The Succubae Seduction Bk. 02: The Twins Ch. 17


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Eldon handed the fairy back and looked away as his father kissed her golden head. Lyden whispered something but Eldon couldn't hear it.

The inside of the car felt too full all of a sudden, and he moved to leave.

"No, Master, she must stay here," Sheila's voice reached Eldon's ears. He turned to see something that couldn't be more alien to him than if the sky was orange and an ogre started reading Shakespeare. His mother was confronting his father, stopping him from doing something. Her hand was on his chest, stopping him from following Eldon out.

"But what if—" he pleaded back.

"No," she said a little more firm. She stepped closer to him and brushed his lips with her own. "She is a water fairy. Taking her into the Pillar of Fire's demesne would only cause her pain. Leave her by the fountain, Master. She will be happier there."

For a moment Eldon thought his dad was going to order her to move, but then his eyes softened. "You're talking about her as though she's still alive." He placed his left hand on Sheila's shoulder and pulled her into a hug. "Thank you, my love."

Lyden stepped away and placed Areth on the edge of the fountain. When he turned back around, Sheila was frowning at him. He chuckled and shook his head. When he spoke again, his voice was firm and commanding. "I won't forget that you defied me, Slave. Your punishment will be most severe for that."

"Yes, Master," Sheila bowed her head, but Eldon saw the smile that split her lips.

"Your parents are weird," Shlee muttered as she stepped past him. Sonia and Shelly were already outside, and Mandy was right behind the werewolf.

"Yeah, but they love each other," Eldon smiled and followed them out to give his parents a moment of privacy.

"Hot damn!" came a voice he recognized. "Is that bulge in your pants because you knew I was out here waiting for you?"

"Jen?" Eldon asked with a groan. "Did you come here to personally escort us?"

"Heh, heh," she gave him a dirty chuckle. "Yeah, I'll be your escort." Her tone left little doubt to the fact that she was thinking of a different kind of escort. That laugh did wonderful things to her massive bosom. Eldon knew magic had to be involved with the size of her breasts, but the one time he'd gotten up enough courage to ask his father, he was told they were one-hundred percent real. "Normally when I play that roll, I charge a bill an hour, but for you, big guy—and from the looks of it, I do mean big—I'm at your mercy."

"Ha, ha, Jen," Shelly mocked. "As you can see, he's not that easy to embarrass anymore."

"Is that really you, Shelly?" Jen spun on her. "Wow, you're looking pretty hot also! Your dad really had some good genes to pass on." She spun back around to face Eldon. "Now I understand that bulge, being surrounded by this many great looking women has to have you horny twenty-four/seven!"

"I'm his sister!" Shelly stated, her cheeks going deep red.

"So?" Jen winked at Eldon before turning back to Shelly. "If I had a sister as hot as you, I'd be trying to get into your pants, and Sheldon knows how hard I've tried to get into his pants."

"You never seem to change, Jen," Sheila laughed as she led Lyden from the car. "Quit teasing the kids before Sonia takes offense and shoots you with a laser or something."

Eldon glanced at Sonia and noticed that the android looked angry as Shelly gripped her hand, keeping her back.

"Can you blame me?" Jen laughed back. "Oh, the fun I could have with these two. All the teasing, the licking, the sucking, the fu—"

"Jen," Lyden's voice cut through Jen's playful banter.

"You always were a stiff one," Jen smiled. "Of course, that's one of the things I love about you. I still get wet every time I think about how stiff you were when you took my virginity."

"One of the things you love, huh?" Eldon smirked, thinking that for once he might have gotten the better of the salacious woman with Mandy around.

Jen turned on him, but the embarrassed look he hoped for was missing. Instead she was grinning from ear to ear. "I know all about Mandy's ability. Old Angie filled me in before she sent me to collect you. As such, know that I stopped on my way down here, and shoved three fingers up my little quim and fantasized about having that thick cock of yours ramming me from behind while I sucked off your wonderful father. Ha! I can still embarrass you!"

"My slave was right, Jen. You never change. In fact, you look no older than you did after the Chaos War." Lyden stepped up to her and looked closer.

"About time you noticed my young girlish figure," Jen cackled. "Angie helped me convince old Marchosias to help convert me to a succubus. Let me tell you, that man knows how to screw! But he'll never compare to you."

