The Stone Bangle Pt. 02

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On her second day, the Bangle drags Clare deep into trouble.
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Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 06/26/2022
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The glow through the curtains woke Clare, a beam of sunlight casting a gleaming ray onto her naked chest, creating shadows over the gentle curves of her breasts. She was confused as she initially woke in the unfamiliar bed and breakfast, but then came to remember the events of the day before, her unplanned liaison with Mike and the thrill of the stone bangle.

She glanced at her phone and then realised how late it was, hopping out of bed and giving her body a quick rinse in the pathetic dribbling shower. The breakfast at least was pretty good, the jolly round middle-aged woman that ran the B&B was happy to make her some poached eggs and had some strawberries as well to follow it up.

She had to wear the same clothes as yesterday which felt a bit odd, she hadn't planned to stay overnight, but after all the thrills of the previous day, she felt compelled to go back to the museum, to Mike, to study the papers of the events from the distant past but more specifically to have another experience in wearing the stone bangle.

She walked back down the high street of her old hometown, although she felt no love for the place at all. She had always felt the people there were cliquey and hostile, and she had loved moving to London to escape from the suffocating atmosphere.

It occurred to her that she needed a few basic supplies and so walked into the post office and general stores. She picked up a few items and then approached the expansive dark wooden sales counter at the back. Even as she walked into the shop, she had felt that old familiar coldness of the village, some kind of hostility that had dogged her through her youth, the happiness she had felt on waking somehow curtailed.

There was an imposing old woman standing at the desk, judging her with her eyes, following her every move. This was exactly the kind of thing that Clare had always hated here, an untrusting vigilance. As she approached the desk, she saw a moment of recollection in the woman's eyes, and then realised that this was the same woman that had always run the shop. The woman that used to watch her and her friends.

When she had finished emptying the items from her basket, and had loaded them into her bag, the woman looked at her, a nasty attitude obvious in her face.

'You should never have come back.' The old crone finally whispered as the transaction was complete, almost inaudibly to Clare.

'What?' Clare exclaimed as she turned back to face the woman, trying to make eye contact, although the woman was now looking over to the door, watching a young boy entering.

'I didn't say anything dear.' The woman replied, but she looked at Clare with utter contempt, a crooked grin spreading over her mouth.

Clare swivelled on the spot and walked out of the shop, so relieved that she knew she would be leaving the village that day, returning to the normality and regulation disinterest of London.

She arrived at the museum that had been converted from a church and walked into the main room. She was immediately enveloped in the same feelings from the day before, already able to feel the gentle influence of the bangle, even though it was still locked away. Re-entering the building was like stepping from a cool room into a warm shower, her body felt the steady persistent pressing of the items in the room as she starred to perceive them again.

More intensely than the collection of artifacts though, was her awareness of Mike, sitting once again at his desk, he was as yet unaware of her and she walked quietly through the room, observing him as he was cleaning and tinkering with some obscure brass device.

'Hi Mike, it's me Clare.' she finally revealed herself. She immediately felt stupid, as if he would have forgotten her, after the things that they had done the previous day, she was pretty confident that he would never forget his afternoon with her in his whole life.

As soon as she spoke, he jumped up and smiled, a look of happiness and desire, she saw his eyes glance down over her and felt a little of his yearning leaking from his perception.

'Oh... wow... great.' He finally managed to mumble through his lustful thoughts.

'I am just going to have another quick read through the papers if that is ok with you, you know.... The papers from the trials. In the back, is everything still where I left it?' Clare asked, almost innocently. Thinking to herself: 'Is it all still on the table where I fucked you yesterday?'

'Yeah... be my guest, everything should be exactly as it was yesterday, and take your time, we are open until 4pm today, so... well anything you need at all, I am here, just give me a shout. Oh... do you want tea?' Mike was growing in confidence which she liked.

'Yeah, thanks that would be great.... I will be... well through the back.'

