The Society Ch. 06


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"Umm, no, I haven't heard anything about this, not about someone coming back from the dead. Who could have predicted that? I don't think anyone knew anything about it, besides Marshall himself." Alyssa said, looking away at other random things to avoid his eyes.

"Hmm, okay, I was just wondering. You know, my father being back has been pretty complicated. The hardest part of it all has been trying to make sense of it. From a logical perspective, figuring out what's happened." Ethan replied in a rare confession. He didn't want to tell Alyssa about those very real and true thoughts, but he needed to.

"I understand. I wish I could tell you more, but I just don't know anything about that. I'm just as clueless as you are. I had no idea about any of this." Alyssa said with a different, almost assertive tone in her voice.

"It never feels good being left out of things, being left to fill in the blanks." Ethan said calmly.

"No, it doesn't. But I guess the important thing is that Marshall's okay, and the Society's doing well."

"That's what's most important. Alyssa, can I ask you one more question before you get back to work?"

"Sure, what is it Mr. President?"

"Have you talked to Fran lately?"

"What? Um, why do you ask?" Ethan observed a subtle, but noticeable change in her disposition and facial expression, most noticeably in her eyes which widened once the question left his lips. She struggled to contain other visceral reactions, such as twiddling of the thumbs or tapping against the arm of the chair. He paid close attention with an acute eye at those intricacies the best he could.

"Oh, well she's my favorite old lady. I kind of miss her never-ending supply of corny jokes. Just wondering if she's been alright."

"No, not really, I haven't seen her. She must be busy reading some books or resting. She was feeling ill before."

"That's true. I'll have to go check on her and see how she's doing. Well that's enough small talk, let's go ahead and get back to work."

"Of course." Alyssa said as she stopped lightly tapping against the arm of the chair and looked through some more documents.

Ethan needed to be extremely cautious with how he moved during this volatile situation. With this being a conflict that tested their public images, he would have to constantly who he talked to, when and where he talked to them, and monitor his tone. He would have to remember this during every conversation he had, struggling to avoid any pitfalls or slips.

But he had all he needed for now.


"Kodi! Kodi, where are you?! KODI!!"

Kodi jumped up and gasped, breathing heavily as she awoke suddenly and scarily from her slumber. Despite the fact that she was sleeping in an actual bed consistently for the first time in forever, the downside was that her nightmares were worse than ever. The beauty of the sedation pod, however weird of a device it was, was that it was a self-learning technology that used specific sedatives to try and quell restless sleep, and provide the most optimal sleeping experience.

This was helping Kodi a little, although she would still think back to certain memories. In this bed though, her past and her trauma seemed to follow her and pursue her like a cheetah hunts their prey. It was relentless, and made sleep difficult.

What made things worse was that, in the past two days, nothing had changed. He was still sleeping in the sedation pod and working on devices when he came down, while she slept in his room. He did make sure she ate and went to the restroom, but he wasn't talking to her at all. Kodi tried to interact with him, talk to him, tell him about design ideas, even ask him about his day in some cases, just to switch things up. Nothing worked.

He was silent, save for a few groans and commands. It was difficult to read him since he kept his guard up and emotions hidden, but Kodi would sometimes glance at his face and see concern in his eyes, like something was weighing heavy on his mind.

She remembered how he looked the night after he'd been inside her and made her cum, and his eyes were noticeably different. The comforting looks were replaced, not by the frigid, intimidating glare, but a stoic gaze. Almost like he was in front of her physically, but mentally somewhere else. She was struggling to find ways to get to him.

She heard him coming down, then deactivating the force field to let her eat or go to the rest room. She started cleaning things up before getting back to work, when she heard him say something she hadn't heard in days:

"How are things going, Kodi?"

She was astonished by the sound of his voice, and especially what he said. She almost couldn't form a response.

"Um, I-I'm good, everything's been okay."

"Good." He walked past her and sat down on the bed, looking around the room, and then right at her.

"How have you been?" Kodi asked.

