The Sharpest Lives Ch. 05


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But it felt good.

She looked at me, a flash of fear in her eyes.

She had no idea how far I might take this.

I had no idea how far I was going to take this.

I pushed her down, and pressed one foot lightly against her throat.

"Don't think I hadn't noticed," I said softly. "I was just giving you a way out. I don't encourage sluts. But since you insist..." I pressed on the windpipe, and her arms flew up to stop me. I shook her arms off, and bent down to grab her hair again. "Get up, bitch," I whispered in her ear. "Time to do what you came here to do.. Or are you just all talk..."

I turned around to sit on the edge of the bed, and lifted my dress and my legs.

She came, on her knees, and faced my pussy.

"Isn't it pretty? Not a piece of flabby beef like yours, right?" I smiled. "Now lick like your life depends on it.

She moved forward, and I suddenly moved back. "Wait." I commanded. I walked over to the closet, and rummaged through till I got what I was looking for.

"This will have to do," I said, approaching her as I wrapped my hand around Liam's belt.

She looked at it, and her hand flew to her crotch.

Oh, she was a real slave for all this..

I whipped the belt, and it hit her shoulder, coloring it red. She cried out.

"Ah. It's as effective as I thought. Now.." I said, sitting on the edge of the bed again. "You really better lick like your life depended on it, because," I bought my face forward to hers, my eyes wide open in mock innocence, " I might not know when to stop, like your sweet old Liam."

I brushed my lips over her ear, breathing down her neck. She shuddered and I laughed, forcing her head into my crotch.

She was good. She started kissing my outer lips, her nose edging against my clit and her tongue tried to poke it's way around my folds. I buckled up and down against her face, guiding her head. I felt myself get wet, and I kneaded on foot against her fat breast. She moved her hand to touch her pert nipple, but I lashed at her back.

"Did I say you can touch yourself?" I hissed. She moaned, and continued licking. I felt myself cumming harder and she sank her tongue into my cunt, and I pulled her hair harder and faster, almost riding her face.

"Faster, pig," I said, digging my heel into her side. "Your fun bags and pussy doesn't mean shit to me... You're a piece of shit in the end... If I cut and sew those off, what would you have left to pleasure with? Think about it, you fucking bimbo..."

I slapped the belt against her back, just for good measure.

She moaned and went faster, her face becoming red from trying.

Finally I came, and I lay back, on my elbows, as cum dripped from my pussy. I looked at her, as I came down slowly.

There was a wet patch in her shorts. I stood up, looking down at her.

"Oh my, is the little pig wet? Do you want to touch your poor pussy? Or would you like me to fuck it for you?"

She nodded desperately.

"I don't know now," I said, slowly walking around the room. "I don't just fuck anyone's pussy you see. Are you something of mine?"

"Please," she croaked. "I am!"

"Say it then," I said, coldly.

"Master... Please fuck me... Your slave..."

I smiled. "Good... And if you ever forget what I am-" I thrashed the belt across her breasts now, and she cried out.

"Lie on the bed, remove your shorts and close your eyes," I said.

I found an empty bottle on the table. I unscrewed the cap, and got on the bed.

"We have to make do with what we have, you know?" I said, as I parted her pussy lips with my fingers. She was already very wet- I rubbed her clit, and her knees bent in pleasure.

"Don't even think about opening your eyes," I said, as I slid the opening of the bottle into her hole. She gasped.

"What... What is that..."

"Your bimbo brain doesn't have to worry about that," I said, as I slowly slid the bottle in and out.

She moaned loudly, flexing her knees and buckling her hips. I kept a finger on her enlarged nub of nerves. When ever I touched it, it seemed to send a vibration across her body. After a while, I built up to a good speed. She suddenly opened her eyes in a fit of pleasure. Seeing this, I removed the bottle immediately; it made a popping noise as I pulled it out, and Rachel cried out.

"Stupid bitch," I said, moving away a little.

"Master, I was so close! Please master... I'm your good little cum drinker.. Please fuck me with the bottle!"

I looked at the bottle. There was a little pool of her cum juice in the bottle. I had an idea.

"You're lucky I'm feeling lenient today," I said. "Actually, I'm feeling so good-" I spat into the bottle, making sure to fill it with a good amount of spit- then I shoved it into her gaping cunt. I looked at her, and started pumping slowly.

"I'm not gonna stop fucking you till I feel this bottle is full of your cum."

Now I pushed and pulled the bottle hard and fast, as she panted, her breasts jiggling. I edged the bottle in different directions. "Hey, slut, how many cocks have you shoved into this snatch of yours? Because it's just eating the bottle up," I laughed, and spat on her cunt. I removed the bottle now and then, sometimes when she was in the brink of her orgasm, sometimes after it when she had cummed a decent amount.

When the bottle was half full, I looked at it.

"Do you want me to shove it up your ass, or do you want to drink it, slave?"

"I'll drink it, if it pleases you, Master," she replied.

"I think I'll shove it up your ass then," I said, and did just that. She cried out at the sudden invasion. I edged the bottle, but not much seemed to go inside.

I grabbed my phone, and started recording her. With the other hand I bought out the bottle again, and held it up to her face.

