The Strange House Pt. 02


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"And... I'll try to not be so judgmental. I know I don't always get all the nerd stuff, but know that I love you and want you to have the best life possible. And honestly, if you wanna read about Game of the Rings or whatever, that's much better than running amok," Mom said, smiling.

"Thanks, Mom. I'll... go and fetch the mail or something. I need fresh air," I said.

"Mind taking this down to Mrs Browning?" Mom asked, lifting some heavy-looking plastic bag. "It's just some Tupperware. She gets pissed when it doesn't get back to her soon enough. Which is often immediately. Last year she wouldn't stop telling everyone how I hogged all the Tupperware after the Christmas baking. Anyway, it's getting dark and the old lady is just gonna slip on the ice."

"Sure," I said, taking over the bags.

Mrs. Browning was this old lady down the street who was meticulously organized that wrote everything down, but other than that she was a very sweet old lady. It was a short walk, but long enough to make it brisk in the current temperatures. I dinged the door, and as I stood there waiting(Mrs. Browning is old so it could take a while), I looked at anything and nothing. Until my eyes landed on the old house across the street. Worn and ready to be torn. I couldn't help but get this nagging feeling that the house itself was looking back at me, here I stood staring at it.

"There you are," the old lady croaked behind me, making my heart skip a beat. "Oh, did I startle you, darling?"

"Just a bit. That house, y'know," I chuckled, throwing a glance over my shoulder toward it. "I keep thinking I see someone move in there, the way the curtains blow."

"Oh nonsense, dear. It's just the wind and too many cracked windows. And in the walls, if I'm being honest. Or it could be some squatter, come to think of it," Mrs. Browning said in her creaking old lady voice.

"Can you remember anyone ever living there?" I asked. Mrs. Browning was the oldest member of the community so if anyone knew, it was her.

"Oh that... Erh. Not really. I, erh, I know those who built it died shortly after, but I can't remember from what," Mrs Browning said, seemingly fading into her own thoughts to recollect something else forgotten. "Something... something ugh, in the 60s? Sorry, darling, my memory isn't what it used to be, and it's so long ago. I'm not sure who owns it now. Mostly squatters nowadays."

"It's a shame," I muttered. "Well, take care."

But instead of heading back home, my attention returned to the old house. Not even old Mrs. Browning knew. Haunted. Something happened in the 60s if the old lady could be believed between her ramblings.

As I moved across the street to look at it closer, the whole house seemed to grow. It towered above me, and the intensity of its decaying materials increased. And as it grew, all sounds seemed to trickle away, creating a thick, hovering silence as if the world was nothing but that house and me. Jesus Christ what a scary house.

I pulled my eyes away and was about to turn to walk, but then the door swung open, the darkness within greeting me as I gawked at it. Out came a towering figure. My breath caught in my throat as the figure stumbled out and into the streetlight. Shaggy and with a beer belly, an old worn cap. But oddly enough, he had a kind face, and his eyes were strikingly green. Or hazel? It was hard to tell. But certainly, not some ominous figure that fitted the house he just exited.

Wait a minute. That's just some old homeless guy. I think I knew him even. I had seen him around.

"Hey there, didn't mean ta scare ya," the man said in a rough voice, seeing me look at him. "Erh, I just..." he trailed off, opening the small iron gate and stepping out on the sidewalk.

"No no, I apparently scare easily," I chuckled.

It all made sense now. This hobo was the reason we thought it was haunted, and it was probably him we saw after that party! What a fool I was. I guess lately I have gotten that proven over and over again.

"Yeah. I guess the darker days do that," the man mumbled, not looking at me. He was awfully pale, now that I saw him closer. "Well. Erh. Stay away from that house, eh?"

"What's in there?" I asked, curiosity getting the better of me. "If you don't mind me asking."

"Rubble. Just rubble. What's your name, kid?" he asked.

"Logan," I replied.

"And I'm Pete, Logan. Nice to meet you. And if you want it to stay being nice to meet new people, I suggest staying well away from old ruins like this. You never know what you might find," the man named Pete said.

His eyes then refocused on the street behind me as a police car pulled up. It was Dad, and the two waved at each other as if they knew each other. Dad stepped out but didn't look angry or anything. If anything, a bit apologetic.

"Pete, I told you a thousand times. You can't be staying in there. It's dangerous, and besides trespassing," Dad said with a great deal of sympathy. I knew it tore at him to throw a homeless man on the streets, but it was indeed not a good place to stay by the looks of it.

