The Slut Therapist

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A slut finds a career helping others.
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The Slut Therapist

© Copyright 2020. All rights reserved.

This is a work of fiction. All characters depicted are 18 years and over.

My name is Samantha Foster (just call me Sam) and I am a slut. Well, maybe not your definition of a slut, but a slut never the less. You see, I love sex. I mean it, I love it more than anything. I have had sex with men, women, lesbians, even gay men. I will not just jump into bed with just anyone, though. I have to at least like you, you have to be clean, nice, courteous, and decent looking. But if it feels right, you will probably end up in bed with me.

The above may match your definition of slut, or not. I do not really care. I am my own woman and have my own values, likes and dislikes, and attitudes. Maybe it would be good to explain how I got this way.

When I was about seven years old I came to realize that my parents were different than most. Other parents had problems to deal with, they sometimes divorced, they depended on other people for their own self image, they sometimes hated their kids, or lives, or job, or spouse, any number of things. My parents led the happiest lives I could imagine. It was like a fairy tale life. They were the happiest two people I have ever encountered, and totally in love with each other. When I was about ten I began to notice that my parents would sometimes disappear during the day. As I got older I figured out it was because they were having sex. This almost always happened on weekends and when I figured it out I felt that I was special because they thought each other was special.

I am an only child, which was no problem for me. I did not miss siblings or encourage my parents to provide me one (or more). I was happy just being with them. We did everything together (except sex of course) and had the best times. I had the best childhood of anyone I knew. And I did have lots of friends through my neighborhood and school. But my parents were really special and we made up a sort of a band of three musketeers. We went camping, boating, vacations (usually driving), and really special holidays.

As I approached puberty my parents took me aside and we had the "sex talk". Only it was not like any other parent's sex talk that I knew about. Most parents see it as a job that needed to be done but would skip it if they could. Not my parents. Our talk took all afternoon and including books, pictures, discussion, and an introduction to female products for my period. The talk coincided with the start of my first period so that, more than anything, helped me over the stigma of that event. By the time the afternoon was done I knew about how to use tampons and sanitary napkins, how the man and woman's body worked, including the sex organs, and how a bra is to be worn and how to choose one. Later, I would put those lessons to work as my breasts began to grow at an accelerated rate, which resulted in a 34C size I had to deal with.

That afternoon session left me wondering about sex and what it would feel like. But, my mother had impressed on me the values of waiting until I was eighteen. It was not that she did not trust me, she wanted me to wait so that I would be able to choose who I gave up my virginity with some degree of assurance that he would be the right person. We talked about it at length that afternoon and settled on me letting her know if I really had found the right person before eighteen. She assured me she would understand and at least give it serious consideration. The main thing she wanted was for me to be on the pill prior to that time so there was very little possibility I could get pregnant. It was not that she did not trust me, it was the boy. As I grew a little older I began to completely understand where she was coming from on that one.

My mom and dad also understood that it was entirely likely that I would do some heavy petting prior to being eighteen. They were both okay with that as long as I could restrain myself and my partner because there were limits as to how far it could be taken. Just about anything was okay as long as intercourse was not involved. I agreed and I never really had a problem with that. But, I did do a lot of petting.

My waiting period was as eventful as was possible in the sex department, with the big exception. It never seemed to be a problem for the boy as long as they were satisfied. In many cases I tried everything possible within the limitation with some of my boyfriends. This presented problems with a lot of other teenage girls and I quickly came to be known as a slut. At first this bothered me, but after talking with my parents about it I realized that these were friends not worth having. So if they could not handle how I led my life, they were not really my friends. This sometimes caused me to change my social group more than once during high school. I did not care, I would live my life they way I saw fit and to hell with people that could not handle it.

However, I did maintain a small group of friends over the whole of high school. They were always supportive and we were always a tight group.

