The Secret Planet

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A starship captain is abducted by a twisted cabal.
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"Quiet on the bridge, we've got incoming from Commodore Burns," ordered Alice, straightening up in her chair and brushing an errant strand of white-blonde hair behind her ear.

"Onscreen Captain," confirmed her navigator Yasmine, punching the call to the main screen. The face of a chubby balding man peered imperiously down at the crew as it was projected above them.

All four crewmembers present aboard the scout vessel Sparrow stood to salute. "At ease ladies, at ease. Captain Ericsson you're looking ravishing as ever." He gave her a leering grin as his eyes swept over the statuesque blonde while she reclaimed her seat.

Alice gritted her teeth into the best fake smile she could manage, pretending she found the creepy old lecher charming rather than repulsive. "Thank you sir, to what do we owe the pleasure?"

"You're just about to reach the last known location of The Rafaela before her comms went dark so keep those pretty eyes peeled girls. Her course took her very close to a small moon so if she lost power, our best guess is she fell into orbit and had to make an emergency landing, best start the search there, got that Shadid?" He directed at Yasmine.

"Yes sir," she confirmed after a moment.

"Good girl," he shot her a patronising smile, steepling his fingers. "I know you're pretty far out in the quadrant over there but there's no need to fret, you'll be home in no time."

"We can handle it sir," affirmed Captain Ericsson, her face already beginning to ache as her forced smile struggled to retain its integrity. He'd made several check-ups like this on them already, tediously reminding them of facts they'd been well aware of since the mission briefing nearly 48 hours ago.

It may be her first solo command, but it was a simple scouting and extraction mission and she very much resented the implication that the Commodore had such little faith in her.

The Rafaela, a data vessel carrying a crew of six had disappeared from all scanners and communications during a routine expedition three days ago. It was a pretty common occurrence with ships this far out into Federation space, all Alice and her crew had to do was locate the Rafaela and her Captain, Priya Divakar, along with the rest of her crew and either help repair the ship or deliver the crew safely to the nearest Federation outpost, she must've done it in the simulator a hundred times.

"Of course you can, well carry on then ladies. Do let me know as soon as you've found Captain Divakar, I'll need to debrief her immediately, over and out."

The Commodore ended the call with a smirk.

"Somehow I think they're unlikely to find you my dear," he turned his gaze to the wall of his cabin to which Captain Priya Divakar was currently mounted. Spread into a star shape, the shapely beauty was completely naked. Her wrists, ankles, and waist were all strapped to the wall and a huge red ball gag was crammed into her mouth. Her neatly shaven pussy was at that moment hosting a buzzing insertion, held in place by an eye-wateringly tight crotchrope.

Commodore Burns picked up his riding crop from his desk as he sauntered over to her. "And I suppose I 'debriefed' you quite a while back." He chuckled at his own joke, giving a cruel tug to her crotchrope as the Captain struggled feebly, her eyes burning with hatred. His stubby fingers travelled upward, firstly to begin roughly groping her breast, then to flick a switch on the side of her collar. Priya gasped with relief, while activated, the collar detected and attempt by its wearer to make a sound, and would deliver a very unpleasant shock. Priya had been forced to listen in total silence, her pussy tormented by the vibe as the Commodore directed Captain Ericsson and her crew on their wild goose chase.

His free hand excitedly mauled her tits once again, his fingers pinching her helplessly exposed nipples. "Quiet slut," he spat as she moaned piteously into her gag. "Or I'll switch the collar back on and have another go on that tight little asshole of yours."

He took a step back and slashed the crop across her breasts, his erection clearly visible under his uniform. "I wonder how Miss Ericsson's will compare. I can't wait to see the look on that bitch's face when I get my hands on her. You'll be the two into the best fucktoys in the galaxy."

Priya moaned desperately as the Commodore began to undo his belt. "Still a while to wait yet of course, I think I'll give your snatch another pounding to pass the time."


Back on the Sparrow and blissfully unaware of the scene unfolding aboard the Commodore's ship, it was business as usual.

"God that guys a fucking creep," grumbled Christine Hassler, security officer for the duration of the mission. "I can't believe the dusty old fuck hasn't been forced to resign yet."

"I do wish we could've had Commodore Assefa as mission controller," agreed Yasmine. "You ever work with her Captain?"