"Yeah yeah, I hear ya. Someone gotta feed the cat," Pete chuckled cheerfully, unbothered.

But as they talked, I looked at one of the windows facing the street. And once again, I swear I saw the curtains move. I stared intensely at the window, but I guess it was once again my imagination getting the better of me.


Even after the curfew and house arrest were over didn't, I go anywhere. I didn't want to. Home was where it was at, in my opinion. It was warm and cozy, and I had my good ole PC, my books, and my interests. What more can one need? Certainly not any social awkwardness, humiliation, and the seriousness of the world. Home was safe.

I even, to atone further for my sins, made an effort to get my grades up. They were never abysmal, but neither all that impressive. C was my average, but if I could get it up just a smidge, then at least I knew I had the ability to improve if nothing else.

Something that kept consistent, however, was Zach and Jeremy. A month after I had been caught shoplifting, the two of them cornered me and more or less told me what would happen if I snitched. I knew better than to mention names to my Dad, but I swore regardless and only got a few bruises where none would see them. Later that day, I learned why Jeremy was extra careful about my silence. He had gotten his acceptance letter to some sports college.

"Congrats," I mumbled, as they hung around my locker, talking to each other as if I wasn't there.

"Hey, Logan! How's it going?" Anna said, suddenly appearing. Jeremy who stood behind her, made an extra number of leaning back to stare at her ass before nodding his approval. "I heard you got busted." Heard? She was there...

"Yeah, I've b-been in hibernation," I tried to joke. When none of them laughed, I added mutteringly, "I was g-grounded."

Jeremy rolled his eyes, before addressing Anna, ignoring the fact I got punished for something they made me do. "Party this weekend. You up? Maybe we can explore the woods some more, eh?"

Another party? You'd think they were alcoholics. And what was so fascinating about the woods anyway? It was cold as shit and miserable. And why would they even explore anything away from the bonfire?

"I don't know... Last time the clerk busted us," Anna said.

Busted us? Last time I checked, I was the one who got fucked.

"Yeah, but ole Loggie here will just have to run faster," Jeremy said.

"I'm not doing anything," I shot in, but they ignored me.

"We can't possibly ask him again?" Anna said. She turned to me, her big pearly eyes looking into me as if she looked into my melting heart, slightly pouting her lip. Oh, what an irresistible beauty. "You'd really do that?" she asked.

"I-I'm s-sorry, b-but," I started, but Anna moved in closer, letting me feel her scent. One of her hands rested with her palm against my chest.

"Please? For me?" she asked.

"Erh... Eh... I think-"

Anna leaned closer, and I soon felt her whispering voice right next to my ear, tickling my brain like one of those ASMR videos. "I'll make it worth your while," she whispered. "At the party, I mean."

"Okay," I blurted out, "I, erh, I need t-to go t-to the b-bathroom," I urged, as my erection was on its way with great ferocity. I couldn't walk around with a bulge in front of the whole school, so I started my way down towards the bathroom to hide until it subsided.

"Gay boy popped a boner!" Zach exclaimed a bit too loud and laughed. I had forgotten who I was hanging around for a split second. Only Anna could make me forget that I was in the presence of assholes. I got beet red as I hurried away, the choir of the two of them laughing at me in my back.

So the guys at least found me a new store. I did my trick, and as I got out of there I swore it was the last time. Jeremy and Zach looked happy to see me, or what I had under my jacket, Amanda was indifferent, and Anna at least had the decency to look like making me do this pained her. Apologetic, I guess is the word.

As for my parent's approval to go to the party, I hadn't got it. I was still trying to work that one out, sort of figuring things out on the fly.

But as we were approaching the spot along the road where we would enter into the woods, Jeremy stopped me, as the others went on, and we lingered back a bit.

"Time for you to fuck off," Jeremy said in a low dangerous voice.

"What?! But I- I got the stuff!" I complained.

"Yeah, great job, Dildo Sackins, but fuck off before I rip your head off," Jeremy promised.

"But Anna-"

"Anna what? What exactly did you think would happen? The hottest girl in school would suck your dick or fuck you just because you're easy to push around? Get the fuck out of here," Jeremy said, shoving hard at my chest. "That was just some shit she said, you idiot."

