The Shawshank Milf


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Linda followed her out & Angela took her out to the exercise yard. Wolf whistles & lewd remarks rang out as the two women walked the circuit. Linda covertly eyed the muscle men around the two weight training benches.

Afterwards, they came back inside & went into the tv room. A few guys were in there talking or watching the daytime tv. They all looked up as the women came in. One of them yelled,

"Hey, Angela, who's the new milf?"

"This is my new partner, Linda. So, you guys better behave or I'll rip your balls off," she replied as she looked around. The inmates began asking Linda all manner of personal questions, until the women were radioed to return to the Obs Center.

Things quietened down for the rest of the morning. Linda was still preoccupied with what she'd seen in Red's cell. Red's cock dwarfed Ralph's & she hadn't even seen all of it. Just thinking about it was making her pussy moisten. She couldn't get it out of her mind...or his awesome body. She shook her head & tried to get on with some work.

Later, Linda spotted Red coming back into the rec area. His body glistened with sweat after working out in the yard. Her eyes were glued to him as he disappeared into the showers. An alarm suddenly began sounding & Angela yelled,

"We gotta lock down the block, inmates in their cells."

The convicts knew the drill & began heading to their cells. The inmates in the showers were locked in there until they got the all clear.

Brooks Hatlen shuffled slowly towards his cell. He was 68 & should've been transferred to a low category prison but he preferred Shawshank, especially since Angela had become head guard on the block.

"MOVE IT, BROOKS, OR I'LL THUMP YOUR NUTS!" Cried Angela as she walked briskly towards him. Brooks turned around & said,

"Is that a promise, Angela?"

"You couldn't handle me, Brooks. You'd probably have a heart attack. Now get in that cell," She ordered, as she nudged him into the cell & locked it.

Angela quickly found Linda & beckoned her towards the showers. As they reached the door adjacent to the showers, Angela said,

"Keep quiet & turn your radio down. I'll show you something worth seeing."

She unlocked the door & they entered a store room. Angela climbed onto a table & looked through a small crack in the wall. Eventually, she turned around & helped Linda up to join her. Angela had a huge grin as she whispered,

"Take a look, I think you'll like it."

Linda closed one eye & looked through the crack. She suddenly gasped at what she saw. Red was showering, soaping up his naked body. Her attention had immediately been drawn to the huge cock hanging between his legs. It was limp, yet, still impossibly long & thick. She had a strong urge to touch herself as she squeezed her legs together. Angela was watching her closely as Linda's chest heaved & her face flushed with arousal.

Linda saw another figure briefly & realized there was another inmate in there. They appeared to be having a conversation but she couldn't hear it. She watched the soap wash off Red's body & took in the erotic sight as he turned. The water running down his powerful, black body only added to the eroticism of what she was seeing. Unfortunately, the steam began building up & it wasn't long before she couldn't see anything.

Irritated, Linda moved back & said,

"Damn, there's too much steam."

Angela took a quick look, then said,

"Come on, let's get back, Linda. Don't worry, there'll be more fun & games."

They climbed down & headed back to Obs.

After work, Angela gave Linda a lift home, which she usually did when she could. On the way, Angela asked,

"So, what do you think of C Block, Lin?"

Linda considered her response. She didn't want to sound like some slut & replied,

"Well, it's a lot better than Control."

Angela laughed & said,

"Yeah, but do you think black cock is better?"

Linda had to laugh too, even though Angela had put her on the spot. Eventually, she replied,

"Well, Red is certainly...impressive. I mean, Jesus Christ, that thing between his legs is fucking unbelievable."

She realized she'd got a little carried away. Linda rarely used profanity, except when excited. Angela laughed as she said,

"Hmmm, you certainly seem to find it mouth watering, Linda."

Linda didn't reply & remained quiet for the rest of the journey.

At home, Linda couldn't concentrate on anything. Her mind kept wondering back to Red's huge cock. She was so horny, she had to take a shower & did something she hadn't done in years...she masturbated. Linda brought herself off twice, then remembered what Angela had told her earlier & shaved her pussy bare. She couldn't believe how smooth & different it felt. She ran her fingers up & down her slit & ended up masturbating to orgasm again.

The next day at work was fairly quiet. There were the usual sexual remarks & inmates trying to look up her skirt when she went upstairs but no fun & games, as Angela put it. Things changed after 3pm. Angela went upstairs on her own & entered Tommy Williams' cell. 15 minutes passed & she didn't come out. One of Tommy's friends, Floyd, was standing outside, occasionally peeking through the glass viewer.