Alice shook her head. Commodore Assefa was something of a star, particularly among women within the Federation. As a Captain, she had single-handedly outmanoeuvred and incapacitated three hostile vessels at once if the stories could be believed. Her promotion had been among the fastest in Federation history.

"Never had the pleasure, I did get to meet her once back at the academy though but only briefly," Alice replied.

"Why did he tell us not to fret?" Piped up medical officer Akiko Kizumi slightly timidly.

"There's been rumours of pirates in this sector," grunted Hassler in her thick German accent, disinterestedly examining her neatly filed nails.

"Wait, really?" Akiko paled, her eyes darting outside to scan the darkness stretching before them.

"Don't scare her Christine," snapped Alice before turning to Akiko. "Get it together Kizumi, we're scanning constantly and the Commodore assured me he has destroyers scrambled in the very unlikely event we run into any unknown vessels."

The petite medical officer nodded slightly sheepishly, making a rather poor show of pretending to be busy at the controls. Alice kept her face impassive but was beginning to fret slightly herself.

She needed this to go well and things weren't exactly helped by the fact it was her first time meeting all three of her crewmembers. Captains usually got to select their own team but these three had been assigned by high command for this mission without any input from her, and frankly she had her doubts about Hassler and Kizumi.

The four of them were from all over the Earth and seemed to have nothing in common, well nothing other than good looks. Alice had become increasingly certain that's why they'd been thrown together. Why else would the Commodore have spent so much time checking in with them on such a routine outing? Eye candy.

Alice was far too professional to let that get in her way though, she knew how to play the game and had ambitions of making commodore herself someday. She wouldn't let some old pervert stop her.

Their destination soon loomed out of the darkness and after a few minutes of scanning, Yasmine triumphantly located the outline of the Rafaela below.

"She looks to be in good shape Captain," confirmed the navigator brightly.

"Take us in," ordered Alice.

She was up and raring to go as soon as they touched ground. "Yasmine, stay put and keep comms open. Hassler, Kizumi you're with me."

"Captain... wouldn't it be better if I stayed here?" Akiko looked terrified as Hassler and Alice began donning their suits.

"The Rafaella's crew will need medical checks ASAP, I gave you an order so suit up. Besides, if you're worried about pirates your best bet is staying close to Christine." Alice reassured her.

Hassler grinned behind her helmet as she holstered her twin pistols. "I haven't had a good scrap in a while, I hope they try something."

Alice sighed as Akiko hurriedly got dressed before the three carefully made their way onto the moon's surface and then on towards the Rafaella. She showed no signs of damage from the outside at least and once they'd made their way inside, they found the same to be true of the interior, the emergency lights weren't even on, no sirens or warnings rung out, it was silent as the grave.

"Ericsson, badge 8467Q. Damage report," called Alice as the three of them marched further inside the ship, tucking the claustrophobia inducing helmets under their arms after confirming the life support was still online.

"All systems fully operational," the computerised voice confirmed. Alice frowned, the computer must be malfunctioning, why would they have remained here if the ship was operational?

"Stay on your guard Hassler," Alice ordered the imposing German. Hassler nodded, cocking her pistol as their footsteps reverberated through the empty corridors. Before long they reached the bridge. The door was already open, the lights flickering slightly as they drew closer.

"Captain Alice Ericsson of Federation scout ship Sparrow, if you're in there make yourself known," called Alice as they stopped outside. The space remained eerily silent. Drawing her own pistol, she nodded at Hassler and the pair swept into the room scanning the surroundings. Akiko scampered in behind them, sticking as close to Christine as she could.

Like the rest of the ship, they found the room empty except for a couple of broken service droids lying haphazardly across the floor. "Hello?" Alice called again, her cry echoing slightly.

All three whirled around at the sudden hissing noise as the door slammed shut behind them.

"Captain what's happening?" Whimpered Akiko.

"Stay calm probably a malfunction, Hassler see about the door."

Hassler wasn't even halfway there when the room was instantly plunged into darkness. As one, all the lights, screens and buttons went dark.

"Captain," began Hassler, but she never got to finish her sentence.

"TARGETS ACQUIRED," the ship's computerised voice chimed calmly once more and without warning, Alice felt something close around each of her ankles in the darkness, lifting her upside down. The room was filled with the sounds of shrieks and grunts from her two fellow crew members as the Captain felt cold metal close around her wrists. She felt wind rushing through her hair as her new restraints whisked her through the air until with a loud clang, she was held fast against the back wall of the bridge.