Clare walked through the heavy dark wood door and re-entered the converted vestibule where she had been working the previous afternoon. She walked straight to the old iron chest that contained the papers, and the bangle and opened it, the key slipping in the well-oiled lock and then clicking open satisfyingly.

The lid creaked a little as she opened it, a musty smell emerging from the old case, the smell of incense and old papers. She picked up the papers and stacked them neatly once again on the table, and then picked up the smaller case containing the bangle. She could sense it already, feel it calling to her, demanding her attention.

She fought against its temptations and demanded that she focus on the documents. She sorted them into some kind of chronological order and then worked through all of them, re-reading them to try and understand what the women had done with the bangle, how they had been discovered and then how they had been captured.

Sadly, Clare realised it was all very ambiguous, the writer seemed to have avoided all reference to what they actually did, it was obviously sexual sometimes, sometimes it was defiance of the local gentry, and other than a few references to 'the villagers' there was nothing that indicated who had discovered or stopped them.

She copied out more quotes, took some pictures of the more relevant documents and made sure that she had a good timeline of the whole thing. It seemed like it had all taken place over a five-year period, that finally it had come to a head one summer and that then the women had been charged and punished, executed in some cases one final week in September.

With a pleasing finality, she closed the black hardback book that she had been taking notes into and sat back in the old oak seat, hearing it squeak slightly as she relaxed. Her whole body had been building up, a tension and anticipation for this moment, when she would allow herself to play with the bangle again.

Her hand reached across the desk, and took the small box, unlocking and opening it again. The effect of the stone so close to her skin was already worming its way into her mind, she did not hesitate, lifting the bangle from its velvet resting place and slipping it back onto her wrist. It slid over her knuckles, and it was almost like it shrank around her wrist.

She sat there, eyes closed and just probed her consciousness again. As before the bangle meant that her mind could roam through the whole museum, that she could touch the items, move through them, between them. She could use each one almost as a doorway to the past, feeling and experiencing their histories.

For an hour, she moved through the cabinets, experiencing all the variety of feelings, violence, death, despair and lust. Her body feeling like it was being pulled and twisted with each tale. Sometimes she touched medals and trophies and felt the delight of the owner as their efforts were recognised.

Inevitably, she eventually worked around to Mike, still sitting at his desk, the brass astrolabe now slowly appearing from the mess of dirt and corrosion, she perceived his satisfaction as he worked the pieces apart with oil and rags, setting each piece to the side. She probed deeper into his mind, and felt his ongoing lust for her, his latent memories of the way they had fucked the previous day.

As she had done the day before, she let her body feel his, let her mind move from hands to legs, to cock, felt the background desire that he felt for her as he had looked at her standing over him. It was pleasurable, flattering and fun to feel how he felt, although she felt a slight voyeuristic guilt from experiencing his feelings without his knowledge.

After a second she couldn't resist anymore, she imagined him getting up and coming through to see her, knowing that the wish was more than already present in his mind, knowing that he wanted nothing more in the whole world. Of course, he got up and walked through, she watched as he walked in through the door.

Her body felt an immediate thrill as she saw him, and she felt his mind echo hers, felt his body respond to seeing her sitting at the table where he had so very unceremoniously fucked her the previous day.

'Hello Mike, you are returning to the scene of the crime?' She greeted him, smiling, not bothering to conceal how pleased she was to see him approaching her.

Mike looked at her, she saw a wolfish look in his eyes, she felt his lust growing as he walked to her. He had doubts in his mind, a little unsure as to how she would react but as he approached, she moved to him and kissed him on the mouth. Not a peck, but a kiss, pressing her lips to his, letting her tongue enter his mouth. She felt it from his perspective, the thrill of a woman taking the lead made his arousal grow, along with his cock.

He pulled back and looked into her eyes again, she looked back at him, constant, desiring. He was confused as to how once again he found himself kissing her. Every woman he had fancied before had taken some complicated form of seduction, some variety of dinners and dances, films, and drinks. Somehow once again with Clare, from nowhere he found himself standing with her tongue in his mouth.

