The Southern Literary Messenger, Vol. II., No. 5, April, 1836


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From the Natchez Courier.

Last but not least, as the friends of a literature, emphatically _southern_, we welcome the February number of the "Southern Literary Messenger," a work that stands second to none in the country. Its criticisms we pronounce to be at once the boldest and most generally correct of any we meet with. True, it is very severe on many of the current publications of the day; but we think no unprejudiced man can say it is a whit too much so. The country is deluged from Maine to Louisiana, with a mass of _stuff_ "done up" into _books_ that _require_ the most severe handling. The Messenger _gives it to them_. It is a work which ought to be in the hand of every literary _southerner_, in particular. It is published by _T. W. White Richmond, Va._

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