"Just stay calm both of you!" She cried, her own voice sounding quite the opposite. "We'll figure this out if we keep a level hea-mmph!" She was cut off as an unseen force closed over her mouth and with a series of metallic clicks, she felt her jaw forced open and some kind of rubbery plug worm its way inside and inflate itself, filling her mouth completely.

The lights flickered on once more, revealing to all three women the horror of the situation. Alice's eyes widened as they fell upon the site of Hassler and Akiko. A few metres apart, both were spread into a star shape on the opposite wall by gleaming silver bands around their ankles and wrists, both now sporting shiny metal gags over their mouths. Hassler thrashed madly while Akiko whimpered desperately into the metal.

At least they had the luxury of being the right way up, Alice was still upside down. She twisted to get a better view of one of her shiny silver cuffs, hoping to find a weakness in her restraints, but saw nothing but un unbroken metal band with a small red light in the centre. She felt her stomach drop as the light caught the metal to reveal the silhouette of a small black dog embossed into its surface. She knew all too well what that marking was.

"Ymmmshmrrn!" she called out desperately in the hope Yasmine might hear over her communicator somehow but there was no reply from the Sparrow. The sound of metallic whirring filled the room and Captain Ericsson turned just in time to see three of the service droids return to life, picking themselves up off the floor.

Each of them purposefully advanced on one of the three women. Alice harboured a small hope they'd come back online at sensing Federation operatives in distress, but the red eyes glowing to match her restraints confirmed her fear the droids had been hijacked. Her new robotic tormentor's hands folded back, allowing a gleaming blade, glowing orange with heat around its vicious edge to click into place.

"Congratulations," the automated voice droned. "You are now the property of master Marcus Coronna. You will be prepared for his arrival. Please remain still as your clothes are removed."

Alice's wide eyes remained fixed on the knife as it began to sizzle through her suit like butter, she obeyed the droid's command only out of the necessity to avoid the red-hot knife. Her heart raced. Marcus Coronna was an infamous name even back at the academy, a former Federation Captain who defected in favour of pursuing a very lucrative career in piracy.

His ship was known as The Grimm, and the black dog symbol struck fear throughout federation space, particularly among servicewomen. Every ship he'd ever raided was found with every man aboard dead or badly injured, but he hardly ever left a woman behind. Nobody knew exactly what fate lay instore for those poor unfortunates he kidnapped, but most suspected they were sold off to flesh pits and brothels outside of Federation jurisdiction.

Alice watched on helplessly as her own suit as well as Hassler's and Akiko's were reduced to smoking piles of rags at their feet, or in Alice's case, her head.

Satisfied at their charges' nakedness, Alice hoped the droids will stop but it seemed the stripping was only phase one. "Master Coronna thanks you for your cooperation, you are now acceptably attired. Please relax as we induce an acceptable physical state in which to greet your new master."

Alice didn't have long to wonder what the hell that meant before the knife retracted to be replaced once more by the robotic hand. Before Alice's eyes, the appendage began to buzz, vibrating as the fingers slowly reached forward towards her helplessly upturned womanhood.

"Nmmph!" Alice moaned as the probing digits began massaging her most intimate of areas. The squeals and grunts permeating the room let her know without even looking that her fellow captives were receiving the same treatment. Alice blushed deeply as she began feeling the effect. She furiously directed her mind elsewhere, trying to workshop ideas for escape. She had to stay strong as an example to her crew.

Akiko went first, her high squeal marking her final surrender to her building orgasm. Hassler quickly followed suit, emitting an uncharacteristically shrill and deeply feminine cry into her gag, squirming feebly as the waves of unwilling pleasure coursed through her.

"Nmph," panted Alice as she felt the inevitable coming on.

"Nmmph," she begged again, not sure whether she was pleading with herself or the droid. Neither paid her any heed.

"NNNPM!" She cried as she was finally forced to give in, her eyes fluttering as she shamefully climaxed, sweat running down her quivering, naked form as she convulsed in her bonds. Her cheeks flushed in shame as she squeezed her eyes closed, unwilling to accept her two junior officers were seeing her like this from across the room. The droid did not relent for even a second though and Alice was mercilessly forced to endure another three orgasms before the door to the bridge finally hissed open.