Clare was completely entranced by the dual feelings, his lust, the way his body responded to her actions, the way she felt her tongue in his mouth and at the same time, his utter arousal as he experienced it. Her own body echoed his arousal and desired him utterly, desired feeling more of how a guy experiences sex.

Her fingers moved to his trousers and undid them, pulling them apart and freed his cock from his shorts, taking it into her hands, feeling it hardening. She moved her perception completely into his mind and felt it from his perspective, feeling how excited he was to feel her soft hands on his cock.

Then she lowered herself to the floor and knelt before him, looking up at him, maintaining eye contact as she did so, then took his cock in her hands, probing into his mind for the way that he enjoyed being touched. What she found in his mind most however though was that his arousal was piqued by her position, by her kneeling, making herself subservient to him as she knelt for him.

Slowly she moved her mouth to the head of his cock, rock hard now, she could feel his heartbeat pulsing in it as she moved the firm almost purple head to her lips. There was a bead of precum on the slit which she saw as she moved it into her mouth, her soft pink tongue moving to the sticky bulb and licking it, then licking all around his head, down to the ridge leading to his shaft.

As she licked him, she sampled his thoughts, feeling how her oral ministrations were affecting him, feeling the delicious sensations enveloping his cock head as her tongue explored. She tasted the slightly warm gloop in her mouth, and then licked it and swallowed it. She immediately perceived the thrill that he felt in feeling her lick him clean and see her accept his precum into her body.

As she knelt before him, he slipped his hands down to her, slipping his hands over her breasts, pushing her bra down, feeling her gentle curves, taking her nipples into his fingers, gripping them a little, making her breath in, arousing her even as she licked him intently.

She pressed his cock further, passed her yielding pink lips and into her cheeks. She enjoyed the sensation of her own mouth on his taught head as she returned her own perception to his, she was amazed how the pleasure was so diverse, all over the dome of his cock, and then even more intense in the little triangle of sensitive skin under the head.

He groaned and his head fell back, it was delicious to her to compare the different feelings that each part of his cock produced as she licked it, as she pressed it from cheek to cheek, as she played her pursed lips over the different surfaces. All the time she was able to focus her licking, her lips, her cheeks on just the perfect part of his cock to give him the greatest gratification.

'Exactly as I would expect of a whore like you.' The words rang across the large back-office room, a dry and scratchy female voice that made both Clare and Mike jump, jolting them out of their shared reveries. Clare pulled back, her drool dripping down her chin as she pulled his cock from her and looked around in shock. Mike did the same, looking round as his cock wiped a smear of precum over her face.

They both saw the old woman from the post office standing in the doorway, holding the creaky door open as she sneered at them, judging them, disgusted to see them sexually involved in the museum.

'What the fuck are you doing here?' Mike found his voice. Looking at the old woman accusingly, he recognised her from the village but had never had much to do with her.

As Clare moved to stand, she suddenly realised that she couldn't, her legs felt numb, as if they were being controlled by something, as if they had been set in concrete, immobilised. Mike tried to move to old woman as well, to go and challenge her, but he too was unable to move, forced to stand there stationary with his hard cock pointing back towards the kneeling Clare.

'Oh... now you begin to understand. Don't you. While that slut decided to use her stone bangle to turn herself in a whore, I can use mine to enforce some order in the world, just as my ancestors had to do.' The old woman raised her arm and let the sleeve of her blouse fall down her arm a little, exposing a thick black granite bangle, similar in style to the one that Clare was wearing, but the opposite colour.

'You see my young prostitute, while you are using the powers you have been lent to explore the pleasures of the flesh, I am here to stop you and your foul type from abusing these powers, and now I will hold you both here until my colleagues arrive and we are able to disable you and your slutty depravities.'

Mike was utterly confused, having no idea what this old woman was talking about, or why her wearing a contrasting bangle to the one Clare was wearing should have anything to do with them.