The month before my eighteenth birthday my parents got me on the pill. I thought I would not be able to wait for that event, but when it came around I found that I had not yet met Mr. Right. Then, in March, I got asked to the senior prom by Mr. Right. His name was Jason Stewart and he was everything I was looking for. He was handsome, kind, patient, understanding, clean, and courteous. I was smitten with him and so I talked to my parents about him. They thought I should go on a couple of dates with him to confirm what I thought I knew. So I did, and he really was all those things and more. The thing that impressed me the most was that he was a virgin just like me but was waiting for the right girl for his first time. But he was also like me and not inexperienced in the heavy petting department.

We continued to date and plan the prom through March, April, and May right up to the big day. He claimed I was the right girl for him and wanted to know if he should get a hotel room for the big night. I told him to wait as I had another idea. I talked to my parents (again) and they thought it was a great idea, so on my next date I asked him if he would like to spend the big night in my bedroom. He was surprised, of course. I told him my parents would be out that night and through most of the next day and the house would be ours. He thought that would be great and would save him a lot of money. So those became our plans. We could be out as late as we wanted and have all the privacy we needed. I told him I was already on the pill so he would not even need to buy condoms.

From then until prom we tried to be as patient as possible, but it was hard, no pun intended. The afternoon of the prom my mother helped me get ready with everything. She made lots of suggestions which I mostly took. One of them was to shave my pussy hair. When I asked why, she just said that I would understand a little later on. I went ahead and did it and after I got dressed I began to understand. It was like I did not have panties on, even though I did. I felt exposed and it made me feel so sexy.

After hours of preparation, I was finally ready. The gown my mom and I picked out was so beautiful and made me look like a princess. It was a pale blue and was almost floor length. It was tight in all the right places but the skirt was wide enough for dancing. It was also low enough and cut to accentuate my breasts. It hung off one shoulder just for the corsage I was sure to get. My brunette hair was long and slightly curled so that it framed my face. My makeup was not too much, but just right and easy to remove later. I looked in the mirror with mom beside me and she told me I looked beautiful. She said Jason was really lucky and we both would have the memory of a lifetime tonight.

My parents and I talked until Jason got there to pick me up. My parents had assured me they would leave right after me to the hotel where they would spend the night and most of tomorrow. Jason got there with the corsage. He said hello to my parents, pinned me with the corsage, and we talked and took pictures before we left. He walked me to the car and opened the door for me.

I do not actually remember much about the prom. It was the usual affair with a band, seating for dinner, a dance floor, and all the usual ornaments. I was not made prom queen which was actually the way I wanted it. That kind of stuff was frivolous in my mind. Besides, Jason and I only had eyes for each other. The anticipation between us was palpable. But eventually the prom was over and we left to go back to my house.

Jason was actually able to drive to my house at a decent speed so as not to get us into a wreck. That would sure spoil our evening. He kept glancing towards me and smiling, I would return the smile and wait for him to do it again. We did not converse very much, there was no need.

Once we were at my house, I unlocked the door and turned to him. He gently pulled me into an embrace and kissed me. It was not our first kiss, but it was by far the most intimate.

"So where is your room, Sam?" he asked.

"Upstairs and to the left."

He picked me up in his arms and carried me to my room, where he gently placed me on the bed. Then he sat beside me and leaned over to kiss me again. We stayed clothed for a while as we made out a little, kissed a little, and whispered sweet things in each others ear. Soon Jason began to kiss me in other places and I started to unbutton his shirt. The anticipation was starting to get to me.

"We should remove our own clothes. I'm not sure I can remove what you are wearing without some damage." he said.

I smiled at that. I remembered how much trouble it was to get into it.

We both stood up and removed our clothing. We had seen each other mostly naked before, but that was usually in the car and in the dark. Here the lights were on and out bodies were on full display. When we got down to our undergarments we paused to look and appreciate each other.

"My God, Sam. You are beautiful. You're the most beautiful thing I have ever seen."

"So are you. I'm glad we are together for this special night. I can't wait to feel you in me."

