The Song of Roland Ch. 17


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He sighed. Nothing would make him happier than to simply drape himself next to her and fall asleep, but the predicament of their situation and the uncertainty of their future left a nervous prickle in his spine that refused to go away. He was frightened beyond words for her, after the hex had rendered her so insatiate to the world. It was only her lingering gaze that compelled him to sigh and nod at her. "Fine. But just for a moment."

"Of course!" She said, sounding utterly disingenuous.

Roland picked himself up off the ground, her hand trailing along his arm as he rose, ending in his hand. She tugged at him, a smile on her face as he clambered over her on the bed. Besides a clandestine feel at his crotch as he passed, she made no move to make it sexual. Falling back against the soothing fabric, Roland turned to face her, and she him. She huddled into his arms, curling up into him. They simply laid there, for a time. The wind of the mountain singing through the cracks in the door as the two breathed. The feeling of being warm for once caused Roland's tired eyes begin to droop, and his breathing steadied. Kelsea gave a contemplative hum.

"I miss it."

"Miss what?" Roland asked, his eyes closed as his chin rested in her hair.

"Sleeping." She pulled back, looking at him from such a close distance. Her lips curved into a smile that made his heartbeat quicken. "Last night was awful; yesterday was worse." Her hand touched his side, across the ripped hole in his clothing. "But... I'm glad I got to sleep, to not think for once. I always envy you at night." She kissed him, her lips pressing to his in base affection, rather than lust. Roland returned it reluctantly. "When everyone else is asleep, when you're alert and alone with your thoughts... you remember things, Things you try to forget; all the choices you wish you'd made."

The dream Roland had had that morning surfaced in his brain again. "I know what you mean."

A pensive expression built on the Succubus' face. "Do you?" Her hand touched his cheek, a wan smile building on her features. "...I guess maybe you do, in a way. Nothing makes sense, when every day is all days in one. There's no break, no distinction, just a monotony of time split between the hours of life and hours of night. Grevich was-" Her brow lowered, she looked away from him. "H-he like was yesterday, to me."

Roland pulled her to him. "Kelsea." He said her name, leading her to his lips. She sighed into them, her arms grasping at his back.

"I... I wish that I could sleep with you." She said, an embarrassed smile blossomed on her face as she realized the implication of her poorly-chosen wording. "N-not like that! Well... not how I meant it, at least." She took his arm, placing it across her side. His hand felt the curve of her back. "I want to fall asleep, but with you next to me." She pulled close to his body, her purple eyelids lowering as she leaned her breasts into his chest. "With you close to me. Against me."

Roland knew where this was headed. He put a hand against her shoulder. "Kelsea, we've got to stop." He said. Despite his own arousal, he could not withhold the worry that built within him at the memory of her beautiful face, discolored and twitching in the snow. "I still don't know what's wrong with you. After what happened today..."

Kelsea snipped a stifled chuckle through her puckered lips. Her eyes regarded him with a sort of mirthful beguilement. "One day, you're going to have to stop trying to save me and just let yourself go." She leaned up and captured his lips with her own, her tongue rolling within his mouth to lick his teeth. Their kissing intensified, and Roland felt a haze thicker than the mists outside descend upon him. Had he not been so concerned for her safety and wellbeing, he may well have given in. Instead he forced himself to take her by the shoulders, pulling the lustful creature off of him.

"No." He said. "Not now."

"Why?" She said, panting. "I want you."

"I know you do; you always do. But I don't want you to-"

Kelsea laughed, "I'm not a fragile piece of pottery, Roland. You don't have to pretend I'm going to break."

Though every want within his mind was screaming at him to continue, Roland purposefully pushed the Succubus off of him. He ignored the distressed look that arose on her expression as he sat up in the bed, his face red and his heart thumping heavily in his chest. He was hard. He wanted to lay with her, but he knew in his bones that she was not all right; the risk was too great.

"You don't know that, Kelsea. This hex, this... this thing that's happening to you: it's killing you. I can see it." He turned to look at her, his brow furrowing as he watched the woman of his dreams drape herself across the bed. He moved to remove himself from her alluring presence in a rush. Half-stumbling across the mattress. "I... we can't. Not until you're whole again. I should go see what they're doing outside; Carl won't be-"

She caught his wrist as he sat up off the bed, her body rising in a rush as she saw him try to leave. "Wait!" She said, a quiver in her words. Her voice was faint, yet imbued with a fearful sentiment. "Please... stay?"

