The Succubae Seduction Bk. 02: The Twins Ch. 07


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Both of them were attractive. Gloria, with her long golden blonde hair and sparkling blue eyes was nothing short of gorgeous. Martha also had blue eyes, but they were set in a darker Latino face, and the wrinkles around her eyes said her life hadn't been easy. Her black hair was pulled back into a ponytail and much of her beauty came from her maturity.

He realized that he'd missed something in the conversation that had continued while he was lost in thought. He racked his brain to try and think of what he'd missed, but to no avail. As the two other women looked at him, waiting, he was forced to admit that either he wasn't paying attention, or play along. He knew Gloria would know the truth from his thoughts, but he didn't want to look like more of an innocent child in front of the President. "Yeah, sounds good," he said, unsure of what he was agreeing with.

His stomach flopped when Martha's eyes lit up as though he'd given her the world. "I'm so glad to hear that. You have no idea how tough it can be to rule a country. Especially in times like these with magic and monsters—both human and Lydonese—roaming the worlds. Any chance I could convince you both to be the first Lydonese to join the Secret Service?"

Eldon was impressed with how simple she made the new term sound as though it had been around for years. He was shocked at her request, though he realized he shouldn't have been.

"I'll have to think on it," he told her, honored by her offer but unsure of it. "I enjoy what I do now, defending the humans that come to the Shadow World. If I ever grow bored and you're still in office, then maybe I will." He didn't add out loud that he didn't know what his sister would do if he took her up on the offer. For some reason, the thought of abandoning Shelly to work for Martha made him feel awful. Shelly could transform into almost any object, but she needed him to wield her. Or was he deceiving himself? He could change into almost any form he wanted, but he was weaponless. He could pick up any weapon he chose, though, just like anyone else could wield Shelly. That thought didn't make him feel any better and he decided to abandon it. He chalked his feelings up to the fact that the twins had spent their whole lives together. They'd rarely been apart for more than a couple months.

"I'll hold you to that," Martha grinned as though he had agreed to do it on the spot. "Now then, we have a long flight ahead of us, and I think we should get some rest." That grin was way too wide for Eldon's comfort.

Only then did it occur to Eldon that he had no idea where they were going. His dad told him to watch over and protect the President. She should be safe now, right? Shouldn't he be trying to get back to the Shadow World and finding out how he could help there? Shelly was with Jessica, so she had someone to help her, and Brooke was more than capable of taking care of herself as long as she wasn't taken by surprise, but would it be enough? Jessica was a good fighter, but there was too much about her that Eldon didn't know. He'd really liked her once, but didn't like how she'd treated Gloria.

"Don't worry about that right now," Gloria told him through her headset. "For now, get some rest."

Eldon wondered about the smile and the twinkle in her eyes as she said that, but knew it for some good advice. He didn't think he could get any sleep. He was too wound up with the day's events, but that didn't mean he couldn't relax. He let his head fall back, and concentrated on relaxing each of his muscle groups. Starting with his feet and working his way up to his calves and thighs, Eldon relaxed. He decided now would be a great time to meditate. He never fell asleep when meditating, but he always felt refreshed afterwards.

He was snoring before he could relax his arms.

* * * *

Eldon found himself in a white marbled room, with marbled columns supporting a white roof far overhead. A breeze blew across his naked skin. There were no walls, and outside he could see green rolling hills dotted with ripe olive trees. The sound of burbling water drew his attention to a statue of a naked woman pouring water into a shallow pool. The statue looked familiar, yet not familiar. The bottom of the pool consisted of small tiles in a mosaic. He stepped closer, trying to determine what the mosaic was. The image coalesced into men and women coupling. The ripples along the water's surface made it look like they were moving. In fact, the sound of the water pouring from the naked statue almost sounded like moaning.

His twisted manhood grew hard as he continued to look into the pool.

"I see you like my Mens Mundi," Gloria's voice startled him out of his trance. He jumped and spun around to face the woman. His cheeks burned in embarrassment as she giggled. She looked different here. She wore a white flowing toga. Her blonde hair was wavy, and her skin slightly more tanned. She also looked more mature, though not older. Looking at her now, he recognized the statue. There were still subtle differences, such as the statue having fuller hips and a larger bust, but he knew it was her. Or maybe it would be more accurate to say that the statue was Aphrodite, while the woman before him was Gloria.

