The Succubae Seduction Bk. 02: The Twins Ch. 01


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"Oh, that feels better," Jessica moaned in an almost sexual manner.

"Does that mean you'll answer my questions now?" He was tired of waiting.

"Sure," she grinned at him. "But wouldn't you rather we not talk?" she asked and pulled her shirt off. Her attitude did a complete three sixty.

Eldon's mouth went dry at the sight of her wonderful breasts free again. His cock strained hard against the front of his pant, demanding he take her up on her offer.

"I want answers," he said through a throat that didn't want to cooperate. He wanted to feel those tits. Oh, the things he wanted to do to them. But there was too much he didn't understand, and his cock didn't rule his life. Wasn't there something about his cock he was supposed to remember?

"Fine," she pouted, putting her shirt back on. Eldon couldn't stop from groaning as her chest was once again hidden from view. "What do you want to know?"

"How did you know where I was?" There were a lot of things he wanted to know, but that one seemed the most important right then. Especially because of the trap he'd narrowly escaped that morning. He remembered his sister being suspicious of her, and now he was too.

"I was following you," she said.

Eldon moved to a defensive position, and prepared to change into something she might have a problem fighting. He knew how handy she was against an ogre, but maybe he could—No! He promised never to try that one again. Not after last time.

"Relax," she told him, but he ignored her. How was he supposed to relax, if she'd been following him.

Wait. . . . "How could you have followed me? After fighting those ogres, we left on rocs. Can you fly, too?"

"No," she laughed lightly. How could she be so calm right now? He was a raw bundle of nerves, the least reason of which because he really wanted to play with her Grand Tetons. "I can't fly, and I haven't been following you all day." She grimaced slightly before continuing. "I didn't know it when I saved your ass, but apparently you have friends in high places. Very high."

"I was holding my own," he told her defensively.

Her look conveyed her opinion of that statement. "I guess you mentioned my name to the Pillar of Air, and she went looking for me. She asked me to keep an eye on you, since I handled myself pretty well with those ogres. Said something about you likely doing something foolish, and she was worried. She also mentioned that the other person she'd sent to watch over you, wasn't exactly ideal.

"Well, when one of the Pillars asks a favor of you, you don't say 'no thank you.' She told me where I could find you, and I arrived just as you were leaving. By the way, who was that fairy?"

"My step-mom," he told her, before thinking better of it.

Her eyes narrowed as she looked at him closer. "Wait," she muttered. "You couldn't be. . . ." Too late he realized his mistake. "The Pillar of Air asks me to look after you personally, and you have a fairy for a step mother. She was obviously free from being attached to anyone. And that car . . . You're one of Lyden Snow's kids!"

Oh great. Here it comes, he groaned internally. There was a reason he didn't advertise who his dad was. He was famous in both worlds. Earth knew him as the ambassador to a world of magic and dreams. The Shadow World knew him as their savior. Well, those that didn't hate him for fighting against the Outsider. King Aecus was still out there somewhere with his Myrmidons.

"Look, I'm sorry if I upset you back there," she told him, hands out in front of her and fear in her eyes. "I didn't realize who you were, or who your family was. I'll go ahead and leave you alone."

"What?" Eldon asked, confused by her behavior. Most people started fawning over him, as though he were the celebrity. When he was a kid, he'd enjoyed the attention. But as he grew up, he realized all they were after was getting to meet his dad. They didn't care about him. "Well, I was angry, but I'm not now. And you haven't answered all my questions."

Her eyes darted to both sides, like she was trying to find an escape route.

"How about this," he told her, trying to put her at ease, "I'll promise three times not to hurt you, or let my family hurt you, as long as you don't try to hurt us." When she nodded warily, he made the requisite promise. "There, that better?"

"I didn't bruise your arm when I pulled you out of that club, did I?" she asked.

It took him a moment to realize that she was worried that she'd already hurt him. "No, I'm fine," he reassured her. She relaxed. "Okay, so you followed me, and saw me getting into trouble and pulled me out of there. Why did we have to hurry back?"

She hesitated for a moment before answering. "Let's just say that bad things can happen when I'm somewhere that has a midnight and I cross that time. If we went back now, I'd be fine. As long as the time shift hasn't altered things so that it's still before midnight."

That wasn't enough of an answer, but he wasn't going to push it. He understood having secrets. Talking about the time shifting though, brought his mind to that. "Any idea how long we were away from here?" he asked her.

"Sure, let me just look at the sun and judge what time it is," she arched one eyebrow at him. "Oh, wait, there isn't a sun here."

"Sorry," he muttered, feeling foolish.

"I'm messing with you," she laughed. "It's been about five hours."

Eldon blinked in confusion. It had been a dumb question, that shouldn't have had an answer. "How do you know?" he asked.