Of course I will. He thought. "I can't." He said, standing up off the bed. He crossed the room with long strides to the door. "I'll... I'll be back soon, yeah? I just want to be certain that-"

"Roland." Kelsea whispered from the bed. It resonated in his head, as though she'd shouted his name at the top of her lungs. He felt something, something that pulled at his mind like an irresistible itch, or a tickle that could not be ignored. A thousand images of her flashed into his mind: naked, trembling in his arms, gasping for air as they mated frenetically, her eyes staring like blazing red rubies into his own as she-

"Turn around." The Succubus said. Roland turned around, his face crimson and his erection tenting in his pants as he felt her wondrous, infernal eyes upon him. She was facing him, splayed out across the simple furniture like it was an opulent noble's bed of thick furs and deep mattresses. Her hips were turned with a concubine's temptation, held in the air by the subtle bend of her legs. Her thick thighs pressed together, yet they managed to display the base of her navel, and the palpable body heat emanating from it. She'd hunched her back, pressing her chest together to further entice him as she cast a shy smile in his direction. Her arms were placed together in front of her, a reclining lioness calling to her mate. "Come back: I still want to talk to you."

Against his better judgement, Roland walked back towards the bed. His legs felt like jelly as each step weighed him down more and more. The world took a curious, dreamlike circumference as he moved towards her: this immaculate being who had spoken his name so pleasingly, so wantonly. With a titanic effort of self-control Roland stopped a few feet short from the bed. "What do you want?" He said, his voice a soundless ripple in a seething ocean of emotion.

"You." She moaned in response. The shiver of sensation rocked up and down his body as the words reverberated. Her voice was like the echoing crescendo of thunder as it rolled across the mountains. Roland shook his head from side to side, trying desperately to maintain his composure in the face of her erotic speech. Her very vocal tones were an innuendo, a subtle call to union. He could not tear his gaze away from her.

"I told you, we can't do this, now." He said, his heart sinking as he saw the sad look emerge across her eyes. "You've got to-"

"But..." Kelsea said, leaving the implied exception in the air. Roland leaned forward, desperate to hear her take on the situation. "I'm okay, Roland!" As if to underscore that fact, she slowly unbuttoned her shirt, peeling away the protective layers of her travelling outfit and exposing her luscious, hanging breasts to him." I have you here. There's nothing in the world I need to worry about, as long as I have you."

"Kelsea." He said, a near hysteria grasping at his lungs. The tug on his mind was pulling him onwards like a kitten fixated on a stray thread. "Don't... You need to rest..."

"It's okay, Roland." She said, her smile wide and genuine. She sat up, planting her feet upon the ground as she opened her arms to him. He watched as her silky hair trailed across her face. That beautiful, gorgeous face. "I just want to feel you, for a minute. I want to kiss you, to touch you, to love you. I'm yours, Roland; all yours."

"I... we cant." He gasped out, not really knowing why, anymore. What was he trying to hold back from? Everything was so turned around. He missed the simple days when what was right or wrong had been clear and simple. Such moral distinctions had disappeared from his life long before Kelsea had entered it, yet she had blurred the remnants beyond all discernment. All he knew, was that he wanted her more than anything else that the Gods could offer. Yet somewhere in the depths of himself he was begging to pull away. He adored her, but he had to stay away. Or at least... he ought to have stayed away.

Roland's final few, padding footsteps came with that heavy pall of melancholy upon his brain. His hands reached out, shaking at the wrists as they moved to grasp with passionate ardour the very creature who so enthralled him. Roland's eyes watered as he stared at Kelsea, his mind inundated with all of his tangled feelings for her at once. "I- I just want you to be-" He stuttered, his voice breaking like a wave against a shrinking beach. All but the final, sandy grains of his resistance had eroded in her wake.

Kelsea smiled at him. Roland loved her when she smiled. "It's okay: I'm right here, Roland. I'm fine; you're fine. Everyone's-" She took his face in her hands, her breath shuddering out from her mouth as she kissed him. "Fine..." She did it again, longer this time.

She tasted like fire. Her tongue was a harpsichord that scintillated down his throat and inflamed his very arousal. In moments she was in his arms, leaning into him as he in turn fell into her. Her hellish heat made the beads of sweat build upon his person, as he imagined the feel of her inside. Roland knelt at the altar of his Succubus, watching as she bent her head into their extended, emotional embrace. She took the dominant position, leaning into him as he rested the weight of his arms upon her legs. Her hands lifted his face up, connecting with hers for a long, breathless eternity before at last pulling back, both participants gulping gouts of air. A shining line of saliva trailed between them.

