then we can move him." Doc Samuels paused. "Might be morning before we can carry him out."

"Just as well," Lewis replied. It's gonna get dark soon and I sure don't want to try the trail in the dark, especially carrying a man on a stretcher."

The next morning Doc Samuels examined his patient and said he was stable enough to travel. They managed to get the man into a sleeping bag and Lewis helped the doctor get him onto the stretcher. Then they began the long hike back down the mountain. Lewis handled one end of the stretcher with William and Doc Samuels taking turns on the other end.

When they came to a rough or dangerous part of the trail, each of them including Dotty would take an end of a pole until they passed the rough spots. It had taken Lewis about forty minutes to get to the cave; burdened by their passenger it took almost two hours to get to the trail head. They did rest for a few minutes by the stand of pine while Lewis cut two more poles; these were about twelve feet long. Dotty carried the poles most of the way down.

William watched as Lewis cut the lodge poles. "What are those for?"

"You'll see," Lewis answered with a grin.

Thought so, Lewis said to himself and they came to the end of the trail. His horse was still tied where he had left him and there were two ATVs parked close by.

Lewis turned to William. "I figured you couldn't get your truck up here, so we'll make a travois to get our man back to the ranch. That's what the poles are for."

Samuels was puzzled. "What's a tra... whatever you called it?"

"It's like a horse drawn stretcher," Lewis replied. "I'll tie one end of the poles to each of my stirrups and run a support line over the horse's back across the front of my saddle. We'll use the rope to make a bed just like we did with the stretcher and put our friend here on it. Cover him with the sleeping bags and I'll drag him back to the house."

William chuckled. "Should've thought of that myself," he said. "I'm the one that's mostly Lakota."

Lewis quickly had the travois finished and rigged to the horse. As they loaded the man onto the travois William said, "I'll take one of the ATVs and go get the pickup. I'll meet you out on the flat and we'll put him in the bed of the truck. It'll be faster and probably easier on this poor guy."

Both Lewis and Samuel nodded and William roared off like he was in a race. Doc and his wife rode beside Lewis as he and his horse started down into the flat land of the valley. They made a couple of stops so Doc Samuels could check on his patient. It was close to an hour before they saw William driving his truck toward them.

"How will we get him into the bed of the truck?" Samuels asked. "He's still weak and I don't want to move him around too much."

"I'll cut the ropes holding the travois to the horse. The four of us will each take the end of a pole and we'll just lift him and the travois into the truck," Lewis explained. "It'll be a lot easier than it was carrying him down the mountain."

Slowly William drove the truck back to the ranch house. Doc Samuels and Dotty rode in the bed of the pickup with the sleeping man. Lewis tied his horse to the rear bumper on a long lead and he rode the other ATV back. It took better than an hour to arrive in front of the house. They carried the travois into one of the first floor bedrooms. William and Lewis held the travois even with the bed and then the Samuels slid the man, sleeping bag and all, onto the bed.

Dotty and Samuels cut the man's clothing off. The jeans, Lindsay Woolsey shirt, the red long johns, and boots were rotting and threadbare. Dotty had Lewis bring a wash basin and a bucket of warm water and washed the man's face, hands, and feet. When she was finished bathing him, she combed his hair and beard into something less tangled and snarled.

"When he's a little stronger I'll give him a sponge bath and cut his hair," Dotty explained. Looking at Charley she added, "He sure is thin. Don't look like he's had a decent meal in awhile."

Samuels checked the man's vitals again. "We'll leave the IVs running tonight; he'll be pretty well hydrated by morning. We'll try to get some broth down him, if he can take that we'll take out the IVs. Then we'll see if our mystery man regains consciousness."

"Y'all can have that next bedroom if you've a mind to spend the night," William offered. "Lewis and I can bunk upstairs."

The next morning before first light, Lewis was up and moving around. He put on a jacket and took a cup of coffee out onto the porch. As the sun started to rise William came out and joined him.

"Couldn't sleep?" William asked.

Lewis smiled at his grandfather. "Most nights are okay but once in a while I have a bad one. Like last night."

"Thinking about your tour in Iraq?"

"Yeah, I guess," Lewis replied. "But mostly I wonder why Jason and I got out of the Humvee and 5 others didn't make it. I mean why me?"

William was quiet for a minute or two. Turning to his grandson he asked, "Are you feeling guilty that you made it and they didn't? Maybe you need to talk to a doctor or therapist. You might be suffering from Post Traumatic Stress."

Lewis looked at William. He was surprised that his Grandpa knew the term and what it meant. "I'm thankful that I made it; I don't feel guilty. I just wish my squad had made it too." Pointing to the valley and mountains he said, "What I need is some time out here." He paused and added, "I'll be good to go in a few days. Don't worry Grandpa."

They sat quietly for several minutes and William went inside, returning with the coffee pot and refilled each of their cups. Setting the pot on a table William said, "I know why you joined the Guard and it was just bad luck that your unit got activated. Do you think we should be over there? The U.S. I mean."