"I'm fine. Can't complain."

"I bet, since you've taken over my pod. Lucky you." Kodi quipped with a smirk.

"It's not as good as advertised. I know, I'm the one who created it."

She could tell, he sounded different. There wasn't the same coldness in his voice as before.

"Well, look, while you're here, let me show you what I've been working on! I think I'm getting towards the point where the designs and schematics are ready for you." Kodi said with a perky bounce.

"Hmm, okay fine. Let's see what you've got."

Kodi went over and grabbed the neat notebook, which collected all of her final notes that were to be presented to him when it was time to move to the next phase, and brought it over to him.

"I'll just explain everything while your skimming through it."

"Alright, go ahead."

In the midst of her brimming excitement, she was a little confused and wondered what made him change and talk to her again.

"Well, this process has been a little difficult, because we were dealing with combining different technologies together in order to create something new. Something that took advantage of each of the devices' strengths, while masking or eliminating their weaknesses. Not that I haven't done that before, but usually I'm familiar with those technologies, so it's simple to formulate a CPU and hardware that allows for optimal performance. For this, however, I needed to familiarize myself with both the sedation pod and the sensory drone. Lucky for me, I've been very intimate with both." Kodi said as she looked at him with a smirk.

"Mmm hmm..." Ethan said with a low grunt.

"So it made things a little easier. What we came up with, obviously, is the Phantom Link, a device that will combine the self-learning and compatibility functions of the sedation pod, with the analysis and data abilities of the sensory drone. A device that brings together the external and internal stimuli to the body. And as you remember, the Phantom Link is built to analyze the user on a multitude of levels, providing the deepest and richest analysis of the body possible, and learn from the prolonged connection with the user to provide the best solutions to health concerns and issues. This creates a cyclical system that constantly analyzes the body and uses that information to-

"I remember, Kodi. Let's get to what else you've discovered about the...device."

"The. Phantom. Link. Say it."

"Tell me more about the device."

"Okay, okay. One other thing that I was having trouble with how to balance the complex neural connection with the device that would be necessary to achieve optimal results, and how the device would best analyze the inside of the body. I decided that it was important to add a neural receptor, a small, almost miniscule addition that will make the connection with the user's body even more seamless. Also, it will make observing issues such as depression and other mental illnesses much easier for the device."

"And it could possibly allow the user to control the device with their thoughts, like powering it on and off, and some of these other functions you have listed. Like...colorful LED lights and rhythm sync..." He said as he stared at her with a look of slight annoyance.

"What? I thought those would be cute additions. Imagine how much fun people would have with it!"

"Possibly. We'll discuss some of the more recreational additions later. Let's focus on the pragmatics."

"Fine. Another way that the neural receptor will be put to good use is with the 3-D holographic projections that show the user the data that the device compiled from its analysis. That's something I took from the sensory drone and added here. Only here, the information isn't just being stored in the device..."

"It's also being transferred to the user?"

"Exactly, so that the information can be viewed externally, through the thoughts of the user or their commands, and absorbed internally, so the user learns more about their bodies when the device does."

"I see." Kodi remembered to ignore his short responses, and take any response at all as a good sign.

"The other important component I added was the ability for two Phantom Link users to connect, something I called the Bond feature. With this feature, a user of the Phantom Link needs to have at least a 90% bond with their device, before being able to link with another user and learn from their body as well. Bond levels are increased simply over time. The more time you wear the device and interact with it, the stronger the bond level and the most accurate and detailed the results of its analysis. Now, forging a bond between two Phantom Links is a little more complicated, and takes even more time to increase the bond level. But once a high bond level is achieved, the two will be able to help each other achieve better health and overall well-being."

"That is impressive. And I see you also added the cloaking feature that I mentioned, in order to make it easier pragmatically to keep the device on. This helps because the user won't feel discomfort from people constantly seeing the device, and wear it for long periods of time, thus increasing their bond level."

"Exactly! It's all about the relationship between the user and their body, and the connection between people. Helping each other and helping yourself achieve the best health possible."