Kelsea stood up, hastily peeling off her pants to expose her utter nakedness, kicking off her boots like they were unwanted suitors. She helped Roland to stand, all but ripping off his clothing as his shaky movements proved too slow for the eager woman. She kissed his bare chest, running her hands across the length of his large body. She held fast to his side, watching like a proud paramour as he slowly undid his belt buckle and dropped his leggings to the floor. The moment he was exposed she had him in her hands, jerking in long, measured movements across the length of his elongated sex.

"I've missed you." She whispered, licking his earlobe. "I never feel so free, than when I'm with you." Her hands had him fully engorged, stroking at him in an expression of feminine might and passion. She touched him in a primal way; it was a form of greeting devoid of names, or titles, or extant information irrelevant to the present. She was she, and he, he. The rest was unimportant: the partner had found her mate. She had acquired him, and he was unbearable in his readiness.

Roland's hands reached out to grasp and knead her breast, the other hand diving down to stroke at the wet divot of her delta. Kelsea let out a whine as her thighs trembled. "Ah!" She cooed, sounding like a Harpy who had found her deepest place plumbed. He slid a finger into her sodden snatch, finding an oppressive heat and even more intense tightness. She seemed to instinctively clench upon him, twisting in place as his attentions proved too much for her. "Haah! R-Roland..."

She kissed him again, nipping at his lower lip as she pecked and licked and devoured his lips with her own. They traded embraces, but it was clear that she was getting the better of him. Letting go of his turgid cock, she circled around behind his back, stepping with subtle strides about his person, surveying his nakedness before gently pushing him towards the bed. Roland fell backwards onto his spine, his knees bending at the end of the bed as he dropped against the mattress.

Kelsea straddled him, slinking onto the bed on all fours, overtopping Roland before he even had a chance to respond. She sat her large rear upon his stomach, planting her palms atop his pectorals as she leaned forward, shaking her chest as a steamy grin stole across her face. She looked down upon his body, his arms bent at the elbow and splayed across either side of his head; her red-rimmed eyes softened at the sight of him. Roland could only stare back at her in blatant lust.

The sensation of her skin was sweltering, a burning fixture atop his form. She slid her crotch up and down his stomach and waist, simulating the slow, rolling thrusts of coitus as her mouth opened and she exhaled deeply. His erection planted itself within the crack of her bottom as she drew her hips back, changing her angle as she lifted and lowered her body onto his own. "Pick my waist up." She said in command, "Put yourself in me."

He did as she asked, grabbing her pliant skin tight with his hands as he lifted her high above him. In response, the Succubus put weight upon her knees on either side of him, kneeling up in an open-legged position as she awaited the proper placement of his maleness to her womanhood. With one hand at her hipbone, Roland grasped himself at his base, aligning at an angle towards the furnace that was her engorged vulva. Before he was even sure he'd found purchase upon her labia, Roland felt Kelsea sink down eagerly onto his penis, engulfing him within her and straddling him down to the base.

Her hips connected with his own and Kelsea's back arched, her breath issuing forth in a heady, sexual sigh. There was fulfillment in the sound, an implicit contentment that permeated her entire purple body, as if all her cares had fallen away in an instant. Immediately she became more relaxed, her lower regions responding to the masculine intrusion by settling tight to his groin and stirring him back and forth within her. "Nng!" She gasped. "Huuh." Roland grunted back at her. He was unable to respond verbally as she took him sexually.

Kelsea rocked her hips upon him, leaning backwards and planting her hands behind her feet as she jabbed her waist towards him, attempting to simultaneously gorge her vaginal lips upon his cock while also maximizing his thrusting potential. Roland watched, enraptured, as Kelsea made love to him, her eyes never leaving his face as she changed direction and sped up her hip movements. Roland's hands reached out, grasping handfuls of her posterior as he joined her hard fucking. Together, the two mated with a manic glee born of months of intimate physical comradeship.

Kelsea pushed off with her arms, leaning forward and planting at his pecs again, changing the weight and angle of their lovemaking as she straddled him in long, driving pistons. Her hips rose on the upthrust high enough above Roland's head for him to catch fleeting glimpses of the exposed base of his prick, just before she dove back down upon him, obscuring his view with the mutual grind of their genitalia. Roland grasped and kneaded and spanked her rear, holding it tight to his touch as the tempo of the sex gradually increased to a fever pitch.