Lewis hesitated and then replied, "Don't know Grandpa. That's above my pay grade. I do know we're doing some good things for the civilians. My unit helped get a power plant up and running. We provide some electric pumps to get water from a couple of wells. I saw a medical crew set up a hospital and treat women and children that needed help in spite of being shot at on a daily basis. Should we be there? I don't know but I'm proud of the job I did while I was there."

He stopped talking and again looked at the mountains in the distance. "Now I want to be proud of doing a good job here at Eagle's Nest." Turning to look at William he said, "I'm not going back to St. Louis, I'm home for good Grandpa."

Before William could respond, Charley Samuels joined them. "There's the coffee pot," he said. "Be right back." He returned with a cup and poured himself some coffee.

"How's your patient this morning?" William asked.

"Doing better. His blood pressure had stabilized," Samuels replied. "We'll try to get some clear broth down him so we can remove the IVs." Then we'll just have to wait and see."

Lewis asked, "He tell you who he is or how he got into that cave?"

"Not yet. He's having trouble talking but I think that'll pass once he starts getting fluids orally. At least I think so."

Lewis went inside to make another pot of coffee. Dotty was in the kitchen heating some chicken noodle soup in a pan. When it was warm she strained the noodles out, leaving just the broth. "Not exactly the breakfast of champions," she said to Lewis smiling. "But it's about all our patient can handle right now."

As he finished putting the coffee on Dotty asked, "Are you squeamish Lewis?" He shook his head no. "Will you help me this morning? We need to give him a haircut, a shave, and a bath. Not sure how he'll react if he comes too while I'm doing all that. But a person always feels better when they're clean; not to mention the health issues."

"He doesn't look strong enough to swat a fly," Lewis replied.

"Looks can be deceiving. I've seen meth heads that looked like a skeleton fight off two or three big orderlies." She smiled at Lewis and continued, "I don't think that's what we've got here but it won't hurt to have some help if he goes nuts on us."

Lewis nodded and followed her into the bedroom. Dotty's actions left no doubt that she was a head nurse. She quickly and efficiently gave the man a bath. Dotty turned to Lewis who standing beside the bed watching her. "Boxers or briefs?"

"Huh?" Lewis questioned.

"Do you wear boxers or briefs?

Lewis answered with a red face, "Boxers."

"You're about the same size," she said pointing to the unconscious man. "Get one of your T shirts and some boxers to put on him."

Lewis left and quickly returned with the clothes. "Waking up in a strange place with people around that you don't know will be bad enough for him. Waking up naked would be even worse," Dotty explained. Lewis helped her give the man a bath and then helped dress him. As Lewis helped Dotty dress the man he noticed a scar on the front and back of his left shoulder. Looks like something went all the way through here, he thought.

As they laid the man back onto the pillows he opened his eyes. The man jumped a little, tried to sit up and when he couldn't he looked wildly around the room. His eyes finally settled on Lewis and he seemed to relax.

"Welcome back," Dotty said gently. "Take it easy, we won't hurt you."

The man stared at her for a few seconds and tried to speak. The sound was guttural and rasping and didn't make any sense. He put his hand up to his throat; looking at Dotty and then Lewis he nodded.

"It's okay, you'll get your voice back," Dolly reassured him. "I'm Dotty Samuels and this is Lewis Randal. I'm a nurse and I'll take care of you. Lewis is the one that found you in the cave. Do you remember that?"

The man turned his head toward Lewis and nodded. "You sure look a lot better than when I found you," Lewis said with a smile. He stepped closer to the bed and picked up the man's right hand. "Don't know your name yet but it's good to meet you," he said as he gently shook the man's hand.

He smiled at Lewis and nodded. Charley and William swept into the bedroom after hearing Dotty and Lewis talking. "Oh I see our patient is awake," Charley said with approval.

The man on the bed tried to sit up again as his eyes regained the wild look from before. Dotty noticed his concern and turned to Charley and William.

"Why don't you two wait outside for a bit? Let him get used to the situation a little before we run too many people at him."

Turning back to her patient Dotty saw him make motions as if drinking. "You want some water?" He nodded and she helped him sit up a little holding a glass to his lips. "Just a little now, don't want you bringing it back up." He took a few small sips from the glass and laid back.

"Okay, what I'd like to do is give you a haircut," Dotty told the man. "Lewis will hold you up so I can get to the back. Will that be alright?"

The man nodded and slowly rubbed a hand over his beard. "You want a shave too, is that it?" He nodded and Dotty replied, "I guess we can do that, but if you get tired let me know and we'll finish later."

The man smiled and pulled at the beard. Dotty returned the smile. "After we get you cleaned up we'll get you something to eat and then you can rest."

Lewis and Dotty discussed the best way to put the man in a sitting position for the haircut. Lewis finally crawled behind the man and supported him so he was sitting up. The man's hair was very long with a white streak over one ear that stood out against the his dark, almost black, hair. Dotty made quick work of the haircut. "Not real stylish but at least it'll keep it out of your eyes," she said as she finished.

She trimmed the beard as close as possible with the scissors and then shaved him. Lewis gave her some aftershave when she finished. The man smiled when he smelled and felt the cooling liquid.