'She didn't tell you did she? She just used your body for her own carnal pleasures, controlling you, enjoying you. Well I and my family have been tasked with controlling sluts like her and her ancestors for many centuries, and it seems I was only just in time this time, in time to stop her developing the powers she could from the bangle.' The old crone walked towards them, looking down at Mike's cock still hard, dripping precum, still pointing at Clare's face.

'I can't believe you would kneel for him, that you would suck his filthy cock, you depraved whore, let his bodily fluids into your mouth just to feel the pleasures he feels. You should feel utter shame.'

'No, I don't feel any shame actually, I love oral sex, I love to feel him suck my pussy, my clit, and I love to take him in my mouth, and now I know what it feels like for him, I love it even more.' Clare finally found her voice.

'Exactly what I would expect from a whore like you, your type has been willing to degrade yourself for the pleasures of the flesh since time immemorial, well this will be your last time, once my colleagues arrive from the city, we will destroy that bangle and extinguish this depravity once and for all.' The old woman cackled a vicious laugh, walking around them and taking Clare's face in her dry cracked hands, her claw like fingers digging into her soft skin.

Clare turned her attention back to the bangle, confused how she had been transformed from feeling so powerful a moment ago, to suddenly feeling utterly powerless, her body locked tight into position, her knees on the cold stone floor, her arms held in place as if in a straitjacket. She probed her body, probed the bangle, but she could feel it was as if there was a power field preventing her from accessing the bangle, and rather than letting her feel across the room, she could barely feel her own arms or legs.

In her mind she started to push at the bangle, to probe at the feeling that was stopping her feel it like before, her mind was pushed back by something, like trying to push two magnets together, every time her mind thought that she was close to the bangle, it was like something moved and she found herself back where she started.

'Oh... it's too late for you to try that now my child, I have taken control of your bangle, while you were dallying in his mind, enjoying his filthy cock in your mind, I came into your mind and locked you out. There is no way that you will be strong enough to get back in control now my young slut, if you wanted to control your mind and body then you should have kept some of your attention in your head. But you didn't, you were so entranced by his feelings that you let me in.'

Clare pushed hard, but the old witch was right, her own mind just felt like the woman was gripping it with her hands strangling it, holding it. Clare cast around the room like she had done previously, the bangle's powers not entirely diffused by the old woman. While she felt locked out of her own mind, she realised that Mike's mind was still open to her. She moved her perception back into him, immediately aware of the feelings coming from his hard cock.

The old woman cackled, 'You still haven't had enough my dirty little slag. You won't find pleasure there.' Somehow the woman could even feel what Clare was doing in her head. Clare realised that she had so much less knowledge of what these bangles could do than the other woman, and yet she was desperate to try anything.

Despite her taunts Clare continued her attempt to explore their situation, she felt into Mike and made him move to her, made him press his cock back into her mouth, made him press it hard into her mouth, to the back of her throat. She heard Mike breath in, the delicious feelings of his cock pressing into the muscles of her mouth, making herself gag and making his cock move deep into her, felt the muscles grip his cock head.

She felt the pleasure he felt in the sensitive head, still purple and almost angry as she used her own body to please him, even though she knew it felt horrible to her. She saw the old hag wince and spit on the floor with the unpleasant feelings that Clare was making her endure.

'You disgust me you foul cunt, letting him use you, have you no respect for your body?' The old woman was still feeling confident but there was a new edge in her voice as if some of her arrogance was waning.

Clare made Mike press back into her mouth, despite the old woman trying to control them both, it felt like her powers over Mike were weaker, perhaps because it was Clare that was wearing the bangle, it seemed that when Clare and Mike were both resisting her, she was able to make Mike move more freely.

The old woman moved closer and gripped Clare's head, obviously trying to move her and control her, reduce the sensations that she was feeling through Clare's bangle, but Clare and Mike were starting to work together now, and Mike realised what Clare was asking for. He pressed his cock hard into Clare's mouth, the head passing the entrance of her throat, into her neck, feeling her body gagging on him.