The Spoils of War Ch. 04-05

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Captain Fire returns to Yeveland with her captured soldier.
8.3k words

Part 4 of the 4 part series

Updated 05/22/2024
Created 06/22/2023
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Warning: This is a sci-fi novel that contains violent themes. This is also a lesbian romance. Thank you to Chief Hal for proofreading.

Chapter 4

After days of traversing the rough seas, the two soldiers finally made it to their destination. Once Reyna jumped off the raft, she helped Celine off, before she bound her wrists together again.

Accepting her role as the captured soldier, Celine not only agreed with this, but helped Reyna tie her up, by putting her arms behind her. But as they made their way toward the barracks, the Ishla soldier couldn’t help but become wide-eyed at the sight of the large Yeveland base.

Both sweaty and smelly from their long journey, Reyna led Celine to the main building where she could confront her military. As they came across soldiers, Celine became impressed by the way they all stopped and saluted Captain Fire once they saw her.

I knew this woman was a big deal, the Ishla soldier thought to herself, every time she witnessed a soldier saluting Reyna. She’s a captain and all... but everyone is completely frozen at her presence. This military is definitely more impressive than ours, but perhaps Reyna is something special, even to the likes of Yeveland.

As they entered the front door of the main building, a soldier greeted them. “Captain Fire... we weren’t expecting you...”

“Yeah, whatever,” Reyna replied before handing Celine over to the soldier. “Take care of her for me.”

“Who do we have here?” the soldier asked, still looking dumbfounded.

“This is Private Violet from the Ishla Military. I captured her, after I was abandoned at Nova.”

“Captain Fire... you weren’t abandoned... There were plans to retrieve you...”

“Private Violet was abandoned by her military as well,” Reyna interrupted, with a straightforward tone. “She actually tried to help me... probably because it was her only way of survival... But still... put her in a safe cell and make sure she gets medical attention.”

“Yes, ma’am...” she responded, before hesitantly taking custody of the confused Celine. “And where do you plan on going now?”

As Reyna walked off, she coldly explained, “I need to talk to a few people. I guess I’ll start with my Lieutenant.”

While the soldier watched Captain Fire disappear into the hallway, Celine couldn’t help but notice the tension between them. Reyna’s face didn’t change, but I could tell she was upset, she thought to herself. Ugh, I wish I spoke their language! Reyna seems so hot when she’s all fired up...

Eventually, Reyna found Mara walking down one of the hallways, after having a meeting with her squad. When she rushed up to confront the lieutenant, she immediately noticed the shock in her eyes.

“Captain?!” Mara reacted, as she came to a complete stop. “What are you doing here?!”

Staring deep into Mara’s eyes, Reyna answered, “I was forced to build a raft to escape Nova since my lieutenant abandoned me.”

“The explosions... I was going to come back for you...”

“Protocol is that you return within forty-eight hours, but here we are, over a week later.”

“Yes, you’re right,” Mara responded, shaking at the knees, just like she did when she spoke to the blonde woman the previous day. “I was given direct orders by the general not to return until two weeks had passed. Only now did I decide to go against her orders... but I’m obviously too late...”

“Why?” Reyna asked, shaking her head in confusion. “Why would you receive orders that leave me in such a compromised position?”

“Please... just give me a chance to explain...” the lieutenant started, trying desperately to gather her breath. “I was promoted under the condition that I would keep certain things confidential.

“Obviously, I don’t know as much as I thought I did, and I definitely don’t know as much as you do. I don’t know why I was ordered to do what I did, but with the classified information I have now, I was afraid of not only losing my rank, but my life as well.

“I’m so sorry... I don’t know if I’m cut out for this position... I never expected any of this. I could hardly live with myself after what happened... and now that you’re here, all I can do is ask that you don’t kill me...”

Reyna stared at the lieutenant for a moment, before speaking. Never changing her expression, she simply replied, “I’m not going to kill you.”

With hopeful eyes, Mara asked, “You’re not?”

Shaking her head, the captain continued, “I don’t plan on it, for now... This isn’t about you. This is much bigger than you.”

She began to walk off, with her mind now focused on the general and her direct orders. However, before she left the lieutenant’s sight, Reyna turned her head and made one final comment. “You’re right, by the way; You’re not cut out for this job.”