"I..." Kelsea said, holding his gaze before looking away. She seemed ashamed. Her back hunched as another mini-orgasm rocked her body. "Aaah!" She squealed, shaking her head back and forth, exposing her horns and the wide curtain of her dark hair. She tried to say something else, but her own lifting and lowering hips stole the breath from her. "Wuh- wuh- wuuuh!"

Roland watched the tenseness leave her muscles as she bent her back forward, draping herself atop him as her ass connected with his crotch. He felt the friction of her nipples rub atop his skin, his hands roaming up and down her back as she kept herself as close to him as a being could be to another. Kelsea tried to speak again, lifting her head and matching eyes as her mouth formed into an O of pleasure and her tongue slipped out. "Wuh- w-what do you want to d-uh... d-do to me Roland?"

Roland growled, grasping her by the base of the neck and forcefully pulling her forward into his mouth. He lifted up slightly, leaning into her so she could maintain her ceaseless sexual assault while also meeting together. He dodged her lips, leaning forward to lick her cheek, kiss her chin, and then plant his lips atop the side of her throat. He suctioned, taking her face in hand as Kelsea tilted her head to give him easier access. She screamed, her body clenching in his grasp as she redoubled her efforts against his cock in punishment for his dominance near her face.

"Rrahn!" She snarled, taking his face in her hands and forcefully pulling him off of her. She smirked at him knowingly, leaning down to kiss him as they competed in desire to orally caress one another. Roland began to thrust up as hard as he could into her, Kelsea's yelping screeches muffling in his mouth as Roland's own masculine shout was covered by her own. They became a vocal echo chamber, batting moans back and forth as their sexes made ultimate, unified love to one another.

Neither could outlast the other; as soon as Roland felt the rising burst of seed flow up his urethra, Kelsea trembled in his arms and pressed her chest tight to his. Their heartbeast synced as Kelsea orgasmed atop Roland's, creating an explosion of wetness that coated their crotches in her juices. The Succubus, greedy for his seed, did not spill any of his own outside of her. He erupted, firing jets of pearly white into her womb as the Succubus continued to gyrate her hips and milk his throbbing dick for every drop she could.

Panting, exhausted, Roland fell back against the bed. He was breathless, speechless, powerless in the face of Kelsea's request. He had tried to leave, to let her rest, yet she had initiated with him anyway. He knew in his heart that something had changed forever between them. Gone were the days when he could say "no" to the determined Demon. He watched her, basking in the sexual glow as she sat atop him, her eyes warm as a beaming smile built upon her adoring face. He knew now that he would do anything for her; the delicate thought frightened him beyond words.

He had passed the threshold for good now: He was hers, and hers alone. Kelsea seemed to notice none of this, collapsing against him and planting soft pecks across his skin. "Gods, you're a wonder." She whispered; her tender eyes were the blooming lifeblood to his existence. "I can't believe how lucky I was to meet you, Roland."

You are my passion. He thought to himself, in the darkest corner of his mind. You are the only thing that's left, to me.

"You need another hobby." Roland said instead. Her rising laughter and stroking fingers were tiny ligaments of warmth to his soul; the true realization of his now-unavoidable fate, however, were like chilling icicles in his heart.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Please don't stop!

Hooked please keep em coming, we need you man. This is the best story on this site. Hope you are doing ok and real life isn't jamming you up. Thanks!

zatannascoochzatannascoochover 7 years ago
Great worldbuilding

Love that we get to find out more about the gods in this one. Also Harpy is life :D

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Love the story

Hey please keep writing new chapters forever... And thanks for the cute mention of Roland as "her love" <3 you seriously can write...

hillcountrycowboyhillcountrycowboyover 7 years ago

I'm all caught up now. Waiting on pins & needles for the next chapter! Love this story!

Thanks for the great tale!

kyriss12kyriss12over 7 years ago
love this story

Every time I think I have this figured out, you change the rules.

At first it seemed like it was gonna be just a carefree story about a man and his succubus hunting monsters together. then it starts to look like it might be a tragedy where kealsa slowly looses control, and either makes Roland her slave, or asks him to kill her while she still has some humanity left. then it looks like she might be cured of her demonic side, and while that still might happen, we now have the possibility of her human and demonic nature balancing each other out into something else entirely. Possibly at the just the right time to help save everyone's collective asses from the imps.

jpz007ahrenjpz007ahrenover 7 years ago

Very very. Some expected outcomes, others not at all. Lovely lovely.

I do so love that the harpy is welcome. ^.^ and has grown accustomed to cooked food's delights

Larry WolffLarry Wolffover 7 years ago

Damn, worth waiting for. I do hope the Harpy got to eat dinner.

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