"I just do," she said. "Only when it's around midnight, do I have a hard time knowing what time it is. Otherwise, I always know."

There was that midnight thing again. He was dying to know what happens to her at midnight, but remembered how his car hadn't stopped for him. Only when his life is in danger will the Orange Bubble ignore him. Had he been in danger from her? Looking at her pretty face, it was hard to believe, but then he remembered how she'd taken out those two ogres. She could move! And she could be quite dangerous.

"What else would you like to know?" she asked. Eldon noted a bit of hesitancy in her tone, but figured she didn't want to talk about whatever happens at midnight.

"I guess that's all that's important," he gave her a half smile. "Sorry Lysa dragged you into all that."

"Don't be," she said with a small frown. Why was she frowning? "Is that all you want to ask me? Are you sure?"

Eldon wracked his brain, trying to figure out what she was getting at. "Yeah, I guess so," he finally gave up and said.

"You didn't want to see these?" As she spoke, she lifted her shirt again, and this time took it all the way off.

Eldon's jaw rested on his collarbone as he gaped at her. He recovered quickly and stammered, "Y-yeah. T-that works too."

"You know, I'm still pretty horny after taking out those ogres this morning, and haven't been able to find a suitable release. Do you know how I can take care of this?" His eyes watched as her fingers traced circles around her breasts.

"Um. . . I guess I could help you out with that," he tried to act cool, but those tits were mesmerizing.

"I thought you'd never ask," she grinned. "Why don't you come over here and replace my hands?"

He didn't have to be asked twice. Eldon couldn't move as fast as she could, but he certainly tried, making her giggle at his alacrity. That giggle turned into a throaty moan as he finally got to touch her perfection. Each breast was more than a handful and very firm. There was no sag to either one, despite their size and weight. The nipples were hard, and she moaned again as he ran his thumbs over them.

Because his eyes were locked on her mammaries, he didn't see her hand go to the back of his head. She pulled his face to hers, and as their lips met, she put Megan's kiss to shame. If he hadn't already been hard, his cock would have been there in record time. As it was, while her tongue ran along the inside of his lips, his cock was trying its hardest to bust out of the front of his pants.

His cock? Why should that bother him?

"Mmm, that girl was right," Jessica moaned as she pulled away for air, "you are a great kisser!"

Eldon grinned foolishly at her compliment. He'd tried to give as good as he got, but her skill was enough that he'd actually forgotten her breasts in his hands. Yes, she was that good!

"Now, why don't we check out what's making your pants so tight. Shall we?"

Eldon wasn't even finished nodding dumbly before she was on her knees in front of him, opening his pants and freeing his cock.

"Holy fuck!" she exclaimed, pulling back from him.

Too late, he remembered one of those secrets he kept from everyone else. Only his mother and sister knew, and Shelly only because of when he lost his clothing after transforming.

His cock was deformed. Only when he took another person's form, did he have a normal looking phallus.

"Shit!" He exclaimed, trying to cover his deformity. "I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking. Let me change into someone else and it will be normal."

He started to go over every form he knew, thinking of which one had the biggest cock.

"Wait," she said softly. Something in her voice cut through his sudden panic. "Don't." He looked at her, not sure he understood. Did she not want him to try because she was turned off by his prick, or something else. "Let me see it, please."

It took him a moment to understand her request. Why did she want to see it? So she could laugh at it, and make fun of him? Even as he covered himself, he felt himself shrinking down and growing soft. He shook his head at her, unwilling to speak in his shame.

"Please," she asked again. She was still on her knees, and it almost felt like she was begging him. "I won't laugh. I promise. I promise. I promise."

He looked into her eyes, light blue now and saw how sincere she was. It helped that she'd promised three times.

Eldon slowly pulled his hands back until she could see. Her hand moved forward, and he covered up again. She only looked up at him, waiting. There wasn't a trace of laughter or ridicule in her eyes. Finally, he nodded, and forced his hands to his sides.

Her hand moved towards his groin again, going slowly. Her fingertip touched the tip, large even while flaccid, and it jumped startling her. He almost covered up again, but she moved too fast for him, and grasped his manhood in her hand. It was big enough, that part of it hung over her hand while she squeezed it.

"It's huge," she said.

"It's gross," he replied, his cheeks burning in embarrassment as he started to get hard again in her grasp.

"No it's not," she told him, her voice soft. "It's beautiful. I've never seen one like it."

"You've seen a lot?" He knew the question was a mistake as soon as he said it.

"No, but you get a sense for these things. Once you've seen one, you get an idea of what they're supposed to be like. But not yours." His knees almost buckled when she leaned forward and kissed the bulbous tip.

"It doesn't bother you that it's not straight?" he asked. Now that he was fully hard again, his cock was slightly corkscrew shaped.