"Dad told me that he once had a place like this," Eldon spoke up as soon as he thought he could control his voice enough not to squeak. "A dream world where he could create whatever he wanted and pull his friends in. It also helped him and others heal."

Gloria gave him a dazzling smile that struck like a lightning bolt down to his toes. His cock was already hard, but it grew harder as she stepped forward and slipped the shoulder strap of her toga off. Her breasts came into view and he felt his mouth water.

"I rarely bring anyone here." As she spoke, she continued to approach him, the toga slipping from her soft curves. Within a couple steps, she was naked and ravishing. "Only when I can't have any privacy in the real world and wish to share something important."

"Yeah?" Eldon's mouth had gone dry at some point, and he worked to moisten it. His hormones were going into overdrive, and it was clouding his thinking. Before him was the Greek Goddess of Love and Lust. He wanted to grab her in his powerful arms and make love to her, but somehow he resisted.

"Yes," she purred as she finally reached him. She placed one delicate hand on his chest and brushed her lips against his. When she spoke again, her voice was barely above a whisper. "I've known many men in my life, but rarely have I met any with your willpower, Eldon Lance." Her free hand slid around his waist to his back, and gripped one buttock. She pulled him tightly to her, his twisted cock compressed against her smooth stomach. He allowed his arms to move around her, but resisted the powerful urges coursing through him. "Shall I tell you a secret? Marchosias almost gave it away, but I would be willing to tell you."

He could smell her sweet breath and wanted to kiss her again. The aborted kiss in the factory came to mind. Right then he needed to continue it. His right hand went to the back of her head, fingers digging into her hair as he pulled her face back to his. He felt her hips press against him with hunger, and he moaned as her tongue came out to meet his. He didn't know how long the kiss lasted, and he didn't care. He was lost in her touch, in her scent, and in her taste. She was quite literally divine.

When she pulled away from him, he felt lost and naked. Or rather, even more naked than his lack of clothing could account for. When he looked at her, he saw her still smiling, though there was a hint of curiosity to it now. Somewhere, deep inside, Eldon's mind came back to him, though not fully.

"How are you able to resist me, so?" she asked him, playfully biting at her bottom lip. He wanted to take that lip back in his mouth and bite it for her. "No mortal man has ever resisted me this well. I can feel your desire burning inside you. You know I won't stop you from having your way with me. What holds you back?"

What was holding him back? He didn't know. Her words came to him through a fog, and it took his mind a moment to comprehend them. "You're using your power to seduce me," he said and took a step away from her. His legs felt like water as he moved, not understanding his own reasons for stepping away.

"Yes I am," she replied without any apology in her voice. She let her hands roam across her lithe body, before putting the index finger of her right hand between her teeth. "I was created to seduce men. I seduced Adam, the first homo-sapien, and I thought he had willpower. You are something else. Tell me, why do you resist? Can't you tell I want you?" Her left hand dipped between her legs, and he could hear the squelch of her juices as she slipped her fingers inside.

"Not..." he trailed off as the thought escaped him. He chased after it like a lifeline. He wanted her. His rod ached to slip between her thighs and replace her fingers. Why was he resisting? "Not like this," he said. "I want you... as you..." The pressure on his mind vanished in an instant as Gloria's eyes grew wide. He knew he should be furious with her, but couldn't summon up the anger. "You've never had to use your abilities on me before. Why?"

She stared at him for a couple seconds before responding. "I'm so sorry. I thought... I mean, as tired as you were today, I thought you would need the enticement." She stopped and shook her head. "That's not entirely true. When I'm in my Mens Mundi, my baser instincts come out. I told you before that I was created to seduce men. You already know that I was once Aphrodite, but that wasn't my first name."

As she spoke, Eldon could see tears forming in her eyes. He stepped up to her, closing the distance with speed. He wrapped his arms around her, and pulled her into a hug. "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to," he told her, meaning it. He hadn't told her everything about his past. He hadn't told her about that one, terrifying incident, years ago when he'd... No! he broke off the thought, unwilling to even think of it.