"I haven't.. cleaned down there in a while," she muttered.

"Well that's you problem now, you dirty slut," I whispered. "You better drink this or I will skin you."

I handed the bottle to her, and she took it, looking at the opening warily.

"You are a disgusting piece of shit, aren't you?" I asked. She nodded.

"Now look into the camera and tell everyone what you're gonna drink."

"It's my cum mixed with my Master's spit," she said, her hands inching towards her cunt again. "My Master fucked me with this bottle and collected all my pussy juice.. Then she put it up my asshole.. Ugh.."

The humiliation was making her cum even harder than the bottle-fucking. "You can touch yourself, you slimy whore... But you gotta drink that first," I said.

She tripped the bottle to her mouth, and slowly drank the contents, while fingering herself. A trail of liquid fell down from her lips as she finished, as she banged her fingers into her crotch even harder.

"Use the bottle again, sweets" I advised.

She moaned as the girth of the bottle filled her aching pussy, and she buckled on the bottle until she finally orgasmed. She fell against the bed, with the bottle still inside her. I stopped recording.

"Take your little toy with you, and fuck off," I ordered. "And oh, don't take the bottle out. I want Benjy to find you like this... Maybe if he sees he doesn't have to put his cock in your gaping cunt then maybe he'll treat you well."

She got up gingerly from the bed, and left the room. I looked under my bed, and found my kitten curled up in sleep. Gently, I bought her up, and cradled her in my chest as I fell asleep.

Next day, I woke up, to find Liam next to me. I wasn't sure if he had come now or in the middle of the night; I was just glad he was there. I passed a hand over his jaw, rubbing circles into his neck.

"You are a sweet little thing, you know..." he murmured, his eyes still closed. "Didn't know you had it in you though."

I stopped. "What?"

He smiled as he shuffled closer to wrap his arms around me. I leaned in automatically, drawn to his scent, his warmth- him-

"You are a sadistic bitch," he whispered.

"So you found out. Did she tell you?"

"Oh no. But it isn't hard to guess."

"Do you like me now?" I said, suddenly.

He suddenly opened his eyes, and I saw that maniacal gleam..

"I like you even more now!" he whispered.

"I'm not a slave or sub or whatever you want to call it," I said, moving away. "So stop trying to dictate what I can do."

"No, you're not," he replied, bringing me back, spooning me. "But that's not how it works."

"I don't care. I don't want to be- anything- for you."

"You love it."

I became quiet. Because it was the truth.

His fingers slowly drifted away to my crotch, and I felt him press through the fabric.

"I don't want you to take me whenever you like," I stated.

"And I don't give a shit about what you think," his voice grew harsher as he spoke. "This is how WE work, little rabbit. You...exist...and you expect me not to take you? You might as well not ask me breathe." He turned around, then faced me again. "You know, I've been pretty crystal clear about what I want from you, unlike other guys. I'm out here clearly telling you what I want. I need you. Simple." He shook me violently. "Why would you let me die?" he asked.

"You'll throw me away, that's why," I said angrily.

"Maybe I will. But who are you to stop me from getting what I want?"

"Who are you to stop me from getting what I want?" I shot back. He became silent for a while.

"You know who I am," he whispered.

He suddenly pushed himself off the bed, and left the room.

We were sitting out on the deck again, in the warm afternoon sun. Beth and I sat back to back, with my kitten playing in my lap. Rachel sat in front of me in Benjy's lap. She was wearing a skirt, and she hiked it up enough so I could see her panties from where I was sitting. Now and then she would look at me, cross and uncross her legs. Benjy had a hand placed across her chest, but it seemed like it was almost an afterthought. He seemed more interested in talking with Liam, who was lounging on the chair, again.

Poor girl doesn't get any real love, I thought. Well, I can't force it, I shrugged internally.

"I want to test a theory," said Liam suddenly, getting up.

"Ooh, what's that?" asked Beth. He walked over to me, and I felt a shiver go up my spine. What is he going to do...

He reached down, to pat my head, and I saw that glint in his eye again as he reached lower...

"Can kittens swim?" he announced suddenly, and he threw my cat into the lake.

I didn't even think, I just dived from the floor, into the water. I heard shouting, but the screaming in my head was worse, and my heart was in my head as I lashed around the water, looking underwater for what I don't know.

I felt claws sink into my leg, and I grabbed there. I raised my arms and pushed myself back up to the surface. I rose up to see the four at the edge of the water, arms out to grab me. I gave my kitten to Beth, then my hand to Rachel, who looked like she could actually help me out.

"Are you crazy?" asked Beth. "Wicked dive though."

"Is the cat okay?" asked Benjy. He looked angry, but I knew his anger was not directed at me.

I saw the limp ball of fur in Beth's hands, and almost sank to my knees when I noticed she wasn't breathing.

"Hold the head lower,"said Liam from the side. We did so, and the kitten vomited up some water.

Liam came forwards and pressed on the stomach, and it started moving slowly, making soft noises and coughing.

I started crying. Beth had went to get a towel for us, and now I wrapped it around myself and my cat.