That hurt. Of course, Anna had nothing to do with this, despite what Jeremy said, but it still felt like a major betrayal. It stung and filled my stomach with so much grief I could hardly breathe. I shoved my hands into my warm pockets and I slinked back home. How could it get any worse? I had once again forsaken my own morals, going against everything my parents had taught me, and for what? Nothing. A promise snubbed away from under my nose.

Mom asked what was wrong, but I just muttered something incoherent and went to my room and gamed until my brain became numb and I fell asleep.

The following Monday, Anna even found me at my locker, without the others around.

"Where were you?" she asked in a somewhat challenging way. I guess she felt I had stood her up.

"I, erh, didn't feel l-like p-partying," I muttered, not wanting to sound like I was some push-around. Though, everyone knew it, but I couldn't very well admit it, right?

"Oh, but I wanted to reward you so much," Anna said in her most sensual way, giving me a crooked, teasing smile. Or was it teasing? Was she really suggesting something to happen? God damn it, Jeremy...

"Eh, well, I guess n-next time?" I said, knowing what I had to do to get a 'next time'. Shoplifting was already becoming a habit. Every time I did it, it felt like a piece of me was being hacked away.

"A girl can hope," she purred, leaning closer. "This weekend?"

"S-sure," I said, eager to please the Queen of Courtington High.


"George, what do you think?" Mom asked Dad.

The following Friday, I had broached the subject of me going to a party again. It had been quite a while since I had been busted, and even longer since I was at a party, especially as I had been sent home by Jeremy last time. I hoped my change of character of late would give me enough so I could go. If not, then so be it. Obeying my parents had become the center of my life. And it was not only to please them, though that was a major factor, it was also a way I felt I could save my soul.

But all that was being forsaken, as I knew I had to steal again to go to that party with Anna. Darwinism says that life and evolution are survival of the fittest, as I had mused before. Perhaps this was how I fit in a world where I wasn't big and strong. It didn't feel great, though, I can tell you that.

"Sure. I think we should trust Logan to be responsible. Consider this your test," Dad said, looking at me with seriousness. It made it all feel worse. I knew I would fail that test, and with Anna promising to 'reward' me, I would fail happily while I shoved all guilt away. As I did now. Shoving the guilt, that is.

"So can I go?" I asked.

"Yes. Home before midnight," Dad said, "here, I'll drive you to school."

Dad wrapped a hand around my furthest shoulder, walking me towards the garage. "And no funny business," he muttered so Mom wouldn't hear. "These parties and whatnot. I know you just wanna fit in and I know what it takes for you to go to those parties... so I talked to the clerk at the corner of George Green's Street. As long as you pay, you can do that there, alright? No more stealing, got it?"

"Really?" I asked, perplexed.

"Yeah. Really. This is a big favor I'm pulling off here, so please, don't do something stupid. I'm trusting you," Dad said. My chest felt a bit lighter at that. Fuck me, how did I get so nice parents. Then I felt his big hand grab my wrist, and his other shoved something in it. Fifty dollars. "Don't tell your mother," he said, finally giving me a smile.

"Thanks, Dad," I said with as much earnestness as I could muster.

"Hey, I'm your old man, but I know what you teenagers go through," he chuckled. "Is it after school today?"

"Yeah," I said.

"I'm off patrol tonight, so like last time, I will wait for you," he said.

At least I wouldn't have to steal the alcohol, but it still didn't feel great spending my 'allowance' buying alcohol for my bullies and Anna. I hoped this situation would change with time, but I knew that was very unlikely as long as they stuck around. They had a system that had worked so far for them, why ever change it? And I was determined that Jeremy wouldn't chase me away this time around. So when the moment came when he shoved his hand on me, I just clenched my fists.

"Why can't I join?" I asked. I knew it was utterly pathetic to beg my bully for permission to go to a party. I had already done that with my parents. "I won't be in your way. I mostly just sit there and talk to people."

Jeremy raised his eyebrows, looking down at me with utter disgust. "Why would you join? No one likes you. In fact, every time I see you, I just wanna stomp you until you're not moving anymore, you little piece of shit. Fuck you, honestly," he said with a smug smile, as if tormenting me gave him the greatest joy.

"Like I said, I won't bother you all night. I even have a curfew so I won't be there so long," I said, still begging to join the party. He had given me thousands of those speeches before, so the words flew over my head.

"Just-" Jeremy started,

"Jeremy?" Anna called from the tree line, having returned to see where we had gone. "Logan? Are you coming?"