"But I want you to know," she told him as her tears wet his neck. "I've never met anyone like you, Eldon. Oh, sure, there have been plenty of strong, brave men over the millennia, but all of them had a major flaw. It wasn't always the same flaw. Some were just after sex, or some were cruel. Others couldn't tell the difference between my ass and my armpit. All of them had something wrong with them, and I easily moved on."

"I'm not perfect," he told her, trying to pull away, but she tightened the hug, refusing to let him go.

"I didn't say you were perfect," she replied, pulling her head back to look him in the eyes. Her blue eyes captivated his soul, and he knew her words were utter truth. "No one is perfect, but you accept me for who I am. What I am. You don't judge me. You've proven that you're after more than sex with me. You care about those around you, but aren't afraid to fight when you must. Do you know how many men out there would have a problem if they knew their woman could read every thought they had? But that doesn't bother you. You even use it to your advantage. You have no idea how wonderful you are."

"I'm not perfect," he repeated, unsure of how to respond. No one had ever praised him the way she was, and he didn't know how to take it. As for having no issues with his thoughts not being entirely his own, there were reason in his past for that. Reasons he didn't want to think about.

"Why?" she demanded with ferocity but no anger as she reached between them and grabbed his still firm prick. "Because you have this wonderful cock? Because this is different from every other man's piece of meat?"

It took him a moment to realize she wasn't responding to his thoughts, but his words instead. "You don't know everything about me," he told her, trying to push her away. Her grip on him tightened and he abandoned the idea of getting away from her. Unless he wanted to lose his rod, he was staying right here. "You don't know some of the things I've done. There's a reason half-breeds are considered dangerous."

"You don't know my past either. Besides, I know Gaia worked on your mother's womb while you were still in her. She made sure you wouldn't be a monster."

"There are those that are born monsters," he told her, feeling his heart sink with each word, "and then there are those that make themselves into monsters." He knew she could read his mind and see his memories. See the bloodshed and death that he'd caused.

"I was once Lilith," Gloria said. "I was created to seduce Adam, and turn him away from the Pillar of Light. All evil, all pain and death from that act forward is my fault. I seduced Adam, and made him eat that stupid apple. I may not have brought evil into the world, but I was the one that made it blossom."

Eldon looked at her, confused for a moment. He understood her words, if not what she meant by them. Unbidden, he started to laugh. Her eyes darkened, but he knew she understood what was in his mind. Her hand slapping his face caught him by surprise. He heard the slap and his head turned from the blow, before he felt the pain. At least she'd finally released his cock.

"I tell you my deepest, darkest secret and you laugh at me?" Anger and hurt warred for dominance in her voice. "I guess you're not the man I thought you were."

Eldon rubbed his jaw, trying to understand where he went wrong. She should be able to see his thoughts, and understand why he laughed... Unless...

"You can't read my mind here, can you?" he asked her, already knowing she couldn't.

"No," she admitted. "It's another reason I don't bring many here. Why? What are you thinking?"

Instead of answering right away, he stepped forward and kissed her. He kept the kiss short, not even waiting for her to recover from the shock before pulling away. "I'm thinking of how foolish you're acting to think that would bother me," he told her with sincere bluntness. "You said it yourself. You were created to do that. You might as well be upset that you can breathe. You were created to do that as well."

"But all that death, and the—"

He cut her off. "None of that matters. You couldn't have known what would happen. You did what you were meant to do. It's how you've lived afterwards that matters. Trust me, I know that lesson all too well. You're not a bad person. I don't care who you were. I care about who you are. I'm honored that you told me, but it doesn't change the way I feel about you. You're a wonderful woman. That's who you are now."

She stared at him for a few moments, her jaw slightly slack. "I could love you," he heard her whisper in awe.

He realized that it was only fair that he reveal his secret. He opened his mouth to do so, but never had the chance.

"This place is beautiful!" Martha's voice echoed around the open area.

"What are you doing here?" Eldon blurted before he could think better of it.

"Did you forget already?" she asked, appearing uncertain. "I'm sorry. I thought... I mean, you agreed and everything. Maybe I was deceiving myself. I'm so embarrassed now. I—I should go."