"Can I... I want to go upstairs now, please," I said quietly.

"It's all right Kim, everything will be fine," said Benjy, leading me away. "Do what you want."

I went upstairs to my room, and sat on the bed. Now the kitten was moving about, mewling sadly and shivering. I dried her as well as I could, even trying to dry her with a hairdryer. The noise seemed to scare her, so after a while, I stopped, and just held her close to me, nose kissing now and then.

The door opened and Liam entered the room. My kitten mewled loudly and escaped from my hands. I let her go.

Who knows what this monster might do next.

"You'll make the bed wet," he stated, looking at me: I still hadn't changed out of my wet clothes.

"Well that's your problem now, I won't be staying a second longer."

He walked over to me, and reached a hand towards me. I slapped it away. Anger flashed across his face for a second, then he regained his composure.

"You'll catch a cold," he explained.

"Not your problem."

"It is my problem."

"You know what I really have an issue with? You. So if you could go drown yourself in the lake now please, do so." I started rummaging through my bag for clothes.

"You started calling it my kitten," he stated. "It was as if it was yours."

"It is mine," I stressed.

"That's how I feel about you. You gave the cat no choice. Like that, you have no choice. You have to be with me."

I stood still for a moment, looking at him incredulously. I opened my mouth to argue otherwise.

"Don't lie to me," he continued. "You can't, anyways."

"I can't have something for myself? I give my all to you," I said, slowly stepping up to him. "People walk over me, the way you treat me... You make me feel weak. As if I won't find anything other than you. Do you know how that feels?"

"I know exactly how that feels. But it's you who's taking this the wrong way." Now he took a step towards me. "Who's telling you to be weak with anyone else?"

"Oh so it's okay if it's anyone else, but not you..." I replied back. I turned around, wrapping the towel tight her against myself.

"Try me," he said. "Fight me."

"I have."

"Not hard enough."

I whipped around and aimed a punch at his face. He caught it, but then I just pushed my whole body against his, and we fell to the floor. I raked my nails across his neck, elbowing and kneeing my way across his body.

"I hate you!" I screamed. "I wish you were dead, I wish I could kill you!"

He didn't fight back much, but it felt he wasn't trying. That just bothered me more, and I sank my nails into his forearms.

"I will eat you alive," I whispered. I felt, that I honestly meant it.

"I don't doubt it for a second," he replied, unflinching. "I'm sorry."

I sank down on him, then rolled off to sit on the floor.

"I'm sorry," he repeated.

We lay side by side, breathing heavily.

"You know...that first night," I began. "After I passed out... I remember everything now actually...You gave me the most pain I'd ever had in my life.."

"You've had a tiny life, not much to compare against," he interjected.

"Shut up," I replied, but without much venom. "Point is, I let you do so much to me. And I usually don't. I don't let people have their way with me. I can't fight, so I move away so they can't make me. But I stayed for you. I stayed and I endured for you." I stopped talking, because I realized if it took so much explaining for this simple concept...

I didn't want to think he wasn't worth it, although that was probably where it was going...

"You...every word you say, you're so-" he burst out laughing. I didn't know a laugh could sound bitter and incredulous at the same time. He pulled me to my side, so that we were looking at each other.

"I'll do this only once. For you. Memorize every word I'm saying now, so the next time you feel like this, you'll remember why I do what I do."

His hands gripped my shoulders painfully, and he nestled his head against my chest.

Then he told me.


Chapter 1: The Sharpest Lives - My Chemical Romance

Chapter 2: I Can't Wait - Celldweller

Chapter 3: Adrenalize Me - In The Moment

Chapter 4: Vermilion Part 1 - Slipknot

Chapter 5: by In This Moment

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

You ruined it. I was so excited I thought it’ll be a new favorite of mine but no

Eve86Eve86about 8 years ago
Odd But Compelling

This is so odd, but I'm compelled to keep reading just to see how much further they can go.

He was wrong, though. She's not simple.

KimikimidollKimikimidollabout 8 years agoAuthor

@eve: it's alright. I enjoy seeing extra comments, so I'll spare you.

@reality: well, I can't really do anything about him, he does what he wants to. I just hope you guys aren't scared off by all the nasty that's gonna keep happening now.

I think Horror would be a better genre.

A quick question though, what's wrong with Chapter 3?

Reality_ContortionistReality_Contortionistabout 8 years ago

Please please please keep posting at a faster turnover though! Liam is so freaking disturbing but addictive. I love how ruthless he is. I hope you don't decide to make him human. His lack of remorse is intoxicating. My brain goes on a trip with this story. Please please continue. I can foresee this getting published.

evebroughtanaxthistimeevebroughtanaxthistimeabout 8 years ago

Oops, I have ice-cream on forehead - went to read chapter 4 again and then forgot where I was. Now chapter 5's comment is over there and I don't want to bugger up your space by pasting a repeat. Sorry 'bout that. Pls don't send Kim after me.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

You always make my day when I see a new chapter

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Animal Cruelty

I've been enjoying this series but the stuff with him trying to drown the cat put a really bad taste in my mouth and puts the guy over from being an asshole dom with issues into being a psychopath :(

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