"No," she breathed. This time when her head moved forward, he felt her tongue slide across the sensitive bottom.

Eldon moaned in bliss. No one had ever played with his deformed cock before. Even though he was ashamed of it, her attitude was turning him on more than even her perfect tits had.

"What about the texture?" he asked when he could find his voice.

"The bumps?" she asked, sliding her hand around the curved length. Her fingers couldn't touch around its girth. His prick had numerous hard lumps in it. He'd heard of humans inserting things just under the skin of their cocks to make them similar to what he was born with. "I'm just thinking about how good this will feel inside me."

"It's too big," he said next.

"Maybe," she said. "Maybe." She dove forward then, and tried to shove the bulbous head between her lips. There was an audible 'pop' as her lips stretched around it and it slipped inside.

Eldon was sent over the edge as he felt her tongue swirling around the sensitive skin. He didn't even have enough time to warn her, as he started firing into her warm, wet, mouth.

"Wow!" she said with a grin, as he softened enough to slip from her mouth. "I think you cracked my jaw when you blew. Warn a girl, next time, okay?" She scooped up some of his errant cum with one finger, and slipped it between her lips.

"I'm so sorry," he told her. "I usually last a lot longer, I swear."

"First time a girl's ever touched you, while you were in this form, huh?" He nodded, still feeling mortified. "Well, it's a good thing I don't mind swallowing. You tasted pretty good too, which helps. Besides, I think we can get that back up and continue where we left off."

The way she grinned at him! She wasn't angry or disappointed. He'd never met a girl like her before.

"I'm afraid you won't be doing any more perverted things to him," a voice rang out in anger. Eldon felt mortified all over again. Areth had found them, literally with his pants down. He couldn't remember ever hearing her angry before.

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LevindlLevindlalmost 2 years ago

This may be the first comment in six years, but I agree with many of the comments that have been stated already. A 20 year jump in the stories between books was kind of harsh.

On one hand, I understand it’s a good way to start a second book with new characters, but on the other hand, it does not let us know in good detail what really happens to all of the characters in real time of the story what happens to them, especially the main antagonist of the story.

I have loved the first book and will continue reading because of the style that you and garbanzo seem to do together and hope that this book is as good as the laugh!

Well done, and thank you for sharing with us.

kulikekulikeabout 8 years ago

You're story s great. I've read the two books and they're awesome. I like the story, the flow of sentences and the simple English. It's very easy to comprehend and imagine the scenes. Keep up the good work.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

Top of page 3, Puts you in the same direction, you probably meant One-eighty? David

new_readernew_readerover 9 years ago

Man, this dude is one dumb fucker or what? But, given who his father was, it wasn't much of a surprise.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

I was hoping for a more direct continueation of lydens story, so this is definetly a curve ball, but I trust the author has his reasons and this story will come out as good as the last ( though it would be nice if not in this story but in later ones he goes back and does an in depth story of the events right after the first book to this one, that's twenty years of this wonderful universe and characters we missed out on )

garbonzo607garbonzo607over 9 years ago
From The Editor

Glad you guys are enjoying the story so far!

The new blog is called The Fantasy Trove (, and we'll be posting 1 chapter ahead there. You can subscribe to receive an email when a new chapter gets posted if you care to, or add it to your RSS feed (check the sidebar on the blog).

DBs_Bro and I took a break from writing/editing erotica for a few months as we were both busy, but we're back now for TSS2, and I tell ya, it's going to be a wild ride! We can't wait to share what is up and coming in this story, it will be even better than TSS1 (no pressure DBs_Bro! =P).

Also, all 34 epic chapters of The Succubae Seduction: The Generator (Book 1) is available as an eBook for purchase at Amazon and Smashwords.

We appreciate all of the loyal fans, if you have any questions or comments, feel free to post, we would be glad to hear them! =)

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

So glad to see the story continue. The first book was amazing. Cant wait to read more of this!

Master_Of_LifeMaster_Of_Lifeover 9 years ago

So glad to see you continue this, Bro. The time skip and change of characters are a bit disorienting, but I'm sure it'll work itself out wondrously.

We'll all be eagerly waiting to learn about the other kids (as well as confirmation that Sheila is indeed these twins' mother... which just *has* to be a weird dynamic for kids to see).

If these are in fact Sheila's kids, then that's a bit of a surprising choice for protagonists. I'd expect children from non-human mothers to be the more powerful (halfbreed?) siblings.

OneIBlindOneIBlindover 9 years ago
Glad to see Lyden's (sort of) return...

As usual, you've left us hanging but I like it. Very good intro into these new characters. I like the hints of things to come, and just enough titillation to stir the erectile parts and remind me of why I read your stories. More please!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
fantastic :-)

wonderful that the story is continuing :-)

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