Eldon knew her words had to be the truth with Mandy right there, but he didn't want to hear any more of that.

"The Pillar of Fire sent you to meet us?" Eldon asked.

"I didn't send word ahead to her," Lyden said before Jen could respond.

"She's always watching you and your family." Jen's grin doubled in size. "She's quite the voyeur." Her grin vanished and she grew serious. "She saw what happened at the Knight's compound. There was plenty of fire for her to see through. When she felt your car coming to Egypt, she knew you were finally coming to see her. You hurt her Lyden, by waiting so long."

Lyden's voice was sad but strong as he spoke. "It couldn't be helped. Jessica's actions have affected us all, and my children deserved to be here when we spoke to her. Besides, it's not like she's wanted to see me very much lately, either."

"And what about Angela hiding the fact that we have a sister?" Eldon snapped. "Did she consider how much that would hurt us, or Dad?"

"You don't know of what you speak, Sheldon," Jen told him. There was a fire burning behind her eyes, literally, that made him take a step away from her. "Do not bad mouth my mistress. You have no idea how she suffers as the Pillar of Fire, nor do you understand anything about Jessica."

"What do you know?" Lyden stepped forward, his voice demanding.

"That's not for me to say," Jen turned to look at the older man. Her face softened before a mischievous grin split her features. Her shirt melted away, leaving her topless. She hefted one heavy breast and licked her lips with hunger and desire. "But I'd be more than willing to let you try and torture it out of me."

"Another time, maybe Jen, but I would prefer to talk to Angela as soon as possible," Lyden informed her, though his eyes were locked on her massive bosom. She had to use magic to keep them from sagging.

"You sure?" Jen giggled and started to suckle the nipple of the breast she held. Her lips pulled back to show that she held the nub between her teeth, before closing her lips and pulling away with an audible pop. "Oh, fine. You've gotten stodgy as you've grown older. Are all your wives fucking your sense of humor out..." the twinkle left her eyes as she trailed off. "Forgive me, Lyden. I shouldn't have said that. Becky was a great woman, and even Areth will be missed."

"Even Areth?" Eldon snapped, his anger rising. "What do you mean by that? Areth was a great woman! She may have been annoying at times, but she cared more than her little size belied."

"I meant no offense," Jen said, backing away from his anger with her hands up. She was still topless, and Eldon felt his anger cooling as she apologized. "I'm sorry about the way I said that. The few times I met her, she brought a smile to my face. She was the only person I know who could match me in pervertedness."

"Thank you for your kind words," Lyden responded in a stiff tone playing the diplomat. "Their loss weighs heavily on us all, and tempers are short. Jessica's actions have complicated issues, and I would like to talk to the Pillar of Fire to find out what she'll tell us."

Jen grimaced before nodding. "I told her I wouldn't be able to delay you long. Once your mind is made up, it's as stiff and hard as your magical penis at driving for its goal." She turned and headed for a tunnel leading out of the magma heated cave they were standing in. Eldon realized sweat was dripping from his forehead and running down his back as he followed after. "Angela is waiting in her chambers for us. I know she wanted a little more time to make herself presentable for your arrival. Since Poseidon took over as the Pillar of Water, she's been under a greater strain to maintain this world and its reality. I'm sure you understand no harm will come to your car."

"She was upset that my dad took so long to arrive, but wanted you to delay us a little more?" Shelly demanded.

"As I said, she's tired," Jen said in a strained voice without turning to face them. "She takes her duties seriously, and wanted some time to freshen up before you saw her."

"Then we shouldn't delay any more," Sonia broke in, placing her hand on Shelly's shoulder. "There is still much to do, and we should be about it."

They continued to follow the Pillar of Fire's head of security. The cave they travelled though led up, and Eldon was glad he was in such good shape. He was still sweating, but his breathing was even as they entered a large antechamber.

"Lyden, the Pillar awaits you in her chambers," Jen turned to face them. Her breasts swung from her movement, catching Eldon's gaze before he could look away. Jen caught him looking and winked before turning back to Lyden. "She wanted to talk to you alone first."

"No," Lyden said, granite in his voice. "She knows I will not enter that room. Too many bad memories."

"That was over twenty years ago," a new voice broke in. Everyone looked to see a dark skinned woman clad in fire and nothing else float into the room. Wings of flame sprouted from her back and carried her to them, over the magma fountain. "You once feared water like that. I know TanaVesta hurt you in there, my love, but she can't hurt you anymore. Allow my love to heal those wounds."