Eldon noticed what she was wearing, and it threw him mentally off-balance. She was in a light pink negligée that covered the important bits, but left little to the imagination. He recalled agreeing to something on the chopper earlier, but not knowing what it had been.

"This was the other reason I tried to seduce you," Gloria whispered in his ear. "I knew you hadn't known what you were agreeing to, but also knew how badly she needed a good fucking."

He flinched at her expletive, remembering how many times he'd gotten in trouble by his dad or mom whenever he cursed. He also wondered for a brief moment if she was reading his mind, but knew better. Gloria was an intelligent woman, and was most likely responding to his physical cues more than anything else.

"You want me to... um... have sex with her?" he asked Gloria, not wanting to use the same term she'd used.

"No, I want us to have sex with her. I know how much you've been cautious about being with anyone else, and I figured I'd have you so horny, you wouldn't care. I also wanted to make it clear to you that I am okay with you being with other women."

While he didn't appreciate being manipulated, he could understand what she'd been doing.

"Besides," Gloria continued, "she's so sexually frustrated, it was driving me nuts. All those pent up thoughts in her head. You'd think the President of the United States could get laid with ease, but she has an image to maintain. Your father told her about the Mens Mundi, and she saw her opportunity. I'm sorry I tried to trick you."

Eldon understood. Martha had mentioned that she was widowed. More than one politician's career was destroyed because of an inappropriate fling. He knew that a typical woman's sexual drive strengthened as she grew older, and wondered when the last time the President had been with a man. If her thoughts were enough to bother Gloria, then she must be frustrated indeed.

Besides, as he watched Martha walking away, her firm ass swaying as she moved, he couldn't deny that the thought appealed to him.

He took a moment to press his lips against Gloria's, then stepped towards Martha. He was in front of her at the speed of thought, covering the distance before he knew what he was doing. He was shocked at the sudden speed, but not as much as Martha was as she bumped into his naked body. He recovered quickly, knowing he had to change her mood and turn this situation around. Eldon thought her shock doubled as he leaned in and kissed her.

Her lips were stiff for a long moment, refusing to open up to him. When he realized she wasn't going to kiss him back, he stepped away, once again confused. She wrapped her arms around her body, trying to cover up her near nudity.

"I'm sorry," he told her. "I wasn't thinking when you arrived. Gloria and I were talking, and I forgot about what I'd agreed to."

"You don't have to. I won't force you to do it." It was weird to hear petulance in this powerful woman's voice.

"Force me?" Eldon stifled a laugh. "You're a beautiful woman. You don't have to force me. Look at me! I want to do it."

Eldon looked down at his manhood, and realized that it was standing fully upright in all its twisted glory. For once, he wasn't embarrassed about it. For the first time in his life, Eldon didn't feel an overwhelming need to cover up and hide his deformity. It was part of who he was. Thanks to Gloria, he could accept that.

"My Lord, that thing is huge," Martha muttered. "It... Is it always like that?"

"Only when he has a nearly half-naked beautiful woman before him," Gloria said as she joined them. Martha's wide eyes were locked on his rod. Gloria dropped to her knees and pulled Martha with her. "You should see how it tastes." Gloria gripped Martha's right wrist and moved the hand towards his member.

"May I?" she asked with trepidation.

"Please do," he told her with an inviting grin.

He felt the mature woman grip him, and moaned. The sound made her jump, and she finally looked away to look up at him. Eldon nodded for her to continue. With almost painful slowness, her head inched forward until he felt her warm breath on the tip. He struggled to wrap his mind around the fact that this was the President on her knees before him. He knew she was no virgin, but she acted as though this was her first time with a man. Had it really been that long for her?

He heard her gulp as she stared at his one-eyed snake. With sudden ferocity, she lunged forward. He felt the head compress between her lips, then keep going until he struck the back of her throat. He was about to compliment how good she felt, but her hands on his ass, pulling him deeper into her mouth and down her throat distracted him. Only one other had ever been able to successfully deep-throat him. In truth, very few had ever seen him naked in his natural form, but Gloria was a succubus, capable of changing her body. Martha was a human... Wasn't she? Either way, he had to readjust his image of her again, as she took him deeper into her throat.