"Well, Kodi, I have to say, I'm impressed. The idea, conceptually, was already ambitious, creative and had miles of potential. But this...this is great work. I need to review these calculations and make sure everything's accurate."

"Right, of course."

"But after that, I'm going to produce a prototype, something that we can tangibly put to the test."

"Really?" Kodi said with a burst of excitement, barely able to contain herself.

"Yes. It's time. I'm ready to see what we have here."

"I am too." Kodi said as she went to give him a high five, only for him to glare at her and smirk before looking back at the papers.

"Anyways, trust me. It's going to work, it's going to be good."

"I believe you. I'll be working late on nights to make progress, so in the meantime, go ahead and get some rest, and then you can join me sometimes."

"Umm, rest? I'm good, look, more energized than ever." Kodi said as she jumped up and down to prove it, making her soft breasts bounce in her shirt.

"No, you need rest. You need to be alert, especially when tinkering with some of the metals and complex designs we'll be dealing with."

"Umm, I don't know, I think I'm fine. I can help you now." Kodi said, nervously looking around the room.

"Is something wrong, Kodi?"

"What do you mean? I'm good."

"Have you been having trouble sleeping?"

"Umm, no, not really. I've been sleeping."

"Right." He looked away and pondered for a few seconds before looking back at her. Kodi was now sitting at the table she worked at, trying to stay calm. But she did look back at him with her warm brown eyes, which always seemed to make him calm and put him at ease.

"Look Kodi, I remember I asked you about what your life was like back on Earth, and you said you didn't want to talk about. Why don't you want to talk about it?"

"I mean I just don't. I'd rather not think about that stuff."

"I understand. And I'm sorry for the way I've been acting the past two days. I know it was irrational to not say anything to you, considering we're working on this device together. But...something came up at work, something that shocked me and suddenly took up all of my time. I couldn't really think about anything else."

"Oh okay, I was wondering what was up."

"Don't worry, I think I have a handle on it now. But I wasn't trying to do anything to you."

"I understand, it's cool."

"But did something bad happen to you while you were on Earth? Besides the obvious struggle of survival, obviously. I guess that's bad enough."

She wasn't sure where this was coming from, and part of her didn't want to tell him anything about her nightmares or past. But another part of her was feeling more and more comfortable with him lately. In all the time she'd been down here with him, he had never apologized or sounded like this.

"I mean, a lot of stuff has happened on Earth. What kind of stuff do you want to know?"

"Well, how are you parents? They must be proud to have raised a daughter as talented and bright as you are."

Kodi repeated the same gestures she did when he asked about Earth before, folding her arms over her chest and looking down at other things. But she wasn't as nervous as before, and took a deep breath.

"They're...they...they're not on Earth anymore."

"What do you mean they're not...oh. I'm sorry to hear that. I didn't know..." He said, with regret about asking this difficult question filling his voice.

"No, it's okay, it happened a long time ago. I've had time to deal with it."


"I'm not saying it doesn't get difficult from time to time. There's definitely some hard times, but you learn to fight through it."

"Of course, I understand exactly what you mean." He said as flipped through more pages of Kodi's notebook.

"Exactly what I mean?"


"But how could you understand 'exactly' what I mean?"

"I lost my mother as well."

"What?" Kodi said,

"My mother died."

"Oh..." Kodi almost felt embarrassed for asking. She was just so used to him not saying much of anything, so this revelation came as a complete surprise.

"What happened? Unless you don't want to-

"It's fine. She died in a car accident when I was a kid."

"When you were a kid?"

"Yep, I barely remember it. I must have been 5 or 6."

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. I was pretty young too."


"Yea, but not as young as you. That must have been tough."

"I manage. I've had time to think about it and figure it out. It's like you said, you learn to push through."

"So, what about your father? How is he, still alive?"

"...Yes, still alive."

"You two have a good relationship?" Kodi said, as he got up and walked over to his work area.