Linda started to get worried for her friend. After all, Tommy was a criminal, maybe a dangerous one. She didn't want to say anything to Dekins in case she was wrong. She got up & said,

"I'm just going to take a walk around the rec, Mike."

He nodded without looking up from his newspaper.

Linda quickly made her way upstairs & along the landing towards Tommy's cell. Floyd looked momentarily alarmed as she strode his way. He blocked her way & said,

"Angela said she'll be out in 5 minutes. You know about this shit, right?"

Linda decided to play along & replied,

"Of course I know, numb nuts, now, step aside."

Floyd shrugged & moved towards the wall. Linda decided against bursting in & looked through the glass viewer.

Linda was completely stunned by what she saw. Angela was on her knees sucking Tommy's large cock. There was no question of coercion as Angela vigorously sucked him off, a look of delight on her face. Tommy leaned back against a table & said something. Linda couldn't hear due to the noise in the rec.

"C'mon, don't hog it, let me see," Said Floyd. Linda waved him away, she was transfixed & wasn't about to move.

Tommy began breathing harder & gritted his teeth as his hips rocked forward. Linda heard him grunt & it was obvious he was ejaculating. Angela was gulping down his cum with relish as she squeezed & pumped his shaft. Linda was totally surprised by that. She hated Ralph's slimy cum, it was watery & tasted terrible. As Angela was getting to her feet, Linda decided to retreat back to Obs. She waited for Angela to return, then rushed to the bathroom to masturbate.

Later, in Angela's car, Linda couldn't stay silent about what happened. She suddenly blurted,

"I saw you giving Tommy a blowjob."

She didn't know what to say beyond that. Angela smiled & replied,

"I know, Floyd told me. I had to do it. I haven't had my hands on his cock for 5 weeks. Fun & games are better on the night shift, though."

Linda was flabbergasted...this kind of thing happened on a regular basis? She didn't know if she was more shocked or intrigued.

She contemplated what she should say. She knew she should voice some kind of disapproval but all she said was,

"You swallowed his cum."

"Of course," Angela replied simply.

"But cum tastes disgusting," Linda stated, pulling a face. Angela laughed & replied,

"You've obviously never tasted cum from a fit, muscular man with large genitals. Don't ask me why but their cum is completely different. Thicker, more copious & rich. In my experience, it's some tasty spunk."

Again, Linda's curiosity was peaked. She'd never heard that theory & wondered if there was anything in it. If Angela said so, there must be. She knew Angela had far greater & varied sexual experience than she herself did. Linda was suddenly in a hurry to get home, she needed to masturbate again.

Linda had to work in Control for the next 3 days to cover for a staff shortage. She was pissed about it, especially when Angela told her about how she'd spied on Red jerking off in the shower. She couldn't wait to get back there.

The next morning, Linda & Angela were heading to C Block when they saw Andy Dufresne mopping the corridor. He was moving slowly & in some discomfort. He spotted Angela & pointed at her as he fumed,

"It's all your fault. You refused to help me, Banks. Jesus, my ass is killing me...I feel like I've been fucked by a train."

Angela laughed as she replied,

"Damn, I forgot your Vaseline, Dufresne. Bogs must have really opened you up."

Even Linda struggled to keep a straight face as they left.

On C Block, it was time to unlock cells for breakfast. The inmates gradually appeared & made their way to the mess hall. Linda was on the first floor making sure all the inmates were out. One inmate was still in bed. It was Ellis Boyd, one of Red's 'crew'. She went inside & was about to prod him awake, but she changed her mind & yanked the covers back. She was hoping to see his morning wood & she wasn't disappointed. Her eyes locked onto the large lump tenting his shorts, the head poking out.

Ellis woke up with a start & cried,

"What the fuck?"

Almost as an afterthought, Linda said,

"Breakfast time, Ellis, get your ass up."

Ellis grabbed his cock & said,

"I'm hard as hell, girl. I can't walk around like this. Can't you help out a brother?"

Linda wondered if a handjob was technically cheating, but quickly pushed the thought from her mind. She had to force herself to turn away & leave, saying,

"You'll have to take care of yourself, Ellis. You better be quick if you want breakfast."