"She didn't just hurt me," Lyden growled. "She violated me. She ate my flesh, then raped me to heal me so she could do it again. I had to get over my fear of water, but I don't have any reason to go into that room."

"Not even if it's for me?" Angela raised one fiery eyebrow, as her thick lips turned up in a soft smile. "I know your pain. I was forced to do much the same when I was under her control. I was hoping to talk to you about that in private, before..." She trailed off and lowered to the marble floor, her head drooping and her flames dimming. Her wings diasappeared. She took a deep breath before lifting her head and looking them all in the eyes. "I know why you are all here. I know the secret that I've kept from you has caused you pain, though I hoped she would never get out, much less contact any of you."

"So it's all true?" Shelly demanded, her face going red with rage.

Mandy and Shlee stepped up next to Eldon, each taking an arm to comfort him. He felt his own anger rise at Angela's confession, but his girlfriends' presence grounded him. He gripped their hands, and squeezed to show he appreciated their concern. When he turned back to Angela, he was surprised to see fiery tears sizzling on her cheeks.

"Sit down, and I will reveal everything," Angela waived to some couches set around a fountain burbling with molten lava. "Not everything you've heard is true, and I can only hope you don't judge me too harshly for what I've done."

Eldon sat in the middle of one couch, with Shlee and Mandy on each side. Unfortunately, Jen decided to sit next to Mandy, and she played idly with one large nipple. The areolae on her breasts were easily as large as his hand, and the nub poked out a good half inch. Despite himself, he found her distracting.

"I didn't realize you were such a breast man," Shlee licked his ear. "Maybe I should get implants."

"Don't you dare," Eldon tore his eyes away from Jen's massive chest. He could have sworn he heard the large-breasted woman chuckle. "I like natural breasts. I prefer my women to be real, not fake."

"They're one-hundred percent real," Jen said in a voice that was too loud to be a whisper, but too quiet to be normal conversation.

Shlee smiled at him and darted in to lick his lips. "You know, if any other man said that without Mandy close by, I'd call them a liar."

"Knock it off, all three of you," Mandy chided them, though she did it with a smile as she took one of his hands in hers.

Eldon grimaced but turned his attention to the rest of the room. He didn't like the way Jen looked at him and licked her lips, so he focused on Angela floating above the magma fountain. She was facing his father and mother on another couch, while across from Eldon sat Shelly and Sonia. The other two couples had plenty of room, and Eldon wished Jen would go bother one of them, instead of crowding his couch.

"It seems you have all of our attention, Angela," Lyden broke into the tense silence. "Please tell us what you can of Jessica." There wasn't a hint of warmth in his voice as he spoke, only dim resignation.

Angela's dark eyes showed renewed tears as she opened her mouth, but her voice was firm as she spoke. "What Jessica told you was incorrect. Yes, I know, Shelly. With Mandy there, she couldn't lie, but what she said, she thought was the truth."

"So, she's not my sister?" Eldon spoke before he could stop the words. He hated how much lighter his chest felt saying those words. He hadn't realized until this moment how much he was bothered by the situation, even though he'd never had full intercourse with her. By the look on Shelly's face, she looked even more relieved.

"Depends on how you look at it," Angela said, then grimaced with a glance at Mandy. "There is no blood relation between you. I'm her mother. I'm a stepmother to my husband's kids. Forgive me, Lyden, but you're not her father."

Eldon watched as the blood drained from his father's face. At first he thought Lyden would be happy with that news, but then something else occurred to him. Sonia was the first one to speak, her circuitry coming to the same conclusion as Eldon, but faster.

"Was she as old as she claimed to be?" Sonia asked as she squeezed Shelly's pale hand.

"Yes." The single word looked like it was pulled from Angela's throat by tremendous force.

"Then you were unfaithful to the ambassador," Sonia continued with her cold logic.

Angela fell into the molten lava fountain and wept, but didn't speak. Being the Pillar of Fire, the lava didn't hurt her. If anything, it would give her strength.

It was long moments before Lyden asked in a voice that sounded raw with emotion, "When?"