Still trembling, Mara leaned her back against the wall, before slowly sliding to the ground. With tears running down her cheeks, she hid her face with her arms, as she wept on the floor.

Bursting into the office, Reyna stood before the woman who was in charge of the entire military, General Yvette. There was an awkward moment of silence as the other high-ranking officials witnessed the stare down between the two powerful women.

“Captain Reyna Fire,” the general started, with a little smirk. “I was just made aware of your arrival. Welcome back.”

“I’d like to speak to you privately, General,” Reyna stated, while glancing at the other officials. “This doesn’t concern them.”

Although it was first met with protest, Yvette instructed the others to step out, so she could have her solo meeting, just as Reyna requested. Once everyone else was out, the general stood by the window, where the light shone on her. With a smile, she asked, “Now that we’re alone; how may I help you?”

“I’d really like to know why the forty-eight-hour rescue protocol was ignored. How long were you planning on letting me stay out there?”

“Oh, Captain... we would have come and got you, eventually. I believe we were set for your rescue three days from now, although there was word that Lieutenant Mara had intentions on going earlier.”

“That doesn’t answer why the forty-eight-hour rule was violated,” Reyna responded, looking unamused.

With a smirk, General Yvette gave her explanation. “We needed more time to safely return to Nova. I mean, what if something really did happen to you? It would have been irresponsible to go without a weapon.”

“We didn’t have a weapon during our initial trip,” the captain shot back.

“That’s where you’re wrong,” Yvette argued with a smug look. “You know as well as I do, there was a weapon present during the first trip. Now, you can keep pretending all you want that things are completely different now, but remember what I said... The past never forgets.”

Suddenly, an image came to Reyna’s mind. It was the group of soldiers stomping and kicking that child once again. With an emotionless face, just like that child possessed, she responded, “I know the past doesn’t forget... but does it ever die? What would become of this world?”

“Oh, the past can’t die,” General Yvette responded, without a worry in the world. “We had an agreement, remember? You wanted a certain someone to be able to live out her own, peaceful life. Well, that won’t happen if we’re forced to move to Weapon Three.”

“Understood,” Captain Fire responded, with a blank stare. “The world has made itself perfectly clear. This is just how it has to be. I’m fine with that.”

Now that she was satisfied, the general changed her tone before moving on to other matters. “So, I hear you brought a prisoner from Nova.”

“I did, but she’s not a threat. There’s no need to take any precautions with her.”

“I’m surprised. It isn’t like you to show such mercy. Did you become soft during your time at Nova?”

“As I stated, General, she is no threat. She’s a simple private that was abandoned by her Ishla squad. She would have died out there, if I hadn’t brought her as a prisoner.”

“And you care, why?” Yvette asked, raising an eyebrow.

“I didn’t want to be responsible for an unnecessary death,” Reyna explained in a cold tone. “She wasn’t the one who threw explosives at me. There’s no need to view her as any type of threat.”

“So, then… what do you suggest we do with her?”

“I don’t suppose she’d want to go back to her military, after being abandoned by them,” the captain answered with a glare. “I recommend we just let her go.”

“What a silly idea!” the General reacted, chuckling. “It would appear your time at Nova has indeed softened you. Quite the opposite of your previous trips.”

“You asked for my opinion and I gave it to you. Like I said, she’s not a threat, so I don’t see the point in keeping her captive.”

“Well, we’re definitely not letting her free,” Yvette stated in a nonchalant manner. “We’ll just auction her off, as is common with captured soldiers. Lucky for you, there’s a big one tomorrow.”

Reyna stood there in silence, contemplating her response. If I ask how much money I have, they’ll know I want to purchase her, she thought to herself. My best bet is to buy more time, by keeping quiet.

“Do you not have a response, Captain?”

“Not really...”

“Speak what’s on your mind.”

“There’s nothing that connects me to this soldier,” Reyna explained, unable to keep her mouth shut. “I just like to see someone have the opportunity to escape military life, even if it’s an Ishla soldier.”

No longer smiling, the general approached her captain, before giving a stern warning. “If you want this girl to have a normal life, I suggest you make sure she gets cleaned up for the auction. If she’s pretty enough, perhaps a wealthy man will come and purchase her to be his wife.