Jeremy looked at me, then at Anna, "Yeah, just telling this idiot why his shirt is all fucked up. Learn to iron, you idiot," he said, getting a chuckle out of Anna. Hearing her laugh at my expense... Well, at least I got to go to the party.

Like the first party, I just sat around for the most part. I remembered to stand and walk around a bit so the alcohol didn't pile up on me, and I drank way less. Still, my nerves about what Anna might do to 'reward' me were front and center of my brain. I had no hopes or anything, but I did bring a condom. Like I said, there were no expectations or anything, but better safe than stupid, right?

"Hey," Robert said, making his way over. "Haven't seen you at a party in a while."

But he had seen me at the bus stop for years though, so it wasn't like he hadn't seen me since that party a while back. Yesterday morning we nodded to each other, in fact.

"Yo. Yeah, I'm not a huge party-goer or anything," I said. I then nodded towards Zach and Jeremy, who were talking to some of their other buddies. "How come you never hang out with them?" I asked.

"Zach hates lesbians, I love 'em. Jeremy is a spoiled shithead, nobody likes him. He's just good at sports," Robert explained. "Apples and oranges."

"I guess," I said. "Where is Jen?" I asked as I knew he was dating some girl from the other classes.

"She hates parties like these. She's hanging out with Linda, I'm guessing," Robert shrugged. "Can I ask you something?"


"Are you gay, by chance?" Robert asked.

"What? No!" I said indignant. "I got nothing against gay people, but no. I'm not one."

"I figured. Zach and his gay this and gay that," Robert shrugged. "Weeell. I gotta bail. Thinking of Jen and Linda hanging out made me suddenly lose all interest in this party. See ya later."

Robert rose from the sofa and headed off. After a moment or two, I got up too, to stretch my legs and not throw up again. As I did, I felt something fall out of my front pocket. I looked down at the snowy ground, and there it was. The condom I had brought. I was about to pick it up when I felt an arm yank around my waist, then Jeremy suddenly stood in front of me, with the condom between his fingers, held up high for further inspection. I couldn't move as Zach had locked his hands around my elbows from behind.

"Hey now, what is this?" Jeremy asked, loud enough for some bystanders to pay attention. "Someone's hoping to get lucky tonight! Wait, is this yours, Logan? You dirty dirty dawg!"

"Let me go," I muttered to Zach, wanting to retrieve the rubber before too many caught on the small stage show Jeremy was winding up.

"And aren't these the wrong size, you think? You fucking idiot," Jeremy chuckled. "HEY ANNA!"

I didn't see her as Zach's grip was way too tight, and she was behind me somewhere, but as most were now paying attention, I had to guess that so was Anna. I could only imagine what sort of creep she thought I was. Maybe she thought I figured her as someone who would give it up easy, or that I was some weirdo who went around expecting something.

I guess this is what I get for more or less talking myself into joining the party against their wishes. Time to get punished for subordination.

"Your little boyfriend here thinks you're some fucking slut!" Jeremy damn near laughed now, looking past me at Anna.

"Or was it so somebody could fuck you?" Zach said in my ear, his breath stinking with cheap vodka. "Want Jeremy to slide that one on and ram your ass?!"

"You're so pathetic. You get tossed around even with a dad who's a cop," Jeremy sneered. "Come on, Zach, let's fuck him up so everyone gets to see how pathetic he is!"

Zach suddenly released my elbows and shoved me to the ground. By instinct, I started crawling away before I got enough of my feet under me to run. I heard thuds behind me, thuds I had heard so many other times when they had chased me. I sprinted with all I had. Through the forest, without direction. Twigs snapped against my face, snow made every step a fight, and my lungs were soon on fire. But both of them were athletes so they had no trouble catching up with me, despite my head start. And despite how tired I had become, I thought I had made leagues on them with my small headstart, but it was just a few hundred yards.

Suddenly, I slammed into a wrought iron fence, feeling the cold metal against my skin. Without thinking, I opened the small gate and slipped into the overgrown garden, hoping the shrub would be enough to conceal me.

"There he is! Look at how he's trying to hide! HAH!" Zach laughed, as I saw them wade out from under the trees, drunk and angry.

"You're fucking dead!" Jeremy yelled.

I crawled out from under the bush I had tried to hide in, and tried to round the house. Nope. That didn't work. Huge locked gates separated the back from the front on both sides. I looked over my shoulder and saw Jeremy yank open the small gate.