"We're fine." Ethan replied. She noticed bringing him up stirred something in him. She walked over to the bench and stood beside him.

"I'm sorry, Did I go too far?"

"No, no Kodi, you're fine. I just have a lot of work to do, and I wanted to start compiling the materials for the prototype tonight." He wasn't going to tell her any details about what was going on with his father.

"Oh, okay, well is there anything I can do to help you?" Kodi said as she bit her lip and scanned her eyes over his full dark beard and strong hands.

"I think I'm okay. You've done enough work, and what you produced is really good. Let me take over and work out some kinks, and then we'll see what happens with the prototype. Sounds good?"

"Sounds good."

"Good. And thanks, Kodi."

"No problem." She replied, although she wasn't sure what he was thanking her for.

"Why don't you get some sleep in the sedation pod tonight? You can have your bed back, as you call it."

"Right, I mean it is mine so it's about time."

"Well, I'll get it set up."

Ethan reconfigured the sedation pod to adjust to Kodi's body, and she fell asleep almost instantly, clearly tired from the work she'd been doing. Work that was potentially leading her and Ethan towards a technological marvel, if everything worked out.

But while he told her that he would begin working on the prototype that night, in reality he was preparing for a much more daring and risky task: facing his father and handling his little press conference. Although it was being promoted as a harmless transfer of information, or as a happy reunion, Ethan knew it was more than that. In fact, the only people that did know that were him, Marshall, and whoever he was working with.

Ethan's strategy was clear: allow the benevolence of the event takeover, avoid an outburst or incendiary altercation, and find out more information about how Marshall came back himself. He wouldn't make a scene, nor allow Marshall's cunning to bait him into doing something he would regret. He would probably ask some questions, only because as the President, and the host's son, his silence would serve as an alarm to the citizens. He would spend the rest of the night constructing those questions, and mentally preparing himself.

All of these intricacies and thoughts were things he didn't want Kodi to worry about. After leaving her alone for two days, he was glad to have talked to her and see her progress. It helped quell his thoughts about Marshall and the conference. But how he acted during this conference would also protect Kodi. He couldn't allow Marshall to find out about her, and Ethan felt keeping Kodi out of the loop also protected her, in a different way.


"Thank you everyone, for joining us this evening! I am so grateful that you all took time out of your busy schedules to attend this event."

The press conference was set to begin in a few minutes. Marshall was giving the introductions, as crowds of people settled in, with more still pouring in from their rooms. The entire staff, besides a few enforcement agents who were to guard their posts, was given the night off to attend as well, since their curiosity was also peaked.

The conference was being held in the main common room, which, thanks to holographic projections and special lighting, looked like a luxurious ballroom at a high-end resort. There were projections of palm trees, flowers in every color lining the walls and hallways. All the windows were closed and replaced by warm lighting, so that the citizens didn't focus on being in space. There was a podium in front of the common room, where Marshall would stand, while Ethan and the General sat in chairs right next to him. Otherwise, there were dozens of white chairs lined up in neat, perfect rows, for the rest of the citizens.

"A little conference" Yeah right. Ethan thought to himself as he walked in and found his seat next to the podium. Marshall clearly was taking this conference more seriously than he originally let on. He was talking to people beforehand, shaking their hands, hugging older ladies, and laughing, still trying to cement his reputation for being a kind and caring person. While things were still being set up, Ethan looked over and found Fran sitting in a nearby chair, alone and perusing the area.

"Hello Fran."

"Ethan, my dear! It's been so long!" Fran exclaimed as she gave him a hug.

"How is everything? Are you feeling better?"

"As good as I can feel, sir. You know I have young bones, so it wasn't a problem for me."

"Of course, you'll probably outlive all of us."

"You know it. How have you been?"

"Oh, not busy at all. My job is so boring, there's never anything to do." Ethan joked as they both laughed.

"Well I'm sorry to hear that, perhaps you should consider a new job? A less demanding one, then you'll be able to relax more often." Fran said as they both locked eyes.