“Her life would pretty much be set at that point. As for you... we’re going to have to do something about your change in attitude... I don’t like it. Not one bit...”


While Reyna was handling her own issues, the captured Ishla soldier was taken away for a medical examination. Just as Reyna had suspected; Celine was malnourished and dehydrated, after days on the ocean, with only a few fruits to eat along the way.

Though Celine knew she would probably become a slave soon, she was relieved to receive medical attention. She even got a decent meal, since the staff knew Captain Fire wanted her well taken care of.

Eventually, Celine was placed in a holding cell, where she passed out from the exhaustion of her entire journey. When she woke up, she couldn’t help but wonder whether she had seen Reyna for the last time.

I’ll understand if she’s too busy to come visit me in here, Celine thought to herself while lying on the floor. She’s a true warrior, so I know she can take care of herself... But still... I hope she’s okay. And more importantly, I hope she’s not in any trouble because of me.

As Celine reflected on her time with Reyna, like she often, did since meeting her, a peaceful smile came over her face. If this is goodbye, Captain Fire... then I want to thank you for everything, she thought, silently. I’m sure I’ll be fine, but I can die a happy woman, now that I’ve met someone like you... My only wish is that I could see you one last time...

Suddenly, the door opened, and a cleaned-up Reyna entered the room. Immediately, Celine’s eyes lit up, as she jumped up to her feet and squealed.

Oh, she looks surprised to see me, Reyna thought to herself, when she encountered the giddy blonde. After opening the holding cell, she grabbed Celine by the wrist and led her out of the room.

God, she’s so strong! Celine thought to herself, as she tried to wiggle her wrist free. I wish she’d let go of my wrist so I could hold her hand...

Reyna never even noticed that Celine was struggling. Eventually, she brought her to a private washing room, where she began stripping the captured soldier of her clothes.

Oh, she’s getting me naked again, Celine thought to herself, as her face suddenly became red. Then, looking around in the room, she noticed a white gown. I wonder if that’s for me?

After filling the bath, Reyna led the Ishla soldier into the tub. Celine then felt even more awkward as the warm water slowly covered her body while the Yeveland soldier stood by and watched.

I’ve never done this before, Reyna thought, as she rolled up the sleeve on her left arm and removed her glove. But I’ve never built a boat before and that worked out pretty well. How hard can it be to prep someone for an auction?

What is she going to do to me? Celine wondered, as she watched Reyna grab a tray of items including soap, shampoo, and a razor.

As the Yeveland soldier got closer, Celine noticed something else about her she had never noticed before. Her fingernails are black... That’s the first girly thing I’ve seen from her. However, after examining them closer, she then made another observation. Wait… they’re not shiny at all... It doesn’t look like they’re painted… so why are they black?

Suddenly, her thoughts were interrupted, when she felt Reyna’s soapy hand press against her chest. With her heart feeling like it was going to explode, Celine watched while the woman rubbed soap between her breasts before moving up to her shoulders.

She’s washing me! the blonde screamed in her head, while staring at the emotionless face of the Yeveland woman. Trying desperately to stop herself from panting, she demanded of herself, Keep it together! She’s just doing her job!

However, once she felt Reyna’s hand cupping her breasts, Celine let out a deep gasp as she screamed in her head,She’s touching my boobs again! No longer able to control her breathing, she panted heavily as she watched Reyna wash one breast before moving to the other. Then, after a subtle moan escaped her mouth, they were left making awkward eye-contact.

Reyna stared into Celine’s eyes for a second until she noticed her breathing going back to normal. I guess she’s okay, the Yeveland soldier thought to herself as she slowly began washing Celine again. I’ve never heard anyone make that sound before. I was afraid I was hurting her.

Oh my God, that feels so good... Celine thought as she closed her eyes and enjoyed her bath. I just hope my boobs are big enough for her...

Her chest seems sufficient, Reyna thought, while continuing to wash the captive soldier. I’ve heard that men like that. Hopefully, a worthy one finds her suitable and purchases her at the auction to be his wife.

After finishing Celine’s upper body, Reyna maneuvered her so that she was bent over on her knees, holding the wall of the tub. She then began washing Celine’s lower body, starting with her thighs and eventually moving up to her more private areas.