"It..." Angela lifted her head out of the magma and faced her husband and lover. Her face betrayed the pain in her heart as much as her voice did. "It happened after I left you, when I went to spy on TanaVesta. The Outsider was obsessed with sex and pleasure, and forced us to copulate many times. Sometimes it would bring others in, and... and... Oh, Lyden. I wanted to have kids so bad, but I wanted one with you! The Outsider forced me to... to... to get pregnant with another man's child!"

"Whose child did you carry?" Lyden continued on. His voice sounded like granite, hard and gravelly, but Eldon could hear the cracks in it. His father was devastated.

Eldon understood that she had no choice. From everything he'd ever been told about the Chaos War, the Outsiders were impossible to disobey unless you were either colorblind, or forced to hurt someone you loved. Perhaps she could have resisted under that second stipulation, knowing how much it would hurt her true love, but apparently she couldn't go against her nature as a succubus.

"That's not it!" Angela glared at Eldon. Too late he forgot that she could read minds. "It wasn't my nature that allowed the Outsider to control me, but my love for your father. I was spying on TanaVesta and the Outsider for him. I had to do whatever I could to get information. We—your father and I—hadn't separated on the best of terms. He killed a man that was very special to me. I understand why he did it. He had no choice, but I was still too angry when I left. I... When he showed up and killed TanaVesta, I was too ashamed to admit everything I'd been through. It wasn't until after he died killing the last Outsider that I found out I was pregnant. I... I..." she went silent for a moment as fiery tears poured from her eyes.

"You can be a real jerk sometimes," Shelly glared at him. She looked like she wanted to go and comfort the Pillar of Fire, but Angela was still in the molten pool, and none of them could approach that heat.

Eldon felt a bit betrayed by his sister's attitude. Hadn't she wanted answers as well? Jessica was her girlfriend, after all. Now she was on Angela's side? What had Eldon done to deserve her anger? He hadn't even voiced the thought. He was getting berated for something he'd thought, but knew better than to say.

"No," Angela spoke up again. "He has a right to his thoughts. I did everything I could to hide the pregnancy. It's the reason I didn't show up to the ceremony to resurrect him. I couldn't stand the thought of being with all those who had truly loved... Lyden, I never stopped loving you. When I made love to you on top of that pyre, and you awoke, I thought for sure you'd seen me. Seen how grotesque I was with someone else's child, but you never said anything."

"Who is Jessica's father?" Lyden asked again. There were more cracks in his voice, but it remained hard enough to make Angela flinch.

"I did carry a child by you," the Pillar of Flame whimpered. "Even though I was already pregnant, that time in Gaia's sanctuary, while you were on that altar, I got pregnant again. I didn't know it was possible. It's how I knew you truly loved me. You offered me your seed, and wished to have a child with me. It's the only way I could have become pregnant by you... At least, that's what I thought, until I learned you weren't a generator any more. The child was a stillborn, though. I went into labor with the first child, and it was too hard on our child, the only one conceived out of love."

"If the other child, I mean Jessica, wasn't wanted, why didn't you get rid of her?" Shlee asked. Everyone turned to glare at her and she held her hands up defensively. "I'm not condoning killing babies! I understand when it comes to rape, though, and as far as I'm concerned, she was raped. She could have given it up for adoption, or something."

"I... I was going to pass her off as Lyden's," Angela's admission was ripped from her by Mandy's talent. "I wanted to present my lover with our child, even if I had to lie about it. I saw how happy he was with all his other children... those that were allowed to live. Even though Jessica wasn't conceived in love, I hoped to show her love. I couldn't give her up in any fashion." Angela shook her fiery head and looked right at Shlee. "No, I couldn't give her up for adoption. Because of the old laws about interracial couplings, no one would take her, and I.... Even though she wasn't conceived out of love, or by the man I still love with every ounce of my essence, I still wanted a child. I carried her for nine months, and when I gave birth to her and lost the one Lyden gave me, I couldn't hate her. I loved her."

"Why didn't you present her to the Ambassador?" Sonia asked in her cold voice. "It would have saved a lot of heartache."

"Because I knew almost immediately that she was dangerous," Angela said. "Jessica's eyes sparkled like an Outsider's lights when it possessed someone, even when she was still an infant. I knew it would never work. But I couldn't kill her, either. She was my child, no matter how dangerous she was. I tried to hide her away. I wanted to raise her to be a force for good. I wanted her to know love and goodness."