Dotty had Lewis bring the warm broth to her and spoon fed the man. Tasting the first spoonful, his eyes lit up and he nodded. "Like that do you?" Dotty said with a smile. She fed him about a dozen more spoonfuls and set the bowl on the nightstand. "We'll give you more later, after we see if your stomach can handle it"

Lewis looked closely at the man. Now that he's cleaned up and I can see his face, I think I know him or I've seen him before, Lewis thought. The man's eyes drooped and he went back to sleep.

Dotty and Lewis went out onto the porch and reported the progress of their patient to Charley and William. Charley went in to check the man's vital signs again. After Charley returned, William went to the kitchen to get the coffee pot. On the way past the bedroom he looked in on the man. Stepping closer to the bed, William had the same thought as Lewis. I know this guy from somewhere.

Just after midday the man woke again. Dotty went into the bedroom to check on him and to feed him some more broth. He seemed to be looking for someone as he stared at the door. "You looking for Lewis?" Dotty asked. He nodded and Dotty said, "Just a second." She left and shortly returned with Lewis following her. Lewis smiled at him and the man nodded back at Lewis. He seemed more comfortable with Lewis in the room.

As she finished feeding him, Dotty said, "I can't keep calling you patient or that guy so I'm going to give you a name; at least until you can tell us who you are." She smiled and looked at him for a few seconds. "I think I'll call you Rip, you know after Rip Van Winkle."

"Rip" coughed and cleared his throat. "Names Jim Randal," he said in a rasping whisper. "I need to use the outhouse."

Dotty chuckled, "Well it's nice to meet you Jim. You're in no shape to get up but we'll see what we can do."

Lewis was a little shocked hearing the name Jim Randal. To cover his surprise he said, "Grandpa still has the bedpan he had to use when he broke his leg last year. I'll get it"

He returned to the bedroom and handed Dotty the bedpan and a roll of toilet paper. Jim looked puzzled and confused so Dotty explained how to use the pan. "We'll leave you alone for a while and come back," she said. She and Lewis went into the kitchen.

"Well we know his name now," Dotty told Charley and William. "He says he's Jim Randal. Ain't that something, he's got the same last name as you two," she said looking at William and Lewis.

Lewis saw William's face turn a little pale. "You okay Grandpa?" He asked.

William nodded and stepped through the kitchen door onto the deck at the rear of the house. Lewis followed him. William leaned against the porch rail and looked up at the mountains. He seemed lost in thought. Lewis leaned back against the rail facing William.

"Something bothering you Grandpa?"

Smiling William replied, "Got an idea but it's crazy. Don't want to say anything about it just yet. Okay?"

Lewis returned the smile and nodded. "Can I ask a question though?" William nodded and Lewis asked, "What did that guy, I mean Jim, say to you back in the cave? He said something and you looked like you were going to jump out of your skin."

William frowned and then smiled again. "Let me get my head around this idea before I answer that."

Dotty took Charley and introduced him to Jim; explaining that he was a doctor. She came onto the back deck and said, "Jim managed to dribble a little on his shirt. You got another one he can wear Lewis?"

Lewis nodded and got another shirt for her. Dotty motioned both William and Lewis and they followed her into the bedroom. She introduced William to Jim and Lewis helped Dotty change his T shirt. When William saw the scar on Jim's shoulder his face turned pale again but he didn't say anything.

That afternoon Charley and William made the drive to the Samuel's place. They took care of the few animals that the Samuel's owned, got some more medical supplies, and returned to Eagle's Nest. Charley and Dotty had decided to stay over with the Randals until 'Jim' recovered a bit more. Then they'd take him to the hospital in Prescott about a hundred miles away.

Dotty fed Jim broth every two hours or so and he would go to sleep after eating. After feeding him around supper time she said, "That's all for today. You get some rest Jim. Tomorrow we'll see if we can feed you something a little more substantial. We're gonna turn in but if you need us ring this bell," she said, handed him a cow bell and laughed. "We could hear that all the way down into town."

That night after Charley and Dotty turned in, William stood in the doorway to Jim's room. He walked closer to the bed and stared at the man in bed. It can't be, William thought. But he knew he was right. Lewis came in and joined his Grandfather beside the bed.

"Okay, you gonna tell me what's got you spooked?" Lewis asked in a whisper.

"You feel like you know him?" William asked pointing to Jim. Lewis nodded and William said, "So do I. You know that word he said to me in the cave?

"Yeah, I heard him say something and then you got all spooky," Lewis answered.

"It wasn't just a word, it was a name," William said. "The name was Chante."

"That was great great grandmother's name," Lewis responded with surprise. How'd he know that?"

"Now you'll really think I'm crazy. I think that's Chante's husband, your great great Grandfather Jim," William replied.

William understood the shocked look on Lewis' face. "I wasn't sure until I saw that scar on his shoulder. It was caused by an arrow. Pa told me the story of how Jim got that scar when I was a boy; my grandmother Chante, had told him when he was young. And then there's that streak of white hair; quite a few of the men in our family have the same streak."