I need to make sure she’s clean down here, Reyna told herself, as she rubbed her soapy hand between Celine’s legs. Now, making direct contact with her crotch, she continued, I don’t know how these auctions work, but I’m sure this is important for men because they use it for sex.

Shivering in place, Celine let out a sudden gasp as she tried desperately not to moan. Reyna, what are you doing?! she questioned silently, in another one of her fake conversations. I know my time with you is limited, so you should probably distance yourself from me, emotionally. This is so wrong... but it feels so right!

She made that sound again, Reyna reacted after hearing the Ishla soldier let out another subtle moan. I really hope she’s not in pain. Her legs are trembling...

Continuing the cleaning session, Reyna rubbed deeper, making sure to not only get Celine’s important crotch area, but her rear end as well. Might as well get this all at once. It’s more efficient this way.

No longer able to keep herself from panting, Celine let out a series of deep breaths as she tried to keep herself from melting into the tub. Oh my God, Reyna! she silently whimpered. How dare you do this to me again! I know you’re dirty, but I’m so pure! You can’t do this to me...

Reyna then came to a stop, once she thought she had successfully completed cleaning the captive woman. However, as soon as she took her hand away, Celine turned her head back and gave her a pouty face.

Why did you stop?! the blonde growled in her mind. Then gently grabbing Reyna’s hand, she brought it back to her private areas before putting her head back down.

I guess I didn’t wash her sufficiently enough, the captain thought to herself, as she resumed the cleaning session. Perhaps those sounds she was making weren’t out of pain... I should scrub her harder.

Now closing her eyes as her body went stiff, Celine used all her strength to maintain her position while the Yeveland soldier continued washing her. Reyna, you’re such a tease! I can’t believe you would humble me like that for being so ungrateful! I can’t read you at all!

I can’t read this woman at all, the captain thought, as she finished washing Celine. However, after taking a few more moments to make sure she had done a thorough job, Reyna brought Celine to her feet so she could rinse and groom her.

Eventually, the blonde would be left standing in silence, as she watched Reyna use the razor on her crotch. This is so awkward... she thought to herself, going completely red in the face again. Things were much less awkward when she had her fingers inside me, like I was a bowling ball.

Once Reyna was done shaving the captured woman’s privates, she took care of any other unwanted hair before moving on to the final part of the grooming session. Placing Celine back in a sitting position, she stood behind her with a bottle of shampoo. However, when she went to undo Celine’s thick French-braid, she experienced some resistance for the first time.

Placing her hands on her head, Celine looked up nervously at Reyna, while protecting her hair. Though a bit confused, the Yeveland soldier easily pushed her hands away before undoing the braid and allowing the long blonde hair to finally come down.

What was that all about? Reyna wondered, as she dug the shampoo deep into the woman’s roots. However, she eventually came across something that caught her eye. Taking a closer look, she asked herself, What is this?

Celine tried to move away, but Reyna only became more curious. Then, as the Yeveland soldier got an even better look, she suddenly found herself frozen.

The Ishla soldier quickly covered her head as she moved away. Unfortunately, when she saw the look in Reyna’s eyes, she knew her secret had been discovered.

While looking around nervously, Reyna tried to put the woman’s hair back into a French-braid. As the Ishla soldier took over and did it herself, Reyna dried her with a towel before putting her in the gown she brought.

Making sure the coast was clear, Reyna rushed the woman back to the holding cell and closed it quietly. The Ishla soldier’s heart was racing the entire time, as she thought to herself, I need to explain myself but she can’t understand me!

Before leaving the room, Reyna gestured at the woman with her hands to stay put and to be quiet. The Ishla solder took a deep breath and nodded her head, before watching Reyna leave in a hurry.

Well... I guess she knows my secret... the blonde thought to herself, while she stood there in silence. I wish I could explain myself to her... but I can’t... All I can do is hope she forgives me for lying to her...

After checking to see if anyone else was in the study room, Reyna quietly entered and pulled a book from one of the desks. She had an Ishla crest tattooed to her scalp, the soldier thought, picturing what she saw in the tub. Then, after flipping through the pages, she stopped when she found what she was looking for. Exactly what I thought... That crest is engraved on the body... of all royal family members...