Linda walked to the mess hall deep in thought. How come these guys all seemed to be well hung? And how had she got the short straw? Ralph was a good provider but physically he wasn't much to look at. Skinny & pigeon chested with a small dick. Linda knew her looks were average, at best, but at least her body was well above average. She made an effort to improve her physique. She couldn't remember the last time that Ralph had done any kind of physical activity. Even 5 minutes of sex exhausted him.

Later, Linda & Angela were in the Obs room while Dekins did a tour of the block. Angela looked up from her console & said,

"Hey, Linda, are you up for doing a week on the graveyard shift?"

Linda thought about it. Tim was old enough to get to school by himself. She could leave after dinner & be back by about 8.30am. She said,

"I'll have to speak to Ralph, but it shouldn't be a problem."

"Ok, I'll put you on the roster with me," Angela replied.

Dekins came back & Angela got up & said,

"I'm gonna take a stroll around the rec."

Linda watched her walk around the rec area, talking to some inmates. Then, she made a beeline towards the guys around the pool table. She spoke to Tommy & Floyd for a couple of minutes, then continued on her walk. Tommy & Floyd went upstairs to Tommy's cell in animated conversation. Tommy came out & appeared to be making some kind of covert signal to Angela. She went upstairs & took a quick look around before going inside.

Linda saw the door close & wondered what they were up to. It couldn't be anything sexual, could it? Not with Floyd in there. Linda told Dekins she was going to stretch her legs. Dekins nodded as he sipped his coffee. He already suspected what Angela was up to. She allowed the dealing of cannabis & pills & there was definitely something going on between her & Tommy Williams. Not that he was bothered. He'd worked on other blocks & C Block was a cushy number by comparison. Warden Norton let her get on with it as long as there was no trouble...and there rarely was. The inmates virtually policed themselves. They had a good thing going & didn't want anyone fucking it up.

Linda made her way towards Tommy's cell as inmates watched her ass jiggling in her tight skirt. Outside Tommy's cell, she leaned on the railing. She didn't want to draw attention to what she was doing. A loud argument started near the Obs platform & Linda quickly turned & looked through the glass screen. She couldn't suppress a moan when she saw what was going on. This time, Angela was on her knees sucking on 2 cocks. She was going from one to the other as she slowly jerked their shafts.

Linda was oblivious of anything else as she watched, completely riveted. Tommy was pushing Angela's bra down & her breasts were immediately mauled by their hands. A deep voice suddenly said,

"That girl just loves sucking cock."

A startled Linda spun around & bumped into Red's hard chest. She looked up & stuttered,

"W-What? What do you mean?"

Red looked past her shoulder & replied,

"I mean Angela loves sucking cock."

He nodded towards the cell to emphasize his point. Linda realized he could see what was going on. He probably already knew the score. She turned back to the screen & saw Angela really going at it, forcing their saliva covered cocks down her throat.

Linda felt Red's body press against her from behind. She flinched when something hard poked against her ass. Her body involuntarily jerked backwards. Red suddenly asked,

"You like that?"

Linda tried to speak but it came out as a moan.

"I wanna put it inside ya," He added. She didn't want to turn around because she knew her face was flush with arousal. Red began grinding his cock against her ass as she watched Angela sucking hard on cock.

Ellis had turned up to try & give Red some cover. Red looked around to make sure they weren't drawing attention but his large body & Ellis were almost completely hiding Linda from view. His right hand came up & squeezed one of her big tits. Linda moaned & her body spasmed as she watched Floyd cumming in Angela's mouth. Red could feel her huge nipple go diamond hard. Linda's panties were totally drenched & she was becoming light headed as her pussy began throbbing.

She watched Angela fingering herself as she swallowed Tommy's cum. Angela began thrusting her hips until finally, her body stiffened & she came. Linda's arousal had soared. She knew that one touch of her clit would set off her orgasm, but Angela would soon be coming out. Linda breathlessly gasped,

"I have to get back to Obs," As she stumbled away from Red, her legs almost giving way. She grabbed the railing for support & went downstairs in a daze. She headed straight for the bathroom & brought herself off in 10 seconds.

Linda hardly came out of the Obs room for the rest of her shift. Her mind kept replaying the events upstairs. On the drive home later, Angela said,

"I didn't know you were such a voyeur, Linda."

Linda defensively replied,

"Well, errr...I was just checking you were ok, Ang."

"It's alright, Lin, I like being watched, it's a real turn on."

Linda looked at her in surprise. She'd never heard anyone admit to anything like that. She decided to do some research on it, later...after she'd masturbated in the shower.