She exhaustedly cast her gaze over as a figure emerged. Dressed simply in black cargo pants, standard issue boots and a white t-shirt, Marcus Coronna had the look of a playboy more than a pirate. With an easy smile, neatly trimmed beard and a muscular physique, he swaggered into the room.

"Come on little puta," he called, a Latin accent clear in his voice, jerking a leash held in his left hand. "Haven't you missed your friends?"

Alice's heart sank in abject defeat as her eyes fell on Yasmine. The humiliated navigator crawled in at Coronna's feet, hanging her head in shame. She was totally naked other than a thick black collar and a black ball strapped into her mouth. Her balled fists were sealed inside leather mittens, turning her hands into useless clubs and her breasts hosted a vicious looking clamp on each small dark nipple, connected by a length of chain that swung beneath her.

Coronna's smug grin grew wider as he made his way over towards Alice, his heavily armed crew swarming in behind him. "Captain Ericsson, how lovely to meet you. And how kind of you to present yourself so wonderfully for me." He chuckled to himself as Alice shot him a murderous look.

"Urrrm shho srry Cptn," Yasmine hung her head lower still unable to meet Alice's eyes.

"Lrrt urrmf gmm, rmmt nrrw," Alice growled up at him.

"I'm sorry what was that?" Asked Coronna mockingly, behind down with a hand up to his ear. "Was that a demand Captain? I'm afraid you're in no position to make demands. In fact, you're in whatever position pleases me most." Coronna grinned as he held up his free hand.

He wore a glove, black with silver tips and as he splayed his fingers, Alice did her best to struggle as she felt her ankle restraints pull her legs wider and wider until she was virtually doing a full split, her pussy even more lewdly presented to her captor.

"Much better," grinned Coronna as he reached forward, his probing fingers roughly appraised her womanhood as one might inspect produce at a market. "What a ripe little peach you are... Pathetic excuse for a Captain though, I can only assume you sucked your way up the ranks one cock at a time?" Alice seethed into her gag, she knew he just wanted a reaction. The man was like a cat playing with its food and she wasn't going to give him the satisfaction of going along with his sick little game.

Coronna wiped the glove off over Yasmine's face nonchalantly. "Smell that?" He asked Yasmine as she screwed up her face in disgust. "Dripping wet the little whore, is this the same Captain Ericsson you kept saying would make us pay for doing this to you?" His crew guffawed behind him as Coronna tormented the pair. "How does she taste? I bet that little pussy ¬¬is sweeter than honey."

His smile vanished rather suddenly as he fixed Alice with a predatory gaze. "You both need to understand something very clearly. You belong to me now. You are no longer a Captain, you are a no longer a navigator, you are both just fat-titted livestock and your new purpose, and exclusive ambition in life is to please me. Don't worry though, I'm an easy man to please, all I ask from my bitches is obedience."

Again, Alice simply stared icily at him, a difficult look to pull off in her predicament.

"She's a strong-willed woman this one," Coronna told Yasmine, squatting down to get a better look at Alice's face. "I can see why you respect her... lets see if we can change that." He straightened again, pondering for a minute before a devilish grin spread across his features.

He jerked Yasmine's leash so she looked up at him. "You're going to reverse that lovely ass of yours right into blondie's face."

Yasmine looked mortifiedly from Coronna to Alice and back again.

"Nmmph, plshh... yrr crrnt."

Coronna touch his forefinger to his thumb with his gloved hand and Yasmine yelped as her collar shocked her. "Do as you're told, whore," he snarled, bringing the digits closer together again to indicate his willingness to keep shocking. Yasmine hesitated one more moment and then with a whine she shuffled round into position.

Alice blushed in furious embarrassment as the twin globes of Yasmine's ass advanced on her until they engulfed her delicate face, pushing her head tightly against the wall. The room rang with Coronna's cruel laughter mixed with his crew's as they watched the deeply degrading show.

"That's it, now shake your ass for us, shake it like a two-dollar hooker!" Coronna demanded to the raucous approval of his men. Yasmine hung her head in shame, closing her eyes as she obeyed. Captain Alice could finally take no more of this treatment and screeched in protest into her gag as her face was jostled against Yasmine's spectacular gyrating ass.