"I can't wait to be in you. But maybe we should make out a little before we do it."


We lay on the bed in our undergarments and were soon in each others arms, holding the other and feeling the warmth of the others body. He started licking my ear lobe and kissing my neck as we held each other. He was sending shudders down my body. I wanted him so badly.

As we made out we slowly removed the rest of our clothing and soon we were naked. He already had a huge hard cock and I was making sure that it stayed that way with my hand. Jason was kissing me down my body and was soon at my clean shaven mound.

"Thank you for shaving for me. Now I can eat you up without fear of getting hair in my mouth."

That is why mom wanted me to shave! I suddenly thanked the stars for my parents, they were the best that anyone could hope for. And as Jason began to use his tongue all around my love hole I thanked them again because it felt so amazing. He was really good at this, I knew this because this was not the first time he had done it to me. Some of the boys had been reluctant to perform cunnilingus on me, but not Jason. He always did me with enthusiasm.

Soon he had me really going and I knew I would not last long.

"You really know how to eat pussy. You are getting me closer. Just keep it up."

He had no problem with that. He tried inserting a single finger in me and that got me even closer. As he finger fucked and licked me I was going out of my head. And then I exploded into a climax that beat anything I had experienced up until that time. I was convulsing and leaking fluid from my love hole. Jason was trying his best to slurp all of the fluid up as fast as he could. Slowly I came down and he moved up to kiss me again. He held me for a few minutes and then asked me the question I had been waiting for.

"Are you ready to do it?"

"God yes. I can't wait to be a woman, so hurry up and make me one."

He smiled at me and moved between my legs. He took his cock in hand and placed it against my vaginal opening, moving it up and down against the opening to get it wet.


"Do it. I want to feel you in me."

He slowly inserted his cock into me. I could feel it enter me until he hit my hymen. So far it felt great.

"Okay, I'm ready. Do it."

He began to slowly try to punch a hole in my hymen. His pushes got harder and then I could feel him break the seal so to speak. It did hurt, but not as much as I thought it would. Later, when I described it to my mom she said it was because he had taken his time and given me a climax prior to trying. That probably relaxed me so that the pain was less. In any case, Jason kept still until I told him I was ready for him to fuck me.

He took his time and was very gentle with me, but I found that after a minute of this I was really ready to be fucked.

"I'm okay Jason. You can fuck me a little faster if you want."

He smiled at me and sped up just a little. God it was good. It was better than any imagining I had ever had about how it might feel. It really turned me on. I was so wet that his size was not a problem. He made me feel so full and his motions were so erotic. If this was what sex was like, I was hooked. I could (and did) become addicted to this feeling. I loved being fucked.

I was now concentrating on making Jason and myself cum. I wanted it to be great for him and I knew that would make it great for me.

"Fuck me, Jason. Make me cum. I want to feel your juice in my pussy. Give it to me."

He was fucking me faster now and soon he was pumping his juice into me. I could feel it in my pussy and it was great. He continued to fuck me and in no time I was cumming too. It was an incredible orgasm that seemed to last forever. I could feel my vagina squeeze his cock over and over again and I was bucking against him as I kept cumming. When it was over he collapsed on top of me. We were both spent and laid there a long time.

As we regained our strength and he rolled off of me only to lay beside me on his side so he could hold me. I turned my head to look at him and he kissed me before I could speak.

"That was incredible." I said.

"It was for me, too. Thank you for what you have done."

"Believe me, it was my pleasure. I can't think of anyone who could have been better than you. So thank you. You have given me the memory of a lifetime."

"Me, too. I will never forget this."

"So would you like to take a shower with me. I think I am kind of a mess."

"Wow, that would be nice."

"Good. Then we can try this again."

"Really? I would really like that. I did not expect it, but I am willing if you are."

"Of course I am. Now that we are past the virginity barrier so to speak, I want to take advantage of that all night if possible."