Things were fairly quiet over the next 2 weeks. Captain Hadley was making block inspections & Angela had to keep things above board. They couldn't get onto the night shift, either. Angela had to wait for an opening for herself & Linda.

Captain Hadley's last spot inspection was on Friday afternoon. After he left, Angela said,

"Thank God that's over with. I hate those fucking inspections. I need some stress relief."

Brooks Hatlen appeared at the doorway & said,

"I can massage your feet, young lady."

Angela was pensive for a moment, before replying,

"I need to talk to you about your transfer, Brooks."

"I won't go...this is my home," Brooks said in desperation.

"I know, Brooks, let's have a chat in your cell," Angela replied as she led him away.

Linda felt sorry for Brooks. He had been in Shawshank for 45 years & was desperate to stay. After 15 minutes had passed, Linda wondered if Angela was actually letting Brooks give her a foot massage. She decided to take a look & walked over to Brooks' cell. He had a 2 bunk cell to himself on the ground floor that he'd made extremely comfortable over the years. Linda thought she was past being shocked but what she saw amazed her. Angela was lying back on the bed as Brooks knelt on the floor licking her pussy.

Linda eased the door open to hear them but Angela saw her & beckoned her to come in. A startled Brooks stopped when he saw Linda appear, but Angela barked,

"Don't stop, you old pervert. You better make me cum, good, or you're going to grandpa jail."

"Yes, ma'am," Brooks replied, a delirious look on his face as he buried his tongue in her pussy. He managed to free his dick & jerked off as he whimpered & grunted.

Linda found the scene bizarre. There was no way Angela could find Brooks attractive. She seemed to get off on the control & power she had over certain inmates like Brooks & Miggs. Angela's shoes were off, so Linda assumed it had started with a foot massage.

Brooks suddenly bawled & gasped, his face beet red as he ejaculated. For a moment, Linda feared he was having a heart attack. Angela didn't seem concerned as she grabbed his hair & pushed him back onto her pussy, saying,

"I didn't tell you to stop, fucker!"

Brooks began eating out her pussy again. He was sweating heavily as his wrinkled hands caressed her thighs. It didn't take long before Angela propped up on her elbows & growled,

"That's it, I'm nearly there, fucker...suck my clit...ugh...NOW!"

Angela's hips rocked back & forth & her breathing quickened. She suddenly let out a stifled moan & her body shook as she came. Brooks looked like he was struggling to breathe as he gasped in air, his face red & wet with her cum. Angela quickly stood up, straightening her panties & skirt. Brooks was now on his hands & knees kissing her feet & sobbing,

"Angela, I love you so much."

Angela smirked at Linda as she stepped around him & left.

The next day, they were off work & Angela took Linda shopping. When Linda told her she didn't have any really sexy lingerie, Angela said she'd help her pick out a few things. A few things turned out to be 3 bags & a week's wages. When Linda got home, Ralph was watching sport on tv. She & Angela went straight upstairs with all the bags. They dumped all the lingerie on the bed & examined them. There were thongs, half cup, lacy bras, stockings & garters. It was all far sexier than anything in her present wardrobe.

Linda picked up a tiny, black thong & said,

"I hope these improve Ralph's performance."

"Are you sure Ralph has a pulse?" Angela replied, only half joking.

"He's not that bad. He's just a bit of a workaholic," Linda said, in defense of her husband. Angela raised an eyebrow & said,

"You've got a hot body, girl, I can't believe he's not banging the shit out of you."

Linda sighed but didn't reply. When it came to their sex life, there wasn't anything good to say about Ralph.

Later, Linda walked with Angela to her car as she was leaving. Angela said,

"Why don't you wear some stockings & garters for Red on Monday?"

Linda feigned indignance as she replied,

"I'm a married woman, Angela."

"Yeah, sure, Lin, but I know you still want Red's big cock inside you," Said Angela. Linda couldn't conceal a smile as she replied,

"I'm not single like you, Ang. Red is seriously hot but I can't go there."

"We'll see," Said Angela, giving her a knowing smile.

Linda watched the car pull away & disappear into the distance. She hadn't told Angela how she'd been fantasizing about Red every day when she masturbated. She didn't know what was happening to her, she felt horny all the time. It was like an itch she could never completely scratch. For the first time, the thought entered her head that what Ralph didn't know, wouldn't hurt him.