"You really are something, Sam. I will fuck you as many times as I can tonight."

I smiled at him. "That's all I ask. Now, let's shower before I leak all over the bed."

I have a bathroom across the hallway from my room and we used it to shower. Of course, we played as much as we showered, exploring each others body and playfully stimulating each other. We toweled each other off and returned to the bed for more sexy time. We had sex two more times that night and once more the following morning. Jason left around two o'clock in the afternoon the next day. My parents returned home about five o'clock.

Of course they were curious and I was bubbling over wanting to tell them everything. We talked for almost an hour. They were so proud of me it was like I handed them my diploma, which I would in a few weeks. They were so glad I had a great time and that Jason was a perfect gentleman. We all hugged each other and then mom fixed a nice dinner for us. Later that night I went to bed and dreamed about sex all night. I woke up the next day (a school day) with the alarm to discover that I must have had a wet dream because I was extremely wet, and it was pussy juice, not pee.

There were only two more weeks of school for seniors and then came our graduation. Jason and I continued to see each other but during the summer we kind of fell out of touch. Oh well, I was off to college soon and it would end then in any case since he was not going to my college. But I have to admit that I still have a memory of the prom and that night that I will never forget.

I got accepted to our state college in another part of the state but that didn't bother me or my parents. They really did trust me after I lost my virginity and knew that I could handle myself while I was away from home.

Mom and dad were not rich, but they were well enough off to afford my college tuition, books, clothes, laptop, food, and a dorm room. I did not have a car but I really did not need one where I was going. Everything was in easy walking distance. I made pretty good grades in high school and after some consideration I decided on a major of Business Administration. It was really just a general degree but dad suggested I take no classes in my major that first year so that if I changed my mind I could keep all the credits I accumulated during this first year. I thought that was a good idea so that is what I did.

When the middle of August came around my parents took me to the college dorm where I could settle in. Freshman Orientation was the following week so that was good timing. We packed up the SUV with my stuff and drove to the college. The college supplied the dorm rooms with a bed, dresser, night stand, and desk for each student. They were double rooms so I would have a roommate.

When we got there my roommate had not yet arrived. We unpacked and I chose my side of the room. When everything was put away my parents bid me goodbye after big hugs and kisses and left me to my own devices, so to speak. I had the rest of the day so I explored around the campus. My roommate arrived late in the evening of that day. I had gone to dinner and when I returned to the room she was busy trying to find room for all her stuff.

"Hello, I'm Samantha. Just call me Sam."

"Hi, I'm Connie."

We shook hands. She had a good grip and smiled at me.

"Having problems finding room for your stuff?"

"Yeah, I think I brought too much. I am going to have to ship some of this back home."

"Just stack it in the corner until you figure it out. I don't mind."

"Thanks. I will try to find a box to put it in and get it out of here as soon as I can."

"No problem, I understand."

I helped her unpack as much as I could. I liked her right away. She was easy to talk to and very open. She also smiled a lot and laughed whenever she could. It was obvious she was a happy person and I was appreciative of my good luck getting a really good roommate.

After unpacking we sat on our beds getting to know each other. She had driven to college in her car. Her parents only lived about twenty miles away but the car she had would not last long making the round trip every day, so she opted to live in the dormitory. But her parents were within easy driving distance and I could tell she appreciated that. Connie having a car was a big plus for me as I could probably get a ride with her to any place I really needed to go. But I did not think that would happen very often.

We talked about the usual things women do, plus some things most women usually do not discuss. Again I could tell she was really open about her feelings and attitudes. After an hour of talking she confessed that she preferred women over men but was not exclusive about either. If she liked the person and they got along, she might have sex with them, be they male or female. I told her about my sexual experience (one boy) and told her I was excited about college because it would open up a lot of sexual possibilities for me. I also told her that I was open to women as well but that I had no experience with them in a sexual way. She assured me that would happen if I was open to it. And as for boys, college was the right place to be.